Card index of intellectual games in the senior group
MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 in Sychevka.
Card index of intellectual games
in the senior group
Conducted by: Birimzhanova.E V.
Game "Camera".
: develop associative thinking, voluntary attention, memory, speech.
Game material and visual aids
: lotto cards or any other pictures.
: Show the child the card for 5 seconds. Then remove it and ask them to remember what was depicted on it. If the child finds it difficult to answer, ask him a leading question: how much, what color, etc.
Game "Find the differences".
develop the ability to compare memorized objects, find similarities and differences in them.
Game material and visual aids:
story cards.
Show the child the card for 2-3 minutes. Then offer him a second card, on which some objects or actions are missing or replaced with others. The child must determine what has changed.
Game "Magpie-white-sided".
develop concentration and memory.
Game material and visual aids
: 5-6 small items (toys).
arrange objects (toys) on the table. Invite the child to look carefully at the table, remember what objects are on it, and then ask the child to turn away. Remove or replace one or more items. The child must determine what the magpie stole and what it replaced.
Game "Sleuths".
: develop associative thinking, memory.
it is necessary to choose one child who will play the role of a “robber”, the rest - “detectives”. Tell some story with the children, from which it follows that the “robber” must now hide from the “detectives” and for this he needs to disguise himself. During the story, the “detectives” carefully examine the “robber,” who then goes off to disguise himself, and upon returning to the room they must find changes in his appearance.
Game "Describe the object."
: teach to remember the signs and properties of an object.
Game material and visual aids
: objects familiar to the child (person, car, food, etc.).
Children, under the guidance of a teacher, choose a familiar object. The teacher suggests remembering as many distinctive features and properties of this object as possible and naming one feature at a time. The loser is the one who cannot remember anything about the item when it is his turn.
Game “Repeat the ornament”.
: promote the development of concentration and memory.
Game material and visual aids
: beads, buttons, counting sticks (12 pieces each).
The teacher gives the child half of the playing material, takes the remaining half for himself, lays out an arbitrary composition of beads, then shows it to the child for 1-2 seconds. He must arrange exactly the same composition from his beads from memory. Then you can switch roles. To create the following compositions, you can add counting sticks and buttons to the beads.
Game “Remember - Draw”.
teach conscious perception; develop concentration of attention on a memorized object.
Game material and visual aids
: a piece of paper, pencils, cardboard with images of objects.
: stick six pictures on cardboard in two rows: three on top, three on bottom. The pictures should show the simplest objects: an apple, a scarf, a flag, a button, a needle, a Christmas tree, a birch leaf. Show your child the top row for one minute. The child must sketch what he saw and remembered. Then show the same bottom row of pictures and again ask the child to sketch everything that he remembers. Open all the pictures at the same time and compare how well the child’s drawings match the image.
Game “What is she like?”
promote the development of visual and auditory memory.
name an object and invite the child to imagine what this object looks like, what shape, color it is, what sounds it can make, etc. Then ask him to describe everything that he imagined. For example: an egg is oval, white or brown, with spots, raw or boiled, white and yellow inside. Then you can not only talk about the characteristics of the object, but also sketch it.
Game "Illogical Associations".
: develop associative thinking.
Game material and visual aids:
cards with a picture of an object.
It is necessary to tell the child several words related to each other. For example: plate, soap, flower, street. It is better if the child has cards with images of these objects in front of him. Try with your child to find associations that would connect these words. Find a suitable picture for each association. Give space to the child’s imagination, do not limit them to logical associations. The result should be a short story.
Games for developing attention
Game "Who Lives Where".
develop visual attention and memory.
Game material and visual aids:
drawings with images of families of different animals and their houses, with drawn lines connecting the animals with their houses, which are given in a chaotic order.
you need to determine where whose house is without drawing a pencil along the lines.
Game "Clap Your Hands".
: develop stability and switching of attention, cognitive activity of the child; expand your horizons.
The teacher calls the child different words; if he hears a word that means, for example, an animal, he must clap his hands. Another time, suggest that the child stand up every time he hears a word for a plant. Then combine the first and second task, that is, the child claps his hands when he hears words denoting animals, and stands up when pronouncing words denoting plants. It's good to play these games with several children.
Game "Cross out all the letters K."
develop stability, distribution and switching of attention.
Game material and visual aids:
small text (from a newspaper or magazine), pen.
Invite the child to carefully look at the letters in the text and cross out all the letters “k”. Record the time and number of errors. The task can be made more difficult by asking the child to cross out all the letters “w” and underline all the letters “u”.
Game "Change appearance".
develop observation skills.
: several people play, everyone stands in one line, the leader names one child and invites him to remember the appearance of each participant in the game. This will take 1-2 minutes. Then the child turns away, the remaining participants in the game make minor changes to their costumes or hairstyles. Turning to the players, the driver must name the changes that he was able to notice.
Game "True or False".
develop attention and memory.
: the teacher pronounces different phrases - true and false. If the phrase is correct, the children clap, if not, then they stomp. For example:
In winter, daisies always bloom. (Children stomp.)
Ice is frozen water. (Children clap.)
Hares have red fur. (Children stomp.)
There is no need to wash your hands before eating. (Children stomp.)
It always snows in winter. (Children clap and stomp.)
Game "Little Beetle".
develop attention and spatial thinking.
Game material and visual aids
: playing field, lined with 16 cells; buttons.
: the teacher invites the child to help the “beetle” (button) get to the other end of the field, while warning that the “beetle” crawls only in zigzags. The teacher marks a short segment of the “bug’s” path: “One cell forward, two to the right, one to the left.” The child must listen carefully, remember and follow this path with a “bug” across the playing field. When the child learns to remember all the moves of the beetle, you can move on to a more complex task by asking the child to make the moves mentally and place the beetle on the desired square.
