“What is a rainbow” lesson plan on the world around us (senior group) on the topic

Along the paths of the rainbow

Abstract of GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the senior group


: generalization and consolidation of knowledge among children of the senior group on the topic of material for the school year.
Educational tasks
: consolidate quantitative and ordinal counting from 1 to 10 and back, understanding the number series;
consolidate skills in comparing the number of objects; consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper; continue to form an idea of ​​the table. Developmental tasks
: train mental operations;
develop spatial and logical thinking, attention, speech, curiosity, emotions, interest in independently solving problem situations. Educational objectives
: to cultivate mutual assistance, independence, determination, perseverance.
Materials and equipment
: projector, presentation, ball, easel, paper flowers with tasks, cards with numbers, geometric bodies (cube, ball, prism, cone, pyramid, parallelepiped, cylinder);
white dish, Skittles candies, warm water for experiment, musical accompaniment: “Rainbow Song” lyrics. and music T. Shikalova. Handouts
: cards for comparing numbers, cards with passports of geometric bodies, a set of numbers, table cards, geometric shapes (3 blue triangles, 3 pink squares, 3 green circles).

Progress of activities

: Guys, can you solve riddles?


: Yes.


: Then listen carefully.

The rain is over. Having parted the clouds, a ray of sunshine made its way to us. And literally before our eyes, the Bridge appeared in heaven. Multi-colored arc - This is... ( Rainbow


Look at the screen. What a beauty! What could be brighter than a rainbow?

What a miracle, miracles. The rainbow came to visit, And brought paths. And the paths are not simple. They are all magical, colorful. Whoever walks along the paths will move on to the preparatory group!

Guys, do you want to go to the preparatory group?


: Yes.


: Oh, what happened?
The rainbow has disappeared! How do we now move on to the preparatory group? Where did she disappear to? ( Children's answers
.) I wonder if there is some secret here?
Look carefully at the screen! I think I guessed where the rainbow hid! And you?! ( Children's answers. The teacher draws the children's attention to the flowers growing in the clearing
.) In order for the rainbow to appear again, you need to complete math assignments.
They will be very difficult. So guys, be careful! Ready? ( Yes
.) Let's try.
Remember how many colors are in the rainbow? Name them. ( Children's answers
.) They all stand next to each other in strict order. Which flower will we pick first?


: Red.
( The game exercise “Match the numbers” is carried out


: A strange case, a rare case, Numbers in a quarrel, Here they are! Not one of them wants to stand with their neighbor, We need to reconcile the numbers. And restore their order"

How can you reconcile the numbers? What needs to be done to get them in the right order? ( Children's answers

.) That's right, you need to build a number series from 1 to 10. Take the numbers lying on the table and put them in the correct order.
Well done guys, you completed the task and we have our first rainbow carpet - red. ( A rainbow path appears on the screen
.) What color will the next flower be?


: Orange.
( The game exercise “Name the neighbors of the numbers” is being carried out. The teacher shows cards with numbers.
) Well done, guys, and you did an excellent job with this task.
And we have another track - orange. ( A rainbow path appears on the screen
.) The next flower will be...?


: Yellow.
( A ball game is played in the “Days of the Week” circle. The teacher asks questions


: How many days are there in a week?
List the days of the week in order. What days are days off? Name the day of the week before Wednesday. Name the day of the week between Thursday and Saturday. What day of the week is it today? ( Children's answers.
) Everyone completed the task and we got another path - yellow.
Choose the next flower. What color is it? ( Children’s answers. The game exercise “More - less - equal” is carried out.
) Compare the number of objects using the signs “<”, “>”, “=”.
Now we will work in pairs. ( Children complete the task.
) Great! Another rainbow path has appeared. What color will the next flower be?


: Blue.


: That's right (
working at tables in pairs
). Guys, come to the table. What's on the table?


: Figures.
( A game exercise is carried out in pairs “I lost my passport


: Let's remember their names.
( Children's answers
.) These figures lost their passports.
But how can we help them? Choose one figure for yourself. The remaining figure will be mine. Listen to the hint. I'll take a card and a piece. Since this figure is three-dimensional, I will look at it from all sides. What does this figure look like from the side? Above? From below? ( Children's answers
.) Let's now try to find her passport among others.
When you find the passport, place the figure on it. Hooray! We now have a fifth blue track. ( Physical minutes are held with musical accompaniment.
) How many flowers are left in the clearing?
What color will the next flower be? ( Children's answers. In the next task, the teacher orally pronounces the text of the problem

The hedgehog brought three apples from the garden. He gave the most rosy thing to Belka. The squirrel happily received the gift. Count the apples on the hedgehog's plate. ( Children count and name the answer. The teacher says the next problem


Well done boys! All problems were solved correctly. Our rainbow is getting wider and brighter! A blue path has appeared! We have one last flower left. Which?


