Article: “Organization of work on studying traffic rules in kindergarten.” article (middle group) on the topic

Article: “Organization of work on studying traffic rules in kindergarten.” article (middle group) on the topic

State budget preschool

educational institution d/s No. 5

combined species Krasnogvardeisky

district of St. Petersburg

“Organization of work on studying traffic rules in kindergarten”

Educator: Imangullova Raisya Khasibullovna

In our country, the length of highways increases every year, the flow of cargo increases, and a large number of passenger cars and trucks are produced. High speeds and traffic intensity require vehicle drivers and pedestrians to pay close attention and strictly adhere to traffic rules. Traffic safety largely depends on the discipline of drivers and pedestrians. Road users must not only know, but also strictly follow the rules. Pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users. Road traffic accidents involving children are of particular concern.

Therefore, in kindergarten, increased attention should be paid to the issue of children’s safety on the streets and roads. Teachers use various manuals to familiarize preschoolers with the rules of the road.

Our kindergarten teachers carry out targeted work to teach children safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Main goals:

- development in children of cognitive processes necessary for them to correctly and safely navigate on the street;

— improving the forms and methods of work of preschool educational institutions to promote traffic rules;

— strengthening the role of the teaching staff and parents in ensuring road safety among children;

- developing children's skills and sustainable positive habits of safe behavior on the street.

The work system includes:

1. Classes to teach children the rules of behavior on the streets and roads. 2. Excursions and targeted walks along the streets of the village. 3. Monitoring of passing vehicles.

4. Role-playing games on a road theme.

5. Conversations with the traffic police inspector.

6. Holidays and entertainment using fairy-tale characters.

7. Drawing and craft competitions on the theme “My Street”, “The Most Important Sign”.

8. Showing films and cartoons on learning traffic rules.

9. Joint and productive activities in the production of attributes for games and street models.

10. Instructing children on traffic rules.

11. Joint activities with parents.

An important part that implements the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is the developing Subject-Spatial Environment (SSE). The traffic rules corner is part of the group’s development environment. The Federal State Educational Standard for Education has special requirements for it, as for other development centers in the group block.

“Creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world.”

Order of the Ministry of Defense and Nationalities of the Russian Federation dated 17.10. 2013 N 11 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”

A spatial environment that develops subject matter should ensure the implementation of various educational programs.

Each teacher tries to create a comfortable atmosphere in his group to stimulate the cognitive interest of children. A significant role in this is played by the enrichment of the subject-spatial environment, the creation of bright, colorful corners and centers of cognitive activity.

Designing a traffic rules corner in a group.

In the middle group, observation and the ability to navigate indoors, in the kindergarten area and in the surrounding area develop. Children of this age continue to become familiar with the concepts of “street”, “road”, “intersection”, “stop of a route vehicle” and basic rules of behavior on the roads. Children's knowledge of various types of vehicles, the features of their appearance and purpose (“Ambulance”, “Fire truck”, “police car”, bus, tram, trolleybus) is expanding. Children get acquainted with the work of a policeman and the meaning of a traffic light. Get acquainted with various types of urban transport, special machines and their purpose. Get acquainted with traffic signs “Pedestrian crossing”, “Public transport stop” Develop skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

The work of teaching children safe behavior skills on the streets should under no circumstances be a one-time event. It must be carried out planned, systematically, constantly. It should cover all types of activities so that the child passes the acquired knowledge through productive activities and then implements it in games and everyday life outside the kindergarten.

The main forms of work with children in preschool educational institutions on teaching traffic rules:

-directly organized activities;



-targeted walks (around the territory of the kindergarten, to a bus stop, to an intersection)

— meetings with traffic police officers

-watching cartoons, listening to CDs

-holidays, leisure, entertainment

- competitions, exhibitions.

The goal of this work is to create conditions in the group that optimally ensure the process of teaching preschoolers the rules of the road and developing in them the necessary skills and abilities, developing positive, sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.


- formation of safe behavior skills on the roads in children through practical activities;

-reinforcement of traffic rules and practical skills of behavior in the playing space;

-continuation of work on enriching the vocabulary and developing dialogical speech;

- teaching children to apply their knowledge in specific situations;

-increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents on the issues of safe behavior of children on the roads.

The teacher builds work on the prevention of road accidents in accordance with the following principles of organizing the educational process:

The principle of consistency - any new stage in a child’s education is based on the child’s experience in the previous one.

The principle of activity is the inclusion of the child in play, cognitive, and search activities in order to stimulate an active life position.

The principle of integration is the integration of all types of children's activities, educational areas implemented in the educational process.

