Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education "Thematic days in the educational process."


Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education "Thematic days in the educational process." Many articles based on work experience have been written about how interesting it is to organize the lives of children in kindergarten. Teachers develop scenarios for classes, holidays and entertainment, materials for project activities and much more. All this is just as important as designing a holistic model for organizing the educational process for the entire academic year, including these individual events. In other words, create a system, consistency in planning the educational process. Pedagogical tasks in all educational areas of the FG' OS DO are implemented in the educational process of the kindergarten. Each institution independently designs a model for organizing education and upbringing for preschoolers and draws up its own basic educational program. The principle of comprehensive thematic planning, taking into account the integration of educational areas, involves the inclusion of thematic weeks, thematic days, and thematic walks. Let's try to understand these concepts. All proprietary variable educational programs for each age group present topics for the entire school year, which are usually used by educators. The selection of topics adds consistency to the educational process and is aimed at expanding the child’s awareness of the world around him. A creative approach to modeling the educational process assumes that the teacher independently (at his own discretion) can partially or completely replace the topic, adjust the content of the work, and include a regional and cultural component, taking into account the characteristics of his preschool educational institution. If you look into history, the thematic principle of organizing the educational process in working with preschoolers was proposed by many specialists. The Belgian educational psychologist, doctor J. O. Decroly (1871-1932) wrote in his work “The School of Life for Life”: “I have the goal of creating a connection between the sciences and making them converge in one center. This center is a child, to which everything converges and from which everything diverges.” He created the “School of Life through Life” for children, where “interest centers” were developed for preschoolers, the essence of which was to organize children’s work around topics that meet children’s interests and needs. In these centers, children observed, read, wrote, drew, and sculpted things that were related to the topic given to them. In modern practice, speech therapists actively use the thematic principle of planning and organizing work with preschoolers, selecting a variety of material on topics. E. Alyabyeva’s book “Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten” by the publishing house “TC Sfera” has long been in high demand among educators. Answering the question “What is a themed day in kindergarten? “, we can say that this is an unusual day for children. It is filled with surprises, games, riddles, and exciting journeys. On this day, children learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things; they are sure to make something, draw, and fantasize. On this day, something changes in the group room: new toys appear, favorite characters from cartoons and fairy tales come to visit, and sometimes a puppet theater comes. For the teacher, the theme day is pedagogical creativity, ingenuity and transformation. This is serious planning of all routine moments, a departure from the traditional outline plan to drawing up a scenario for the day as a whole or its components - routine moments. To make this day memorable for children, the teacher comes up with surprise moments, elements of including children in games and exciting activities. In an ordinary, traditional day, the basis is the routine, and the content is, as it were, strung together with routine moments. Often, the content of a morning reception, gymnastics, or a walk may not be at all combined with the content of the educational activity itself and exist on their own. The difference between a thematic day and a traditional one is that at the center of the pedagogical process is a theme chosen by the teacher for educational purposes and combined with a holiday or calendar event. The theme of the day sets the content, which is implemented in various types of children's activities (play, communication, cognitive-research, perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work, construction, visual, musical and motor). A game (role-playing, directorial, dramatization, with rules, etc.) is also one of the forms of content implementation. Considering the game as a free independent activity for children, the teacher thinks through how most of the content of the thematic day can be implemented. Thus, in older groups, games appear that involve traveling, for example, in time. And then the interested participation of children according to the principle “let’s come up with something else. . . » saturates the educational process with the interests of children, and not just adults. They become not performers, but active participants in the simulation of such a game. When organizing a theme day, the content of the educational areas is naturally integrated. This allows the teacher to integrate educational activities and avoid unjustified fragmentation of children’s activities into educational areas. During such days, the teacher shows his creativity, takes into account the characteristics, level of knowledge and skills of the children in his group. A theme day is about immersing children in a topic, which gives them the opportunity to realize and feel what the teacher wants to convey to them. The theme of the day can be the same for all age groups or chosen only for a specific age. For example, on the first day of summer (June 1) World Milk Day is celebrated (at the proposal of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization since 2001). The purpose of the holiday is to popularize milk and dairy products, inform the population about activities related to dairy production. On this day, the preschool educational institution can organize fun dairy-themed performances with fairy-tale characters, games and sports competitions. Stories about the benefits of milk, about dishes that can be prepared using it, and treating children to milk will make this themed day not only fun, but also tasty. A thematic day can be organized for all groups at the same time, but each teacher selects his own content and forms of organizations, focusing on common events (entertainment, performance, competition, etc.). A single theme in different age groups ensures the achievement of unity of educational goals and continuity in development from age to age. When drawing up a scenario for a thematic day, it is important for the educator to comply with several important conditions: to be able to objectively assess the level of his work, the real situation and conditions in which educational activities are carried out at the time of planning (what the children and I have already gone through, what results have been obtained); be able to identify goals and objectives, correlating them with the educational program, age composition of a group of children, priority areas of the entire educational process in preschool educational institutions; clearly represent the results of the work that must be achieved (what new children will learn, what they will learn, what personality qualities they will develop); choose the optimal forms, means, methods that help achieve your goals, and therefore obtain the planned result. The plan-scenario of the thematic day should ensure the unity of the educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education of preschool children and the integration of educational areas. I would like to remind you that the principle of integration of educational areas underlies all the work of the educator, and, in our opinion, it is not at all necessary, after planned work, to constantly indicate in brackets which educational areas this or that activity belongs to. With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and following the logic, it can be argued that if the educational process in kindergarten unfolds in a complex thematic model and educational tasks are implemented not only in the classroom, but also in routine moments according to the developed daily scenario in each group and throughout kindergarten. In our kindergarten, theme days are included in the educational program. And this was done quite creatively, without driving the teacher into yet another “trap” - obligatory! A collection of interesting scenarios for themed days is created through the creative efforts of its entire teaching staff. Each scenario is actively discussed both before and after the theme day, and only the successful ones are kept in the kindergarten teaching room. This work experience may be useful to other educators in the future. This makes the model of our educational process diverse and is reflected in the educational program of the kindergarten. In complex thematic planning, the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the preschool education program are observed, one of which is “the use in educational activities of forms and methods of working with children that correspond to their age and individual characteristics (the inadmissibility of both artificial acceleration and artificial slowdown of development children’s age)” (Federal State Educational Standard of Education). Our teaching staff independently decides how often themed weeks, themed days, and themed walks will be planned. We are confident that there cannot be strict regulation here. The principle of comprehensive thematic planning and inclusion of the educational process in the organizational model is being developed and widely discussed at teacher councils.

