Cognitive and speech development of preschool children

The importance of cognitive and speech development

Definition 1
Speech is a special form of communication and interaction between people, during which they exchange thoughts, ideas, experiences and other information with each other, and also influence each other.

Speech is a clear indicator of a child’s development. If speech is poorly developed, then it contains a number of characteristic errors, such as poor vocabulary, incorrect construction of sentences, inability to logically connect words to express one’s thoughts, defects in pronunciation, inconsistent rhythm of speech, etc.

The better a preschool child’s speech is developed, the more successful the learning will be during his school years. However, a child’s speech is not always well developed in the preschool period. This is largely due to the fact that ineffective methods and methods for its development were chosen. It has now been proven that the success of speech development of a preschool child is facilitated by the organization of simultaneous cognitive development with speech. This is achieved through various types of activities: gaming, work, educational and cognitive, communicative, etc. It is also important that during the activity the child must actively express his thoughts, feelings, sensations, etc.

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Speech, which is accompanied by cognitive activity, makes it more conscious and purposeful. The teacher’s task is to help the child achieve the necessary communicative competence by the end of preschool childhood. This is achieved through properly organized cognitive and speech development of preschool children in all age groups. An important condition is compliance with the following components:

  • competent and correct speech of the teacher;
  • developing children's ideas about the world around them and life in it;
  • development of curiosity, activity and initiative in children;
  • sensory education;
  • varied and rich play activities.

The significance of the cognitive and speech development of preschool children lies in the fact that currently more and more preschool children have problems in the development of speech activity. These problems are caused by the following negative factors:

  1. Deterioration in the physical and mental health of children.
  2. A significant decrease in “live” communication between children and peers and adults, including parents.
  3. A significant decline in the level of speech culture in modern society.
  4. Insufficient attention on the part of adults (parents, educators) to the speech development of children.

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Cognitive activity as a means of forming coherent speech in preschool children


Ponomareva Lyudmila Georgievna,


MADOU d/s No. 146 of the city of Tyumen

Cognitive development of children is one of the important areas in working with preschool children. Any child is born with an innate cognitive orientation that helps him adapt to new conditions of his life. Gradually, cognitive orientation develops into cognitive activity - a state of internal readiness for cognitive and research activities, manifested in children in search actions aimed at obtaining new impressions about the world around them. It is cognitive activity that is one of the main means of forming coherent speech in a preschooler.

“The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and has learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, his creative and research activity will be,” wrote the classic of Russian psychological science. science Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky.

Preschool age is a period of active acquisition by a child of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full command of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The sooner learning the native language begins, the more freely the child will use it in the future.

In preschool childhood, the child masters, first of all, dialogic speech, which has its own specific characteristics, manifested in the use of linguistic means necessary in colloquial speech. Only special speech education leads a child to mastering coherent speech, which is a detailed statement consisting of several or many sentences, divided according to the functional-semantic type into description, narration, and reasoning. The formation of coherent speech, the development of skills to construct a statement meaningfully and logically is one of the main tasks of speech education of a preschooler.


Having worked with children for several years, observing them throughout the day, I can conclude that the speech of a child who is not prepared for school usually retains speech features characteristic of younger children and contains many errors:

• poor vocabulary;

• often incorrect sentence construction;

• inability to present events coherently and consistently;

• pronunciation defects;

• confused pace of speech.

The better a child’s speech is developed in the preschool years, the higher the guarantee of his successful schooling. We do not always achieve a high level of children’s speech development using traditional methods and forms of organizing work. This is especially true now, since speech is disappearing from a child’s life. Children spend a lot of time in front of the TV and computer; some children are sometimes busy with various clubs and “development school.” Adults brush off children's questions and rarely listen without interrupting. The correct language is not always used when communicating with a child. If they read books, they don’t discuss them. But a child desperately needs communication. Poor speech leads to aggression, since the child cannot always express in words what he wants to say. Hence the problem of vocabulary, the problem of pronunciation, the problem of expressiveness of speech. And one cannot fail to take into account the cultural crisis of society and, as a consequence, the low level of culture of the individual, family, and educational space as a whole. Illiterate expressions, careless speech, reduction of vocabulary, loss of the very concept - culture of speech.

