Interior design and architecture
In terms of its significance, the most important room in a preschool educational institution is the group room. This is where children spend most of their time in kindergarten.
In the group, children play, receive the necessary knowledge, eat and even sleep. This happens when the design features of the room do not provide for a separate room for children to sleep and rest.
As a rule, in groups of middle and senior preschool age, the group room combines several functions, among which the following can be distinguished:
- game room;
- a place for conducting developmental and training sessions;
- dining room;
- bedroom.
Therefore, the interior design of a group room must be carefully thought out and designed taking into account the delineation of these important functional areas. By the way, sanitary standards for the activities of a preschool educational institution also require the presence of clearly demarcated and separated zones, and such requirements are completely justified.
Furniture in a group.
First of all, you need to pay special attention to the placement of furniture in a group room. As a standard, each kindergarten group should have the following pieces of furniture:
- Tables and chairs for children - selected taking into account the height of each child. There are clearly defined sanitary standards in this regard, which indicate how high a table and chair should be for a child of a certain height.
There is a specific color coding for the height of tables and chairs. In addition, each high chair should have a picture by which the child can remember his high chair and distinguish it from others. Ideally, the markings should be the same: on the chair, on the reception cabinet, on the towel rack and on the headboard. This will make it easier for the child to navigate, and he will be able to quickly find the items he needs.
- Toy cabinets should also be of a certain height for preschoolers of each age group. In this case, cabinets must have additional fastening on the walls. This is done to comply with safety precautions so that the cabinet does not tip over if a child carelessly leans on or climbs on it.
It is also necessary to choose cabinets for storing toys, taking into account that the material from which they are made can be easily treated with detergents and cleaned of dirt. In kindergartens, sanitary and hygienic treatment of furniture is carried out regularly, so cabinets must be made of moisture-resistant materials or covered with a protective layer of paint.
- Cabinets for manuals - designed for storing educational and developmental aids, as well as special pedagogical literature. They can be of any height, because only the teacher has access to them.
But according to sanitary standards, additional fastening of the cabinet to the wall surface is a prerequisite. It is also desirable that the color of the cabinets match the overall color scheme of the interior design of the group room in the kindergarten.
- A table and chair for a teacher are also very necessary pieces of furniture in a group room. Ideally, their design should match the overall style of the group.
Sometimes, to save space in a group room, the teacher’s desk and chair are placed in the reception room, which is also a locker room in the kindergarten. This is also very convenient, because the teacher has the opportunity to mark the children’s attendance on the attendance sheet, and at the same time talk with parents on many organizational issues.
- Beds for children are placed in a group room only if there is no separate room for a bedroom. Beds in kindergarten can be regular or bunk, which are also often used to save space.
It must be remembered that for children of the nursery and second youngest group, only single-tier low beds are suitable, but for children of middle and senior preschool age, you can use bunk beds, which, if necessary, can be covered on the sides with a protective net to prevent the child from falling in his sleep .
Beds in kindergartens can be made from wood-based materials, as well as metal. But this is, rather, a trend of past years, because metal beds in kindergartens remain from Soviet times.
- A carpet on the floor of a group room is also a necessary attribute to prevent children from sitting on a cold, uncovered floor surface. However, there is no need to use a carpet if the “warm floor” technology is used in finishing the floor covering.
Instead of carpets, you can use bright and colorful mats of modern design. They have a lot of advantages - the surface of the mats is easier to handle in case of contamination. Plus, the mat is much softer than carpet, which will help prevent injuries and bruises if your child falls.
Group artwork.
To decorate the walls of a group room in a kindergarten, various types of available materials are often used - colored cardboard, ORACAL self-adhesive film, as well as many types of finishing materials that can be used in a completely unusual and unusual form.
For example, as a starting material for making figurines of fairy-tale animals or cartoon characters, you can use ordinary polystyrene foam ceiling tiles, which are sold in every hardware store. Ceiling tiles are inexpensive, and it is easy to cut figures of any shape from them using ordinary scissors or a sharp knife. In addition, the image turns out to be a little voluminous, which makes it more attractive in decorative terms.
Also, to create various compositions, ceiling plinths, also made of expanded polystyrene or polystyrene, are used. They are inexpensive, lightweight and very convenient for making various decorative parts.
Decorating corners in a group.
In kindergarten groups for preschoolers of different ages, it is necessary to organize the design of many thematic corners.