The principle of a differentiated approach is solving the problem of effective pedagogical assistance to children in specially created pedagogical situations, not according to traffic rules, but according to the rules of safe behavior on the road.

The principle of age targeting - the same content is used for work in different groups with complications corresponding to the age characteristics of children.

The principle of continuity of interaction with a child in a preschool institution and family - nothing convinces better than the example of parents.

Requirements for the corner according to traffic regulations:

Saturation. For young children, the educational space provides necessary and sufficient opportunities for movement, object and play activities with different materials.

Transformability. It is possible to change the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children.

Multifunctionality. There is a possibility of varied use of various components of the subject environment: variations in the purpose of furniture, soft modules, teaching aids, etc.

Variability. There are a variety of spaces, as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment to allow children to choose freely; periodic change of play material, the emergence of new objects that stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

Availability. Children have free access to games, toys, materials, and aids

Safety. All elements of the play corner are made of environmentally friendly materials and meet the requirements of reliability and safety of use.

The preschool institution has created the necessary conditions to facilitate children’s learning the pedestrian alphabet: corners have been set up to study traffic rules, where you can see street models, road signs, illustrated posters and books on the topic, there is a card index of cartoons, and role-playing games have been made by teachers with the participation of parents. Children play with great pleasure and consolidate their knowledge.

Children learn best through play. In the kindergarten area, using road markings, games are played: “Drivers and pedestrians”, “Road signs”, “Pedestrian crossing”. There is a parking lot for bicycles and baby strollers, where parents leave their vehicles while their children are in kindergarten.

Children enjoy participating in play activities and gain practical skills and abilities they need in life situations on the road.

Frequent guests in our kindergarten are children's theaters with performances according to traffic rules: “Dunno Visiting Children”, “Advice from the Smart Owl”, “Journey to the Green Light”.

Excursions around the city streets are also organized with children, where they observe traffic. Children express their impressions in stories and drawings. Then an exhibition of children's creativity is organized.

The result of educational work is holidays and entertainment. Children recite poems, sing songs, dramatize fairy tales, solve riddles, and answer quiz questions.

Traffic police officers are welcome guests in the kindergarten. They tell children what wrong behavior on the road and lack of knowledge of traffic rules can lead to, and they hold interesting competitions and quizzes.

A lot of work is being done with the parents of the students. Annual classes are organized with parents who have cars on organizing a driving culture (safe child seats, following the rules on the road). Group and general parent meetings, round tables, and seminars on this topic are regularly held with the involvement of traffic police officers.

In each age group there are corners for parents on road safety. The corner for parents contains: information about the state of road traffic injuries, the causes of road accidents involving children, recommendations for parents on teaching children how to behave safely on the road, a list and description of games aimed at strengthening children's knowledge of the Rules of the Road. Reminders and booklets on compliance with traffic rules are distributed to parents.

The main thing for educators and parents in introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road is to convey to children the meaning, the need for knowledge and skills on this issue. And it is always necessary to remember that a child learns the laws of the roads by following the example of family members and other adults. The result of work on road safety is the education of competent and disciplined road users.

Every year kids come to us, and our task is to prepare them for life in society, to warn them from danger on the roads. For a child, the family is a source of social experience. Here he finds role models and here his social birth takes place. And if we want to raise a morally healthy generation, we must solve this problem together: kindergarten and family.