: Violet.
( Game exercise “Fill in the table


You have geometric figures and a table on your tables.
You need to fill out the table correctly. Listen carefully. Place a blue triangle in the upper left corner. Place a blue triangle in the center of the table. Now fill in the empty cells with figures so that they are not repeated either in the rows or in the columns. Happened? Let's check. Well done boys! The last path of the rainbow appeared - purple. Look how the rainbow is shining again! For your efforts, I have prepared a small surprise. ( Finally, a Rainbow experiment is performed using Skittles and water

Lyubov Bukhalova, teacher
at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 251”, Barnaul, Altai Territory

Poems about rainbows

When telling children what a rainbow is, include in your story the poetic inspiration of poets of all times and peoples, inspired by a multi-colored arc in the sky.

* * *

It got caught on a cloud and hangs above us. She has seven different stripes, We counted them!

Who will answer the question: What is this? This is a miracle - who brought it? How beautiful!

You guessed it! Yes, yes, yes, it's a rainbow-arc!

The sun and the rain played and the toy was lost, and now for everyone it is visible from the blue skies!


Alexander Byvshev

A multi-colored rocker hung above the ground. Spring rays are pouring, Rooks are bathing in them.

And the meadows, washed by the water of the long-awaited rain, Whisper joyfully: “Hello, rainbow-arc!”


Inna Gamazkova

The rooster saw a rainbow: - What a beautiful tail! The ram saw a rainbow: - What a high bridge! / And the horse looks at the rainbow: - The horseshoe is great... The river looks into the rainbow: - And there is a river in the sky?


Vladimir Stepanov

A rainbow hung in the spring sky, looking cheerfully from the sky to the earth. We smiled joyfully in response: - Rainbow - rainbow, color - overexposure.

The rainbow did not hang in the sky for long, It did not look from the sky to the earth for long: It melted... What did it leave as a souvenir for everyone?

Red poppies, Yellow sand, Green light on a leaf on a branch.

The purple beetle warms its sides, the blue splashes the river into the banks.

The forests are warmed by the orange sun, and the starling has blue... eyes.

* * *

Inna Kulskaya

The sky is belted with a rainbow-arc. And the golden sun looked through the clouds.

Bright rain fell on the asphalt, jumping onto my hands, onto my shoes.

* * *

Rainbow - rainbow, multi-colored ribbon! The rainbow has seven colors, all colors are noticeable! You are always elegant, ringing, like a song. It's good to ride on the rainbow, it's fun!

Komovskaya N.

* * *

- Rainbow, tell me, What power united all your colors? “This is friendship,” Rainbow answered. — The colors in the rainbow are friends, Guys. The Rainbow is rich in strong friendship, radiating a clear light.

Bayramov N.

* * *

Joy, you see, what a joy! There's a rainbow in the sky! Colors of wondrous beauty near the celestial RA-arc. Seven colors came together, like notes in a friendly song. Here is the Sun in yellow, the green of all the forests of the planet, the blue of the heavenly depths, purple dreams. Who entrusted the staff of music to all colored pencils?

Vita E.

* * *

In the sky the rainbow shines and glitters, As if the passage through it is open to us. A multi-colored ray descended from the sky, The forest shines in the beautiful rainbow dust.

The foliage shimmers like an emerald, Reflections of the rainbow are visible here and there, The forest plunged into a fairy tale and became silent, It wants to hold on to the wonderful moment.

Science has long explained everything to us, but it is not possible to fully understand nature. Seeing a rainbow in the blue sky, We dream that these are symbols from the outside.

Delight takes us into a sky-high flight, Perhaps the answer to a miracle awaits there. The rainbow shines for us, fresh and good, The bright colors make our eyes glow with happiness.

Mordovina I.

* * *

How unexpectedly and brightly, In the damp blue of the sky, An airy arch rose in its momentary triumph! She stuck one end into the forests, with the other she went behind the clouds - She grabbed half the sky and was exhausted in the heights.