- "Our mood"
- "Privacy Corner"
- "Information for Parents"
- "Patriotic education"
- "Corner of independent creativity"
- "Music Corner"
- "Traffic Laws"
- "Nature and the world around us"
- "Corner of Physical Education and Sports"
- "Sensory Corner"
- "Book Corner"
- "Local History Corner"
- "Health Corner"
- "Protecting life safety"
- "Fine Arts Corner"
- "Duty Corner"
The design of thematic corners in the group room of the kindergarten is carried out by the teacher, as well as the most active representatives of the parent committee. At the same time, it is important to show imagination and creativity in order to use corners to make the interior of the group unusual, but at the same time interesting and attractive for children.
Plot-based role-playing games.
The most important role in raising children is played by role-playing games. With their help, the child learns about the world and acquires basic knowledge about everyday and professional activities of people. For preschoolers of various age groups, there are the following types of role-playing games:
- " Salon"
- "Builders" ("Building a house")
- "Family" ("Daughters - Mothers")
- "Drivers"
- “Birthday” (“We welcome guests”)
- " Dr. Aibolit"
- "Dining room" ("In the cafe")
- "Zoo"
- " Kindergarten"
- "Cosmonauts"
- " In library"
- " Journey"
- "Traffic rules"
- " School"
Props for most role-playing games can be bought at a toy store, but for some games they simply are not available, and therefore many teachers prefer to make them themselves, using a variety of available materials and techniques. One can only envy the imagination of educators who are able to create the most incredible things from such simple and most ordinary elements! Just look at colorful cakes made from a dishwashing sponge, polystyrene candies in colorful wrappers, or a loaf of sausage made from foam rubber!
Thus, props for role-playing games, in some way, can also become part of the interior design of a group room, because some games contain too many elements and require a separate corner in the room.
Play occupies a central place in the life of a preschooler, being the predominant type of his independent activity.
Role-playing play is important for a child’s development. In it, children reflect the life and work of adults. When playing, children treat their imaginary work, toys and playmates the same way as adults treat their work and each other in real life. The plots of the games are extremely varied. They depend on the era in which the children live, the way of life of the family, etc. The fewer impressions a child receives, the poorer and more monotonous the plots of his games. In order to carry out pedagogical influences in relation to the plot game of children, it is necessary to have a good understanding of its specifics, have an idea of its developmental significance, what it should be like at each age stage, and also be able to play accordingly with children of different preschool ages .
Principles of organizing a role-playing game:
1. In order for children to master gaming skills, the teacher must play with the children. At the same time, an extremely important point, which largely determines the success of “drawing” children into the world of play, is the very nature of the adult’s behavior during the game. A joint game between an adult and children will only really be a game for the child if he feels in this activity not the pressure of the teacher - an adult, who in any case must obey, but only the superiority of the partner who “knows how to play interestingly.” To develop gaming skills, you can use the following way - to build a game with children in such a way that at the appropriate age stage they are immediately faced with the need to use a new, more complex way of constructing a game. In this case, children first “discover” and use a new method in its “pure” form in joint play with an adult, and then transfer it to independent play with various specific contents.
2. The teacher should play with children throughout preschool age, but at each stage the game should be developed in such a way that the children immediately “discover” and assimilate a new, more complex way of constructing it. A child’s comfortable life in a kindergarten largely depends on whether he or she will be able to engage in joint play with peers if desired. An adult, when playing with a child, must explain the play actions himself (“I will bathe the bear, this is my soap,” and encourage the child to do this). But in order for a child to address such explanations on his own initiative to his partner—a peer, the adult must orient him toward the peer as early as possible, involving several children in the game. Children show a desire for joint action very early on, and from an early age they can be taught to interact with each other through play at a level of game construction that is accessible to them.
3. Starting from an early age and further at each stage of preschool childhood, when developing gaming skills, it is necessary to simultaneously orient the child both to the implementation of a gaming action and to explaining its meaning to partners - an adult or a peer. In order to involve children in the game, to play with them, the teacher himself must learn to freely develop the plot of a particular building in the “live” process of the game, starting from the theme that attracts children. The teacher must have a gaming “literacy” and a gaming culture. Children at any age should be provided with time, place and materials for independent play.
In the pedagogical process in relation to the game, it is necessary to distinguish between two closely related components:
- a joint game between the teacher and the children, during which new gaming skills are formed.