Game “Follow the pattern”.
develop concentration.
Game material and visual aids:
checkered sheet with a pattern of squares, circles, triangles.
: The child continues the sample pattern (circle, square, triangle, dot, etc.) on the sheet.
Thinking games
Game "Yes-no-ka".
: learn to ask questions, find criteria for classifying objects in the surrounding world; develop listening skills and being attentive.
: the teacher thinks of a word or tells a story, and the children must guess the word or explain the situation by asking the same questions, to which one of the answers can be given: “yes” or “no.”
Game "Visual yes-no-ki".
teach to analyze; develop thinking.
Game material and visual aids
: cards with images of objects (animals) or small toys.
lay out toys or pictures (no more than 10) on the table, give the child a little time to look at them. Then ask: “What object did I wish for?” The child, using leading questions (Is it on the right half of the table? Below? Is it yellow? Is it heavy? Is it round?) identifies the hidden object (picture). To begin with, it is better for the teacher to act as the questioner. This way the child will understand the game script faster.
Game "Treasure Chest".
: develop imagination, analysis skills.
Game material and visual aids:
box (bag); any edible (inedible) thing that fits in a box (bag).
Invite your child to guess what's inside using ten questions.
Game "Who was who?"
develop attention and imagination.
the child must name the state that preceded what the teacher calls him.
For example:
- Who was the old man? (As a boy.)
-What was the tree? (Rostkom.)
-What was Pinocchio? (With logs.)
Game "Outside - Inside".
learn to relate the concepts of “big” - “small”, “inside” - “outside”.
name a couple of objects to the child and ask him to say what can be inside and what can be outside. For example: house - pillow, cutlet - pan, heart - cat, fish - river, sugar - tea, etc. Then switch roles - let the child name a couple of words.
Game "I - you".
: develop logical thinking, speed of reaction.
the child must quickly understand what the opponent is talking about and answer him in the same way. For example, the teacher says: “I am a rainbow!” The child must answer: “I am the sun!” The teacher continues: “I am the sky.” The child answers: “I am an airplane.” Etc. (The game is suitable for individual lessons with a child and for playing in a small children's group.)
Game "Third Man".
learn to classify objects according to the criteria specified in the conditions.
: the teacher names three words, for example: “dog”, “cat”, “fish”. The child must determine: all three words refer to the designations of wildlife, but “dog” and “cat” designate animals, but “fish” does not. This means that the word fish is “superfluous”. Examples of words: birch, pine, rose; soap, shampoo, toothbrush; milk, kefir, tea.
Game "Guess by description."
develop speech (ability to coordinate adjectives and nouns); consolidate knowledge about concepts that unite certain objects or creatures.
: Prepare riddle sentences in advance that children must answer.
For example:
• A beautiful insect with colorful wings, loves to fly, feeds on nectar. (Butterfly.)
• The transport is long, consists of several parts, runs on iron rails. (Train.)
• Wild animal, lives in the forest, howls at the moon. (Wolf.)
• A wild animal with red fur always deceives in fairy tales. (Fox.)
• Fruit with yellow skin. (Lemon.)
The game “What comes first, what comes next.”
learn to arrange pictures in order of plot development.
Game material and visual aids
: sets of pictures (for example, from N. Radlov’s book “Stories in Pictures”).
: the teacher takes out the pictures and shows them to the children, then says that if you put them in order, you will get an interesting story, but in order to put them correctly, you need to guess what happened first, what happened next and how it all ended. After laying out the pictures, the teacher asks the children to peel back the cards glued to them on top. If the pictures are positioned correctly, then on top of the cards you can see a correctly diverging arrow. If the arrow turns out to be incorrect, it means that the pictures are located incorrectly, you need to correct the work. After completing the task, you can invite the children to retell the story they received.
Speech development games
Game "What is he like?"
: learn to actively describe the characteristics of objects.
: invite the child to bring everything square that he finds in the room. For example: a book, a box, a cube, etc. Ask him to describe all objects that are united by one characteristic - square. Let your child find and explain the similarities and differences of objects, as well as their purpose.
Game "What do you hear?"
develop hearing, the ability to recognize speech and non-speech sounds.
Game material and visual aids
: musical instruments (pipes, drum, rattles, tambourine), foil, paper, book.
: the teacher sits the child on a chair with his back to himself: he should not see, only hear, and then determine what was played or what was used to produce the sound. It is advisable to start with something simple - with musical instruments, and then move on to something else: paper, foil, turning pages in a book. You can make the task more difficult by moving around the room and making a sound to the right or left of the child. Then switch roles. When answering, you can deliberately make a mistake and see if the child corrects the mistake. Ask him to repeat the sound.
The game "Who speaks how."
train phonetic memory (perceive, pronounce, distinguish sounds).
: invite the child to show how a cow talks, how her baby talks, how their voices differ. The child not only learns to distinguish voices based on several characteristics, but also tries to analyze the difference between sounds.
Game "Pictures-riddles".
learn to distinguish between the main and the secondary; strengthen the skills of describing objects.
Game material and visual aids:
cards with images of various objects.
The driver is selected. He takes one of the cards out of the bag and begins to describe what is depicted on it. Players offer their answers. The next driver is the one who answered correctly first.
Game "Steps".
contribute to the expansion of vocabulary and speech development.
two teams line up opposite each other. A separate strip should be drawn between them.
The theme of the game is set. You can use the themes given in the previous game, and also name words, syllables, a specific letter or sound. You can take a step by saying the right word. The team that reaches the dividing line first wins.
