Game as a method of teaching and education in kindergarten.

Game as a method of teaching and education in kindergarten.

Child Game

- a means of active enrichment of the individual, since it represents a free choice of various socially significant roles and positions, provides the child with activities that develop his unlimited capabilities and talents in the most appropriate use.

A game

- a type of unproductive activity, the motive of which lies in the process itself, and the goal is to obtain satisfaction for the player.

The game can be understood in different ways:

— game is a special type of human activity;

- the game is a means of influencing the players (since it is specially organized and has a specific goal);

-game - a special set of rules that require their execution;

-game is a special way of conditionally appropriating the world;

-game- as a form of pedagogical activity.

Any game can implement the entire range of the following functions:

1. emotionally developing function


2. diagnostic function

- hidden talents are revealed;

3. relaxation function

— excessive tension is reduced;

4. compensatory function

- gives a person what he lacks;

5. communicative function

- is an excellent means of communication;

6. self-realization function

- serves as a means to achieve desires and realize opportunities;

7. sociocultural function

— during the game a person masters sociocultural norms and rules of behavior;

8. therapeutic function

- Can serve as a treatment for human mental disorders.

Organizing a high-quality, useful game is a complex and painstaking process. The teacher must master this art (precisely formulate the rules, organize the space, choose the appropriate time, determine the plot of the game, select the game props and competently organize the beginning and ending) When organizing the game, he must choose one or two functions as the main goal that will be him the most important.

The role of play in education in kindergarten

When starting to organize play in kindergarten, educators rely on the already achieved level of development of the children, their inclinations, habits, abilities, and then systematically rebuild the existing interests of the children into the desired ones, increasing the requirements for them, patiently and persistently working on their spiritual growth.

It is important for kindergarten teachers to rely on the role of play in education

. But they should not equate play in a child only with entertainment. Let some games be fun entertainment, and others a favorite pastime during leisure hours. It’s good if no one is bored, everyone is busy with something, an interesting game. But not only this determines the inextricable connection between play and the entire process of education. Much depends on the methodology and technique of their organization, on the style of play, and most importantly on its quality. Only in this way can the role of play in education be realized.

The role of play in education

is that it is in games that children reveal their positive and negative qualities and the teacher gets the full opportunity to properly influence everyone together and each individual.

If the games really captivate the children, then the teacher also has at his disposal the necessary punitive measures, up to and including expelling children from the game for violating the rules or for bad behavior.

Despite the great role of play in education

it cannot be isolated, considered a mono-means, or expected to educate children through games alone.

The role of play in instilling the right attitude towards work is great. Very often it is possible to combine a game so successfully with the labor process that it will decorate the work, cultivate a constant love for it, and help to successfully master the skill.

The educational role of the game is that games teach children to live and work in a team, to take into account the interests of their comrades, to come to their rescue, to follow established rules, and to fulfill the requirements of discipline.

When planning work for the school year, educators set themselves goals and objectives through which they will develop the creative abilities of students, the physical capabilities of children, and help create a friendly children's team, i.e. make the most of the role of play in education. That is why games in all their diversity are widely used in educational work with children.

Most psychologists and teachers consider play in preschool age as an activity that determines the child’s mental development, as a leading activity, during which mental new formations arise.

Play is the most accessible type of activity for children; it is a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world. Already in early childhood, a child has the greatest opportunity in play, and not in any other activity, to be independent, to communicate with peers at his own discretion, to choose toys and use different objects, to overcome certain difficulties logically related to the plot of the game, its rules.

The goal of play therapy is not to change the child or remake him, not to teach him any special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to “live” situations that excite him in the game with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

Using gaming technologies in the educational process, an adult needs to have empathy, goodwill, be able to provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, encourage any invention and fantasy of the child. Only in this case will the game be useful for the development of the child and the creation of a positive atmosphere of cooperation with adults.

At first they are used as separate game moments. Game moments are very important in the pedagogical process, especially during the period of adaptation of children in a child care institution. Starting from two to three years old, their main task is the formation of emotional contact, children’s trust in the teacher, the ability to see in the teacher a kind person, always ready to help (like a mother), an interesting partner in the game. The first play situations should be frontal, so that no child feels deprived of attention. These are games like “Round Dance”, “Catch-Up” and “Blowing Soap Bubbles”.

