Article “Creating a library in kindergarten” (work experience). Author: Mavlyutva Ilseyar Nazylovna

Design project of a subject-development environment in the group “Literary Reading Center”

Dear friends, we are pleased to introduce you to Svetlana Fedorovna Shabalova, a teacher of the highest qualification category at the joint venture “Kindergarten “Alyonushka””, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 named after. V. Maskina railway Art. Klyavlino, Samara region. Today Svetlana Fedorovna will kindly share her methods of creating pedagogical conditions for nurturing an interest in reading in preschoolers. The article will be of interest to teachers and interested parents.

A short commentary on the article from Svetlana Fedorovna:

“It is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to the development of the child’s inner world. Communication with a book provides invaluable assistance in this. Through reading fiction, a child learns the past, present and future of the world, learns to analyze, and develops moral and cultural values.”

Useful reading...

Design project of a subject-development environment in the group “Literary Reading Center”

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Preschool childhood as a period in human life plays an important role in shaping what not only each individual person will become, but also all of humanity and the world as a whole. The educational, ideological, moral, and cultural priorities laid down in preschool childhood determine the life path of generations and influence the development and state of the entire civilization.

It is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to the development of the child’s inner world. Communication with a book provides invaluable assistance in this. Through reading fiction, a child learns the past, present and future of the world, learns to analyze, and develops moral and cultural values.

It's no secret that modern children spend more and more time playing computer games and watching TV. Sociological research in our country and abroad has revealed negative trends: interest in reading among younger preschoolers and adolescents is noticeably reduced; The share of reading in children's free time has been sharply reduced.

Today, the relevance of solving this problem is obvious. To raise a reader in a child, adults (teachers and parents) must themselves show an interest in the book, understand its role in a person’s life, know the books recommended for preschool children, be able to have an interesting conversation with kids and help in analyzing the work.

In kindergarten, work on the implementation of the educational area “Reading fiction” occurs both in specially organized activities and in the free independent activity of children. Opportunities to increase the effectiveness of this work increase provided that a subject-development environment is created in the group.

Scientists have proven that such factors in creating a situation of success and emotional well-being as design and ergonomics in the educational space of a group have a beneficial effect on the upbringing and education, as well as on the health of children, which is especially important when working with children with disabilities.

Today, to introduce children to reading fiction, each group of any kindergarten has a book corner or center. He was also in our group for children with visual impairments. But does its content comply with methodological and pedagogical requirements in the light of new regulatory documents? How can we make this center truly interesting and useful for children, so that books are present in various areas of a child’s activity, and children have the opportunity to interact with books every day and develop their literary interests? How to involve the children themselves and their parents to participate in the transformation of our book center?

These reflections gave us the idea of ​​conducting an educational project in the group to transform and enrich the book center. This is how our design project “Literary Reading Center” was born.

The implementation of this project was also facilitated by the fact that, as part of Book Week, a competition between groups was announced at our preschool educational institution - “A Home for Our Favorite Books.”

Type of project: medium-term (3 weeks), informational and creative, group, open.

Project participants: group teachers, older children with visual impairments, parents.

Project goals:

  • nurturing interest and love for books in preschoolers, developing cognitive activity and creative abilities of children in the process of transforming the “Literary Reading Center”;


  • creating a subject-development environment in the group that promotes the development of preschoolers’ interest in reading, the development of cognitive activity, the creative abilities of children, as well as the interaction of all participants in the educational process;
  • developing in preschoolers a sustainable interest and love for books and reading;
  • development of creative abilities of children and adults in the process of transforming the subject-development environment.

Project resource support:

informational—formation of a database on project implementation; monitoring materials; organizing events to inform the public about the progress of the project;

methodological - development, preparation of plans, notes, presentations, recommendations for parents, memos, articles, etc.;

logistical - acquisition of didactic teaching aids: books according to the age program, illustrations, games, literacy aids, reading stands, etc.

equipping the Literary Reading Center with the necessary ergonomic furniture, shelves, desks, and additional light sources.