Game "Prepositions".
strengthen preposition skills.
Game material and visual aids:
disposable cardboard plate, cube.
: draw the plate into sectors. In each sector, write the prepositions “on”, “in”, “under”, “above”, “with”, “for”, “in front”, “to”, etc. The child throws the cube onto the plate. The sector in which the cube lands becomes playable. With the pretext of the gaming sector, the child must come up with a sentence. Keep it simple at first.
Game "Similar words".
help to study synonyms, different meanings of the same word; learn to choose the most accurate words to describe a certain subject, avoid repetition.
Explain to the child that one and the same thing can be said in different words:
• Our kitten is cheerful. (Funny, funny, amusing, comical.)
• The weather outside today is sad. (Sad, joyless.)
• The hare is cowardly, what else can you call it? (Tearful, timid, fearful.)
• The hare runs away from the fox. How else can you say it? (He runs away, rushes, flees, flies at full speed, takes off his feet.)
Word game.
: Expand words knowledge.
invite the child to name as many words as possible for toys, vegetables, trees, flowers, wild pets, birds, tools, furniture, professions.
Game "The meaning of the word."
: learn to clearly express a thought, indicating the main type of use of an object, describing its characteristics.
: invite the child to explain how he understands the meaning of the words “bicycle”, “knife”, “hat”, “ball”, “letter”, “umbrella”, “pillow”, “nail”, “donkey”, “fur”, “diamond”, “connect”, “shovel”, “sword”, “trouble”, “brave”, “hero”, “poem”, etc.
Literacy games
Playing with pictures in a book or magazine.
: consolidate knowledge of the alphabet; teach word formation; develop attention and concentration.
Game material and visual aids
: picture book (children's magazine), pencil.
Together with the child, choose any letter, say it several times, remember what words he knows for this letter. Then invite the child to find and circle this letter across the entire book page. After this, together with the child, count the number of letters found.
Game "Who Lives Here?"
teach children to form words from the given letters; develop reading skill.
Together with your child, draw a house or a train with trailers, a rocket or a ship, an airplane on thick cardboard. Insert cards with letters into the window. The child must guess what words live in this house. Example:
• A, L, I, S, E, O - fox, forest, donkey.
• K, I, N, O, T, S, L - cat, whale, elephant, movie.
Game "Slogomyach".
: develop the skill of dividing words into syllables, quick thinking.
Game material and visual aids
: ball.
one player names a syllable, and the other must add an ending to this syllable so that it becomes a word. For example, you can add “rowa” to the syllable “ko” - you get “cow”; you can add “sa” to “li” - you get “fox”. It is important that children follow the rule: divide words into syllables correctly and pronounce them as they are written: “ko-ro-va”, but not “ka-ro-va”.
Game "Book Detective".
: learn to correlate letters with specific pictures; develop quick thinking.
Game material and visual aids
: books with illustrations.
: think of a letter and give the child a task - find a picture in the book for this letter. If several children are playing, introduce an element of competition: the one who finds the most required pictures wins. You can complicate the game by wishing for some object depicted in the book and warning the child that the intended word, for example, contains two letters “o”. (Cow.)
Game "Sleuths".
consolidate knowledge of the alphabet; develop the ability to correlate abstract letters with the letters that make up a word.
Game material and visual aids
: cards with letters.
Place cards with letters on different objects. The child must find all the cards and check whether they are laid out correctly, that is, whether the letter on the card corresponds to the letter with which the name of this item begins. For example, a card with the letter “k” lies on the sofa - this is wrong, it should hang, for example, on a picture. You can complicate the game by replacing cards with letters with cards with syllables.
Game "Following".
: develop reading skills (introduce the arrangement of words in the text, teach reading with intonation).
: The teacher and the child, sitting at the table, read a book. The teacher reads, and the child lags behind a little, repeating everything that the teacher reads. The child not only hears the text, but also sees it. It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t really read, he sees what words and sentences are made of, what punctuation marks accompany the text. He remembers the spelling of words, can recognize the simplest ones, and learns to respond to punctuation marks. The child ceases to be afraid of long words and sentences and tries to pronounce them correctly.
Game "Illustrator".
learn how to handle a book; instill a love for books; develop narrative speech, imagination, logic.
: Read a poem or short story to your child. Then offer to complete the task - match the pictures to the read text from other books. After this, ask him to retell the plot (short plot) of the work, based on the drawings he has selected.
Games for mathematical development
Game "Correct Score".
help in mastering the order of numbers in the natural series; strengthen forward and backward counting skills.
Game material and visual aids:
children stand in a circle. Before starting, they agree in what order (direct or reverse) they will count. Then they throw the ball and call the number. The one who caught the ball continues the count by throwing the ball to the next player.
Game "Who's Where".
: learn to distinguish the position of objects in space (in front, behind, between, in the middle, on the right, on the left, below, above).
Game material and visual aids
: toys.
place toys in different places in the room. Ask the child which toy is in front, behind, next to, far, etc. Ask what is on top, what is below, on the right, on the left, etc.
Game "A lot and a little."
help to understand the concepts of “many”, “few”, “one”, “several”, “more”, “less”, “equally”.
: ask the child to name single objects or objects that are many (few). For example: there are many chairs, one table, many books, few animals. Place cards of different colors in front of the child. Let there be 9 green cards and 5 red cards. Ask which cards are more and which are fewer. Add 4 more red cards. What can we say now?
Game "Guess the number."
help prepare children for basic mathematical operations of addition and subtraction; help consolidate the skills of determining the previous and subsequent numbers within the first ten.
