“The Tale of the Sea King, his daughter Osetrinka and other sea people” as part of the project “This Amazing Underwater World”


In her free time, the little fish Klopik loved to travel along the seabed, get acquainted with its inhabitants, and learn a lot of new and interesting things. One morning Klopik set off, wanting to explore the area on the western side of his house. Here he and the octopus Bolt often found interesting objects that had fallen to the seabed from a mysterious surface. These amazing objects belonged to people: a compass, a fragment of an anchor, and even ancient coins.

Klopik wanted to find a curiosity and surprise his friends. Having sailed far enough from the house, the fish began to look around in search of something unusual. So far nothing has been observed. Klopik continued on his way. Soon the baby saw a kind of hill made of stones. “Perhaps here I can find something strange and unusual,” Klopik thought and swam closer. And he stopped in horror. Huge green eyes, glowing in the dark, looked at him from under the stones. “What a horror, it’s a shark, or a stingray, or, even worse, a sea witch,” flashed through the head of the frightened fry.

He swam to a safe distance and began to watch the eyes. These were round eyes, undoubtedly belonging to a very large inhabitant of the seabed. Klopik was afraid, but at the same time he was tormented by curiosity - who was hiding behind the stones. “Volt is an octopus, he’s big and strong, he won’t be afraid,” the fish decided and went after his friend.

Volt the octopus lived with his family in the seaweed thickets. At this time, he was relaxing after lunch, stretching all his tentacles along the bottom. After listening to his excited friend, Volt became interested and decided to find out what kind of monster lives very close to his house. But for courage, the friends decided to take with them the crab Orsi, who was known as a great lover of adventure.

Orsi was basking on a rock, he had nothing to do and he gladly decided to join his friends. The three of them went to the place where Klopik discovered terrible eyes. All the way, Orsi chuckled at the timid fry and the cautious octopus: “What’s so scary about that? Just think, some eyes! We found something to be afraid of. Now I’m not afraid of anything - neither sharks, nor whales, nor other inhabitants of the sea. I am fearless and...” The crab did not finish speaking - he saw those same creepy giant eyes and with a loud scream hid in the algae thickets.

The friends stopped - their eyes looked at them without blinking, they were even bigger and even more terrible.

-Who could it be? - asked the recently brave Orsi in a trembling thin voice.

“Let’s get out of here,” Volt suggested.

“No, we need to know who is hiding in the stone cave,” little Klopik, as it turned out, was the bravest of his friends. “If it’s a monster, we have to find out everything for sure and tell our parents.” We may all have to move to a new place to avoid becoming food for him.

The crab and octopus agreed, but no one dared to come closer. They silently looked at the terrible monster hiding under the stone and casting unkind glances in their direction.

The friends spent a long time near the rock, not knowing what to do next. It would have been right to call one of the adults, but I really didn’t want to be branded as timid. But it’s scary to take risks yourself. Friends consulted, argued, shouted, but could not find a solution. Finally, plucking up courage, they decided to call the monster, ask it to crawl out into the light, look at it and immediately run away.

Klopik shouted:

- Hey, you creature sitting in a cave under the stones! Crawl into the light, we want to take a look at you.

- Why do you need this? – asked the mysterious creature. It’s strange, but his voice turned out to be not scary at all. Rather, quiet and melodic.

“We want to know who you are,” Volt said.

-Will you not offend me?

Here the friends were even more amazed.

“No, of course, but don’t offend us either,” said Orsi.

“Okay,” the creature agreed. A few moments later, the friends saw that small horns first appeared from the cave, then a head, and soon a snail stood in front of them. She was very small, cute and completely not scary. But the huge heads occupied most of the head.

“Hello, snail,” said Klopik. It turned out that he shouldn’t have been scared and invited all his friends.

- Hi guys. My name is Cora, I always sit under the stones and don’t offend anyone, I just feel comfortable and safe there.

- Why do you have such big eyes? – Orsi asked.

- They're not that big. The most ordinary eyes. But you seemed evil and scary to me. That's it, I think now these giants will pull me out and eat me. Everything was huddled there under the stone.

- We? Giants? – Volt was surprised. “We’re just a little bit bigger than you.”

So Klopik, Orsi and Volt found themselves a new friend, the snail Kora, who turned out to be very cheerful, constantly coming up with new games and entertainment.

But why did her eyes seem huge to her friends? And why did Kora see them as giants? The answer is simple: fear has big eyes!

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Scary sharks

Sharks are considered the most formidable ocean inhabitants. The following features indicate their ancient origin:

  • special structure of scales;
  • absence of gill covers and bone tissue.

Despite their simple structure, sharks are considered perfect predatory machines. Living on Earth for many millennia, they adapted to exist in the depths, thanks to which they learned to compete with mammals and fish.

The peculiarity of these organisms is the absence of spawning. They lay eggs in the cornea; some species are viviparous. The largest sharks are whale sharks (20 m) and basking sharks (15 m). They feed mainly on plankton.

Predatory swordfish

The swordfish or swordfish is the only representative of the swordfish and belongs to the order Perciformes . The length of large individuals reaches 4.5 m and weighs up to 500 kg. A special feature is the presence of a xiphoid process, which replaces the upper jaw. The habitat of swordfish is represented by subtropical and tropical waters; they are partially found in the Azov and Black Seas. The fish is a commercial fish and can reach speeds of over 100 km/h.