Comprehensive thematic planning by month

Sveta Mikheeva

Comprehensive thematic planning by month

General theme for the month of September : “Childhood is laughter and joy! Childhood is me and you!”

Working with parents 1. Photo exhibition – “Summer is a wonderful time

2. P/P on the topic “September 1 - Knowledge Day”

3. Individual conversations about the daily routine, the group routine, and the purchase of stationery.

4. Making the album “Me and Kindergarten”

5. P/P on the topic “Security”

“Child and the Street”
6. P/P on the topic “Golden Autumn”

Themes of the weeks : “Hello, kindergarten!”
“Children and the Street”
“Golden Autumn”
Goals and tasks for the week - Contribute to the formation of positive emotions in relation to the kindergarten, teachers, children. Continue to get acquainted with the kindergarten as the child’s immediate social environment, expand ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees.

— Form friendly, benevolent relationships between children.

— To develop cognitive motivation in children, interest in school and books.

Continue to introduce children to traffic rules, the work of the traffic police, road signs, modes of transport, traffic lights

Expand children's knowledge about autumn (seasonal changes in nature)

Introduce the rules of safe behavior in nature. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Final event “Day of Knowledge”

- general garden event;
exhibition of children's drawings; collective work “Bouquet for our teachers”
Arr. region Quantity

hours Organized educational activities

P/R 2 hours Topic: “It’s good in our kindergarten”

“Our group”
Objectives: consolidate knowledge about your kindergarten; group room; learn to navigate in a group space; develop a sense of love and pride for your group; introduce basic rules of conduct, ethics of communication and greetings in a group.

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.” page 67

Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 12

FEMP Topic: “Flowers. Chamomile game"

Objectives: - develop the ability to isolate individual objects from a group and form a group of individual objects. Learn to understand the words “a lot”

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 62

Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 17

R/R 1 hour Topic: Reading poems by A. Barto from the “Toys”

. Figurative play exercises to music"

Tasks: remember A. Barto’s poem “Toys”

, cultivate good feelings, positive emotions; learn to listen, reproduce phrases from the text and the quatrains themselves.

