Article on the topic: “Game as a leading activity” (use of gaming technologies in kindergarten)

↑ Types of activities

Depending on the subject, activity can be individual

By nature: reproductive

(repeating what has already been achieved) and
- creative (a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new, never existing before).

According to social norms: legal - illegal, moral - immoral


In relation to social progress: progressive - reactionary, creative - destructive.

In the sphere of public life: economic, social, political, spiritual.

According to the characteristics of the manifestation of human activity: external - internal.

The main types of activities that ensure the existence of a person and his formation as an individual are communication, play, learning and work


↑ Communication as a type of activity


- a type of activity during which information is transferred from one individual to another, thoughts, feelings and emotions are exchanged.

It is often expanded to include the exchange of material items. This broader exchange constitutes communication.


— communication, the transfer of information from person to person, a form of interaction between people.

Communication structure:


- those between whom communication takes place (individuals, groups, communities, humanity as a whole)


- this is what a person needs to communicate for


- these are ideas, emotions that are transmitted in interpersonal contacts from one to another


- these are methods of transmission (using the senses, texts, drawings, diagrams, radio-video equipment, the Internet, etc.)

Same thing again


is a process of interaction between people, as a result of which information, emotions, and moods are transferred.


: Really existing partners; illusory partners (they are assigned qualities of a subject of communication that are unusual for them, for example, talking with a pet); imaginary partners (talk to oneself, with an artistic image)


(that for which a person has a need for interpersonal relationships): transfer and receipt of knowledge; coordination of reasonable actions of people; organization of joint activities of people; establishing and clarifying interpersonal relationships, etc.


(information transmitted in the process of communication): knowledge, experience, skills, emotions, feelings

Communication means

(methods of transmission, processing and decoding of information):

  • sense organs (vision, hearing, smell, touch);
  • oral speech;
  • written language (drawings, signs, images);
  • technical means (radio, television, computer)


  • communicative
    (implementation of the relationship between people at the level of individual, group and public interaction);
  • cognitive
    (obtaining new information);
  • socialization
    (formation of interaction skills in society);
  • psychological
    (emotional support);

Types of communication

- personal contact, communication requires visual perception of each other
Business (formal)
- communication in the professional sphere, relies more on document flow.
- communication through speech.
- communication between two people.
- communication through other people.
Personal (informal)
- conversation on any topic, communication between friends and loved ones.
- communication through facial expressions, gestures, postures.
- communication between three or more people.

“A game is a special type of activity”

“A game is a special type of activity”

Friedrich Froebel

“Game creates joy,

freedom, contentment, peace of mind

and around you, peace in peace"

Play is a special activity that blossoms in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life. It is not surprising that the problem of the game has attracted and continues to attract the attention of researchers: teachers, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, art historians, and biologists.

The new standard of preschool education, as well as modern methods of teaching and raising preschool children, highlight play activities as an important type of children's activity in the educational process.

One of the main concepts of the Federal State Educational Standard is the “individualization” of education. Which involves building the educational process taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. The child becomes active in choosing his own education. Based on the main provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard, we select all games taking into account:

age composition
(groups, age parallels, different age groups);

The game of older preschoolers has its own characteristics, and in order to master it with children, psychological and pedagogical conditions are necessary that contribute to the gradual development of the game as a specific activity. In older preschool age, children master games with rules with all their features as a special form of activity. They are able to understand and be guided by the rules that are mandatory for everyone, as well as the rules of winning that determine the competitiveness of relationships between children. Domino-type games are of particular importance in the development of games as a form of joint activity, since they require at least two participants. During the game, older preschoolers master the functions of a leader who has preferential rights, on whom the actions of the players depend. As a rule, preschool children do not show a desire to take on the role of leader. They prefer player roles. An adult has to make a lot of effort to interest children in this role. Show them that the game is impossible without it. By the age of seven, some children develop an interest in the role of leader; they fulfill it with pleasure and often authoritarianly regulate the play actions of other children. Players, as a rule, react calmly to this. There are times when a child leader “plays along” with his friends. The rest of the players do not immediately notice this and reprimand him. (No need to peek, it’s not fair). They feel unfair behavior


presenter As a rule, after such comments, the child leader stops violating the principle of fairness.

