Methodological recommendations for the use of a developing speech subject-spatial environment in an early age group. Part 1

Where should you start?

The use of a developmental environment is directly related to its organization. The task of the preschool educational institution staff is to take care of the main centers (or corners) in the kindergarten group, focused on the development of a particular skill. Several subject centers will help you improve, develop, and polish your speech. More on them a little later.

For a methodologist who will draw up methodological recommendations, it is important to understand two things: what to write and how to write. How to write, that is, the structure of recommendations, can be seen in other similar documents. I have selected a small list of references that you can refer to. And additionally extract useful information from these manuals. So, publications on the topic:

  • A manual on planning and monitoring the subject-spatial environment for senior educators.
  • A publication with notes and presentations on creating a developmental environment according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Includes both book and CD.
  • Another guide to creating a developmental environment. This time only the disk .
  • The subject-spatial environment must not only be created and developed. We need to monitor her condition. An assessment and control journal in the form of a paper book and a program for installation on a PC .
  • A couple of useful offline webinars. The first is to build a developmental environment in an early age group. And here is another version of the same webinar. The second is more specialized and concerns specifically the speech environment in preschool educational institutions.
  • And another webinar . He will tell you how to systematize the environment in accordance with the age of kindergarteners.
  • Advanced training course on designing a subject-spatial developmental environment in preschool educational institutions . There is an option to start in August. And there is the same one that starts in September .
  • Professional retraining course . Concerns issues of subject-spatial and inclusive environment.

Passport of the speech development center in the second junior group “Solnyshko”

Speech Development Center Passport

in the second junior group "Sun"


– the most complex mental process, subject only to man! The issue of speech development in modern children is relevant, because every year the number of children with speech disorders increases.

Our group has created a corner for speech development “Rechevichok”

, according to the age and interest of the children.

The main character of the corner

Game character - Andrei doll ”.
The speech corner is based on gaming and didactic material aimed at developing:

1) Articulatory
motor skills
(object pictures-supports; articulatory gymnastics in verses and pictures, mirrors for a subgroup of children)

2)Correct breathing

– the key to success in mastering difficult to pronounce sounds. Using breathing exercises, you can prevent nervous overstrain, restore proper speech breathing, create a positive emotional mood, and also overcome the child’s speech disorders.

In this corner, to develop proper breathing, we have created didactic games: “Air football”, “Fishing”, “Feed the animals”, as well as turntables, cups, a simulator for developing the strength of the air stream, whistles, plumes, “Bottle with a blizzard” .

3)For the development of coherent speech,

we use sets of subject and subject pictures (based on the lexical topics of the week): “Animals of our forests”, “Pets and their babies”, “Furniture”, “Transport”, “Birds”, “Insects”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits” ", "Berries", "Mushrooms", "Professions", "Seasons", "Stories in Pictures" (part 1 and 2); didactic games and manuals: “Where is whose shadow”, “Seasons”, “Who lives where?”, “Who eats what”, “Whose tail?”, “Gather the harvest”, “Part and whole”, card index of didactic games on speech development; as well as baby books and works of art according to the program, cut-out pictures and different types of theater.

4) Benefits for developing fine motor skills:

finger games based on fairy tales, lacing tale “Kolobok”, lacing “Insects”, “Hedgehog”, insert games, su-jok, walnuts, cones, stencils, clothespins (“Sun”, “Hedgehog”), small toys (kinders)

5) Material on onomatopoeia:

“Noise instruments”, children’s musical instruments: drums, pipe, tambourine, rattle, rattles, musical and didactic game “Musical professions”.

6) Games and tutorials for automating sounds:

album on automation of sounds, pure sayings, poems and nursery rhymes, subject and plot pictures, different types of theater: finger, table, cone table theater, “Bi-Ba-Bo”-mitten doll, glass table theater, flannelgraph, multifunctional screen for theatricalization , theater masks; small toys.

7) Games for vocabulary and grammar:

subject pictures on lexical topics.

The content of the speech corner is determined in accordance with the program and age of the children.

In the speech corner we use objects from the theater and music corner, since dramatization promotes the development of coherent speech.

Thank you for your attention!

Which centers in the group should be used for speech development?

Speech is one of the important mental functions. It allows you to transfer information. The child must acquire speech skills in preschool age. They are not given at birth, and speech has to be taught. This applies to all children without exception. Few people perceive speech by ear and independently. In most cases, it takes a lot of effort to teach speaking skills on time. This is a concern for both preschool teachers and parents.