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 64

HER 2 hours Drawing. Topic: “Our beautiful group”

Goal: familiarization with brush, gouache, water and paper; learn to notice the mood prevailing in a group and display it in colors; provide children with independent choice of color; develop the desire to paint with a brush.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 18

Modeling. Theme: “Nimble balls”

Objectives: to develop children's play intentions. Transfer the shape by rolling the ball in your palms.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 18

M 2 h According to specialist plan

F/R 1 hour

2 hours Outdoor activity

Lesson 1.

Literature: L. Penzulaeva “Physical training in kindergarten”

Second junior group” page 5

P/i “Along the Long Winding Path”

Literature: E. A. Timofeeva “Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age”

Arr. region Quantity

hours Organized educational activities

P/R 2 hours Topic: “Road Safety”

Objectives: - introduce children to basic traffic rules. To consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic lights on the road, the rules for regulating the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. To develop children's interest in cars, the work of a driver, and traffic rules.

Literature: Volchkova V.N.

“Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 17

« Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 260

FEMP Topic: Kitties. Game "Pick up a ball"

Objectives: - To consolidate the ability to distinguish contrasting objects by size, using the words “big”

;-Improve the skill.
Distinguish the number of objects, use the words “one”

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 50

R/R 1 hour Topic: “Don’t get into trouble on the road”

Objectives: teach children to answer the teacher’s questions; activate verbs; consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds (w)
Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 153

HER 2 hours Application Topic: “Road Safety”

Objectives: learn to create an image of a traffic light using appliqué; master the sequence of work; learn to use glue, napkin

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 157

Drawing Topic: In the car, the driver is sitting in the car"

Objectives: learn to draw a car, paint it with colored pencils without going beyond the contours

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 156

M 2 h According to specialist plan

F/R 1 hour

2 hours Outdoor activities

Lesson 2.

Literature: L. Penzulaeva “Physical training in kindergarten”

Second junior group” page 6

P/i "Across the bridge"

Literature: E. A. Timofeeva “Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age”


Arr. region Quantity

hours Organized educational activities

P/R 2 hours Topic: “What did autumn give us? Big and small balls"

Objectives: expand knowledge about the seasons, the main signs of autumn; teach to notice the beauty of natural phenomena; develop intelligence, thinking, activity

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 48

Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 63

FEMP Topic: “A trip to the forest for mushrooms. Story exercises"


Objectives: learn to find one or many objects in a specially created environment, answer the question “how many?”

, using the words
compare two objects in length using the methods of superimposition and application.

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 90

R/R 1 hour Topic: “Admiring the beauty of autumn”

Tasks: activation of adjectives and verbs; consolidation and pronunciation of sounds (a, (i, (ts, (n, (i))


Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 65

HER 2 hours Drawing Topic: “Beautiful striped rug. Motor exercises"

Objectives: introduce paints and brushes; learn to draw straight lines with a brush, hold the brush correctly when drawing; Give children the opportunity to choose paint of any color

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 66

Application (collective)

Topic: Leaves are falling, falling. It's leaf fall in our garden.

Objectives: to evoke in children an emotional attitude towards natural phenomena. Learn to admire leaves and treat them with care. Strengthen the skills of spreading leaves with glue and gluing them

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 69

FR 1 hour

2 hours Outdoor activity

Lesson 3.

Literature: L. Penzulaeva “Physical training in kindergarten”

Second junior group” page 6

P/n “Who is quieter”

Literature: E. A. Timofeeva “Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age”

General theme of the month October: “My friendly family”

Working with parents 1. Collecting photographs and designing the photo album “My Family”

(page of grandparents
“My grandparents...”
, my mom and dad).

2. Consultation “Taking care of children’s health together”


3. Consultation “The role of family traditions in raising children”

4. Photo exhibition “This is what our family is like”


5.Photo exhibition: “We are helpers for grandparents”

- in groups

6.Photo exhibition: “My pets”

Themes of the weeks “My family”
“In the garden or in the vegetable garden” “And in our yard” “In a forest clearing”
Goals and tasks for the week Consolidate children’s knowledge about the family; cultivate a sense of affection for family members. Expand the concept of “genus”

“family tree”
, children’s rights.

Expand knowledge about vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms (local and exotic, about agricultural professions, about people’s work in the fall.

Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds, their habits, and their dependence on humans. Develop a caring attitude towards animals and birds.