Children of the seventh year of life are able to understand and evaluate the compliance of their actions with the rules of the game, as well as their adequacy to the norms of interaction between children. Therefore, they most often regulate their behavior in accordance with the rules, since they are interested in joint activities.

Children of senior preschool age can use rules to build fair and equal interactions in the game for all its participants. They apply this rule when determining the starter for the next cycle of the game: “Let Sasha, he hasn’t started this game yet, but Dasha always starts.”

The most acute conflict arises between child leaders: they never give in to each other.
The conflict that arises between children in such a situation must be leveled out.
For example: Natasha (6.9 years old) and Lisa (6.11 years old) very aggressively defended their leadership position in the game.
We turn to them with the words: “There is such a rule - a smart person always gives in.” After which both girls began to give in to each other and refuse to start the game. We (the teachers) had to do this. A simpler way to solve this problem is by counting or drawing lots .
As a rule, children at this age do not argue. They are able to perceive an uncertain situation with luck. Children's mastery of general methods of achieving game results allows them to independently find ways to solve specific game problems. The child’s attention is focused not only on the result of the game, but on the way to achieve it, which is of decisive importance in the intellectual development of children.

by gender (male, female, mixed);

All children love to play story-based games, where children learn gender behavior, so we pay special attention to the selection of materials and equipment for play activities for girls and boys.

It is well known that the environment is one of the main means of developing a child’s personality, the source of his individual knowledge and social experience. Therefore, the subject-development environment for the development of play activities should be varied to meet the needs of each child.

Considering that girls’ games are more often based on near vision: girls lay out their wealth in front of them - dolls, rags, jewelry, cosmetics - and play in a limited space, they only need a small corner with a stable space, toys, play equipment, which we created in group. It is also typical for girls to show a predominant interest in what directly surrounds them, so the group has an environment created, clothes and utensils are available.

Boys' games are more often based on distant vision: boys run after each other, throw objects and shoot at a target, while using the entire space around them with a rich selection of a wide variety of objects, toys, and furniture. That's why we give them all the free space in the playroom.

by level of achievement:
gifted children, children included in the general development group, children requiring increased individual attention;
Certain types of games have different effects on the mental development of children:

role-playing games expand ideas about the environment and contribute to the development of verbal communication;

— dramatization games help to develop a deeper understanding of works of fiction and activate speech;

— construction and constructive skills develop constructive abilities and expand knowledge about geometric shapes and spatial relationships.

We have been successfully using all these types of games in our work with children for a long time.

Differentiation of preschool children by level of achievement (mental development) will eliminate unjustified and inappropriate for society equalization and averaging of children. We, teachers, have the opportunity to help the “weak,” pay attention to the “strong,” and work more effectively with children experiencing learning difficulties.

Children with
require a special form of educational activity.
A child who has unstable attention and insufficiently developed memory will not be able to complete many of the traditional tasks; in this case, a special form of presentation of the material is required . Children with learning
also need special attention from the teacher to develop their abilities. This means that even with full academic performance, all preschool children require a differentiated approach.

When organizing a subject-spatial developmental environment in a group, we also rely on a differentiated approach. The group has games “lotto”, “dominoes”, “mosaic” of varying degrees of difficulty; children have the opportunity to independently choose a game in accordance with their abilities and interests.

Our group has coloring books of varying degrees of difficulty for independent artistic activities. Children who can count easily choose “connect the dots” coloring pages and complete the task without much difficulty. Weaker children choose coloring pages “Color according to sample”

An example is the use of educational games during direct educational activities in
the field of cognition
To complete the same task “In the game “Walk in the Forest” on the topic of wild animals, we invite children with a high level of development
to look at the cards and remember the animals that live in the forest. Then one card is removed and turned over, the children need to remember which animal (ran away). You can also remove two or three cards at a time. For children with an average level, we swap several cards and ask them to arrange the cards in the same way they were located at first. For the weaker subgroup, we invite children to look at pictures of forest inhabitants and name them. In the weaker subgroup, children complete tasks with the help of a teacher, in a stronger subgroup - independently. The division into subgroups can come not only from an adult who strives to create a situation of success in each of them, but also from the desires of the children themselves, which contributes to the development of the individuality and creativity of each child and creates a comfortable atmosphere within the team.

by personal psychological types (by type of thinking , character accentuation, temperament, etc.);

Auditory children

We give more information that is perceived by ear (stories, poems), and in games we also give more verbal information.
children, we provide information in the form of diagrams, imaginary tables, and plot pictures.