A developing subject-spatial environment is an organized space with selected materials and equipment. It helps teach a child a variety of age-appropriate skills. Here it is written in detail about the requirements for a development environment.

A subject-spatial environment conducive to speech is formed in the premises of the preschool educational institution group. It consists of several centers (corners, or stands). For children of different ages, the list of stands may be almost the same, but their content will differ. The following centers will help you work with speech:

  • speech and book;
  • game;
  • theatrical;
  • art center;
  • sensory-constructive;
  • others (indirectly).

There are certain requirements for the developing subject-spatial environment in kindergarten. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, it should be easily transformable, rich in content, multifunctional, accessible, safe, aesthetically attractive, and psychologically comfortable. And quickly transform into a conventional space for the current game: a clinic, a cafe, a clearing in the forest.

An organized subject-speech environment should help resolve the following issues:

  • develop vocabulary;
  • work on grammatical structure (teach word formation and correct grammatical structures);
  • develop coherent speech (learn to retell, describe, guess riddles);
  • to form a full-fledged sound culture of speech (improve breathing, improve auditory attention and clarity of sound pronunciation);
  • develop fine motor functions.

The group environment should be age appropriate. And allow the alternation of different activities: educational, social and independent. A rich and appropriate developmental environment will be exciting for the child. It will improve speech and diversify the development of the baby.

Slide captions:

Equipping a speech corner in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the second junior group. Nikiforova A.O. Group No. 13

1.Formation of vocabulary 1. Based on enriching ideas about the immediate environment, continue to expand and activate children’s vocabulary. 2. Clarify the names and purposes of items of clothing, shoes, hats, dishes, furniture, and types of transport. 3. Develop the ability to distinguish and name essential details and parts of objects (for a dress - sleeves, collar, pockets, buttons), qualities (color and its shades, shape, size), surface features (smooth, fluffy, rough), some materials and their properties (paper easily tears and gets wet, glass objects break, rubber toys restore their original shape after being compressed), location (outside the window, high, far away, under the cabinet). 4. Draw children’s attention to some objects that are similar in purpose (plate - saucer, chair - stool, fur coat - coat - sheepskin coat). 5. Develop the ability to understand general words (clothing, dishes, furniture, vegetables, fruits, birds, etc.); name the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night); name domestic animals and their babies, vegetables and fruits. Objectives of speech development in accordance with the requirements of the modern Federal State Educational Standard:

2. Formation of sound culture of speech 1. Improve children’s ability to clearly pronounce vowels in words (a, u, i, o, e) and some consonant sounds (p - b - t - d - k - g; f - v; t - s - z - c). 2. Develop motor skills of the speech-motor apparatus, auditory perception, speech hearing and speech breathing, clarify and consolidate the articulation of sounds. 3. Develop the correct tempo of speech and intonation expressiveness. 4. Develop the ability to clearly pronounce words and short phrases, speak calmly, with natural intonations.

3. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech 1. Improve children’s ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case; use nouns with prepositions (in, on, under, for, about). 2. Help to use in speech nouns in singular and plural form, denoting animals and their young (duck - duckling - ducklings); the plural form of nouns in the genitive case (ribbons, nesting dolls, books, pears, plums). Treat children's word creation as a stage of active mastery of grammar, prompt them to the correct form of the word. 3. Help children obtain common ones from common simple sentences (consisting only of a subject and predicate) by introducing definitions, additions, and circumstances into them; make sentences with homogeneous members (“We will go to the zoo and see an elephant, a zebra and tigers”).

4. Formation of coherent speech 1. Develop a dialogical form of speech. Involve children in conversation while looking at objects, paintings, illustrations; observations of living objects; after watching performances and cartoons. Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly, speak at a normal pace, without interrupting the adult speaking. Remind children of the need to say “thank you”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “good night” (in the family, group). 2. Develop children’s proactive speech in interactions with adults and other children. In order to develop initiative speech, enrich and clarify ideas about objects in the immediate environment, provide children with pictures, books, and sets of objects for independent examination.

