Abstract on healthy lifestyle in the second junior group on the topic “Be healthy!!!”

Abstract of educational activities on cognitive development on the topic “Healthy”

Complex lesson “The Secret of Health” in 1st junior group.

Goal: To form an idea of ​​health, to highlight the rules of cultural and hygienic behavior.


1. To strengthen children’s knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

2. To consolidate the acquired knowledge about the importance of vitamins, the names of vegetables and fruits, hygiene skills;

3.Develop jumping ability, dexterity in a playful way, improve coordination of movements;

Developmental environment: Aibolit doll, fake vegetables and fruits, two plates.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizing moment

The teacher gathers the children and informs them that Aibolit has arrived at the kindergarten, he is visiting the groups and checking the children’s health, and will now come to them. There is a knock on the door, the teacher brings in an Aibolit doll.

The teacher meets the guest, acts out the dialogue and actions with him.

Aibolit - Hello, children, I came to see you - how are you after winter, are you healthy. I want to tell you about the secrets of health. Health must be protected. So I ask you: how do you take care of your health? What do you do to avoid getting sick? Why are you silent? Do not know?

Educator - They know that health is exercise, rosy cheeks, this is when we are strong, dexterous, brave and cheerful, this is when we are friends with vitamins.

Aibolit - Correct. ( Children

) Have any of you taken vitamins? Vitamins make our body strong and healthy, resistant to disease. But vitamins come not only in tablets, they also grow on branches. Many vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables.

Educator - The guys and I know that fruits grow on branches and vegetables in the garden.

Aibolit - Today I brought you fruits and vegetables, but all the vegetables and fruits are mixed, who will help me find the fruits?

2.Game “Fruits and vegetables”

Children put fruits and vegetables on different plates.

Aibolit - I’ll tell you a secret, to be healthy, you need not only to eat vitamins and be strong!

You definitely need to wash

Morning, evening and afternoon -

Before every meal

After sleep and before bed!

What if you have a child who doesn’t really know how to wash himself?

Educator - I’m sure that we don’t have such children, dear Aibolit.

Aibolit - How can I check this? I came up with an idea, you guys should answer my questions.

  • You decide to wash your face. What is needed for this? ( Water, soap, towel.)
  • How to open a water tap correctly? So that the splashes fly in all directions? ( No, the tap must be opened so that the water flows in a small stream.)
  • What should you do first before going to the water tap? ( Roll up your sleeves to avoid getting your shirt or dress wet.)

Educator - Show how to roll up your sleeves. Like this. (Children show movements.)

The sleeves were rolled up, the tap was turned on, and water flowed in a thin stream. Now we will show you how to wash your hands. Like this, in a circular motion, as if one palm is stroking the other.

  • First you need to wet your hands with water, soap them and rub one against the other to create foam - real white gloves. And after that you need to wash off the soap with water.
  • After you have washed the soap off your palms, what should you do? (Wipe them with a towel.)
  • How should you properly dry your hands with a towel? (Each finger separately.)

Educator - All that remains is to turn off the tap and hang the towel in place.

Aibolit - Yes, indeed, all children know how to wash themselves properly. Well, we can only praise them for this.

– Here, I look at the guys: They don’t slouch, they sit. Everyone is washed, everyone is neat, and, probably, neat?

Educator - Let's tell Aibolit how to sit on a chair correctly during classes and at the table?

Children answer: the backs should be straight, the legs should be under the chair, and the hands should be folded at the table in front of the chest.

Educator: What is this for?

Children: So that our backs are straight and beautiful.

Aibolit - Guys, do you know how to behave while eating?

Children's answers

Why do you need to behave this way at the table?

Children's answers: to avoid choking while eating.

Educator - So, do they hold the spoons carefully? Do they eat everything quickly and in unison? Don't they throw crusts on the floor? No tea is spilled on the table

Because they know for sure:

(with children)

“He who eats beautifully looks happy.” “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb”

Aibolit - Well, you have learned my health secrets!

I think it's for the guys

There is no more pleasant activity than picking your nose. Everyone is terribly interested in what is hidden inside. And whoever is disgusted to look, let him not look.

Educator - Something, Aibolit, you are confusing. Guys, is it possible to touch your nose and pick it?

Children's answers.

Educator - Every small child knows that picking your nose is ugly and indecent, you can hurt your nose and it will bleed. Our children know that this is dangerous to their health. It's good for your health to move a lot, let's dance with you.

3.Dance “Boogie-Woogie”

Educator - Aibolit, I know another secret of health, you need to do only good things and not do anything bad. Then you will be beautiful and healthy!

Aibolit - Do you guys know what is good and what is bad?

Educator - Now Aibolit we will tell you about it. If I say that I’m doing something good, you add: “Me too”: if it’s bad, keep quiet, don’t say anything, agreed? Remember. Begin. Just be careful!

4. Game “Me too”

  • I know how to eat carefully.
  • I don't listen to my elders.
  • I'm friends with the guys.
  • I'm behaving well!
  • I'm walking outside!
  • I hate all the guys!