I always strive to develop children's conscious and active speech. It is speech activity, its volume and nature that become the main indicators of the success of educational, cognitive, gaming, communicative, labor and other types of activities. All the child’s achievements in familiarizing himself with the world of nature and society, in mathematics, in activities, etc. will not be noticeable if they are not expressed in his active speech.

Having realized this, I began work on the formation of cognitive activity and the development of coherent speech in children.

The purpose of my work:

Comprehensive development of the child’s personality through cognitive activity and familiarization with universal human values.


• Form cognitive processes and methods of mental activity.

• Contribute to the activation of children's coherent speech in various activities.

• Involve parents in joint research, project and productive activities with their children that contribute to the emergence of cognitive activity.

• Improve the subject-development environment of the group in this area.

In the summer, having recruited children into the younger group, I conducted ascertaining experiments that revealed the children’s ability to compose descriptive and narrative texts in a situation of joint storytelling, and then independently.

The results of the examination were not unexpected for me: deficiencies in sound pronunciation, poor vocabulary and monotony of syntactic structures were recorded in the majority of children. Of the 25 children, two composed a story with a little help from an adult, 8 children - together with me, 8 - did not establish a logical connection between the sentences, 7 - refused to answer.

Also, while observing the children, I noticed that the cognitive activity of children at the beginning of the school year is not high enough, which can affect the development of speech, logical thinking, memory, and attention. Children do not show curiosity or research interest in the world of living and inanimate nature, preferring other types of activities.

Thus, the need arose to carry out targeted, systematic work to increase cognitive activity for the formation of coherent speech in children.

These observations allowed me to develop a methodology for individual training and the formation of coherent speech, taking into account the level of speech development of each child, using special speech exercises, tasks, situations that develop the understanding of younger preschoolers about the structure of a coherent statement (beginning, middle, end) and methods of connection between sentences (method shared storytelling).

Already at a young age, I do a lot of work that contributes to the development of connected speech skills. I teach children to listen and understand an adult’s speech, answer his questions, speak out in the presence of other children, listen to each other

The sequence of my work on the development of coherent speech can be schematically represented as follows: learning to name an object (toy), identifying features, actions, drawing up a joint description, then a narrative. At the same time, I conduct exercises: lexical (comparing and contrasting qualities and actions), grammatical (different ways of word formation - nouns and verbs, composing sentences consisting of 3 - 4 words), phonetic (clear pronunciation of words and sentences, intonation completeness of statements).

I solve program problems in various forms of joint activities with children, as well as in independent activities of children:

  • organization of educational situations,
  • looking at pictures, toys, reading stories, fairy tales, learning poems, riddles and communication situations,
  • dramatization of fairy tales, theatrical role-playing games.

I try to catch any statement of a child from one or two phrases and with my questions I encourage children to dialogue and express themselves more fully.

At the beginning of my work, I enriched the subject-development environment, selected albums of poems, sayings and proverbs, riddles, and nursery rhymes. I conduct various educational games:

  • to the description of toys: “What kind of object?”; “Tell me which one?”; “Find out what kind of animal?”;
  • to form ideas about the sequence of actions of the characters by laying out the corresponding pictures: “Who can do what?”; “Tell me, what comes first, what comes next?”; "Add a word";
  • thematic games: “Where does it grow”, “When does this happen”, “Who needs it”, etc.;
  • mosaic type games.
  • on the formation of the concept that every statement has a beginning, middle, end, i.e. is built according to a certain scheme: “Who knows, continues further”, “Brew compote”.
  • games that require motor activity, dexterity, etc. : “Flying caps”, “Hit the target”, “Goose”, etc.

All these games require 2-4 partners. Board and printed games help expand children's horizons, develop intelligence, attention to the actions of a friend, orientation in changing game conditions, and the ability to foresee the results of their move. Participation in the game requires endurance, strict adherence to the rules and brings children a lot of joy.

Each didactic game has its own educational task, which distinguishes one game from another: in some games more attention is paid, for example, to the development of memory, in others - attention, in others - thinking.