It is advisable to place the speech corner next to the book corner. The design of the corner should be aesthetic. Game material must be accessible to the child. Do not overload the corner with equipment. An integral attribute of the speech corner should be a toy - an “animate character”. When organizing a speech corner, the following requirements must be observed:

We use material from the corner of knowledge: D didactic games to develop the ability to distinguish and name essential details and parts of objects (for a dress - sleeves, collar, pockets, buttons), qualities (color and its shades, shape, size), surface features (smooth, fluffy, rough), some materials and their properties (paper easily tears and gets wet, glass objects break, rubber toys restore their original shape after being compressed), location (outside the window, high, far away, under the closet). freshwater”, etc. 1. Formation of a dictionary

2.Sound culture of speech

Grammatical structure of speech Connected speech

Thank you for your attention!

The speech center is one of the main ones for the development of speech

Most often, the speech development corner is combined with the book corner. The tasks for both are similar. They form a vocabulary, learn to listen, describe objects and phenomena.

The content of the thematic rack of these two centers can be as follows:

  • Books – fiction and educational.
  • Didactic games for speech development.
  • Sets of plot, subject and thematic pictures.
  • Various games and lotto.

A literary center for the little ones can contain only 4-5 books on cardboard or a thick base. Volume – up to 5 pages. We need to prepare a few more replacement books. Editions with moving eyes, windows, etc. would be very appropriate. A good option would be transformable books, folding ones, panoramas with moving figures, etc. Publications with animal voices will also come in handy.

Now - in more detail about filling the speech center for the first junior group. Try using these elements:

  • Sets of thematic pictures or postcards (4-6 pieces each) on the theme of domestic and wild animals, birds, fish, trees, flowers, fruits and vegetables, food, transport, furniture, dishes, clothing.
  • Pictures for grouping according to a specific criterion.
  • Pictures (3-4 pieces each) to create a sequence (plot of a fairy tale, story).
  • Pictures 4 pcs. for times of day and seasons.
  • Large, colorful pictures on social everyday life or fairy tale themes - something that will be interesting to the child.
  • Lotto with images of birds and pets.
  • Various games and aids that form correct breathing (“Butterflies”, “Leaves”, tubes, light snowflakes made of paper, etc., where you need to use a stream of air).
  • Aids and toys for the development of phonemic awareness (rattles, noise instruments, music boxes).
  • Aids for articulation exercises, including wall and individual mirrors.

The speech development center must have sufficient space. So that children alternately study while sitting on the carpet, at tables, or move according to the rules of the games. Equipment for story-based didactic games can be stored not only on stands. But also in baskets or boxes. It is worth putting the appropriate pictures on them so that the children themselves can get what they need.

Speech corner in the nursery group of a kindergarten

Dina Akhmetgalina

Speech corner in the nursery group of a kindergarten

Dear colleagues, each of you asked yourself and your colleagues the question: the speech corner in a group be filled with ?”

I bring to your attention an approximate
list of equipment for a speech corner in kindergarten groups . Equipment for the speech corner for the junior group . 1. Pictures on lexical topics. 2. Catalog of games: a) on the sound culture of speech; b) articulatory gymnastics exercises; c) breathing exercises; d) finger gymnastics. 3. Works of art according to the program, etc. 4. Verbal didactic games. 5. Pure sayings, poems, nursery rhymes, sayings, sentences. 6. Subject pictures. 7. Various types of theaters. 8. Pictures: a) depicting natural phenomena; b) household items; c) the main parts of transport 9 cabin, steering wheel, windows, doors, wheels); d) depicting the work of adults (the cook cooks, the nanny cleans, the mother sews)
; e) depicting the size, color, quality of objects (red, etc., clean-dirty, sweet-bitter, big-small, etc.); f) depicting actions (going to bed, sitting down, getting dressed, sweeping, washing, ironing, etc.

In our corner there are many developing games, aids for the development of speech and fine motor skills. To develop speech breathing, we have soap bubbles and balloons. We also have a magic box with various lids, with the help of which the motor skills of the fingers are stimulated, which leads to the activation of the speech center . There are also laces for finger motor skills. To develop fine motor skills, we have a dry pool, it strengthens and develops fine motor skills, massages the hands and fingers, and increases the sensitivity of the fingers. In the corner there is a tray with semolina where the kids and I do finger painting. To develop auditory attention, we have noise instruments in the corner . There are also many card files of nursery rhymes, rhymes, and finger games. Finger games promote the development of speech, creative activity, activate hand motor skills, and develop dexterity. in the speech corner . Theatrical play has a great influence on the child's speech development . Stimulates active speech by expanding vocabulary. the child masters the riches of his native language and its means of expression.