Oh, in this rainbow vision What bliss for the eyes! It is given to us for a moment, Catch it - catch it quickly! Look - it has already turned pale, Another minute or two - and then what? Gone, somehow it will go away completely, What you breathe and live with.

Fyodor Tyutchev

* * *

There is thunder and thunderstorm in the sky. Close your eyes!

The rain is over. The grass is shining, there is a rainbow in the sky.

Hurry, hurry, run out the door, barefoot across the grass, jump straight into the sky.

Okay, okay! Along the rainbow, along the iris, Along a colored arc on one leg. Down the rainbow on horseback And to the ground somersault!

Samuel Marshak

Educational field: “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world); “Artistic creativity” (application).

Program content.

1. Continue to introduce children to the colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

2. Expand children’s understanding of the mixture of colors that make up white.

3. Teach children to perceive objects, highlighting their various properties.

4. Develop attention and fine motor skills of the fingers.

5. Foster friendly relationships between children, the habit of working diligently, and studying together.

Material and equipment.

A spinning top, a painting “Rainbow”, a didactic game “What for what”, a set of paper: seven multi-colored stripes, a white sheet, a set of multi-colored letters, a table lamp, a glass prism, a mirror, dishes with water, soap bubbles (according to the number of children); scissors, glue, brushes, napkins (according to the number of children).

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today we will talk to you about a very beautiful natural phenomenon. You can guess which one if you guess this riddle:

The bridge is great, but there is no way -

Neither pass nor pass.

Children: It's a rainbow.

Educator: Of course. The fact is that I work in a kindergarten, which is called “Rainbow”. Indeed, a beautiful name! What is the name of your kindergarten?

I came to you guys asking for help. The point is this: a strange letter came to our kindergarten and we don’t know what to do. I hope you can help me.

The teacher reads the letter: “Hello, dear children! Dunno writes to you. I really need your help. I once saw a rainbow - so big and beautiful. I came home and drew it. But the next day this story happened: Znayka came, saw my drawing and said that I had drawn the rainbow incorrectly. He also said that a rainbow appears thanks to a ray of sunshine. Of course, I didn’t believe him - after all, the ray is white, and the rainbow is multi-colored. And my drawing is the most beautiful. Znayka is just jealous. I thought that a kindergarten called “Rainbow” would definitely help me. Is Znayka really telling the truth?! And I am sending you the drawing. Isn’t it true that the rainbow turned out beautiful?”

Educator: Guys, Dunno asks for help. Shall we help him figure it out?

Look at the ray of sunshine. What colour is he?

Children look at a sunbeam (if the weather is not sunny, then a picture of sunrays is shown). Children come to the conclusion that the ray is white.

Educator: It turns out that Dunno is right when he says that a rainbow cannot appear thanks to the sun’s rays, because they are white, and the rainbow is multi-colored?! But something is wrong here. Was Znayka wrong? He is so smart, he has read so many books, he knows so much! Children express their guesses.

Educator: Let's assume that a ray of sunshine only appears white, but in fact it is multi-colored. To check this, let's conduct one simple experiment.

The teacher shows the children a top.

Educator: What color is the “skirt” of the top? (Multi-colored.) Rotate the top. (Children spin the top.) Now what color is the “skirt” of the top? (The skirt began to appear white). Indeed, a multi-colored top appears white when rotated quickly.

What conclusion do we draw?

Children come to the conclusion that the white beam only appears white.

Educator: What needs to be done to make a white ray of sunlight become multi-colored?

Let's remember when a rainbow appears in the sky? What conditions are necessary for it to appear?

Children: Sun and rain.

Educator: Indeed, to make a rainbow you need raindrops.

A ray of sun reflected in raindrops becomes multi-colored. And now we will try to make sure of this. We have sunlight (if not, use a table lamp), but what about rain? Let's replace it with water and a mirror. An experiment is carried out - children see a multi-colored speck on the wall.

Then the children themselves try to repeat this experience (“catch” the rainbow using a mirror and water).

Educator: There is another way to see a rainbow or how beautiful a ray of sunshine is.

Children are offered soap bubbles, which they blow and examine in the light of a sunbeam or a table lamp.

Educator: We figured out one question: Dunno is telling the truth when she claims that a ray of sunshine is white, but Znayka is also right when she says that it is thanks to this ray that we can observe such a beautiful rainbow in the sky. But let's look at the drawing that Dunno sent us. Why didn’t Znayka like him?