: ask, for example, which number is greater than three but less than five; what number is less than three but greater than one, etc. Think of, for example, a number within ten and ask the child to guess it. The child names different numbers, and the teacher says whether the number named is greater or less than the intended one. Then you can switch roles with your child.
Game "Counting Mosaic".
introduce numbers; learn to match quantities with numbers.
Game material and visual aids:
counting sticks.
: Together with your child, make up numbers or letters using counting sticks. Invite the child to place the corresponding number of counting sticks next to the given number.
Game "Dot Traveler".
: introduce the basics of writing numbers; develop fine motor skills.
Game material and visual aids
: checkered notebook, pen.
The teacher sits down at the table, puts the notebook down correctly, and shows the child how to hold a pen correctly. Offers to play dot-traveler. To do this, you need to invite the child to put a dot in the upper right corner of the cell, then in the fourth cell of the left corner at the bottom of the notebook, etc.
Game "Reading and counting".
help to understand the concepts of “many”, “little”, “one”, several”, “more”, “less”, “equally”, “as much”, “as much”; develop the ability to compare objects by size.
Game material and visual aids
: counting sticks.
When reading a book to a child, ask him to put aside as many counting sticks as, for example, there were animals in the fairy tale. After counting how many animals there are in the fairy tale, ask who there were more, who were fewer, and who were the same. Compare toys by size: who is bigger - a bunny or a bear? Who is smaller? Who is the same height?
Games for studying the plant world
Game "How do trees live?"
develop speech; help in studying the plant world.
Game material and visual aids
: cards with images of trees in different seasons (summer - a green tree, autumn - a tree with yellow leaves, winter - a tree without leaves, spring - a tree with swollen buds).
find out what time of year it is now. What the trees look like, what kind of leaves they have. Ask your child if he knows what happens to trees in autumn, spring, winter? Look at the pictures. Tell your child that the change of seasons affects the state of plants (in winter all plants fall asleep, in spring they awaken, in autumn they prepare for sleep, etc.).
Game “Where is whose leaf?”
: develop the ability to classify objects by characteristics, memory, attention; help in studying the plant world.
Game material and visual aids
: cards with images of trees (oak, maple), leaves of these trees, cut out of paper or real.
: Mix the leaves. Tell your child a fairy tale about how an evil wind tore all the leaves from the trees and mixed them up. They feel cold lying on the ground and want to go back to their trees.
We need to help the leaves find their mother (father) - the tree. Invite your child to put the leaves near the corresponding tree. In the first lessons, choose leaves of a memorable shape (maple, oak, rowan). As you study trees, increase the number of varieties of leaves and trees. Select leaves of different trees that are similar in shape, carefully examine them, finding differences.
Game "Orchard".
: develop speech, classification skills; introduce you to the plant world.
Game material and visual aids:
dummies of fruits and vegetables; cards with images of fruit trees.
: Place fruits and vegetables in front of the child. Explain that the doll wanted to make compote, but the fruits were mixed with vegetables, and she couldn’t choose them because she didn’t know how they differed from each other. After the weight differences are identified, invite the child to separate fruits from vegetables. Ask if the child knows where fruits grow. Look at the fruit trees shown in the pictures. Cut an apple or orange and show your child the seeds hidden in them. To summarize: Fruits grow on trees. Trees are called fruit trees. Specially planted, such trees form an orchard. You can talk about what is prepared from fruits and what dishes they are added to.
Game "Indoor Flowers".
develop the skill of independence; introduce you to the plant world.
: if there are indoor plants, invite your child to take care of them. Give him a watering can, teach him how to loosen the soil, and wipe the leaves of plants with a damp sponge. Tell us that the plants have come a long way before reaching the windowsill. After all, many of them came to us from distant countries - India, Mexico, Africa, etc. If the child expresses a desire, find these countries on the world map. Continuing the story, explain that the weather conditions of those countries are different from ours,
therefore, each flower requires special care: sun or shade, a lot or little water, heat or coolness. When offering to water this or that plant, note: “To water this flower, you need to put very little water in the watering can, but this one likes to drink a lot, so please try to get a lot of water.” Explain to the child why the holes are made in the pots, why the soil needs to be loosened, why the dust should be wiped off the leaves, etc.
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
A collection of didactic games for the development of verbal and logical thinking in preschool children.Completed by: Teacher of kindergarten No. 61 “Ryabinka”, Kemerovo region, Belovo, Daria Vladimirovna Krivonogova
The collection presents a system of didactic games and exercises aimed at developing the verbal and logical thinking of preschool children. Addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, parents, as well as students of preschool faculties of pedagogical schools and institutes.
A didactic game is a teaching tool, so it can be used to master any program material and is conducted in individual and group lessons. The didactic game allows you to provide the required number of repetitions on different material while maintaining an emotional positive attitude towards the task.
Thanks to didactic games, it is possible to organize a child’s activity in such a way that it will contribute to the development of his ability to solve not only accessible practical problems, but also simple problem problems. And the experience gained will provide the opportunity to understand and solve familiar problems verbally.
Thus, the special role of didactic games in the learning process is determined by the fact that the game should make the learning process itself emotional, effective, and allow the child to gain his own experience.
When selecting didactic games for the development of verbal and logical thinking, we first of all pursued the goals we had set and took into account the individual characteristics of each child. It is these games that will help develop in a child the ability to transfer one property of an object to others (the first types of generalization), causal thinking, the ability to analyze, synthesize, etc.
The didactic games and exercises for developing logical forms of thinking offered in the collection are presented in a gradually more complex system that takes into account the child’s experience.
Undoubtedly, skillful pedagogical guidance contributes to the successful implementation of didactic games. The teacher, through his behavior and emotional mood, should evoke a positive attitude towards the game.