Prepared by the teacher of the junior group of the first category, Akhmetgalina D.K.


From work experience

“Organization of the speech environment for young children in preschool educational institutions”

Chuzhekova Marina Nikolaevna,

teacher of MBDOU No. 7,

village Nickel Murmansk region.

The leading place in the preschool education system is given to the implementation of speech tasks. Modern research in this area indicates that most children do not have coherent speech skills by the end of preschool age. Their vocabulary is not rich.

In organizing my work, I strive to ensure that every meeting with children has the character of an educational and playful activity and is emotionally charged. I believe that my work on speech development will be more effective if during the training I use techniques that promote the development of motivation, both traditional and innovative.

The goal of my work in this direction is to satisfy and further develop the needs of young children for attention, cooperation, communication, and speech development.

Main goals:

  • To promote the formation and further development of personal, business and situational business communication between a child and an adult.
  • Create favorable conditions for children to communicate with each other.
  • To introduce students to the richness of the literary heritage of the people, highly artistic and accessible literary works, and to develop interest in them.
  • Develop artistic perception, the ability to listen to literary text; watch puppet shows, show emotional responsiveness to what is perceived, empathize with the characters of a work of art;
  • Enrich the child’s passive speech, form the baby’s own active speech; stimulate and maintain interest in oriented activities in a language environment.
  • Stimulate the desire to perform game actions that correspond to the content of their familiar works.
  • To promote the accumulation and development of gaming experience, the manifestation of independence when playing nursery rhymes, jokes, and fairy tales.
  • Cultivate interest in the book, teach the ability to use it, look at the illustrations (in books intended for children).
  • Encourage children to reproduce short poems, individual words, expressions from perceived artistic literary works.

Creating conditions for the speech development of young children

A child’s speech activity depends on how the play, subject-development environment of his life is structured, what toys, illustrative material, equipment and aids it consists of, what their developmental potential is, how they are located, and whether they are available for independent activity.

It is desirable that all the furniture in the group room be uniform in style, simple in shape and have a modern silhouette. Equipment in the group should be placed so that it is convenient for the teacher to approach each child during games and activities. When placing furniture, you should try to free up as much floor space as possible for children’s games and active activities.

Young children learn about the world by exploring it through their senses. Therefore, a space is created for children for speech, play and sensory development, which includes :

Game guide “Magic Mat” for the development of motor, sensory, speech and thinking abilities of children. Functions of this manual: developmental, diagnostic, communicative, game therapy, entertaining.

Various types of educational games : lotto, dominoes, mosaic, folding cubes with cut pictures.

Sets of pictures for grouping 3-4 in each group (realistic images): animals, animals with babies, birds, vegetables, fruits, clothes, dishes, furniture, transport, household items, toys.

Sets of paired pictures (subject) for comparison, of the same topic.

Sets of paired pictures of the “lotto” type (of 2-3 parts), of the same theme.

Cut-out (folding) cubes with subject pictures, divided into 2-4 parts.

Cut pictures , divided into 2 parts in a straight line.

A series of 2-3 pictures to establish the sequence of actions and events (fairy-tale, everyday, game situations)

Thematic pictures (with various themes close to the child - fairy tales, social everyday life), large format.

Sounding toys , contrasting in timbre and nature of sound production (bells, drums, rubber squeakers, rattles).

A dressing room with a mirror is a necessary attribute of children’s speech development. The children look in the mirror and, with the help of an adult, dress up in scarves, capes, and skirts that their mothers lovingly sewed for the children. The dressing up corner is replenished by introducing new attributes: beads, hats, ribbons, bows, etc.

The book area in the group room is especially popular with children and contributes to the development of children’s speech. Young children take “reading” books very seriously. It should contain 3-4 copies of thick-bound books with the same content; toys for playing with them can be connected to them based on the content of the plot, for example: we read about a bear, we put a bear toy with the books, etc. The intimacy and warmth of the setting is created by the lamp. With the sun on, kids really enjoy looking at illustrations, listening to their favorite fairy tales, and turning through the pages of a photo album with photographs of family members.

The theater area includes: toy theatre, tabletop theatre, flat theatre, bibabo, flannelgraph theatre, finger theatre, theater “on skittles”, “on sticks”, “on a glove”, theater of “wind-up toys”.