The teacher shows the children a drawing with the wrong arrangement of the colors of the rainbow. Children express their guesses.

Educator: Let's take a close look at the rainbow. What is the first color in it? Which color comes next?

At the same time, letters (K-O-Z-Z-G-S-F) of all the colors of the rainbow are laid out on a magnetic board. And the children lay out strips of the desired color in front of them (didactic game “What for what”)

Educator: There is a little counting rhyme that allows you to remember the location of the colors in the rainbow. How many of you know the rhyme: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits”? Children, pointing to their stripes, repeat the words of the counting rhyme.

Educator: So what didn’t Znayka like about the drawing that Dunno drew?

Children: The colors in the rainbow are placed incorrectly.

Once again they say the correct location.

Educator: Why do you think this miracle of nature was called a rainbow? What is an arc? (Children's answers.) Show the rainbow with your hands.

Physical education minute.

The game exercise “Rainbow” is carried out. Children depict a rainbow - bend their torso while moving their arms, alternating them left and right (the exercise is repeated seven times, since there are seven colors in the rainbow.)

Educator: Guys, has anyone seen two rainbows in the sky at once? The rainbow can be located both low and high above the ground. And sometimes it happens that two rainbows are visible at once. Let's show a low rainbow.

The “Low Rainbow” exercise is carried out: children are on their knees, hands raised up; bend the body to the sides (right and left), as if “describing an arc.”

Educator: By the way the rainbow is located, low or high, you can determine the weather: a low rainbow means bad weather, a high rainbow means good weather.

Educator: What will we answer Dunno? Do rainbows happen in cloudy weather? (Does not happen.) What must happen for a rainbow to appear in the sky? ( Sun)

What else can't there be a rainbow without? (Without rain.)

We have to admit that Znayka was right when he said that a rainbow appears thanks to a ray of sunshine. Let us make a rainbow ourselves and send it to Dunno. Then he himself will understand why Znayka didn’t like his rainbow.

Children perform the “Rainbow Drops” applique. The application reflects all the conditions necessary for the appearance of a rainbow (sun, raindrops). At the end of the lesson, another riddle about a rainbow is read to the children:

No sun and no rain

Not a single nail

And they built it in no time

Celestial Gate.

What is a rainbow?

So, how to explain to a child what a rainbow is? People have long tried to understand the nature of this incredible phenomenon. But before there was no such knowledge about the world as there is now. It was impossible to say exactly what it was. Therefore, many legends are associated with the rainbow. For example, in Ancient Greece it was believed that a rainbow was a bridge connecting heaven and earth, along which the messenger from the gods Iris traveled to people every day. In ancient India, a rainbow was the bow of the god of thunder and lightning, Indra. And in China they believed that the rainbow is a heavenly dragon that protects heaven and earth.

The ancient Slavs also considered the rainbow to be a bridge that connected heaven and earth, along which angels descended from heaven to our earth to collect water from a river or lake. They then poured the collected water into the clouds, from which life-giving rain came.

Many peoples still consider rainbows to be a bad omen. The rainbow was imagined as a bridge over which the soul of the deceased passes to another world, and when a rainbow appeared in the sky, it meant someone's imminent death.

But all these are nothing more than myths that have no basis in reality. Rainbows have also been associated with some other natural phenomena. For example, signs related to weather prediction have appeared: if the rainbow is high and steep, then there will be good clear weather, and if it is low and flat, then the weather will deteriorate.

The very first scientist to reveal the concept of a rainbow to the world was the ancient Greek thinker Aristotle. He was the first to realize and tell everyone that a rainbow is not an optical illusion or magic or some kind of material thing, but a complex optical phenomenon.

Where does a rainbow come from?

A rainbow occurs when the sun's rays penetrate water droplets in the air, causing them to refract and form an amazing spectrum of colors - a rainbow.

This natural phenomenon occurs when the sun breaks through the clouds, it is about to rain or it has just stopped. The rays of the sun penetrate the raindrops, which in turn work as a diffuser, like a filter, scientifically called a “prism”, breaking the white light of a sunbeam into different colors. Drops of water deflect light at different distances, which is why a multi-colored strip is obtained, which in science is called a “spectrum”. The rainbow has a spherical shape, which arises from the shape of the droplet.

