Project “Be Healthy, Baby!” in the second junior group

Summary of NOD in the second junior group “Travel to the Country of Health”

Abstract of the educational activity in the second junior group on the topic: “Travel to the country of Health” Goal: Formation of healthy lifestyle skills, development of children’s speech and physical activity. Educational objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge of washing; in knowledge of toilet items and their purpose; consolidate knowledge about the properties of water. Educational objectives: to cultivate in children cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be beautiful, clean, neat, and respect their body. Developmental tasks: to arouse interest in performing cultural and hygienic skills, to encourage children to constantly observe them; develop observation and curiosity. Equipment: Illustrations based on the work of K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, a musical recording at the discretion of the teacher, balloons with advice from Aibolit, soap, comb, toothbrush, washcloth, towel. Guests: fairy-tale hero Aibolit. Progress of the lesson. Children in the hall sit on chairs Teacher: Wake up early in the morning, Smile at everyone in the world, Do exercises, Shower yourself, dry yourself, Always eat right, Dress carefully, Go to kindergarten! Children today we will talk about our health. (There is a knock on the door) Let's see who came to us? Aibolit: Hello children! I was in a hurry to visit you, am I late? And now quickly (Aibolit calls the children to him.) Answer me! -Are you healthy? - Yes! (Children show how healthy they are.) -Are you clean? -Yes! (Children show how clean they are.) Do you know that every person can improve their own health? There is a saying: “I take care of my health, I will help myself.” So how can you improve your health? (Children's answers). Temper yourself, do exercises, swim in the sea, eat right, walk in the fresh air. Tell the children: “Do you like to travel? "(Children's answers) Then you and I are going to the country "Zdoroveyka" Are you ready? Children: Yes. Educator: Let's go on a trip by train. (Children ride a train in a circle to cheerful music, with their hands on each other’s shoulders) First station “Charging” Educator: Guys, we stopped at the first station. Attention! Let's go out. Accustom yourself to order, do exercises every day. Laugh more cheerfully You will be healthier. Let's show Aibolit how we do exercises. We stomp our feet, (children together with the teacher perform We clap our hands, movements, according to the text) We shake our heads, We raise our hands, We lower our hands, We give our hands And we run around. Educator: Well done! The train is waiting for us. Let's move on. (They continue driving to the music) Second station “Sportlandia” Are you ready? Let's go out. Educator: People living at this station love to play sports. What kinds of sports do you know? Educator: I suggest you play the game “Name the sport.” I will ask riddles, and you will guess and find out what sport the riddle is about. I can’t feel my legs with joy, I’m flying down the snowy hill! Sports have become dearer and closer to me. Who helped me with this? (Skis) I have two horses, two horses. They carry me along the water. And the water is hard, like stone! (Skates) Educator: To skate on ice you need skates. What sports do you know about skating? Looking at the illustrations, children name winter sports. Third station “Vitaminka” (Buratino runs in to cheerful music) Buratino: Hello, guys! Where did I end up? I don't understand anything! Children: To the country of Zdoroveyka. Buratino: What are you doing in this country? You probably eat ice cream, cake, candy... . Children: No, we came to the country for health. Pinocchio: How? To be healthy, do you need to go somewhere and do something? Educator: Pinocchio, in order to be healthy, you need to know and be able to do a lot. Now, I see you really love sweets. Pinocchio: I love it very much! Educator: Now tell me, children, if you eat a lot of sweets it will affect your health. Children: Yes. Eating a lot of sweets can lead to toothache and a person will feel unwell. Educator: To be healthy you need to eat healthy food that contains many vitamins. Pinocchio: What kind of vitamins? Educator: Children tell Pinocchio about the benefits of vitamins. Children's answers. Pinocchio: Wow! What does it mean that in order for the body to be healthy, instead of chocolate, you need to consume more foods that contain vitamins? Children: Yes! Educator: And also Pinocchio, you need to move more. Do you want to play with us? Pinocchio: Very Educator: Let's guys compete. We will have 2 teams, each team must collect a package of vitamins. Outdoor game “Collect vitamins” (we collect dummies of vitamins) Educator: Well done guys, look how much vitamin we have collected. Let us give them to our guest. Pinocchio: Guys! How great that you told me about the benefits of vitamins. We played this recreational game. Well, it’s time for me to go to another country for new knowledge. Bye everyone! (Exits) Educator: Well, guys, let’s move on. Fourth station “Relaxation” Educator: Now we have arrived at the last station. Let's go out. What do you think the name of the station tells us? (Children's answers) Here you need to relax, rest. That's right, at this station we will relax. Now, let’s lie down in a circle in the clearing and close our eyes. Relaxation exercise with calm music. Educator: Well, did you rest? Guys, while we were relaxing, some kind of chest appeared. Let's see what's in it. (They open the chest and take out oranges) Let's say Zdoroveyka to the country, thank you for such treats. We take a chest of oranges, which contain a lot of vitamin C, get on the train and return to kindergarten. (Children leave the hall to the music) Educator: Well, here we are, guys, in our own kindergarten. Tell me, did you enjoy the trip?

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