Expand children's understanding of wild animals: where they live, what they eat, how they get food, etc. Introduce them to the behavioral characteristics of forest animals and birds in the fall. Foster a caring attitude towards animals and birds.

Final event Festive concert “Autumn Ball”


Arr. region Quantity

hours Organized educational activities

P/R 2 hours Topic: “Our family album. Multi-colored lights in the houses"


Objectives: to form an idea of ​​the family and one’s place in it; encourage you to name family members and their occupation; cultivate independence, the desire to take care of family and friends

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 114

Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 265


Topic: “Andryusha and the chicken. Paths. Games with chicken"


Objectives: learn to compare two objects by length and denote the result of the comparison with the words “long”


Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 83

R/R 1 hour Topic: “Stories about your family”


Objectives: teach children to answer adult questions; activate adjectives, verbs; consolidate the pronunciation of sounds (g, (p)


Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 269

HER 2 hours Drawing. Topic: “Portrait of a family”

Objectives: to cultivate a good attitude towards the family; learn to convey images of family in drawings; consolidate the idea of ​​round and oval shapes; skill to draw them

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 274

Modeling. Topic: “Guests have come to us, dear ones have come”

Objectives: teach children to set the table correctly and beautifully. Learn to sculpt round and rectangular shapes using flattening and smoothing methods.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 285

M 2 h According to specialist plan

F/R 1 hour

2 hours Outdoor activity

Lesson 6.

Literature: L. Penzulaeva “Physical training in kindergarten”

Second junior group” page 7

P/i "From hummock to hummock"

Literature: E. A. Timofeeva “Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age”

Arr. region Quantity

hours Organized educational activities

P/R 2 hours Topic: “The fruits of fruit trees. Preserving fruits"

Objectives: consolidate knowledge about fruits, methods of their preparation; introduce the fruits of vegetable crops. Consolidate knowledge about the place where they grow - vegetable garden

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 89

Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 81


Topic: Caterpillars and ladder. Mobile didactic game “Don’t touch me”

“Properties of a circle”
Objectives: introduce the circle, its properties, teach how to answer the question “How much?”

; master the ability to correlate sensory standards with objects in the surrounding world.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 84

« Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 69

R/R 1 hour Topic: “What grows in the garden”

Objectives: teach children and adults to retell the fairy tale “Puff”

; to teach children to participate in a general conversation, to listen without interrupting their peers; activate children's vocabulary with new words.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 83

HER 2 hours Drawing Topic: “Once a mistress came from the market”

Objectives: to arouse interest in the activities of adults when buying vegetables in the store. Continue to introduce the round, oval shape, convey its features in the drawing.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 85

Application Topic: “Dad is home, mom is not.” Who will serve dad lunch?”

Objectives: to arouse children's interest in the work of a cook. Cultivate a desire to work. Learn to stick ready-made shapes in certain parts of the pan silhouette.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 86

M 2 h According to specialist plan

FR 1 hour

2 hours Outdoor activity

Lesson 7.

Literature: L. Penzulaeva “Physical training in kindergarten”

Second junior group” page 7

P/n “Pass and don’t get knocked down”

Literature: E. A. Timofeeva “Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age”

Arr. region Quantity

hours Organized educational activities

P/R 2 hours Topic: “Domestic animals and their young”


Objectives: to consolidate children's knowledge about pets. Be able to distinguish different animals by their characteristic features; enrich children's understanding of the behavior and nutrition of domestic animals.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 110


Topic: “Cockerel. Outdoor game "Birds"


Objectives: introduce techniques for comparing two objects in height, teach to understand the words “tall”

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 167

R/R 1 hour Topic: Looking at the picture “Goat with kids”


Objectives: Learn to look at a picture, answer the teacher’s questions; will practice the ability to conduct a dialogue, use nouns denoting baby animals, correctly and clearly pronounce words with the sounds [k] and [t].

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.” page 84

HER 2 h Topic: “Milk saucer”

Objectives: teach children the correct techniques for painting with gouache without going beyond the outline, recognize the color and name it.

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 113

Modeling. Topic: "Cup for fresh milk to feed the babies"

Objectives: learn to sculpt a cup from a round shape by pressing plasticine, smooth the surface with a wet cloth

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 110

M 2 h According to specialist plan

F/R 1 hour

2 hours Outdoor activity

Lesson 8.