An important condition for the effective use of didactic games in teaching is consistency in the selection of games. First of all, we took into account the following didactic principles: accessibility, repeatability, gradual completion of the task. We have provided all these principles in the game arrangement system in this collection.
In the collection, we roughly distributed didactic games according to the stages of assimilation. All games have been tested in working with children raised in preschool educational institutions. Each teacher can select other games, which should also be arranged in order of gradual complexity.
Didactic games can be included in any section of the program and serve both for the development of cognitive activity and for the formation of one’s own game.
1. "Push through" everyone is like that
Goal: to learn how to select several objects for one sample, highlighting them among others; form a primary generalization - “all balls” , “all cubes” , “all big” , “all small” .
Equipment: boxes with slots (one on each box) in the shape of a circle, square, triangle, volumetric geometric shapes (balls, cubes, triangular prisms), objects of the same shapes.
Progress of the game:
Two children are sitting next to each other at the table. On the table there are two boxes (one with a square, the other with a round slot) and mixed volumetric shapes (balls, cubes, turrets with a triangular cross-section), all of the same color, three of each type. The teacher gives one of the children a box with a round slot, and the other with a square one, and sets the condition: immediately take away everything that can be pushed into this box. The child selects the figures from those lying on the table. If he chooses correctly, for example, the balls, but does not take all of them, but only one or two balls, the teacher reminds him that he needs to take “all of them . If the child takes not only balls, but also turrets, the teacher invites him to try “only those” and helps him, through trial, select which shapes can be thrown into this box.
After the children select the required shapes and throw them into the slots of the boxes, the teacher sums up: “That’s right, Tanya collected all the balls and threw them into the box, and Kostya took all the cubes and threw them into his box . Invites the children to open the boxes and look again at what is in them.
2. "Pick mushrooms"
Goal: to teach how to match a sample with not one, but several objects of the same color; consolidate the result with a generalizing word.
Equipment: mushrooms made of counting material (hats of different colors - red, yellow, white, brown), cards for collecting mushrooms.
Progress of the game:
Children sit on chairs in a row. The teacher places mushrooms of two colors on the floor, for example, red and yellow. He takes two baskets and puts a mushroom with a red cap in one of them, and a yellow one in the other. He gives the baskets to two children and asks them to collect in them “the kind” of mushrooms that are in the baskets. Children collect mushrooms, and the rest watch their actions. Then the children show who collected what in the basket, and the result is summarized in the word - “all red” , “all yellow” .
3. "Who lives where"
Goal: to learn to independently determine the basis for grouping objects; select not one, but several objects to match the sample.
Equipment: toys, building materials, furniture.
Progress of the game:
The teacher builds two large pens from a tabletop builder: in one of them he places a toy representing an animal, in the other - a car. In front of the child he places toys mixed up (animals and cars, first 6, and then 8-10) and asks him to think, find a home for the toys - put everyone in their place. If the child makes a mistake, the teacher rearranges the first toys correctly, and then does not interfere with the child’s actions. Then the toys are placed again
interspersed. Another child completes the task. At the end of the game, the conclusion is summed up: “Animals live in this house, and cars live in this house .
4. "What to give to whom"
Goal: to continue to teach how to independently determine the basis of grouping, to highlight an essential feature of an object for a given task; learn to highlight color and shape as a basis for grouping objects.
Equipment: flags, leaves of different shapes, colors and sizes.
Progress of the game:
Two groups of children sit on chairs opposite each other: girls in one group, boys in the other. The teacher lays out rectangular and triangular flags on the table and says that now everyone will march with flags; girls should be given square flags, and boys should be given triangular ones. Then he invites one of the children to carefully look at which flags should be given to girls and which to boys, and distribute them. If the child finds it difficult, help him choose the first two flags. The child chooses the method of distribution. He can distribute the flags first to the girls, then to the boys, or one by one. In conclusion, the teacher sums up: “Girls have all square flags, and boys have triangular ones . Children stand in a line and march with flags to the sound of a tambourine or drum.
5. "Color and Shape"
Goal: to learn to change the basis for grouping objects in accordance
with changing samples.
Equipment: flat cards with pasted geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles, ovals, rectangles, trapezoids, hexagons) in six colors (red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue) - 42 elements.
Progress of the game (played individually):
The child sits at the table opposite the teacher. He places samples in front of the child at a fairly large distance, for example red, blue, yellow circles, i.e. objects that are the same in shape and different in color, and asks the child to put “all like this” (points to red circles), here “all like this” (points to blue circles), here “all like this” (points to yellow circles). To the side on the table are cards of these colors (squares, triangles, ovals, trapezoids, hexagons, rectangles - 18 cards in total). The teacher takes one of the cards and asks the child to put it “where it needs to be” and hands it to the child. If he places the card incorrectly or does not dare to complete the task, the teacher does it himself, but does not say anything to the child, but hands him a second card, and so on, one by one, for the rest. When all the cards are arranged by color, the teacher asks the child: “What shapes did you put here?” - or confirms his answer: “That’s right, you put the red card here .
After this, the teacher moves on to the second part of the game, when the principle of grouping changes (the form is taken as the basis). The teacher asks the child to be attentive and says that now it is necessary to knock out
take cards differently. Lays out in front of him three samples of cards depicting a square, circle and triangle of the same color. One card at a time gives the child circles, squares and triangles of all available patterns in random order. The child lays them out, and the teacher clarifies the result: “Well done, you laid them out correctly - here are all the round shapes, here are all the square shapes, here are all the triangular shapes .
