Walk through the forest plan - summary of a lesson on the world around us (senior group) on the topic

Walk through the forest plan - summary of a lesson on the world around us (senior group) on the topic

"Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution" Kindergarten "Rainbow" r.p. Bazarny Karabulak, Saratov region"

Summary of continuous educational activities on cognitive development on the topic: “Walk in the forest” for older children

Teacher MBDOUDKindergarten "Rainbow" Elena Konstantinovna Goryunova

r.p. Bazarny Karabulak 2021

Topic: “Walk in the woods.” senior group Educational area: Cognitive development Goal: fostering love and respect for nature and forests. Objectives: Educational: - expand children’s understanding of the diversity of the plant world; - provide knowledge about the species diversity of forests: deciduous, coniferous, mixed; — to form the idea that for a person, an environmentally friendly environment is a factor of health; - learn to name the distinctive features of trees and shrubs. Developmental: - develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants; - develop coherent speech, the ability to reason and analyze. - expand and activate the vocabulary. Educators: - develop a caring attitude towards nature; — systematize knowledge about the benefits of forests in the lives of humans and animals, about correct behavior in the forest. Preliminary work. Conversation, reading works of fiction about nature. Didactic games. Guessing riddles. Conversation about rules of behavior in the forest. Learning physical education and the song “Our little forest is so good!” Drawing "Beautiful tree". Excursion to the forest. Methods and techniques: Playful, visual, questions for children, verbal, didactic games. Materials and equipment: Laptop, media projector, slides depicting a forest, deciduous and coniferous trees, shrubs, mushrooms, berries and herbaceous plants; two letters from old Lesovichka; stump (prop), a set of pictures depicting trees and shrubs. GCD progress I part Introductory Educator: Good morning guys! Today we will go on an unusual walk, but where we will go, the answer to the riddle will help us. The house is open on all sides, It is covered with a carved roof. Come into the green house. You will see miracles in it! Children: Forest. (there is a forest on the media projector screen) Educator: “You and I came to the forest. The forest welcomes everyone in its domain in a friendly and welcoming manner: it protects from the scorching rays of the sun, reveals many mysteries, and treats everyone with forest gifts. The forest is the habitat of many forest animals and birds. This is their home, where they breed, find food and protection. The forest is man's true friend. Walking in the forest is very important for people's health. The forest is the home of plants and animals. The forest is the farmer's friend. The forest is the decoration of the planet!” (the teacher draws the children’s attention to the stump) Guys, look, what is this lying on the stump? Children: Letter. Educator: This letter is from old man Lesovich, and it is addressed to you. (the teacher reads the letter aloud) “Dear children of the senior group! Old man Lesovichok is writing to you. I live in the forest and I will be very glad if you come to visit me. I love the forest very much and I’m always happy to have guests! Sincerely, old man Lesovichok.” Guys, you want to go visit old man Lesovich. Children: Yes. Educator: Guys, but before you go for a walk in the forest, you and I must remember the rules of conduct in the forest. Didactic game "Do's and Don'ts". What can and cannot be done in the forest? Children say what they can: walk, play, pick berries and mushrooms, etc. what they cannot: break branches, pick flowers, mutilate trees, scream loudly, take animals out of the forest, throw garbage Educator: Well done guys, you know the rules of behavior in the forest, you can go for a walk. Look how beautiful and quiet it is in the forest. What is the name of the forest where birch, maple, oak, and rowan trees grow? Children: Deciduous. Educator: Yes, such a forest is called deciduous because deciduous trees and shrubs grow in it. (deciduous