Literature: L. Penzulaeva “Physical training in kindergarten”

Second junior group” page 8

P/i "On a difficult path"

Literature: E. A. Timofeeva “Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age”

Arr. region Quantity

hours Organized educational activities

P/R 2 hours Topic: “Wild animals”

“How animals prepare for winter. Application “Cubes and Balls”
Objectives: to enrich children’s ideas about animals; note the characteristic features of representatives of wild animals; learn to establish the simplest connections between seasonal changes in nature and the behavior of animals, recognize and name the cubs; foster a desire to be creative and independent

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 100

« Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 102


Topic: “Ball. Introduction to the ball and its properties. Spatial relations “right, left”


Objectives: develop observation skills, the ability to correlate sensory standards with objects in the surrounding world, develop mental operations, work on spatial relationships “on the right”

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes in the second junior group”

page 41

R/R 1 hour Topic: Telling children the fairy tale “The Three Bears”

Objectives: to teach children to listen carefully to a large work, to empathize with the characters; develop intonation expressiveness of speech

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 71

Classes on speech development in the second junior group V. V. Gerbova p. 63

HER 2 hours Drawing Topic: “Who lives in the forest”

Exercises for animals"

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to work with a pencil or brush, to convey animal tracks with strokes; develop creative imagination.

Literature: “ Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksy and others.”p. 118

Application Topic: “The poor bunny is sick - he hasn’t eaten anything since the morning.”


Objectives: to evoke in children sympathy for the character and a desire to help him. Learn to glue ready-made shapes (carrots, carefully use a brush, glue, napkin. Participate in joint activities.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. “Lesson notes for the second junior group”

page 106

M 2 h According to specialist plan

F/R 1 hour

Thematic weeks in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Irina Bogdanova

Thematic weeks in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Teachers of MKDOU BGO Kindergarten No. 1 of a combined type: Bogdanova I. I., Demidova V. N.

In our group, in accordance with the calendar and long-term plan, thematic weeks are very interesting. We always prepare for them in advance. Our parents not only provide all possible assistance, but also take an active part in their implementation.

Thus, at the end of January there was a thematic week dedicated to International Children's Book Day.

In an interesting, accessible way, we introduced the children to the work of a bookstore and library. They talked about how books come to our house, how many people work on publishing and producing books. The children also tried themselves as authors (inventing short stories, riddles, and as graphic designers (drawing book covers)


Instilling interest and love for books must begin in the family, from a very early age, by reading nursery rhymes, fairy tales, and jokes to children. Our children do not yet know how to read, but they also have favorite books that their parents and teachers read to them. We asked parents to choose together with their children the books they liked best at home and bring them to kindergarten. They brought fairy tales, children's stories, and fascinating stories in pictures. Some brought two or three favorite books. A small library was assembled. The children enjoyed getting acquainted with works that were still unknown to them. During the drawing lesson, children designed the cover of their favorite book. The children tried. They drew characters from fairy tales and poems. And at the end of the week we organized an exhibition of our favorite books with the children. The children showed their favorite book and talked about it. Together with my parents, we decided to replenish our book corner with books brought from home, thereby fostering interest and love for fiction.

Thematic week “Mom is my sunshine!”

, took place in early March.

Together with the children, we talked about how mothers love and care for their children, and we should all love and care for our mothers too. They talked about women's professions : “All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important!”

We learned poems and songs about mother, grandmother, and spring. And in conclusion, we celebrated Mother's Day
. The children tried very hard. They recited poems expressively and sang songs loudly. We enjoyed participating in the scene where mothers of little sparrows, bear cubs and kittens took care of their babies. They played and danced in circles with the beauty in the spring.

Our guests also did not stand aside: mothers and grandmothers! They actively took part in competitions, which greatly pleased all the children. And of course, the common dance of children and mothers was unforgettable!

During the theme week “Autumn Palette”

, the children and I consolidated basic knowledge about autumn.
We looked at the autumn landscapes and trees on the site. We read works of art and memorized poetry. We drew and sculpted from plasticine “What did autumn give us?”
, learned to cut out autumn leaves from paper. We consolidated children's knowledge about the main signs of autumn. They told how nature is preparing for the approaching cold weather.

The result of the thematic week was an exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “Oseniny”

. Parents and their children made handicrafts and brought them to the kindergarten. Children proudly and joyfully talked about how they made crafts at home with their parents.