For these games I give a scheme of statements, and the children “fill” it with various contents. We reinforce the jointly compiled story with repeated questions so that the children can identify the main connections between its parts, for example: “Where did the goat go? Why did the goat scream? Who helped her? These games teach children: to talk about the content of each plot picture, linking them into one story; consistently, logically connect one event to another; master the structure of a story, which has a beginning, middle and end.

The formation of coherent speech in preschoolers occurs through cognitive activity. The development of cognitive activity in preschool children is especially important, since it develops children's curiosity, inquisitiveness of mind and forms on their basis stable cognitive interests through research activities, which manifests itself in children in search actions aimed at obtaining new impressions about the world around them.

My work on developing coherent speech in preschoolers takes place throughout the day. Children enrich their vocabulary through observations in nature and familiarization with their surroundings. I teach children to compose stories of different types, form conversational speech, both in the classroom and in everyday life. I introduce children to fiction, teach them to listen and understand the meaning of the work. Using artistic words, I teach children to see the beauty of their native words.

The youngest preschooler is characterized by an increased interest in everything that happens around him. Every day, children learn more and more new objects, strive to learn not only their names, but also their similarities, and think about the simplest reasons for the observed phenomena. Maintaining children's interest, I lead them from getting to know nature to understanding it. To do this, it is very important to enrich children’s ideas about plants, animals, and inanimate objects found primarily in their immediate environment. During preschool childhood, thanks to the child’s cognitive activity, the emergence of a primary image of the world occurs. The image of the world is formed in the process of development of the cognitive sphere, which consists of 3 components:

1. Cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, imagination,


2. Information (experience and achievements accumulated by humanity along the way

knowledge of the world);

3. Attitude to the world (emotional reaction to individual objects, objects, phenomena and events of our world).

However, it should be remembered that the process of cognition of a small person differs from the process of cognition of an adult. Adults understand the world with their minds, and small children with their emotions. The basis of a three-year-old child’s worldview is the objective content of reality, his world—separate, concrete, real objects, objects, and phenomena. A child learns about the world according to the principle: what I see and what I act with is what I know. He looks at objects as if from different sides; he is interested in their external (What? Who? Which?) and internal characteristics (For what? How?). But a three-year-old child cannot independently comprehend the hidden characteristics of objects (since in his arsenal there is only one way of cognition: I see - I act), he needs the help of adults.

Children of the fourth year of life begin to establish the first connections and dependencies (the relationship between the external and internal characteristics of an object), to understand the role and significance of objects in a person’s life.

In our group, at least once a month we conduct excursions (around the kindergarten); We introduce children to the structure of their own body, surrounding objects (toys, furniture), flora and fauna (birds, animals, indoor plants).

Children love gifts - these are gifts from autumn, winter, spring (autumn - beautiful leaves, rowan berries, plant seeds, sketches of autumn rain, etc., winter - snowflakes, bare trees and green Christmas trees, sketches of children's winter fun, etc. ., spring - the gentle sun, the first leaves and flowers, etc.).

In order to bring children to an understanding of such natural phenomena as rain and snow, I conduct simple experiments with snow, water, and ice. Watching heavy rain from the window, children see how water flows down the glass, what puddles there are on the roads after rain. After several observations, with my help, we still draw conclusions: rain can be different (cold, warm, drizzling, heavy, torrential). Most often, it rains when clouds appear in the sky, but sometimes it happens in good weather when the sun is shining, such rain is called “mushroom rain.” It is warm and goes away quickly. To develop children’s interest in this phenomenon, I used the poem “Rain” by Z. Alexandrova, the Russian folk nursery rhyme “Rain”, etc.

To show the relationship between living and inanimate nature, I pay attention to how green it becomes after the rain, how easy it is to breathe. The children were convinced that rain is water. They compared the water from the tap and from the puddle and noted: the water in the puddle is dirty, but the water from the tap is clean. If you boil water from a tap, then it is suitable for drinking, but from a puddle it is not suitable for drinking, but a sparrow can wash its wings in this puddle (my children and I have observed this more than once). I used the reading of A. Barto’s poem “Sparrow”.

Every observation of experience and natural phenomena is accompanied by speech.