Subsequently, the colors and shapes for grouping are changed, and the number of samples is increased (4-6 at a time).
6. “Bring the same ones”
Goal: to highlight a property in objects, distracting from their functional purpose; select a group of objects to match one sample, find these objects in the group room; define the principle of selection in a word.
Equipment: cards with pictures of different shapes in different colors, toys and small objects of different shapes and colors.
Progress of the game:
The teacher lays out objects in advance in different places in the group room, objects of different shapes and colors. Children are divided into three groups and seated on chairs in different places in the room. The teacher invites one child (leader) from each group and asks them to take a card from the box without showing it to the children. The child takes the card and returns to his group, showing it to them so that the other group does not see. All children must bring toys
Rushes of the appropriate shape or color. If the choice is made by shape, then only the outline of the shape is given on the card, and if by color, then one side of the card is painted in the corresponding color. Children bring objects and sit on chairs with them. The teacher asks each group which card they had. Children answer (red, yellow; square, round), and the leader shows everyone his card.
7. “Place the pictures in your envelopes.”
Goal: group objects according to different properties; independently identify the principle of grouping, based on the sample; comprehend and consolidate in words the result of one’s actions.
Equipment: envelopes with pasted or drawn geometric shapes, different in color and size (for example: circles of yellow, red, blue, large, medium and small; triangles, ovals, hexagons of three colors and three sizes), car- teens with images of objects of different shapes, colors, sizes, trays.
Progress of the game:
The players sit at the tables. In front of each child there are three envelopes (for example, on one there is a triangle, on the other there is an oval, on the third there is a square). The shape of the person sitting next to you should not be repeated, i.e. envelopes with a different combination of shapes (for example, circle, rectangle, square). On a tray in front of each child there are several pictures, which he must put into envelopes (for example, pictures with
a button, a watermelon, a round watch must be placed in an envelope with a circle, etc.).
When the pictures are placed in envelopes, the teacher calls one of the children to the typesetting canvas and asks him to put his envelopes in the typesetting canvas, and under them insert pictures whose images correspond to this form. The child explains why he made this choice. If necessary, the teacher helps him.
8. "Let's make a book"
Goal: to imagine the situation described in the story, to be able to model it by laying out ready-made planar forms, to teach children to analyze the situation.
Equipment: sheets of white paper according to the number of children, flat images of objects corresponding to the content of the story.
Progress of the game:
The teacher tells the children that together they will make a book with beautiful pictures. Hands out sheets of paper, image elements on trays and asks to listen carefully to the story “About a Bird and a Cat . He reads it calmly, without stopping or explaining: “There was a tree growing in the yard. A bird was sitting near a tree. Then the bird flew and sat on a tree above. The cat came. The cat wanted to catch the bird and climbed a tree. The bird flew down and sat under a tree. The cat remained on the tree . After this, the teacher asks what the story is about, what the bird and the cat were doing. Then there is a step-by-step analysis of the story with modeling of all situations.
The teacher asks: “What happened first? - and reads the first phrase: “There was a tree in the yard . Asks the children to find wood on the trays and place them on their sheets of paper. Then he says: “A bird was sitting near the tree . Children find a bird and place it near a tree, etc.
9. "Guess what I told you about"
Goal: recognize objects by verbal description, relying on visual perception of objects.
Equipment: toys of various shapes, colors and purposes.
Progress of the game:
Children sit in a semicircle around the teacher’s table. He places four toys familiar to the children on the table and says that he will ask a riddle, and they must guess which toy it refers to. After this, he gives a brief description of one of the objects on the table. If the children cannot guess, the teacher slowly pronounces the text again, stopping at each property of this toy. When the riddle is guessed, he asks the children how they guessed, what words helped them in this. Then he rearranges the toys on the table and gives a description of another object: “Grows in the forest green, prickly, will come to us for the New Year, for the holiday .
The objects spoken about in riddles should change so that children do not memorize the answer, but listen and understand the semantic side of the speech, relying on existing ideas and perceptions, which help create a single image with the word.
10. "Puzzles"
Goal: same.
Equipment: toys or pictures depicting objects familiar to children.
Progress of the game:
Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher has pictures on the table (image down). He calls the child and asks him to guess the riddle in the picture. Then he gives a brief description of an object that is well known to children (for example: “It stands on the floor in the room, there are four legs, a seat and a back. You can sit on it.” ). The child turns over the pictures on the table, finds the one he wants and shows it to the children. Another child guesses a riddle that is similar in content to the previous one, but does not have a distinctive feature at the end of the description (for example: “It stands on the floor in the room. It has four legs. Covered with a tablecloth, there is a plate on it” ).
Later, you can give a more complex riddle, such as: “Gray in summer, white in winter, long ears, short tail. He doesn’t offend anyone, he’s afraid of everyone .
11. “Get the doll a ball”
Goal: learn to analyze the conditions of a practical problem; use auxiliary means in cases where they do not have a fixed purpose.
Equipment: doll, two balls, chair.
Progress of the game:
The teacher plays with a doll and a ball, and the child watches. Then the teacher asks the child to take another ball from the cabinet and play with the doll. The ball is placed on the cabinet so that, standing on the floor, the child cannot reach it. He must think to use a chair that is within the child's field of vision. If the child does not know how to do this, then the teacher helps him analyze the conditions: “Can you reach the ball with your hand? Think about what will help you with this. What should I take? - He gestures to the chair. At the end, the teacher clarifies: “The ball is high. You took a chair, he helped you get the ball .
12. “Get the ball for the bear”
Goal: continue to analyze the conditions of a practical problem, use tools in cases where they do not have a fixed purpose.
Equipment: bear, ball, stick.