In February there was a thematic week on the topic “Transport”


This week our children

- learned and remembered about various types of transport;

- enriched your vocabulary;

— clarified their knowledge about the purpose of different types of transport, the rules of use and behavior in it.

Children also consolidated their ideas about transport through productive activities: appliqué, modeling, drawing. The week was very interesting, fun and fruitful. The guys and I not only sculpted, drew, crafted, but also played different types of games: active ones - “Pilots, watch the weather”

“Sparrows and the Car”
, musical and didactic -
, plot-role-playing -
“On the Bus”
, desktop-printed: lotto
, dominoes
“Road Signs”
, etc. In the corner of the book, children could look at illustrations about transport , books, riddles, coloring pages with different types of transport.

Children learned to distinguish between types of transport (air, land, water)

and their names, established the rules of behavior in transport.

From March 19 to 30, we are holding a thematic theater week . Teachers reinforce children's knowledge about the theater. The kids talk about their trips to the theater and share their impressions of the performances they watched. We introduce children to the professions of an artist, make-up artist, costume designer, and lighting designer. Together with parents we organize and conduct trips to the Drama Theater named after. N. G. Chernyshevsky. We invited the children to be artists themselves. It wasn’t a matter of choosing a play; they really like the fairy tale “Teremok”

. We chose the actors, learned the roles, and prepared the costumes. Just like real artists had rehearsals. But what is a performance without an audience? They were children from younger groups. Although the little artists were a little worried, the premiere was a success. The audience was pleased, and our artists are looking forward to new roles.

Thematic design of educational activities within the framework of five educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education , taking into account the age characteristics and individual educational needs of children , based on innovative educational and developmental technologies. Designing ways and directions to support children's initiative and independence, effective use of RPPS in the process of educational activities, a creative approach to work, involving parents in the educational process - all this allows us to achieve maximum positive results. Every day spent in kindergarten is a holiday for every child!

Thematic periods in kindergarten

Thematic periods in preschool educational institutions for 2021 – 2021 academic year

Junior group

01.09.2020 -11.09.2020 “Kindergarten” 01.09-04.09 “Who meets us in kindergarten?” 07.09 – 11.09 “Let’s live together!” 09.14.2020 – 09.25.2020 “Autumn” 09.14 – 18.09 “What has changed in the fall?” 09.21 – 09.25 “Domestic and wild animals in autumn” 09.28.2020 – 10.09.2020 “Me and my family” 09.28 – 02.10 “Mom, dad, I am a healthy family” 05.10 – 09.10 “What do I know about myself?” 10.12.2020 – 10.30.2020 “My home, my city” 10.12 – 16.10 “Beloved house, city” 10.19 – 23.10 “We are pedestrians” 10.26 – 30.10 “Professions” 11.02.2020 – 11.13.2020 “Living Corner” 02 .11 – 06.11 “Indoor plants” 09.11 – 13.11 “Aquarium” 16.11.2020 – 27.11. 2021 “The World Around Us” 16.11 – 20.11 “Dishes” 23.11 – 27.11 “Furniture” 30.11.2020 – 31.12.2020 “New Year’s Holiday” 30.11 – 04.12 “In December, in December all the trees are in silver...” 07.12 – 11.12 “Who will come come to us for a holiday? 14.12 – 18.12 “Winter Wonders” (experiments with snow, water and ice) 21.12 – 31.12 “New Year holiday is coming soon” 11.01.2021 – 29.01.2021 “Winter” 11.01 – 15.01 “Kolyada, Kolyada, open the gates for us!” 18.01 - 22.01 “What has changed in winter?” 25.01 – 29.01 “Winter sports” 01.02.2021 – 19.02.2021 “Defender of the Fatherland Day” 01.02 – 05.02 “We are defenders of the Motherland” 08.02 – 12.02 “Feast of Dads” 15.02 – 19.02 “Health Week” 22.02.2021 – 03/05/2021 " March 8" 02.22 - 02.26 "My Family" 03.01 - 05.03 "Feast of Mothers and Grandmothers" 03.9.2020 - 03.26.2020 "Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions" 03.09 - 12.03 "Folk toy" 03.15 - 19.03 "Folklore" sleep, nursery rhymes, fairy tales) 03/22 – 03/26 “Theatre Week” 03/29/2021 – 04/23/2021 “Spring” 03/29–04/02 “What changed in the spring?” 05.04 – 09.04 “Beauty of Spring” 12.04 – 16.04 “What do birds do in spring?” 19.04 – 23.04 “Week of Fire Safety and Emergencies” 26.04.2021 – 31.05.2021 “Summer” 26.04 – 07.05 “Changes in Nature” 11.05 – 14.05 “Insects” 17.05 – 31.05 “Summer Wonders” (experiments with water, sand)