trees on the media projector screen. Educator: What other types of trees do you know? Children: Coniferous trees. Educator: Name the coniferous trees? Children: Pine, spruce, fir. Educator: That's right, guys! Where pine, cedar, spruce grow, fir is called a coniferous forest. (There are coniferous trees on the media projector screen) Educator: What is the name of the forest in which deciduous and coniferous trees grow? What kind of forest are we walking in? Children: Mixed forest. Educator: Deciduous and coniferous trees grow in a mixed forest. In which are we walking in the forest?Children: We are walking in a mixed forest.Teacher: That's right, we are walking in a mixed forest. Walking in the forest is very good for health. (there is a mixed forest on the screen)Children sing the song “Our little forest is so good!” Our little forest is so good ! You won't find a better forest! We have things to do in the forest, We can't live without a forest. We will protect the forest and help everyone together, Both animals and birds will need help. You will grow to the joy of people, We will be friends with you, Good forest, a mighty forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! Educator: By keeping the forest clean and orderly, we thereby help plants and animals. (shrubs on the media projector screen) Educator: What is the difference between trees and shrubs? Children: Trees are tall, and shrubs are low. Educator: (explains) A tree has one trunk coming from its root, and a shrub has several rather thin stems. Educator: What kind of shrubs do you know? Children: raspberries, rose hips, currants, lilacs, etc. Didactic game: “Name it correctly” (the teacher shows pictures of trees and shrubs, the children name them) Educator: Well done guys, you named the bushes and trees correctly. Physical education minute. We are baskets Let's take it, let's go into the forest to pick berries. (children walk in a circle one after another) One, two, three, four, five, Let's look for berries. (stop, perform a “spring”, clap their hands) Let’s run along the path, (run in a circle) Let’s jump over the puddles. (jump on two legs) We'll look under the leaf - (squat) We'll pick berries for dinner: (imitate picking berries) Blackberries and raspberries, Blueberries and viburnums. (they walk in place) Bunches of ripe lingonberries and some strawberries. (they perform a “spring”, clap their hands) Educator: What plants are there in the forest? Children: Mushrooms. Educator: That’s right, mushrooms. Mushrooms can be edible or inedible. Mushroom pickers carefully cut them with a knife so as not to damage the root (mycelium). Then mushrooms will still grow in this place. People and forest dwellers eat mushrooms. Who do you think loves mushrooms? Children: Mushrooms love squirrels, they store them for the winter. Educator: Well done guys. (there are berries and mushrooms on the media projector screen) Educator: What other plants are there in the forest? Children: There are also many flowers in the forest. Educator: That’s right, guys, there are a lot of beautiful herbaceous plants in the forest that bloom very beautifully. (herbaceous plants on the media projector screen) Educator: Our walk into the forest has ended. Guys, look on the stump again there is a letter from old man Lesovich. Let's read it. (the teacher reads the letter) “Guys! How you made me happy - you followed all the rules of behavior in the forest. I want to give you pictures of forest plants. I suggest coloring all the plants and, together with adults, designing the book “Plants of the Forest”. This book will help you get to know the amazing world of nature even better. And I always look forward to your visit. Walking in the forest is very useful for children and adults! All the best! Sincerely, old man Lesovichok.” Guys, let's thank old man Lesovich. I suggest you color pictures of plants in your free time. So our walk into the forest ended. Child: “Dense forest, goodbye! We are glad to be friends with you, Good forest, mighty forest, Full of fairy tales and miracles!” Part III, Final. Reflection Did you enjoy your walk in the forest? What did you like best about the walk? What new have you learned?

