Cognitive and playful leisure time “Our Faithful Friends” for children of senior preschool age

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

Entertainment in the preparatory group "Pets and Birds"

Guys, let's look out the window. What kind of sun is there? What mood do you get when looking at the bright sun? (children's answers. Yes, I am also in a joyful, excellent mood, because you and I can learn many, many interesting things today. And what will we talk about, you.

Entertainment scenario “Pets” using ICT for children of senior preschool age Goal: Expand and systematize knowledge about pets. Objectives: “Cognitive development” Contribute to the consolidation and expansion of knowledge about domestic animals. “Physical development” Develop the ability to move in accordance with the text. Promote development.

Musical and recreational leisure “Pets living in the village” for children 6–7 years old Objectives: To systematize children’s knowledge about domestic animals living in the village, their habits, appearance, characteristics, caring for them, to show the importance of animals for humans. Develop intelligence, reaction speed in outdoor games, and competent oral speech. Equipment.

Scenario of the quiz “Pets” in the preparatory group for school Quiz on the topic “Pets” in the preparatory group for school Educational areas: “Cognition” and “Communication” Purpose: To summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about the life of pets; their structure, what they eat, what benefits they bring to humans; form u.

Scenario for speech leisure “Pets and birds” in the preparatory speech therapy group Speech leisure “How the little fox got into the farm.” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about domestic animals and poultry. Tasks: Correctional and educational: expand and clarify the vocabulary on the topic “Domestic animals”, “poultry”. Fix the names of baby pets and.

Domestic and wild animals. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs and the Gray Wolf” in the preparatory group. Dramatization based on fairy tales by S. Mikhalkov and W. Disney. "The Three Little Pigs and the Gray Wolf." Goals: Continue to form children's ideas about the world around them based on children's fiction. Develop cognitive interest, coherent speech, sound culture of speech, prosody.


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