Middle group

01.09.2020 -11.09.2020 “Kindergarten” 01.09-04.09 “Who works in the kindergarten?” 07.09 – 11.09 “Kindergarten welcomes us!” 09.14.2020 – 09.25.2020 “Autumn” 09.14 – 18.09 “What has changed in the fall?” 09.21 – 09.25 “Agricultural crafts” 09.28.2020 – 10.09.2020 “Me and my family” 09.28 – 02.10 “Big family” 05.10 – 09.10 “What do I know about myself?” 10.12.2020 – 10.30.2020 “My City” 10.14 – 16.10 “Native Land” 10.19 – 23.10 “We are Pedestrians” 10.26 – 30.10 “Transport” 11.02.2020 – 11.13.2020 “Living Corner” 11.02 – 06. 11 “Indoor plants” 09.11 – 13.11 “Aquarium” 16.11.2020 – 27.11. 2021 “The World Around Us” 16.11 – 20.11 “Dishes” 23.11 – 27.11 “Furniture” 30.11.2020 – 31.12.2020 “New Year’s Holiday” 30.11 – 04.12 “In December, in December all the trees are in silver...” 07.12 – 11.12 “Who will come come to us for a holiday? 14.12 – 18.12 “New Year’s holiday is coming” 21.12 – 31.12 “Winter miracles” (experiments with snow, water and ice) 11.01.2021 – 29.01.2021 “Winter” 11.01 – 15.01 “Kolyada, Kolyada, open the gates for us!” 18.01 – 22.01 “What has changed in winter?” 01/25 – 01/29 “Winter sports” 02/01/2021 – 02/19/2021 “Defender of the Fatherland Day” 02/01 – 02/05 “Military professions. Technology" 8.02 - 12.02 "We love our Motherland" 15.02 - 19.02 "Week of Health" 22.02.2021 - 05.03.2021 "8 March" 22.02 - 26.02 "My Family" 01.03 - 05.03 "Holiday of Mothers and Grandmothers" 09.03.2021 - 26.03 .2021 “Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions” 03.09 – 12.03 “Folk toy” 03.15 – 19.03 “Folklore” (songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales) 03.22 – 26.03 “Theater Week” 03.29.2021 – 04.23.2021 “Spring” 29. 03 – 02.04 “What changed in the spring?” 05.04 – 09.04 “We save nature” 12.04 – 16.04 “Work in spring” 19.04 – 23.04 “Week of fire safety and emergencies” 26.04.2021 – 07.05.2021 “Victory Day” 11.05.2020 – 31.05.2020 “Summer” 11.05 – 14.05 “ What changed in the summer? 17.05 – 21.05 “Insects” 24.05 – 31.05 “How to behave in the forest?”