The so-called “quiet children” also require special attention. When working with such children, we create conditions that develop children’s activity and strengthen their faith in their abilities. This is facilitated by works of art, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, round dance games, where children can reveal their creative abilities. The use of various masks and costumes interests children, lifts their spirits, and unites the team. In the game, it is easier for a child to remember the text of a nursery rhyme or song; he does not feel outside the group. By acting out a fairy tale or nursery rhyme, he not only develops his speech and memory, but also gains communication skills with peers and adults, and ceases to be withdrawn.

In our work with capricious or disobedient children, we also use the playful technique of comparing them with the hero of a fairy tale. For example, a child is not in the mood, he is mischievous: “You, today, are so angry like Mishutka’s dad - Mikhailo Potapych, tell me who you are angry with.”

There are children who have difficulty going to the group and often feel sleepy, then you can invite them to play the game “Sleeping Cat”. The child lies down on a sofa or rug and “falls asleep,” and the children take turns waking up the cat, speaking kind words to her, and stroking her. The child rejoices at such attention from peers and adults, and his emotional mood rises. In the morning, we use round dance games with words, in which children maintain interest in each other, elevate their mood, and have a desire to play with their peers. Children who were capricious in the morning come to kindergarten with pleasure.

according to the level of physical fitness (applies to outdoor games)

In the process of physical education of children, we create conditions for development in which their physical and spiritual capabilities will be fully revealed. This can be facilitated by an individual approach to the child.

In the system of individual work with children in the process of their physical education, we take into account the characteristics of the child’s physical fitness.

Based on the nature of physical fitness, we divide preschoolers into groups. (children with high, average and low indicators of basic types of movements, physical and volitional qualities).??

There is no clear differentiation of games. Each type of differentiation is intertwined with the others. When selecting outdoor games, we also rely on the level of physical development of children, as well as on their interests and desires. In games of increased physical activity such as “Bear in the Forest”, “Geese-Geese”, the role of the leader is chosen by children who are more mobile and active. Children with a low level of physical fitness choose the role of the leader in low-mobility games: “It doesn’t fly, it doesn’t fly,” “I’ll put a handkerchief in there,” etc.

We try to give preschoolers with low levels of physical fitness accessible tasks that contribute to their overall physical development. This is achieved through physical exercises familiar to children, outdoor and sports games recommended by the “Childhood” program. We pay special attention to the development of basic types of movements, for which we create conditions for games with movements (place for movements, equipment, etc.). We conduct games more often, during which all children perform the same movements with the goal of performing them well.

This determines the individually differentiated approach to children based on their level of physical fitness.

by area of ​​interest
(technical, natural history, artistic, social);
Free play activity is necessary for every child, in which he can determine his own positions and realize his creative potential to the fullest. At the same time, the child can satisfy the need for interaction and communication with other adults and peers, while taking into account their intentions and interests. A child's free play reflects his needs, emotions and experiences. We try to support spontaneous communication and interaction between children, as this allows them to express themselves. The teacher joins the game if the child has a need to communicate with him, enriching the preschooler’s activities by making the game more interesting (hair salon, hospital).

When organizing the educational process based on this type of differentiation, we remember that:

Every child is a unique personality. We focus not only on the age capabilities and characteristics of children, but also on their individual traits and qualities

-Children, as a result of their limited life experience, differ from adults. They perceive and evaluate the world around them. Each child has his own picture of the world. And before raising and teaching, an adult should try to look at the world through the eyes of a child.

Acquaintance with the outside world and the development of the child occur not only during organized learning, but also in the process of everyday interaction and communication.

- Preschool children especially need encouragement. With this in mind, we do not compare the performance of one child and another. We direct all our efforts to ensure that children experience the joy of learning and gain confidence in their abilities.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 24 “Cinderella”

"The author's approach to the development of differentiated games with children"

(From the experience of teachers Borisenko G.I., Gruntovskaya E.V.)