So that children learn to construct their statements coherently and beautifully, every day I conduct:

  • articulatory gymnastics (“Funny Tongue”, “Curious Tongue”);
  • breathing exercises;
  • finger games and exercises;
  • in special moments she used folklore, artistic expression, poetry, and songs.

Children have a lot to learn and a lot to learn. This is the age

when a child is open to everything new, unknown, he is interested in everything, he wants to know and be able to, he gets to know the world around him - while playing.

A game is a way to explain, teach, organize direct educational activities in such a way as to take into account all the desires and interests of the child.

In my work I use games that promote the mental education of preschoolers: “Mosaic”, “Bead Stringing”, “Edible - Inedible”, etc.

For children in the group, the necessary conditions have been created for organizing role-playing games: “Hospital”, “Family”, “Hairdresser”, “Bus”, etc., which contributes to the development of children’s role-playing speech, the ability to conduct a dialogue with a partner - a peer, a partner - adults.

The main form of work on the formation of coherent speech are classes based on game situations and exercises:

  • “I’ll start, and you finish”;
  • “Who will remember better” (turn the picture over, children remember and tell what is shown in the picture);
  • “A toy came to visit us” (who can tell us more about it);
  • “Come up with a beginning or an end to a fairy tale”;
  • “Retelling along the chain”;
  • “Compiling a story according to a diagram”;
  • fairy tale “Turnip”, “Kolobok” (one child tells, the other illustrates);
  • retelling the story together with an adult;
  • the teacher talks, and the children post pictures, diagrams, etc.

Games in the classroom are very successful and bring great joy and satisfaction to every child. Children's self-confidence increases, the need for self-respect intensifies, and courage and persistence in defending their interests appear.

Expanding the range of children's ideas is inextricably linked with the organization of their environment. In our group, in order for a child’s speech to develop, children are surrounded by objects that they can examine, compare, study through games and work, and display the results of observations in words; conditions have been created in which they have the desire and need to speak, to transform what they perceive and observe into speech.

The developmental environment in the group is designed so that children can use objects easily and conveniently. The reality surrounding the child - everyday objects, people, pictures, toys - provides abundant material that is used to expand the world of children's perceptions and enrich the language.

  • Cognitive mini-environment – ​​satisfies the child’s need to master the world around him and stimulates cognitive activity.
  • Communicative mini-environment - stimulates speech development, allows the child to learn the basics of communication and interaction.
  • Creative mini-environment – ​​introduces children to creative activities, promotes self-development and self-realization.

The groups have created educational game libraries, which include:

  • files on articulation gymnastics, finger games, physical exercises,
  • educational games,
  • aids that promote the development of children's speech: materials for storytelling (story pictures, fiction, various didactic, board and printed games - lotto, dominoes, “Cubs and their Animals”, etc.), allowing children to reproduce and continue what they did in class and in joint activities with the teacher.

With such an organization, children experience satisfaction, a feeling of pleasure, joy, and insight. This is also facilitated by the comfortable layout of the “corners,” which gives children the opportunity to play in small subgroups, have heart-to-heart conversations with the teacher, and have privacy.

While working with parents on this issue, I made the following conclusions: most parents do not even have basic knowledge about the concept of coherent speech, and they focus their attention on the child’s correct pronunciation of sounds in words. For other parents, it is difficult to work with the child on coherent speech, i.e. they find it difficult to organize it at home.

I started involving parents in the development of coherent speech in children with a questionnaire. The purpose of the survey is to analyze and summarize parents’ responses for further work with the family on the formation of coherent speech in children. I have prepared a series of consultations for parents on the following topics:

“Homemade TV solves problems with speech development in children”

“Developing a child’s speech at home”

"How to teach a child to tell"

When working with parents, I used conversations, during which I answered questions they had, introduced them to fiction and the dynamics of the development of children’s coherent speech. Traditionally, I invite parents to open days and open classes. In open classes, parents gain knowledge and skills in developing certain skills and abilities in a child, for example, in developing a story based on a series of plot pictures, retelling a story with and without support for plot pictures, and many others.