Senior group

01.09.2020 -11.09.2020 “Day of Knowledge” 01.09-04.09 “Favorite kindergarten!” 07.09 – 11.09 “Who meets us in kindergarten?” 09.14.2020 – 09.25.2020 “Autumn” 09.14 – 18.09 “Autumn time” 09.21 – 25.09 “People’s work in autumn” 09.28.2020 – 10.09.2020 “Me and my family” 09.28 – 02.10 “I want to be healthy” 05.10 – 09.10 " My parents" 10.12.2020 - 10.30.2021 "My city, my country" 10.12 - 16.10 "Favorite city" 10.19 - 23.10 "Native country" 10.26 - 30.10 "We are pedestrians" 11.02.2020 - 11.13.2020 "Living Corner" 0 2.11 – 06.11 “Indoor Plants” 09.11 – 13.11 “Inhabitants of a Living Corner” 16.11.2020 – 27.11.2020 “The World Around Us” 16.11 – 20.11 “Journey into the Past of Objects” 23.11 – 27.11 “Household Appliances” 30.11.2020 – 31.12 .2020 " New Year's holiday" 11.30 - 12.04 "In December, in December, all the trees are in silver..." 12.07 - 11.12 "What is a holiday" 12.14 - 18.12 "Winter miracles" (experiments with snow, water and ice) 12.21 - 31.12 "New Year's holiday is coming soon » 11.01.2021 – 29.01.2021 “Winter” 11.01 – 15.01 “Kolyada, Kolyada, open the gates for us!” 18.01 -22.01 “Winter - winter” 25.01 – 29.01 “Winter sports” 01.02.2021 –19.02.2021 “Defender of the Fatherland Day” 01.02 – 05.02 “Our Army” 08.02 – 12.02 “Future defenders of the Motherland” 15.02 – 1 9.02 “Health Week” 02.22.2021 – 03.05.2021 “March 8” 02.22 – 26.02 “Gifts for the holiday” 01.03 – 05.03 “Holiday of mothers and grandmothers” 03.09.2021 – 03.26.2021 “Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions” 09.03 – 12.03 “ Folk toy" 03.15 – 03.19 “Folk Culture” 03.22 – 03.26 “Theater Week” 03.29.2021 – 04.23.2021 “Spring” 03.29 – 02.04 “Spring is coming to us with quick steps...” 04.05 – 09.04 “Living and inanimate nature” 04.12 – 16 .04 “Labor in the spring" 04/19 - 04/23 "Fire Safety and Emergency Week" 04/26/2021 - 05/07/2021 "Victory Day" 05/11/2021 - 05/31/2021 "Summer" 05/11 - 14/05 "Nature Blooms" 05/17 - 21/05 "Summer Sports" 2 4.05 – 31.05 “How to behave in the forest?”

Preparatory group

01.09.2020 -11.09.2020 “Day of Knowledge” 01.09-04.09 “We are future schoolchildren” 07.09 – 11.09 “Who will meet us at school?” 09.14.2020 – 09.25.2020 “Autumn” 09.14 – 18.09 “People’s work in autumn” 09.21 – 24.09 “Autumn time is the charm of the eyes” 09.28.2020 –10.09.2020 “Me and my family” 09.28 – 02.10 “I want to be healthy” 05. 10 – 09.10 “My family” 12.10.2020 – 30.10.2020 “My city, my country, my planet” 12.10 – 16.10 “Native land” 19.10 – 23.10 “Earth is our common home” 26.10 – 30.10 “We are pedestrians” 02.11.2020 – 13.11.2020 “Living Corner” 02.11 – 06.11 “Indoor Plants” 09.11 – 13.11 “Inhabitants of the Living Corner” 16.11.2020 – 27.11. 2021 “The World Around Us” 16.11 – 20.11 “Journey into the Past of Objects” 23.11 – 27.11 “Household Appliances” 30.11.2020 – 31.12.2020 “New Year’s Holiday” 30.11 – 04.12 “In December, in December, all the trees are in silver...” 07.12 – 11.12 “New Year in other countries” 14.12 – 18.12 “Winter miracles” (experiments with snow, water and ice) 21.12 – 31.12 “New Year holiday is coming soon” 11.01.2021 – 29.01.2021 “Winter” 11.01 – 15.01 “Kolyada, Kolyada open the gates for us!” 18.01 -22.01 “Winter - winter” 25.01 – 29.01 “Winter sports” 01.02.2021 –19.02.2021 “Defender of the Fatherland Day” 01.02 – 05.02 “Our Army” 08.02 – 12.02 “Future defenders of the Motherland” 15.02 – 1 9.02 “Health Week” 02.22.2021 – 03.05.2021 “March 8” 02.22 – 26.02 “Gifts for the holiday” 03.01 – 05.03 “March 8 – International Women’s Day” 03.09.2021 – 03.26.2021 “Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions” 03.09 – 12.03 “ Folk toy” 03.15 – 03.19 “Folk culture” 03.22 – 03.26 “Theater Week” 03.29.2021 – 04.23.2021 “Spring” 03.29 – 02.04 “Spring is coming to us with quick steps...” 04.05 – 09.04 “Living and inanimate nature” 04.12 – 16.04 “Spring Labor” 04/19 – 04/23 “Fire Safety and Emergency Week” 04/26/2021 – 05/07/2021 “Victory Day” 05/11/2021 – 05/31/2021 “Goodbye, kindergarten! Hello, school! 11.05 – 14.05 “Soon to school” 17.05 – 21.05 “What can future first-graders know?” 24.05 – 31.05 “Goodbye, kindergarten!”

We recommend watching:

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