All games in our group are distributed according to the areas that are reflected

in the Federal State Educational Standard (socio-communicative development, cognitive development,

speech development, artistic-aesthetic, physical). Children can use the games in free play activities. There are games that are stored in the method account. The group’s game database is constantly updated (games are “exchanged” between groups, some games are removed for a while). Also, some games are provided for a while by a speech therapist, music director, or educational psychologist.

We would like to present to your attention some games that help us implement a differentiated approach to children.

1. Objects and contours (by level of achievement, mental development)

2.Loto “Professions”, Lotto “For Girls” (by gender)

3. The fourth wheel (by gender, by level of achievement)

4. “Keen Eye” (according to achievement level)

5. Puzzles “Seasons”, “Properties” (by interests, by level of achievement)

6. “Nest, hive. nora” - who lives where (by interests)

7. Lotto “Multi-colored objects” - lotto (according to achievement level)

8. “Build your city” lotto (on reaching) level 1-2-3-4-5-6 reached

9. “Russian Army”-lotto (semi)

10. “What do clouds look like?” - according to level of achievement, speech development, developed. imagination, fantasy.

11 “Magic Pictures” - based on interests developed by G.N. Shushkova

12. “Match a girl and a boy” - by gender

13. “Numbers” - upon achievement

14 “masks” - according to interests

15 Coloring pages - according to achievements, interests, level of difficulty.

↑ Game as a type of activity

A game

- this is a type of activity that is aimed at satisfying spiritual needs and the goal of which is not the production of a material product, but the process itself - relaxation, entertainment.

Characteristic features of the game:

  • Occurs in a conditional situation, which, as a rule, changes quickly.
  • Certain items are used during the game
  • Aimed at satisfying the interests of its participants
  • Promotes personality development, enriches it, equips it with the necessary skills.

Stages of game development

D. B. Elkonin identified several types of games that gradually became more complex:

  1. Object-manipulative game. Here the child’s actions come down to imitation.
  2. Role-playing game. This type of game is aimed at mastering the norms of interpersonal relationships.
  3. A game with rules.

Let's also consider the classification of game methods according to N. Ya. Mikhailenko :

  1. Conditional objective actions.
  2. Behavior in the context of a particular role.
  3. Development of the plot.

Next, we will study the role of play in the development of a child’s psyche :

  1. Game as a way to study the characteristics of interpersonal interaction.
  2. Game as a way to study the peculiarities of the subordination of motives.
  3. Development of moral authorities.
  4. Formation of qualitatively new motives.
  5. Formation and development of new productive activities.

Let us also consider the features of play activities of preschoolers .

Older preschoolers are mainly attracted to role-playing games . The peculiarity of these games is that they can use some objects as substitutes for others, and also play various roles. It is especially common for preschoolers to imitate adults in their games. Thus, here we can talk about laying down a certain model of behavior.

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Another important characteristic is that for children the process of the game than its result. Children play for the sake of the game itself, for the sake of the emotional reactions that he receives in it, and also for the sake of communication with other peers.

Quite often, in their games, children demonstrate issues that have ever been raised by their parents. In addition, children have no problem replacing one item with a completely different one, giving it the same meaning and functions.

Children 5-6 years old are able to concentrate on a game plot for several hours and even days. Also, as they grow older, they give preference to certain game situations. While in younger preschool age everyday topics predominate, on average, production circumstances are of greater interest, and older preschoolers are captivated by socio-political scenarios, often intertwined with the plots of their favorite films or books. Rules for play activities of preschool children.

The development of play activity in preschoolers shows noticeable progress as children move from one age group to another. Kids are not able to plan the development of the plot, and more often repeat the same actions of adults.

Older children demonstrate creativity, and consider the relationships between players to be the most important in the game. Older children value the distribution of roles and adherence to the rules of the game.

↑ Labor as a type of activity


is a human activity aimed at obtaining a practically useful result, which makes it possible to satisfy one’s needs.