The development of both monologue and dialogic speech in children occurs directly during preparation for the holidays and their implementation. Parents and children consolidate the text of roll calls, poems, and dramatizations.

Parents are offered one of the most effective forms of work - correspondence counseling, which, in addition to general recommendations on the development of children’s speech, includes the “Game Library” - a selection of practical games and exercises to enrich and develop vocabulary at home. Parents regularly receive homework assignments, for example, write a story about an animal, learn a poem about winter, come up with a riddle, as well as assignments like:

  • think of what happened before;
  • come up with it yourself, because it’s not shown in the picture;
  • what the artist called this painting;
  • let's come up with a name;
  • I'll start, and you finish.

My main idea for writing the experience was the development of cognitive activity, as a means of developing children’s coherent speech through the introduction of various types of activities.

Planned result:

  • The ability to retell literary texts meaningfully and expressively.
  • The ability to conduct a coordinated dialogue between the teacher and the child, between children.
  • The ability to express one’s thoughts coherently, consistently and logically.
  • The ability to compose stories from personal experience and write short tales.

Based on the analysis of the work results, positive dynamics can be noted:

  • children began to speak freely, listen to each other, complement, generalize, notice mistakes and correct them;
  • children's stories became more concise, more precisely, the construction of sentences became more complex, their construction became more correct;
  • children began to use common sentences with homogeneous members and complex sentences in their speech;
  • in the children's stories, conjunctions appeared that indicated causal, temporary connections;
  • In stories, children began to use descriptions, comparisons, and introductory words.

The work I have done on the formation of cognitive activity and the development of coherent speech in preschool children allows us to conclude that the conditions I have identified and implemented are effective.

I will continue and improve my work in the cognitive-speech direction in the coming years.


1. Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetina V.V. The unknown is near. M., 2004

2. Kovinko L. Secrets of nature - it’s so interesting! – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003.-80 p.

3. Jackie Silberg “500 five-minute educational games”, Minsk, 2004.

4.Development of children's verbal creativity. Preschool education; 1972.

5. Coherence of speech in different types of storytelling in children. Education and training of early and preschool children: Native speech: Abstracts of a scientific conference. Siauliai, 1974.

6. Development of coherent speech. Education and training in kindergarten / Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets, T.A. Markova. - M.: Pedagogy, 1976

7. Coherent speech. Speech development in preschool children. Ed. F. Sokhina. - M.: Education, 1976. (co-authored with N.F. Vinogradova).

8. Development of children's speech when familiarizing themselves with fiction. Speech development in preschool children. Ed. F. Sokhina. - M.: Education, 1976.

9. The influence of vocabulary work on the coherence of speech. Preschool education, 1981, No. 2.

10. Work on the development of coherent speech (junior and middle groups). Preschool education, 1984, No. 10

11. Development of coherent speech. Mental education of preschool children. - M.: Education, 1984.

12. How to develop your baby’s speech. Preschool education. 1996. No. 5.

13. Think of a word (speech games, exercises, situations). - M.: Education, 1996.

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The purpose and objectives of cognitive and speech development

The leading goals of cognitive and speech development are:

  • Timely and comprehensive development of the child’s personality.
  • Introducing the child to universal and cultural values.
  • Formation and development of curiosity and creative imagination as the basis of a child’s cognitive activity.

The tasks of cognitive and speech development of preschool children are:

  1. Formation of cognitive processes and methods of mental activity, expansion and enrichment of knowledge about the surrounding world and nature.
  2. Involving parents (guardians) of pupils in joint activities with children (research, design, educational, etc.).
  3. Promoting the activation of the child’s speech activity in everyday and practical activities.
  4. Organization and improvement of the subject-development environment of preschool educational institutions, aimed at the cognitive and speech development of children.

Note 1

One of the most important areas of cognitive and speech development is the timely and successful acquisition by a child of his native language. This is due to the fact that native speech helps the child to understand the world around him, acquire the necessary skills and abilities, and acquire practical experience.

In addition, the development of a child’s speech is largely connected with knowledge of the world around him, the development of his own cognition and personality, understanding of his “I” and his position in this world. The existence of a child in society contributes to the formation of speech, since only through communication can a child interact productively with people around him.

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