Expected results of the project:

for children – activation of cognitive and creative activity, disclosure of personal potential in the educational environment of the group and in the family,

for teachers - increasing the efficiency of work in the implementation of the educational field “Reading fiction”, the implementation of the personal and professional level of teachers, positive transformations of the subject-development environment of the group.

for parents - improving the pedagogical culture of parents, increasing the participation of parents in the life of the group and in educational activities.

The project was implemented in three stages.

Stage I – introductory stage of the project


  1. Inform all project participants of the importance of this problem. Get each participant (children, parents) interested in the topic of the project.
  2. Teachers determine the topic, goals and objectives, content of the group project, predict the result.
  3. Joint development of a work plan for the project; development of a model of interaction between all project participants.
  4. Selection and acquisition of methodological, popular science and fiction literature, illustrative, demonstrative, didactic and other materials on this topic.
  5. Discussion with parents of the project, clarification of the possibilities, funds necessary for the implementation of the project, determination of the content of the activities of all project participants.

When developing the project, we used the “three questions” model, traditional for project activities: “What do we know?”, “What do we want to know?”, “How to find out?”.

During the general discussion, we found out the children’s knowledge about books, why they are needed, where they can be purchased, etc. The children’s answers were recorded. The “Three Questions” model helped to draw up a specific action plan.

Additionally, we conducted a survey of children on the topic “Your favorite book.” The survey data showed that our children equally like folklore works and scientific literature - 35% each. The information obtained from the survey was useful to us in the process of compiling libraries and consultations for parents.

Stage II – productive stage of project implementation

The project is a product of cooperation and co-creation, therefore, whenever possible, we involved the parents of our students and colleagues.

The implementation of the draft plan planned at the first stage passed through all educational areas.


  1. Development of cognitive, communicative, creative abilities of children, taking into account their individual and age characteristics.
  2. Formation of an emotional, aesthetic and caring attitude towards books in children.
  3. Increasing children's interest in children's literature, teaching how to make a book.
  4. Updating and enriching the subject-development environment at the Literary Reading Center.
  5. Involving parents in the implementation of a common interesting activity, full communication with project participants.

Involving narrow specialists in the project (speech therapist, arts teacher, music director)

Contents of educational work with children during the project implementation:

Cognitive and speech development


Conversations with children: “How did the book appear?”, “What books do you love most?”, “What kinds of books are there?” etc.

Educational lesson using a multimedia presentation “The history of the creation of the book”

Excursions to the children's library named after. P.P. Bazhova

Lesson-travel “In the land of books” (presentation-introduction to the work of children's writer S.Ya. Marshak)

Looking at different types of books, illustrations in books, photographs,

Acquaintance with children's writers, literary genres in the process of compiling a catalog of books in the group library, classifying them into sections.

Reading fiction:

Reading works, memorizing poems, proverbs about the book

Quiz games using ICT based on the works of children's writers “In the Country of Chukovsky”, “Do you Know Fairy Tales?” and etc.

Children's book publishing


“Favorite Book Day” - presentation of books based on writing creative stories (homework).

Compiling descriptive stories about the exhibits of the Museum of Books.

Social and personal development


Conversations about caring for books, rules of behavior in the reading room, library

Role-playing games “Library”, “In the reading room”, “Little guides (at the Book Museum)”, “Bookstore”


“Book Workshop” - manual labor for repairing old and torn books

Making little books for the children’s game “Library”,

Making bookmarks for your favorite book.


Conversations about the rules of reading, about the dangers of reading while lying down, in the dark, about the correct posture when reading for good posture.

Physical development

Physical culture, Health:

Conducting visual gymnastics and dynamic pauses to train visual functions, increase visual acuity, and prevent eye fatigue

Artistic and aesthetic development

Artistic creativity:

Participation in the collection of exhibits and design of the Book Museum,

Design of a homemade book “Multi-colored book” according to S. Marshak

Drawing illustrations based on the works of S. Marshak, creating models and crafts together with parents for the exhibition “In the Country of Chukovsky”


Theatrical performance “In the Country of Chukovsky”

Description of the “Literary Reading Center”

To create a book center in our group, we set aside a place well lit with natural light. The book center is located in a group, it is located far from the play area. The Center has a selection of fiction that matches the program and age characteristics of children. There are also board and educational games based on familiar works. There is a folder where books and illustrations on the topic studied for a month are presented, as well as algorithms for composing stories. This folder is freely available to every child. A place has been allocated for games to teach literacy: it contains letters, diagrams, magnetic boards, material for teaching reading, books in the series “Read by ourselves”, “Read by syllables”.