Organization of the educational process on speech development

Interest in the environment in early childhood is involuntary and largely socially determined. It is impossible to force a baby to watch or listen, but you can interest him in many ways if you consider the following points:

— Offers for the child to go play, sleep, eat, study, etc. must coincide with his needs. This is possible when the daily routine is strictly followed and the baby’s behavior is monitored in order to determine his condition.

— It is important for the teacher to create conditions that exclude the child’s unpleasant sensations. Conditional connections in young children are formed easily and quickly. If one day the baby was upset about something, then in the future he will have a negative attitude towards it.

— Regular processes should begin when the child’s nervous system is in a calm state; nothing should be done when the baby is crying or excited.

— Carry out an individual approach to children, taking into account the behavioral characteristics and level of speech development of each child.

- An adult must accompany all actions with words. This prepares the baby for the upcoming action, arouses interest in it, and develops speech.

— The teacher strives to expand the children’s vocabulary and help them learn new speech structures, for which it is necessary to read and look at books with illustrations with them; strive to encourage repeating what has been read or told.

- Give the child time to finish what he wants to say. The teacher should not interrupt the child by correcting pronunciation and word order. After all, the baby will eventually be able to perceive correct speech by ear. You need to look at the baby when he is talking, show that you are listening to him attentively and that his words are not indifferent to you.

— Adults should pay attention not only to their words, but also to the sound of their voice, facial expressions, gestures, and posture. The teacher's face should be friendly and smiling while communicating with the child.

— You need to correct a child’s speech errors tactfully and indirectly on behalf of a toy, or any literary character. It is advisable to create a situation so that the mistake seems easy to correct, and the activity you would like to engage your child in seems accessible and doable.

— When organizing the educational process with children, it is necessary to follow the requirements of didactics. Provide time for speech development games and activities.

It has been established that the best time for activities with a child is the first part of wakefulness, when the baby is in a state of optimal excitability and not immediately after eating, but 30 minutes later. It is not recommended to conduct activities with children at an unfavorable time for this: immediately after sleep, when the child is still in a somewhat inhibited state, immediately after a walk, when the child is already somewhat tired, or immediately before meals and before bed, which reduces the quality of the next process.

Games and activities for children are carried out in small subgroups (7-8 people) or individually.

The educator is obliged to accurately determine the program content, which includes educational, health-improving and developmental tasks. Think about what material to give to children, how to present it more effectively. Provide options and ways to accommodate children so that they are comfortable: everything is visible and audible, and each child takes an active part to the best of their strength and capabilities.

Games and activities are conducted with children in an entertaining, interesting way. Visual didactic material should be dynamic, bright, and sounding. In order for children to perceive information qualitatively and firmly master speech skills, it is necessary to adhere to the following intervals when repeating classes:

- after the first lesson, you should return to it in 2-3 days; but with changes in program objectives and content;

- after the second lesson, contact him in 5-7 days;

- after the third lesson, make an interval of 7-10 days and conduct it in a more complicated version.

Complications of games-activities may include the following:

— in the gradual presentation of new information;

- changing gaming and didactic material;

— in the use of new methodological techniques;

- for example, telling a fairy tale using a tabletop theater, illustrations or paintings, or without the use of visuals.

In the second year of life, the child’s ability to imitate and reproduce what is heard sharply increases, and active speech improves. The child's needs and desires are expressed in words. All aspects of speech are improved.

Children love to listen and quickly remember poems, songs, nursery rhymes, and jokes. This is a significant indicator of the development of their thinking, memory and, of course, figurative, emotional speech. A child can not only listen, but also understand literary works and adult stories. Children should read fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and poems as often as possible. Everything that the baby perceives, he, on his own initiative, begins to reflect in speech. Descriptive speech, speech-monologue appears.

You can talk to the child about his past impressions and what he will do, where he will go, etc., that is, the planning function of speech begins to form. This function, first of all, appears precisely in practical activities (drawing, designing), and it is very important for general mental development.

Practical activities are of great importance for the development of speech.
In every joint activity, try to provide for situations that, unnoticed by the baby, involve him in verbal communication. When organizing any activity for a child, you should help him make verbal contact with his peers. “Speech yard” as a form of speech development subject-spatial environment Organization of an area for construction and constructive games in an early age group Games and exercises for the development of speech in young children Organization of interaction with families of pupils based on partnerships >

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