Project for February 23 in kindergarten. Senior group

Cognitive and creative project in the senior group “February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day”

Baraeva Lyubov

Cognitive and creative project in the senior group “February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day”

Project passport.

Type of project: educational - creative.

Implementation period : short-term (13.02-22.02).

Project participants: group teacher, senior preschool children, music director, parents of students.

Relevance of the project:

Due to recent changes, the loss of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness in our society has become increasingly noticeable. In this regard, the urgency of solving the most pressing problems of instilling patriotism in working with preschool children is obvious. Historically, love for the Motherland and patriotism have always been a national character trait in the Russian state. An equally important condition for the moral and patriotic education of children is a close relationship on this issue with their parents.

Interaction with parents promotes respect for traditions and preservation of family ties. Currently, this work is relevant and especially difficult, requiring great tact and patience, since in young families the issues of instilling patriotism and citizenship are not considered important and often only cause bewilderment.

Problem: lack of interest in the Russian army.

Justification of the problem: insufficient level of knowledge about the Russian army, the formation of gender; lack of desire to become a defender of the fatherland in the future.

Objective of the project:

— formation of a sense of patriotism in children of senior preschool age;

- involving parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten.

Project objectives:

— expand children’s knowledge about the Russian army, clarify their ideas about the branches of the military;

- develop children's cognitive activity and creative abilities;

— continue to instill in children patriotic feelings for the Motherland and pride in our history;

- develop and enrich children’s speech;

— work with parents, involving them in the patriotic upbringing of children in the family.

Expected Result:

— increasing children’s knowledge about the Russian army.

- children showing interest in the army and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

- children's desire to improve physical qualities and improve health.

- the desire of children to reflect their knowledge, impressions, thoughts and feelings in games, in singing songs, in reading poetry.

-increasing parents’ interest in developing a sense of patriotism in children.

Project implementation stages.

Stage 1. Preparatory.

- Project development.

— Inform project participants of the importance of this problem.

— Select methodological, popular science and fiction literature, illustrated material on this topic.

— Thinking through creative tasks for children and parents.

— Select materials, toys, attributes for play activities.

— Preparations for the holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Stage 2. Basic. Project implementation (by educational area).

— Social and communicative development:

Role-playing games: “We are sailors”, “Military nurses”, “Border security”, “On a warship”, “Sea semaphore” (see O. A. Skorolupova, part 1 p. 112).

Game - situation: “Army order” (see Appendix No. 1).

Construction game “Warship” (see O. A. Skorolupova, part 1, p. 112).

Didactic games:

“What does an artilleryman need”, “Who will I serve in the army?”, “Who protects our borders”, “Make a map”, “Military professions”, “Name the army by description”, “Guess the military profession”, “Flies, swims” , walks” (see Appendix No. 2).

NNOD (see educational field, artistic and aesthetic development).

— Cognitive development:

NNOD: (FCCM) on the topic “Russian Army” (see O. V. Dybina p. 38 topic 12).

NNOD: (FCCM) on the topic “Our Army” (see summary in Appendix No. 3).

Conversations about various types of troops, about the work of military personnel.

A conversation about the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, when and how it appeared; “Representatives of military professions”, “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland” (see Appendix No. 4)

NNOD (see educational field, artistic and aesthetic development).

— Speech development:

Reading poems: I. Grosheva “February 23”, E. Blaginina “Thank you to the valiant soldiers”, “The Overcoat”.

Memorizing poems:

L. Nekrasova “Our dear army”, S. Marshak “Border Guards”, Agadzhanova “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, O. Vysotskaya “Glory to the Russian Army”.

Reading stories:

L. Kassil “Your Defenders”, Y. Ilyinsky “On Earth, in Heaven and at Sea”, V. Tyurin “We Ride, Swim, Fly”, A. Mityaev “Why is the Army Dear”, I. Gurin “Military Holiday”, "February 23".

Reading excerpts from epics about heroes.

Sayings, proverbs, riddles on the theme “February 23” (see Appendix No. 5).

Examination and conversation based on the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”.

Examination of: reproductions, paintings, illustrations, photographs, albums on military topics (analysis and compilation of stories based on them).

Learning songs.