There are theatrical attributes and attributes for role-playing games of the corresponding theme: “Reading Room”, “Book Store”, “Book Workshop”.

We also organized a thematic exhibition at the book center based on the works of S.Ya. Marshak:

- books, portrait of the writer, quotes, poems,

- toys, models for playing out episodes and memorizing the author’s texts,

- notes of classes, quizzes, leisure activities.

  • As a continuation of the book center, it is planned to equip a corner of solitude, where a child can, in accordance with his interests, leaf through magazines, look at his favorite books, and also play out episodes of his favorite works using a toy theater, etc., and “call” his parents on the phone.
  • It is also planned to design a display stand for an interesting book.

Our students often bring their favorite books to the group, including those of an educational nature, which orient them to study the world around them, giving them the opportunity to acquire new knowledge. We place such books in a specially designated place in a bright tray to attract children's attention.

At the book center, children have the opportunity not only to get acquainted with books, but also to assemble puzzles and cubes based on well-known and familiar literary works.

Design project element

"Mini Book Museum"

In the process of implementing the main design project, we organized another small project, including it as an integral element in the main project. They called it “Mini Book Museum”. The idea was suggested by the children themselves, asking the question: where can one see old books besides the library?

Goals and objectives of organizing a mini-museum:

introducing children to the history of books, cultivating an interest in reading, expanding knowledge about the role of books in human life, about different writers, about how literacy appeared and developed.

Location. Occupies part of the book center; exhibits are also placed on hanging wall shelves and a table.

The mini-museum contains ancient publications preserved in families, pop-up books, sound books, music books, etc.

Separately highlighted are works about nature, books for boys and books for girls, unusual books (little books, giant books, box books, books in different languages). Here you can also get acquainted with portraits of famous writers of the 19th and 20th centuries: A. Pushkin, L. Tolstoy, A. Barto, B. Zakhoder and others.

Of particular interest to preschoolers was the creation of an exhibition that contains models and samples of the very first books - stone books, parchment, papyrus, birch bark letters, clay tablets, as well as the “tools of labor” of writers. Here we have collected not only goose feathers and inkwells. From home, the children brought souvenir pencils, pens, and felt-tip pens of unusual shapes and sizes. We also included plasticine and clay plates and wooden toothpicks in the exhibition to give children the opportunity to try to write something on them, as our ancestors once wrote.

Element of the design project - children's book publishing:

“The Many-Colored Book” by S. Marshak

Implementation plan:

  1. We get acquainted with the original book, look at it, read it, talk about what we read.
  2. Together we develop the layout of the book.
  3. We draw and design our own illustrations for the book together with the group’s teachers.
  4. We print the text for the illustration pages of the book, color the letters on the cover of the book.
  5. We get acquainted with different types of book bindings, choose possible binding options for our book.
  6. We stitch the book on a stitching machine.
  7. We are holding a presentation for middle school children and parents.

Stage III – the final stage of the project implementation


  1. Analysis of the results of the project implementation in the group, adjustment of content, summing up.
  2. Generalization of the work experience of group teachers.
  3. Preparation and presentation of the Literary Reading Center as part of the review-competition “A Home for Our Favorite Books.”
  4. Planning further actions for the next period.
  5. Encouraging active project participants among children and parents.