Walk in the woods

Usually the lesson is held in a sports hall or music hall. However, in the summer it is more pleasant to conduct this activity in the fresh air, thereby you can diversify the motor activity of children, introduce them to the fruits of trees, develop tactile abilities, and increase the emotional background of children.

Necessary aids: gymnastic bench, gymnastic sticks 5 pcs., cubes with a side length of 10 cm. - 10 pcs., gymnastic mat - 1 pc., gymnastic rope - 1 pc., hoops (hula hoop) 5 pcs., sticks (pencils) with strips of tissue paper glued to one end for breathing exercises - according to the number of children; natural material (cones, chestnuts, acorns, nuts) - according to the number of children, basket 1 pc. The manuals must be placed in advance in an order appropriate to the subject of the lesson.

Let's hold hands together and turn into a thin snake. Let's go for a walk in the forest now and collect gifts. ( We walk sideways along a rope lying on the floor (or in the meadow) in the form of a “snake”

.) A narrow path winds between birch and aspen trees.
And flowers of unprecedented beauty grow around. A long thin stalk, with a yellow eye on top. ( Each child bends down for a “flower
.”) And then fluff will grow on the back.
( Blow on a flower

Guess, boys, This is... ( dandelions

We will blow on a flower, our fluff will fly away. ( Blow on a flower

Raise your legs higher, We are not walking on the path. ( We step over sports poles lying on cubes 10 cm high

.) There’s a snag on the way, We can’t get around it.
Oak thick root. Puddles gray peephole. ( We jump over the hoop

Here is a forest stream running, murmuring a quiet song. Do you see the bridge ahead? Walk along it boldly. ( We walk along the gymnastics bench


Whoever crosses the bridge will end up in a clearing. ( We take turns jumping off the bench

.) Don’t yawn in the clearing And collect gifts.
( We collect acorns, cones, chestnuts, nuts

Tell me what you found and put it in the basket. ( We name our finds and put them in the basket

.) Now we will wash our hands and rub our palms.
Let's wash our fingers with spring water. ( Three palms and each finger
.) Water, water, Wash my face.
( Imitate washing

Now we’ll rest and look around. ( Sit down on the floor and relax

.) Our legs walked along the path for a long time.
( Circular movements of the feet in both directions

Who is rustling under the sheet there? Maybe this is a gnome's house? ( Lie down on your stomach

.) This lizard is crawling and calling us behind it.
We will crawl after her and find a hole in the sand. The lizard went into its hole and didn’t invite us with it. ( We crawl on our bellies

A moth flies from flower to flower, ( We get up, jump from one hoop to another and wave our arms

.) Collects nectar (
Sit down
.) And flies away again.
( We're running again

And who is this? Black, but not a raven, Horned, but not a bull, Six legs without hooves, ( We walk with a springy gait

.) Is it flying - buzzing loudly?
( We run and buzz
.) Well, of course, a beetle!
On the grass - splash! ( We fall on all fours
.) He folded his wings and made everyone laugh!
( Place your hands behind your back

Here is a snail crawling, carrying its home on itself. ( We crawl on all fours, leaning on our hands, index fingers extended forward

.) If anyone touches it, a snail will climb into the house!
( We hide our hands and head under ourselves

Well, it's time for us to go home. Get ready, kids! ( We get up, hold hands

.) We didn’t forget anything and didn’t litter the forest.
Let's cross the bridge and get to the path. ( We walk along the bench in the opposite direction
.) Don’t yawn on the path, raise your legs higher!
( We step over gymnastic poles
.) We will rest at home and remember the forest.
( We walk along the rope in the opposite direction

Exercises for the story lesson “Walk in the Forest”

1. Holding hands in a chain, walk sideways with an extended step along a rope laid out in a “snake”.
2. Bend down and pick up a stick with glued strips of tissue paper (“flower”) from the floor. 3. Take a deep breath, exhale slowly onto the strips of paper. Repeat 2-3 times. 4. Walk, stepping over gymnastic sticks placed on cubes 10 cm high. 5. Sit down, move your arms back. Jump over the hoop onto the mat. 6. Walk on a gymnastics bench. 7. Jump off the bench. 8. Bend down and pick up some fruit from the floor. 9. Name the fruit and put it in the basket. 10. Bend over for “water”, rub your palms and each finger on both hands. 11. Imitate “washing your face.” 12. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs. 13. Circular rotation of the feet to the right and left. 14. Crawl on your bellies. 15. Jump from hoop to hoop that are on the floor. 16. Sit down, stand up. 17. Walk with a springy gait. 18. Run in a circle, pronouncing the sound “zh”. 19. Get down on all fours, put your hands behind your back. 20. Crawl, leaning on your knees and hands, index fingers extended forward, like the horns of a snail. 21. Standing on all fours, hide your head and arms under yourself. 22. Stand up and line up one at a time. 23. Walk along the gymnastics bench and jump onto the floor. 24. Step over gymnastic poles. 25. Walk sideways on a tightrope. Olga Kazanskaya, teacher
at kindergarten No. 1277, Moscow

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