Progress of the game: the teacher, playing ball with a bear, rolls the ball under the cabinet so that the child cannot reach it with his hand. The task is for the child to guess to use a stick that is in his field of vision. If he does not do this, then the teacher helps to analyze the conditions: “The ball is far away. Find out how to get it. Think about it. At the end of the lesson, the teacher generalizes: “If you can’t reach it with your hand, you have to look for something that will help .
13. "Get the key"
Goal: continue to analyze the conditions for solving practical problems
tasks using an aid.
Equipment: wind-up toy, key, bench.
Progress of the game:
The teacher shows the child a wind-up toy. The key hangs so that, standing on the floor, the child cannot reach it. He must figure out to use the bench in sight as an aid. At the end of the game, the teacher summarizes the children’s actions.
14. "Get the machine"
Goal: continue to analyze the conditions of the practical problem; teaches you to look for tools in the environment, using them to achieve a goal.
Equipment: winding machine, stick.
Progress of the game:
The teacher starts the car, and it “accidentally” slides under the cabinet so that the child cannot reach it with his hand. The teacher asks him to take out the car and play with it. The child must solve a practical problem. If a child tries to reach a toy with his hand, do not stop him; let him make sure that he cannot reach it with his hand. Then the teacher says: “Let's look for what you need . At the end of the lesson, the teacher reminds the child: “You must always look for some object that will help you get a toy .
15. "Ring the bell"
Goal: continue to analyze the conditions of the practical problem, solve them using tests.
Equipment: bell mounted on a stand, rope.
Progress of the game:
The bell, mounted on a stand, is installed in a visible place so that children cannot reach it with their hands. A string is tied to the tongue of the bell. Standing on the floor, the child can freely reach it. “false” attached to the stand on either side of the bell . They are somewhat longer. The child is asked to ring the bell. The task is for him to guess to use the rope that is attached to the tongue of the bell. The child is given the opportunity to make the right choice on his own. If he continues to pull “false” rope, the teacher says: “Do you hear the bell not ringing, try the other rope . In conclusion, the teacher clarifies which string was used to make the call.
16. "Push the ball into the basket"
Goal: same.
Equipment: ball, stick, basket.
Progress of the game:
The child sits at the table; on the opposite edge of the table there is a ball at such a distance that the child cannot reach it with his hand. There is a short stick on the table to the left of the child, and a long stick on the floor next to the table. There is a basket on the floor opposite the ball. The teacher asks the child to push the ball into the basket, but he cannot get up from the chair. The child must
guess to use the right stick to push the ball. After completing the task, it is necessary to once again draw the child’s attention to the properties of the object-tools: “Which stick helped push the ball? Why?" .
17. "Get the cart"
Goal: continue to analyze the conditions of the practical problem; continue to use the trial method when solving a practical problem.
Equipment: cart with loop, small toys, screen.
Progress of the game:
On the table, at a distance inaccessible to the child's outstretched arm, there is a cart with a loop. A braid is threaded loosely through it, both ends are spread apart by 50 cm. The child can easily reach them. To pull the cart, you must use both ends at the same time. There are colorful little toys on the cart. The task is for the child to guess to grab both ends of the tape at the same time and pull the cart towards him. If the child pulls on one end of the strap, it will slip out of the loop and the cart will stop in place. The teacher asks the child to get the cart and play with the toys. If he pulls the ribbon out at one end, the teacher threads it through the loop behind the screen. It is important that the child makes sure that the tape must be pulled at both ends. Therefore, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to try several times to achieve the goal. At the end of the game, the teacher sums it up by asking the child questions.
18. "Get the balls"
Goal: same.
Equipment: a jar of water, a ladle, a fork, a spoon, a stick with a ring.
Progress of the game:
The teacher shows the children a tall jar of water, filled to half the jar; at the bottom of the jar there are balls. The teacher says: “The balls fell into the water, we need to get them out . Not far from the jar are a spoon, a spoon, a fork, and a stick with a ring. Children are given the opportunity to try these tools; it is important that they independently convince themselves of the choice of a more suitable tool and justify their choice.
19. "Get the toy"
Goal: teaches you to solve two-phase practical problems, respecting the final goal; analyze the environment.
Equipment: a wind-up toy in a plastic bag, a chair, and a box with building materials on it.
Progress of the game:
The teacher suggests getting a bag with a toy hanging on a hook so that the child cannot reach it while standing on the floor. To do this, he should use a chair, having first removed the box with building material from it. The teacher fixes the child’s attention on the final goal: “Can you reach the toy with your hand? What do you need to do to get it? . The teacher helps the child understand the intermediate goal - to free the chair - to remove the box with building material. The teacher makes sure that the child does not get carried away with playing with building materials.
After completing the task, he summarizes the child’s actions, saying that first he vacated the chair, and then used it to get the toy.
20. "Open the box"
Goal: same.
Equipment: a box from a cooking cabinet, two pictures.
Progress of the game (played individually):
The teacher puts the back side up and tells the child that he has beautiful pictures. He takes out a box from the preparation table, puts a picture in it and closes the box without locking it with a pin. Invites the child to open the box and look at the picture. He easily opens the box, takes it out and tells what is depicted on it. While the child is looking at the picture, the teacher puts another picture in the box and closes the box with a pin. He asks to open the box again and take out the second picture. If a child tries to open a box by force, the teacher invites him to look for the reason why the box does not open, try to open it in different ways, find what is stopping him.
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A set of didactic games to develop thinking in older preschoolers
Irina Sidorenko
A set of didactic games to develop thinking in older preschoolers
Game “How are they similar and how are they different?”
Goal: development of visual perception, attention, thinking and speech .