Along the roads of the rainbow: lesson plan for the final lesson in the senior group

Kandratyeva N.I. Along the roads of the rainbow: lesson plan for the final lesson in the senior group // Sovushka. 2021. N1(11). URL: https://kssovushka.ru/zhurnal/11/ (access date: 11/21/2021).

Order No. 59363

Goal: to identify the level of development of children’s knowledge by the end of the school year.


  1. Fix the characteristic features of the seasons, names of days of the week, parts of the day, months of the year.
  2. Improve knowledge about geometric figures and the shape of objects.
  3. Consolidating the counting of cardinal and ordinal numbers (within 10 and back).
  4. Strengthen the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  5. To consolidate knowledge about the classification of objects, determining the material from which they are made.
  6. Strengthen children's ability to select words with opposite meanings
  7. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention
  8. Promote the development of coherent speech.

Equipment and materials: audio recording, spring painting, painting “Meadow with mushrooms”, objects made of various materials (wood, metal, glass, plastic), 7 colored envelopes (rainbow colors), “Seasons” slides, geometric shapes, ball, gouache , brush.

Preliminary work: solving riddles, reading poems about the seasons.

Methodological techniques: visual, practical, verbal, game

Progress of direct educational activities

Teacher's action Children's action Expected Result
Immersion in a game situation.

The teacher “puts” Good morning in the child’s palm, and he passes it on, etc.

The children are interested and carefully watch the teacher. A positive emotional background has been created, children are ready for educational activities.
Shows off his spring painting, but asks for help to draw a rainbow, because... I forgot the color sequence. Children respond to the teacher’s proposal and immerse themselves in a playful situation.
Shows colored envelopes (7) with tasks and asks questions. Children look at the envelopes and answer the teacher’s questions. Select the 1st envelope. The ability to concentrate attention, answer questions from the teacher, and knowledge about the order of colors in the rainbow have been developed.
Task “Name the seasons.” The teacher asks riddles and suggests choosing adjectives for a given noun. Children solve riddles, select adjectives for nouns: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Draw the 1st path of the rainbow. The ability to guess riddles, select adjectives, an understanding of the characteristic features of the seasons, and the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships have been developed.
The teacher offers to rest, reminds them of the words of the physical exercise “Homa, homa, hamster,” and performs the movements together with the children. They pronounce the words physical. minutes, perform the movements. Select the next envelope. Emotional stress is relieved, children's motor activity is increased, and a positive emotional background is created.
The task “What is made of what?” The teacher names the material and offers to take an object made from this material from the table. Children complete the task, and 3 children check the correctness of completion. Draw the 2nd path of the rainbow. Select the next envelope. The ability to classify objects according to the material from which they are made has been developed.
The teacher invites you to sit at the tables and look at the painting “Meadow with Mushrooms” and asks questions. Children look at the picture and answer questions. Draw the 3rd path of the rainbow. Select the next envelope. A quantitative and ordinal count has been generated.
D/I "Beads". The teacher suggests continuing the logical chain of geometric shapes, matching the objects with geometric shapes that are similar to them. Pupils complete the task, selecting the desired geometric figure, and match similar geometric figures to objects. Draw the 4th path of the rainbow. Select the next envelope. An idea of ​​geometric figures and the shape of objects has been formed.
Intelligence task: “Tricky questions.” The teacher asks questions. Children answer questions. Draw the 5th path of the rainbow. An idea has been formed about the days of the week, their order, and the changing parts of the day.
The teacher offers to rest, reminds them of the words of the physical lesson “Days of the Week,” and performs the movements together with the children. They pronounce the words of physical exercises and perform the movements. Select the next envelope. Emotional stress is relieved, children's motor activity is increased, and a positive emotional background is created.
D/i “Say the opposite” (with a ball). The teacher names mathematical concepts, asking children to name the opposite of the named concept. Children catch the ball, name the opposite value, and throw the ball back. Draw the 6th path of the rainbow. The ability to select antonyms has been developed.
D/exercise "Problems in verses." The teacher asks riddles. The guys solve riddles. Draw the 7th path of the rainbow. The ability to solve problems involving addition and subtraction has been developed.
The teacher thanks the children for their help, presents them with medals, and inquires about what exercises the children did today. Answer the teacher's questions. The ability to answer the teacher’s questions and the ability to enjoy playing situations has been developed.
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