In the future, an important feature of gaming technologies that educators use in their work is that gaming moments penetrate into all types of children’s activities: work and play, educational activities and play, everyday household activities related to the implementation of the regime and play.

Role-playing game

- one of the creative games. In role-playing games, children take on certain functions of adults and, in playful, imaginary conditions specially created by them, reproduce (or model) the activities of adults and the relationships between them. In such a game, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed.

Children's independence in role-playing games is one of its characteristic features. Children themselves determine the theme of the game, determine the lines of its development, decide how they will reveal the roles, where the game will unfold. Uniting in a role-playing game, children choose partners of their own free will, set the game rules themselves, monitor implementation, and regulate relationships. But the most important thing in the game is the child embodying his view, his ideas, his attitude towards the event that he is acting out.

The main component of a role-playing game is the plot, which is the child’s reflection of certain actions, events, relationships from the life and activities of others. At the same time, his game actions (cooking dinner, turning the steering wheel of a car, etc.) are one of the main means of realizing the plot.

The plots of the games are varied. They are conventionally divided into:

1. Household (family games, kindergarten)

2. Production, reflecting the professional work of people (hospital, store, hairdresser)

3. Public (Birthday, library, school, flight to the moon)

The content of the role-playing game is embodied by the child through the role he takes on. A role is a means of realizing the plot and the main component of a role-playing game.

Directing play is a type of creative play. It is close to the role-playing game, but differs from it in that the characters in it are not other people (adults or peers, but toys depicting various characters. The child himself gives roles to these toys, as if animating them, he himself speaks for them different voices and he himself acts for them. Dolls, teddy bears, bunnies or soldiers become the protagonists of the child’s game, and he himself acts as a director, managing and directing the actions of his “actors”, which is why such a game is called directorial.

The integrated use of gaming technologies for different purposes helps prepare a child for school. From the point of view of the formation of motivational and emotional-volitional readiness for school, each play situation of communication between a preschooler and adults, with other children is for the child a “school of cooperation”, in which he learns to both rejoice in the success of a peer and calmly endure his own failures; regulate their behavior in accordance with social requirements, and equally successfully organize subgroup and group forms of cooperation. The problems of developing intellectual readiness for school are solved by games aimed at developing mental processes, as well as special games that develop elementary mathematical concepts in a child, introduce him to the sound analysis of words, and prepare his hand for mastering writing.

Thus, gaming technologies are closely related to all aspects of the educational work of a kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks. However, there is an aspect of their use that is aimed at improving the quality of the pedagogical process by solving situational problems that arise during its implementation. Thanks to this, gaming technologies turn out to be one of the mechanisms for regulating the quality of education in kindergarten: they can be used to level out negative factors that influence the decrease in its effectiveness. If children are systematically engaged in play therapy, they acquire the ability to manage their behavior, tolerate prohibitions more easily, become more flexible in communication and less shy, cooperate more easily, express anger more “decently,” and get rid of fear. Their play activities begin to be dominated by role-playing games depicting people’s relationships. Folk games with dolls, nursery rhymes, round dances, and joke games are used as one of the effective types of game therapy. Using folk games in the pedagogical process, educators not only implement the educational and developmental functions of gaming technologies, but also various educational functions: they simultaneously introduce students to folk culture. This is an important area of ​​the regional component of the kindergarten educational program, which is still insufficiently developed.

In theatrical games

(dramatization games) the actors are the children themselves, who take on the roles of literary or fairy-tale characters. Children do not invent the script and plot of such a game themselves, but borrow it from fairy tales, stories, films or plays. The task of such a game is to, without deviating from the well-known plot, reproduce the role of the character assumed as accurately as possible. The heroes of literary works become characters, and their adventures, life events, and changes by children’s imagination become the plot of the game.

The peculiarity of theatrical games is that they have a ready-made plot, which means the child’s activity is largely predetermined by the text of the work. Theatrical play is a rich field for children's creativity. Creative role-playing in a theatrical play is significantly different from creativity in a role-playing game. In role-playing games, the child is free to convey the image of role-playing behavior. In a theatrical play, the image of the hero, his main features, actions, and experiences are determined by the content of the work. The child's creativity is manifested in the truthful portrayal of the character. To implement it, the child must understand what the character is like, why he acts this way, and imagine his state and feelings. To play the role, the child must master a variety of visual means (facial expressions, body movements, gestures, expressive and intonation speech). Theatrical and play activities enrich children in general with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develop interest in literature and theater, form dialogical, emotionally rich speech, activate the vocabulary, and contribute to the moral and aesthetic education of each child.