Equipment: magnetic board; magnets; 8 pairs of subject pictures: fly agaric - boletus, dress - skirt, vase - jug, hare - rabbit, cat - lynx, tram - trolleybus, stork - swan, spruce - larch.
The adult attaches each pair of pictures to the magnetic board one by one and invites the children to find the similarities and differences between the depicted objects.
Game "Match a word"
Goal: development of attention , thinking and speech .
Equipment: ball.
Children stand in a circle. The teacher with the ball is in the center of the circle, he throws the ball to one of the children and says: “Toy”
The child must catch the ball and name it, for example: “Doll”
Game “What is this? Who is this?"
Goal: development of thinking and speech .
Equipment: 24 subject pictures.
Children are divided into two teams. They sit at tables at a distance from each other. Each team is given identical sets of pictures depicting vegetables, fruits, animals, etc. Children take turns giving a description of one of the pictures. If the description is correct and the picture is guessed, then it is set aside in favor of those who guessed it.
Game "Lay out the cards"
Goal: development of logical thinking .
Equipment: a square piece of paper divided into nine squares (for each child)
a tray with nine pictures, three of which are the same (for each child)
On the table in front of each child there is a square sheet of paper, divided into nine squares, and a tray with nine pictures, three of which are the same. The teacher asks the children to arrange the pictures into squares so that there are no two identical pictures in the rows and columns.
Game “Put the pictures into groups”
Goal: development of analysis and synthesis skills.
Equipment: tray with twelve pictures. Which can be divided into four groups, for example, vegetables: onions, carrots, cabbage; fruits: apple, pear, peach; dishes: cup, plate, teapot; tools - hammer, saw, shovel, etc.
In front of each child is a tray with twelve object pictures. The teacher invites the children to divide all the pictures into four groups. ( Children’s sets
Task “Close the extra picture”
Goal: development of thought processes (empirical generalization)
Equipment: card for the task and a square of thick paper (4*4 cm)
(for each child)
In front of each child is a card for the task and a square of thick paper. Children are asked to find a picture that does not match the others and cover it with a paper square.
"Draw and Cross" task
Goal: development of auditory attention , memory and thinking .
Equipment: a sheet of paper and a simple pencil (for each child)
On the table in front of each child there is a sheet of paper and a simple pencil. The adult offers the children:
• Draw two triangles, one square, one rectangle and cross out the third shape;
• Draw three circles, one triangle, two rectangles and cross out the second shape;
• Draw one rectangle, two squares, three triangles and cross out the fifth shape.
Game “Pick up a pair of pictures”
Goal: development of logical thinking , memory and speech.
Equipment: magnetic board; 12 pairs of subject pictures: motorcycle - wheel, aquarium - fish, bed - pillow, bookcase - books, ship - anchor, hammer - nail, loaf - spikelet, bee - honeycomb (honey, basket - boletus, horse – foal, squirrel – nut (cone, vase – tulip (carnation)
Pictures are attached to the magnetic board. Placement of pictures: top row - motorcycle, aquarium, bed, bookcase, ship, hammer, loaf, bee, basket, vase, squirrel horse; bottom row - foal, anchor, boletus, honeycomb, pillow, books, fish, wheel, spikelet, nut, nail, tulip. Children are asked to make pairs, choosing for each picture from the top row a matching picture from the bottom row. Children take turns making pairs and explaining their decision.
Game "Pick up the fourth figure"
Goal: development of logical thinking , the ability to compare figures and, based on the selected features, make conclusions and establish patterns in images.
Equipment: cards for the task and a simple pencil (for each child)
On each child's desk there are cards and a simple pencil. The teacher draws the children's attention to the distinctive features of the figures depicted, to the principle of their order, and suggests that they correctly complete the row by choosing one of the pictures given on the right. (The desired drawing is outlined in pencil)
Game "Come up with a riddle"
Goal: development of speech and thinking .
Equipment: toys and objects familiar to children.
On the table there are various toys and objects familiar to children. To one of the children (leader)
It is proposed, without pointing to the object, to write a description of it in the form of a riddle. The one who guesses. What subject is being discussed becomes the leader.
Game “Make a sentence based on two pictures”
Goal: development of attention , thinking and speech .
Equipment: magnetic board; magnets; pairs of subject pictures:: grandmother - jacket (cup, vase, girl - rabbit (beans, skis), boy - cat (bicycle, skates, stork - nest, etc.
The teacher alternately attaches a couple of pictures to the magnetic board and invites the children to make as many sentences as possible based on it.
Game "Favorite food"
Goal: to develop thinking , speech, and the ability to identify signs of similarity and difference in compared objects.
Equipment: subject pictures, for example: cow - hay, rabbit - cabbage, bear - honey, cat - milk, etc.
Pictures depicting animals and food for these animals are selected. Pictures of animals and separate pictures of food are laid out in front of preschoolers
Game "Tell me the other way around"
Goal: development of thinking , attention, ability to select antonym words.
The teacher asks the children to name words of opposite meaning, for example: big - small. You can use the following pairs of words: cheerful - sad, fast - slow, empty - full, smart - stupid, hardworking - lazy, etc.
Game "Nonsense"
Goal: development of speech , attention, thinking .
Equipment: task card.
The teacher offers the child drawings that contain any contradictions, inconsistencies, or violations in the behavior of the characters, asks the child to find errors and inaccuracies and explain his answer. It is proposed to answer how it really happens.
Task “Complete the phrase”
Goal: development of auditory attention , thinking , speech.
• If the sand is wet, then.
• The boy washes his hands because.
• If you cross the street at a red light, then.
• The bus stopped because.