In the process of labor activity, a person produces the material and spiritual values ​​he needs. Unlike study and play, work requires a person to have certain training or qualifications,

for example: a miner cannot perform a surgical operation.

Qualification -

the level of knowledge, abilities, skills and competence that characterizes readiness to perform a certain type of professional activity.

Characteristic features of work:

  • Feasibility
  • Focus on achieving programmed expected results
  • Availability of skills, abilities, knowledge.
  • Practical usefulness
  • Availability of result
  • Personal development
  • Transformation of the external human environment

↑ Material and spiritual activity

Based on objects and results, activities are divided into material and spiritual.

Material (practical) activities

associated with practice, creating something new or changing the old order of things.

Material activity, in turn, is divided into two main groups: material-production and social-transformative.

Material and production

activity represents the creation of material wealth, the enrichment of the culture of humanity as a whole. For example, construction, factory production, crafts.

Social transformative activities

associated with changes in society. This type of activity includes the publication of new legislative acts and implementation of reforms.

Spiritual activity

is a process associated with intelligence and creativity, aimed at the spiritual development of the world.

It includes cognitive, value-oriented and prognostic activities.

Cognitive (educational and cognitive)

activities are associated with obtaining new knowledge about the world, events and patterns.

The establishment and formation of spiritual values ​​in society or a value-based attitude towards things is a value-oriented activity


Prognostic activity

- making forecasts or plans for the future, foreseeing the results of one’s actions or future events.

The results of spiritual activity are new ideas, values, ideas, which are subsequently embodied in philosophical concepts, scientific theories, works of art, moral, religious, legal and other norms.

Historical forms of spiritual activity are religion, morality, art, science, philosophy, law, political ideology, and spiritual production

- this is the result of activity in these areas, namely spiritual values ​​and benefits.

Spiritual production -

production of spiritual values, those. ideas, ideas, scientific knowledge, ideals, as well as the entire system of human activity associated with this process.

Activities may also vary in nature. Thus, they distinguish the conscious

(conscious setting of goals and their achievement),
(creation of a useful product),
(creation of tools),
(changing the environment, society, self-improvement) and
(interaction with people)
nature of activity

47. Game as an activity

A game

- this is a type of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience by the child. The game trains the child to understand the meanings of objects and phenomena, develops the ability to master various actions and operations, expands self-awareness from perceiving oneself as a subject of action to perceiving oneself as a subject of human relations.

Scientific analysis of play activity shows that play is a child’s reflection of the adult world

, the way of understanding the world around us. In the child's first games, the leading role of adults is clearly evident. Adults “play with” the toy. By imitating them, the child begins to play independently. Then the initiative to organize the game passes to the child, but even at this stage the leading role of adults remains.

It is customary to highlight such elements

as: 1) an imaginary situation; 2) role; 3) game actions.

If in early preschool age the game primarily reproduces the objective actions of people, and the focus on the partner or on the development of the plot is minimal, then in middle preschool age relationships between people begin to move to the center of the game. A role-playing game is being formed

, which reaches its maximum flowering at 4–5 years. In older preschool age, the process of monitoring the implementation of those rules that are determined by the role taken on comes into play.

Preschool age is extremely important for the formation of a child’s personality. Along with play activities, other forms of activity are also formed at this age: design, drawing. What becomes essential in the formation of personality is that the child’s motives and desires begin to be consistent with each other, more and less significant ones are identified, due to which a transition occurs from impulsive, situational behavior to one mediated by some rule or pattern.

The game is based on conditional modeling

one or another expanded activity.
For the first time, the German scientist K. Groos
noted that the game of both animals and children has an exercise function: play is typical precisely for those animals whose behavior is not limited to the automatic implementation of instinctive acts and which require variable adaptation to changing conditions of existence. The game in this case serves to preliminary adapt instincts to the conditions of future life. To the same extent, children's play, which arises in the process of historical development of society, consists in children reproducing the actions and relationships of adults.

In the approach of K. Bühler

, who built his theory on the basis of the game theory of K. Groos, the emphasis in the analysis of the game was shifted from the operational aspect to
the motivational one
. The desire for play, which consists of repeating the same actions, can only be supported by positive emotions that are generated by the process of activity itself. He called these positive emotions functional pleasure.

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