If someone made a mistake and said: “Me too,” Aibolit says: “Who said “Me too”? Let me look at the children who offend their friends!.. What?.. You’re not offending, you just made a mistake? It’s good, we need to be friendly!”

Aibolit - The most important secret of health, you need to play sports and do exercises every morning.

5. Physical education lesson ( conducted by the teacher, together with Aibolit )

Hey guys, pull yourself up

Don't yawn and don't be lazy,

Get ready to exercise!

One, two, three, we started spinning, We turned into bear cubs. Now the cubs will do their exercises.


In the morning, little bear woke up. Little bear reached out to the sun. Like this, like this, Mishka reached out to the sun.


The cubs lived in the thicket and turned their heads. Like this, like this. They turned their heads


The cubs were looking for honey, They rocked the tree together, Like this, like this, They rocked the tree together. Squat: We waddled around and drank water from the river. Like this, like this And they drank water from the river.


Bears have fun playing. The bears want to jump. One, two; one, two, the game is over.

Stop! Charging has ended. Inhale and exhale for order. One, two, three - we started spinning and turned into kids.

Aibolit - I have prepared a surprise for all of you guys. Today you will receive a glass of vitamin juice from me in order to grow strong and healthy. And before I leave, I want to play with you.

6.Acupressure from Aibolit

Come to me, my friend, and quickly sit in the circle. Find your ears and show them quickly. And then, and then, They twisted the trestle. The ear seems to be frozen, this is how you can warm it up. We play cleverly with them, flapping our ears like this. And now we are pulling everything down. Ear, don't fall off! One, two! One, two! So the game is over. And once the game ended, it was quiet!

7. Summary

Educator - Guys, it’s time for Aibolit to go to another group, let’s say thank you to him for telling us about the secrets of health. And now we will try to remember what you need to do to be healthy.

  • Do exercises;
  • Eat vitamins;
  • Wash your hands before eating;
  • Behave politely at the table.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of an open lesson in junior group 2 Topic: “I take care of my health”

Teacher of the 1st category. Lyamkina. HE.

Goal: Formation of healthy lifestyle skills, development of children’s speech and motor activity.

Educational objectives: to cultivate in children cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be beautiful, clean, neat, and respect their body.

Developmental tasks: to arouse interest in performing cultural and hygienic skills, to encourage children to constantly observe them; develop observation and curiosity.

Previous work: 1. Conversation “What is harmful, what is good for health” 2. Examination of illustrations depicting parts of the human body. 3. Didactic game “Let’s teach the Incompetent to wash his hands . 4. Reading fiction. 5. Conversations about cultural and hygienic skills. 6. Drawing. 7. Games.

-Guys, when you come to kindergarten in the morning, what is the first word that comes out of your mouth? (mouth is an old word mouth) (Hello)



— Guys, saying hello means wishing each other health.



— Guys, what does it mean to be healthy and what needs to be done in order to be healthy?

Which? (Children's answers). Show picture.



— Guys, where does our day begin in kindergarten? (With charging)

Let's do some physical exercise.

- What do we do after charging? (we're going to wash our hands)

- children demonstrate and imitate hand washing.

Water, water, wash our face. So that the eyes sparkle, So that the cheeks turn red, So that the mouth laughs, So that the tooth bites.

Ay, okay, okay, okay, we are not afraid of water,

We wash ourselves clean and smile at Mom.

- Why did we wash our hands? (to sit at the table)

— What is the name of taking food in the morning? (breakfast)

— How should you sit at the table? (legs fit the back evenly)

Let's do an exercise for the back. (put the book on your head and walk in a circle keeping your back straight).

What do we do after breakfast? (let's go play)

A game. “Edible is not edible .

Goal: to form and consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits and berries.

Material: ball.

- Guys, guess the riddle.

Two brothers live across the street, but don’t see each other.

- That's right, those are the eyes. In order for your eyes to see well, you need to do eye exercises.

“Gymnastics for the eyes” in verse

  • **

“Your eyes need a rest.” (Guys close their eyes)

"You need to take a deep breath." (Deep breath. Eyes still closed)

“The eyes will run around.” (Eyes are open. Movement of the pupil in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)

“They will blink many, many times” (Frequent blinking of the eyes)

“My eyes felt good.” (Lightly touch closed eyes with fingertips)

“Everyone will see my eyes!” (Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)

  • I'll start and you will continue. They love work and do not tolerate boredom

Ours can do everything... (hands)

- Now guess another riddle.

Five brothers, and each one is welcome,

It's a pity that there is only one nameless brother. (fingers).

- Now he will perform finger gymnastics for those who wish.

Girls and boys! Let's count our fingers! (Alternately extend your fingers, starting with the thumb. Move your fingers. Alternately, make a fist with your fingers, starting with the little finger.)

The first one, plump, is big,

The index is the second.

The third finger is just the middle one, it has two adjacent ones.

And the fourth one is nameless: that’s what they called him strangely.

The fifth boy is very small - and he has become a little finger.

Each finger was counted and named!

But in order to always be cheerful and cheerful, you need to live together.

Game: “Don’t you dare argue”

Educator. - This is what a strong friendship we have, we are true friends and our friendship helps us in everything.

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