Project presentation forms:

Presentation of the Center for Literary Reading as part of the preschool educational institution review-competition (1st place)

Opening and presentation of the museum during teaching hour

Conducting excursions for children and teachers of other groups, parents

/A book of reviews has been created/

Holiday “In the Country of Chukovsky” for children and parents

Working on the project in a group contributed to:

  • development of cognitive, creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities, achievement of high results in children’s mastery of knowledge in the educational areas “Reading fiction”, “Cognition”, “Communication” (which was confirmed by monitoring data)
  • creating a positive emotional communication environment between children, parents and group teachers
  • activation and enrichment of pedagogical knowledge about museum pedagogy and project activities of all participants
  • Possible growth points:
  • continuation of work to attract parents and students to the project activities of the preschool educational institution
  • presentation of experience in project activities to the city teaching community.

Mini-library project “Reading Together”

Vera Vasilievna Sharakhova

Mini-library project “Reading Together”

Mini-library project Reading Together

The goal of the project : to stimulate interest in the book among children and parents.


1. Arouse children's interest in the book.

2. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

3. Motivate parents to read to their children daily.

4. Introduce children to Russian and foreign children's writers.

5. Use the library as a means of close interaction between the kindergarten, children and parents.

A book is a great teacher and friend; without it, the harmonious development of a person is unthinkable, because it forms not only memory and intellect, but also the imagination, moral and spiritual face of each of us. “Tell me what you are reading , and I will tell you who you are” - this is how you can paraphrase a wise saying.

The book is an amazing gift. To appreciate the beauty of Da Vinci's paintings, you need to visit the Louvre; to enjoy the beauty of ancient temples, you need to visit China. And to plunge into the world of great literature, you just need to open a book. It is accessible to everyone, but no less attractive than all other masterpieces of art.

The results of studies over the past decades in a number of countries have shown: who read are able to think in problematic ways, have a larger memory capacity and an active creative imagination, have better command of speech (it is more expressive, stricter and richer in vocabulary, more accurately formulate thoughts and write more freely; it is easier to make contacts and pleasant to communicate with, more critical, independent in judgment and behavior.Reading forms the qualities of the most developed and socially valuable person.

A preschooler needs a book. To see the whole multifaceted world, to be surprised by this world and understand it, to experience extraordinary adventures with with him , and sometimes to cry.

Also, in several generations of Russian families, the book is not listed as a priority spiritual value. An important indicator of ill-being is a deterioration in the content and quality of reading, and a decrease in its productivity.

Parents, loving their baby, buy him toys, treats, take him on visits and for walks. But not everyone knows that a child is no less, and sometimes even more, happy when his parents read a book to him .

Currently, educational institutions are faced with the task of introducing children to books, cultivating an interest in reading, and shaping a future reader . It is necessary to begin such work from a very early age, in the child’s first “social institution” - kindergarten.

The preparatory stage of this project consisted of surveying parents on the topic of reading in the family.

In particular, the following questions were asked:

1. How often do you read to your children ?

2. What are you reading ?

3. Do you discuss what you read ?

4. Is there a library in the house?

According to the monitoring results, it turned out that 72% of families have a library in their home, of which 50% of families have only children’s literature. Only 40% of families could boast of reading daily; the rest read occasionally or on weekends. 15% of children at home do not read they read enough in kindergarten . The survey also showed that even in reading families , what they read is almost never discussed with children.

Stage 2 – design. I tried to decorate the book corner and place the books so that they look bright and attract the children's attention. Posters with literary characters, baskets and shelves with books, distribution of books by interest (fairy tales, educational literature, books about animals)

designed to help achieve the goal of arousing interest in the book.

Rules for using the library have been developed and formalized in a somewhat humorous manner.


1. You can take any book you like home to read .

2. If the book is “sick”

together with the child .
3. If a young literature lover liked the book so much that he doesn’t want to part with it, you can leave it, but bring another one in return.

4. Your addition to the library is very welcome, but is not a prerequisite for use.


At the moment, the library's book stock is 40 books and is constantly being replenished. Among the authors are S. Marshak, V. Bianki, S. Mikhalkov, G. Oster, as well as other classics of children's literature and Russian folk art. It is planned to create a corner for parents.

Expected results of the project .

1. Children’s persistent interest in reading, love of books.

2. Careful attitude towards the book.

3. Daily joint “useful”

leisure time in the family.

4. Discussion of what you read .

5. Active participation of parents in the project , discipline, desire to replenish the library.

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