Tasks and forms of work on traffic rules in preschool educational institutions

Tasks and forms of work in different age groups on traffic rules
Early age group Tasks: - introduce children to the vehicles of their immediate environment; - learn to distinguish and name some of them; - distinguish the parts of the machine and name them. Forms of work: - teacher’s story about types of transport (using illustrations and toys); - reading literary works; — examination of the paintings “City Street”, “Transport”; — role-playing game “We are drivers”; - acting out situations; — didactic game “Assemble a car.” Children should: - recognize some types of vehicles; - show the parts of the machine and name them. Group: junior Objectives: - introduce children to the operation of traffic lights; - form ideas about the street; — learn to distinguish between types of ground transport. Forms of work: - teacher’s story about types of transport (using illustrations); — targeted walk “Getting to know the street”; — reading poems by V. Lebedev-Kumach from the collection “About Smart Animals”; — examination of the paintings “City Street”, “Transport”; — role-playing game “We are drivers”; — viewing of puppet shows “Respect the traffic light”, “An incident in the forest”; — applications on the themes: “Fun Train”, “Traffic Light”; — targeted walk “Observing the operation of a traffic light”; — didactic game “Assemble a traffic light.” Children should: - know how a traffic light works (name its signals), at what signal it is possible to cross the roadway; — master the concepts: driver, passenger, pedestrian; use them in speech; — know the names of vehicles: passenger car; vehicles: truck, ambulance, fire truck; tram, bus, train; - have an idea of ​​what a roadway or sidewalk is. Group: medium Objectives: - clarify children’s knowledge about the purpose of a traffic light; — introduce the classification of types of urban transport, develop skills of cultural behavior in transport; — expand the understanding of the street, roadway, provide basic knowledge about the rules of safe behavior. Forms of work: - story “The street on which the kindergarten is located”; - reading the works of S. Mikhalkov “My Street”, “Traffic Light”, M. Druzhinina “Our Friend the Traffic Light”; — targeted walk “Pedestrian crossing”; — viewing photographs of “Streets of our city”; — drawing “Truck”; — designing “Our Street”; — didactic game “Transport”; — viewing of puppet shows “Respect the traffic light”, “An incident in the forest”; - outdoor games to develop coordination of movements; — conversation “Let's be polite”; — games at the tabletop crossroads; — fairy tale game “Pedestrian ABC”; — puppet show “An Incident in the Forest”; — watching thematic cartoons. Children should: - name all the traffic lights and talk about their meaning: red, yellow - “stop”, green - “make sure it’s safe and go”; - learn different types of transport; be able to classify them: water, air, land; - name the rules of behavior in transport, on the street; - know where you can cross the roadway. Group: senior Objectives: - continue to consolidate and supplement the understanding of some traffic rules; — cultivate a culture of behavior on the street and in transport; — introduce children to road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Children”, “Tram stop”, “Bus stop”, “Medical aid station”, “Food station”, “Parking area”, “Road work", "Entry prohibited". Forms of work: - targeted walk “Road Signs”; - teacher’s story about the rules for safe street crossing; — watching the puppet show “Respect the traffic light”; - reading works on relevant topics; — examination of the painting “City Street”; — collective drawing on the theme “Street of our city”; — learning songs from the collection “School of Road Sciences”; — didactic games: “Walk around the city”, “Road signs”; — role-playing game “At the Crossroads”; — theatrical production “The Road to the Terem”; — solving problem situations at table crossings; — games at the training intersection; — watching thematic cartoons; — completing tasks in workbooks. Children must: - know the road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Children”, “Tram stop”, “Bus stop”, “Medical aid station”, “Food station”, “Parking area”, “ Road works", "Entry prohibited"; - have an understanding of the basic rules of the road; - recognize different types of transport, be able to explain their purpose; - name the rules of behavior in transport, on the roadway. Group: preparatory Tasks: - continue to introduce road signs: warning, prohibitory, informational signs; — improve the culture of behavior on the street and in transport; — introduce the work of a traffic controller. Forms of work: - examination of pictures with different types of transport, their classification: passenger, construction, military, etc.; — acquaintance with the work of adults — observation of the work of a traffic controller; — didactic games: “Road Signs”, “Put a Sign”, “Street”, “Pedestrian”; — targeted walk “Crossroads”; - compiling a story based on the painting “Policeman-Traffic Controller”; — obligatory conversation “The road is not a place for games”; — drawing on the topic “Remember the rules of the road”; — application on the theme “Road signs”; — design on the theme “Bus”; - reading works on relevant topics; — role-playing game “Traffic Controller”; — watching the puppet show “Respect the traffic light”; — examination of paintings and posters “Rules of conduct on the street”; — solving problem situations at table crossings; — games at the training intersection; — musical and gaming leisure “Remember the rules of the road!”; - campaign “Driver! Save my life!”; — sports leisure for parents and children “Visiting the traffic light”; - joint compilation of a collage by children and parents “My Yard”; — production of the “Family of Road Signs”; — solving puzzles and crossword puzzles “Road ABC”; — learning songs from the collection “School of Road Sciences”; — leisure time together with 1st grade students “Study the rules of the road”; — watching thematic cartoons; — completing tasks in workbooks; — conversation with a traffic police inspector. Children must: - be able to solve problem situations that arise on the roadway and in the yard; - recognize different types of transport, be able to classify: passenger, construction, military; - have an understanding of the work of the traffic controller and his functions; - be able to classify road signs: warning, prohibitory, informational. Information for teachers Before starting teaching preschoolers, teachers themselves need to know and follow the rules of the road. Therefore, the organization of consultations, workshops, and exhibitions of specialized literature is an integral part of the work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries in preschool institutions. Conducting competitions (“Designing a traffic corner for children”, “The best development of a lesson on teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city”, etc.) also contributes to the manifestation of creative activity and initiative of teachers. Be sure to involve traffic police inspectors in your classes, because they will be able to provide the most complete and reliable information about traffic rules, provide an analytical report on the state of urban transport and children's road traffic injuries. Road safety corners in preschool educational institutions

We recommend watching:

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