The swordfish is one of the fastest swimmers among the representatives of the deep sea. The high speed is due to the special structure of the body. Thanks to the sword, drag is significantly reduced, which is important when moving in an aquatic environment. When preparing an essay on aquatic animals in biology, it is worth noting that the swordfish with a streamlined torpedo-shaped body is devoid of scales. The gills perform the functions of a hydrojet engine. A constant water flow passes through them, its speed is regulated by an expanded or narrowed gill slit.

When preparing a report on marine life, it is worth mentioning that the standard body temperature of swordfish is 15 degrees higher than ocean water. This is due to the increased starting activity of the fish, due to which high speed develops while escaping from enemies or hunting. The approach of the predator to the coastal zone is observed when throwing eggs. She is a loner and never joins a school; she often hangs around clusters of small fish.

Small shellfish

Among underwater inhabitants, mollusks occupy the largest niche and are divided into several types: slowly crawling, excessively mobile and practically non-moving. A child, in his story for the class, can mention the information that all such creatures have a protective shell on their back. They also have gills and lungs, with which they are able to breathe both on land and in water.

The soft body of the mollusk is located in the shell, has a head and one leg. They need a limb for camouflage on the sandy bottom of a reservoir, movement and attachment to stone blocks. Under the shell there is a mantle in the form of a dense fold of fabric. When writing a message about marine life, it should be noted that without a stratum corneum, the body of a mollusk is easily damaged.

In a report on marine life, the student can draw a table with comparative characteristics of different types of animals and fish. He can look for interesting facts on the topic on Internet resources like Wikipedia. Information can be downloaded for free directly from the website.

Tales about fish

Everyone loves fish. Both adults and children. What could be more mysterious and wonderful than the ocean depths? “The Tale of the Goldfish” and “At the Command of the Pike” were written for children. Pisces in these and many similar works fulfill the wishes of the person who left them life and freedom. Adults will enjoy Saltykov-Shchedrin's ironic tales about crucian carp, ruffe and minnows, whose behavior is a caricature of human vices in society. There are also legends and tales about fish and monsters among different peoples, whose representatives believed that, for example, ships of travelers not only drown in the depths of the sea, but are eaten by a huge monster, whose belly can easily fit an entire fleet. True, this miracle may not look at all like a fish, and neither does it look like a whale. Since sea fish used to mean snake-like voracious dragons that do not exist in reality. For example, leviathan from the Bible.

There are also tales about fish that will be of interest to all ages. For example, the tale of Mamin-Sibiryak about Ruff Ershovich, Sparrow Vorobeich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha. Or “The Tale of Ersha Ershovich, Shchetinnikov’s son.” In both stories, animals are put on trial and a useful moral is revealed at the end. These tales will be interesting to analyze with the whole family.

The fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” about the whale fish

The author of the work “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” P. P. Ershov, tells the story of the adventures of Ivan the peasant son, the youngest of three brothers, and the Little Humpbacked Horse who was inherited by a coincidence of strange circumstances. Ivan and the horse carry out various tasks for the king for whom they serve. During one of the tasks, Ivan and the Little Humpback come to the sea, where they see a miracle Yudo with an entire city on his back. Undoubtedly, Ershov’s work is the most famous fairy tale about the miracle whale fish. It describes in more detail both the whale fish itself and its character and way of life. The huge fish asks Ivan to find out why he was punished by carrying an entire city on his back. When the heroes find out the cause of the whale's troubles and thereby free him from his burden, the miracle fish promises to fulfill any request of Ivan. The young man asks to find at the bottom of the sea the ring of a maiden - the future wife of the old king, which the huge fish happily obliges.

Real prototypes of whale fish

It is clear to us that mythological creatures were not invented out of thin air. Their real relatives were real animals, many of which exist to this day. Like all stories about various sea monsters, the fairy tale about the whale fish also has a real prototype. The paintings of artists who illustrated stories about the miracle fish mainly depict a minke whale. The largest representative of minke whales reaches a length of 30 meters. It is a pity that this size is not enough to place even the smallest town on the back of an animal. In addition, whales of this family feed on plankton and would not be able to swallow a ship.

Whale fish images

The imagination of artists always works well, so the miracle whale has been depicted in all possible shapes and sizes. One of the most visual works came from the brush of the artist N. Kochergin. The tale of the whale fish in books is often illustrated by his painting. It depicts a huge whale, whose tail has turned into forests and mountains, a river flows from them, a city is spread out on its back, and on its head cheerful residents dance in a circle around a fountain that flows from the top of the whale’s head. This is exactly the picture we see in the fairy tale about the Little Humpbacked Horse. In the foreground of the picture, Ivan himself is also depicted with a horse, who listen to the request of the sea monster.

Mysterious stingrays

Stingrays are cartilaginous elasmobranch fish. Their peculiarity is the pectoral fins, which are fused with the head, forming a flat body. Stingrays are found in seas and freshwater bodies. Color (light or black) depends on the habitat.

Stingrays are found all over the planet, including Antarctica and the Arctic Ocean. But most often people encounter them on the Australian coast, where they scurry between coral reefs. Stingrays are related to sharks because their bodies are made of cartilage rather than bone.

The respiratory system of these inhabitants of the seas and oceans was the result of an isolated lifestyle. Unlike fish, when inhaled at depth, they contaminate sensitive internal organs with sand and silt. Stingrays receive oxygen using sprays located on their backs and covered with a special protective valve. When foreign particles enter them, the creature releases a stream of water, washing away the remains of plants and sand.

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