Thus, the phenomenon of play should be treated as a unique phenomenon of childhood. Play is not only an imitation of life, it is a very serious activity that allows a child to assert himself and realize himself. By participating in various games, the child chooses characters that are closest to him and correspond to his moral values ​​and social attitudes. The game becomes a factor in the social development of the individual


So, play occupies an important place in the organization of children’s lives. Games are repeated daily, and on “their shoulders”, in favorable conditions, the children’s team grows and strengthens, with its inherent diversity of interests, the joy of communication, and social life skills. The games clearly show the level of social education, moral qualities, social behavior skills of children, and the level of their interests.

The process of play in preschoolers requires the involvement of the teacher, but with different goals, at different levels of development of relations between children. When a teacher enters the center of a child’s life - the circle of relationships that develop between children, then it is easy for him to navigate the organization of the game. From this follows the conclusion that it is necessary to master the skill of managing the game to such an extent that you are ready at any moment to show the children the game, play it with them, evaluate their achievements in mastering the rules and the still small but still existing technique of the game. For a child, mastering a new game means gaining new experiences. When the children master the game, then we will say: “Now you already know how to play yourself.” The more contact he has with children, the more often an adult acts as a connoisseur and advisor. The assessment should be made in a friendly manner, avoiding the tone of instruction or order.

We take the game as the life of children with all the contradictions, feelings, experiences, actions it contains, in general, with manifestations of an integral human personality. If for a child play is true life, then by organizing this life well and wisely we get great opportunities in raising children.


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Game activity methods

Currently, the scientific literature on the theory of gaming activity practically does not describe methods of gaming activity.

Let's consider the methods developed by A. M. Novikov and D. A. Novikov in “Methodology” (2007) proposed a classification of methods. The authors highlight theoretical and empirical methods from a set of gaming activity methods. And within these groups: Method-operations and method-actions.

Theoretical method-operations are considered as mental operations: Analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, specification, etc. On the one hand, they are formed in childhood, including during play activities; on the other hand, play activities are carried out with their help. In addition to the operations of logical thinking, the operations of the theoretical method of gaming activity can also include (perhaps conditionally) imagination as the mental process of creating new ideas and images with its specific forms of fantasy (creating implausible, paradoxical images and ideas) and dreams (as creating images of what is desired).

Theoretical and methodological action, such as the analysis of epistemological systems, theories as a method, etc., is practically not implemented in gaming activities, with the possible exception of such complex games as chess.

Empirical methods include primarily observation and experiment. In this case, the experiment is considered by the authors not in the scientific sense, as a strict procedure of scientific research, but as a synonym for experience, as an attempt to implement something, to make some changes in the external environment. Observation and experiment in this sense are two sides of the same coin. Observation is like searching for an answer to the question “what is happening?” Experimentation is “what will happen if you do this and that?” A child breaks toy structures and toys - this, according to the authors, is a natural manifestation of an exploratory reflex aimed at learning the properties of objects. Children's pranks of older children - blowing something up, setting it on fire, slapping it, etc. - also experiments characteristic of this age. Finally, competitive games: who is stronger? Who is faster? who is smarter? These are also experiments in the form of tests. Even when a person plays alone, for example, plays solitaire, this is also a test for himself - “will I succeed or not?”

Exercises are also considered as a method of playful activity. As you know, training is based on repeated repetition of certain movements and actions to form and improve skills and abilities. The child is ready to repeat a pleasant gaming activity many times, improve his skills and consolidate his success. When an action becomes a habit, a daily routine, the child loses interest in it - the action is mastered and consolidated.

Design in gaming activity is the creation of various structures. First there are “pastry cakes” made of sand, “construction” of houses, pyramids from bricks, then games with all kinds of building blocks, and later - creation of models of airplanes, ships, etc.

The example method is used in almost all collective games related to the performance of certain actions. So, as an example they can serve: an example of the actions demonstrated by the leader; behavior of adults and peers; images of heroes from books and films, people of different professions, etc.

Imitation (imitating someone or something, trying to reproduce something exactly). From infancy, a child imitates adults in everything - facial expressions, gait, pronunciation of words, etc. Later, imitation develops into a role in children's role-playing games. Imitation is often used as a method in theatrical games, plays, drama, pantomime, etc.

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