Finger gymnastics: “Our Army”, “Fingers – these are all fighters”, “Well done fighters” (see Appendix No. 6).

Speech outdoor game: “The Steadfast Soldier”, “Like Soldiers on Parade” (see Appendix No. 7).

— Artistic and aesthetic development:

NNOD: Drawing on the theme “Soldier on duty” (see T. S. Komarova p. 83 exercise 66).

Drawing on the theme “Border Guard with a Dog” (see T. S. Komarova, p. 85, exercise 70).

Drawing on the theme “Dad’s portrait” (see I. A. Lykova, p. 136, class 61).

Application on the theme “Sailor with signal flags” (see T. S. Komarova, p. 82, exercise 65).

Application on the theme “Tie for Dad” (see I. A. Lykova, p. 138, lesson 62).

Modeling on the theme “Tank” (see summary in Appendix No. 8).

Learning songs about the army: “The fighters are coming”, “Brave soldiers”, “We are heroes”, “We are still preschool children”; learning the dance “Step back - step forward.”

Listening to the song “Good Soldiers” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

Examination and conversation based on the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”.

Examination of: reproductions, paintings, illustrations, photographs, albums on military topics (analysis and compilation of stories based on them).

Design of the exhibition “Military Equipment of the Russian Federation”.

Musical and sports festival of brave warriors “Brave Soldiers”.

- Physical development:

Outdoor games: “Border Guards and Violators”, “Sentries and Scouts”, “Signal Flags”, “Three Tankmen”, “Submarine”, “Secret Report” (see Appendix No. 9).

The game is an air relay race “Crossing” (see O. A. Skorolupova, part 1, p. 113).

Motor exercise “Comrade Commander” (see Appendix No. 10).

Speech outdoor game: “The Steadfast Soldier”, “Like Soldiers on Parade” (see Appendix No. 7).

Physical education, “We will defend the world”, “Border guard”, “Let there always be peace”, “We are military”, “Soldiers”, “Planes” (see Appendix No. 11).

Musical and sports festival of brave warriors “Brave Soldiers” (according to the plan of the music director).

Working with parents:

Design of stand information, congratulations on the holiday.

Exhibition of decorative and applied arts “Military Equipment of the Russian Federation” (joint work of children with parents).

Photo exhibition “Guardian of Peace”.

Consultation for parents: 1) “Being a father is an honor.”

2) “The role of the father in raising a preschool child” (see appendix).

Stage 3. Final.

Final event: musical and sports “Good Soldiers” (according to the plan of the music director)

— preparation of an analytical report in the format of a multimedia presentation;

— broadcast of work experience for teachers as part of the pedagogical council.

Results of the project:

At the end of the project, children began to use military themes more often for games, spoke respectfully of the defenders of the fatherland, and proudly shared with their peers and teachers the knowledge they received from their parents about serving in the army. They began to play board, printed and didactic games with great interest. The level of cognitive and creative skills and communication abilities have increased. Parents have become active and interested participants in the educational process, and parents' interest in developing a sense of patriotism in their children has increased.


1. Dybina O. V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment. Senior group. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2014.- 80 p.

2. Komarova T. S. Classes in visual arts in the senior group of kindergarten. Lesson notes. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2009.-128p.

3. Lykova I. A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Senior group. – M.: “Karapuz – Didactics”, 2009. – 208 pp., reprint.

4. Skorolupova O. A. Thematic planning of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. Technology for implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. Senior preschool age. Educational and methodological manual for preschool teachers. Part 1 - M.: Publishing house, 2015.

Children about the defenders of the Fatherland: educational video for classes.

Watch with your children this wonderful and very interesting educational video for children of senior preschool and primary school age about our modern defenders.

Together with the Brave Soldier, children will go on an excursion to a military unit and learn:

- who are the soldiers,

- what is the army and what do they do in it,

— what is a charter,

- what do soldiers do?

- where do they live,

- how soldiers learn and understand military affairs,

- what soldiers do in their free time and many other facts about our defenders.

Better to see once than hear a hundred times! Enjoy watching!

Read poems to children about our defenders - soldiers, sailors. And about what PROTECTION is not only in big things, but also in small things - in our everyday life.

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