- an independent children's game in which the teacher is not directly involved, but only provides the conditions for its activation and for children to use the gaming skills available in their arsenal.
Play has an important impact on a child's emotional development. Children bring into it what they know about life: their knowledge and misconceptions, their fears and wishes, and sometimes painful memories with which they are trying to cope. Young children with limited language abilities often use play as a means of understanding their world. In play, children behave creatively, activating their imagination. They act out life experiences, selecting and organizing roles and events in accordance with the desire to maintain emotional well-being. Thanks to play, children increase their understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, their likes and dislikes, their ability to lead and persuade or obey, and perhaps coordinate interests. All this contributes to the development of self-awareness.
Role-playing game is a largely mental activity. Children use memory: they remember people and events and then reproduce them. They test ideas, plan and implement their plans, and form ideas about the past, present and future. In play, children create using materials and toys in completely new ways. In addition, they improve conversational skills, which are extremely important for thinking and the ability to exchange information. The game is not only a means of developing abstract thinking, but also a factor in expanding knowledge about subject areas.
In the process of role-playing games, many mathematical concepts develop. In play, the child encounters various groups and subgroups of materials and things. Children learn to classify objects, use concepts such as “more - less”, “wider - narrower”, “heavier - lighter”.
The game also contributes to the development of scientific concepts and methods. Children observe, try and experiment, test, analyze, compare things for similarities and differences, pose questions and generalize situations. All these actions are fundamental in the work of a scientist.
Enriching vocabulary and developing concepts is an important prerequisite for successful reading and comprehension. When communicating in the game, children use their native language, increasing the flexibility of speech, expanding their vocabulary, and mastering new concepts. Organizing materials and objects according to their similarities and differences sharpens the power of observation. Identifying similarities and differences is essential for recognizing letters and words when reading. Playing on a theme forces children to organize their performances. In the future, this makes it easier for them to understand texts where the logical sequence of events should be taken into account.
The role of the teacher in role-playing games.
The success of raising a child through play is achieved primarily through the painstaking, daily work of the teacher and largely depends on his personal qualities. The role of the teacher in the game can be different: he can be a direct participant in the game, an adviser, an assistant, etc. But in all cases, the teacher, being attentive to the plans and aspirations of the children, without suppressing their initiative and independence, influences the content of the games and creates conditions for their development, for the development of children's imagination and creativity. It helps children establish relationships of friendship and mutual assistance. In games, the teacher studies each child, his interests, desires, individual characteristics, monitors his experiences in order to find the right ways and means of education.
Role-playing game is called the queen of children's games. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to organize it correctly, without disturbing children’s creativity. Before you start conducting a role-playing game in one of the age groups, you need to pay special attention to the tasks that the teacher will solve when working with preschoolers. These include the following:
- development of play as an activity;
- expanding the themes of children's games and deepening their content;
- acquiring positive social experience;
- using the game to educate children's groups and individual children;
- development of all aspects of the personality: movements, all mental processes (thinking, imagination, memory, speech), personality traits and character traits, strengthening and further development of the child’s emotional and volitional manifestations;
- preparing a preschooler for life in society, socializing his personality
When organizing a role-playing game, it is important to take into account that in early preschool age the teacher must: select toys that allow games to be played in the family, home, kindergarten, “drivers”, “trip”, “train”, “at the doctor”, “shop” ", etc. Pay special attention to their accessibility to children and storing them in play corners within the child’s field of vision, stimulating his play intentions.
In older preschool age, it is necessary to assemble toys by theme (for playing hospital, post office, astronauts, school, library, etc.) Prepare ready-made sets consisting of the most necessary attributes and toys, additional gaming material, and substitute items. Do not give children ready-made material, involve them in this as the game develops.
I would like to pay special attention to the following points in the methodology for using role-playing games:
1. Select the game you will include.
2. Equipment (equipment).
3. The presence of an object-based play environment depending on age and topic.
4. Availability of a plan - outline.
5. Availability of a role-playing game passport.
It is necessary to organize observation of children’s free play activities (in order to identify children’s gaming interests and skills).
Familiarize yourself with the long-term plan for the development of role-playing games in this group (pay attention to the previous work done by the teacher in this direction).
Game selection:
Start developing a plan for organizing gaming activities.
At the same time, take into account the children’s interests, level of development of game actions, ability to develop the plot, etc.
Think over and describe the content of the game.
Plan possible directions for the plot.
Define the game rules.
Prepare all the necessary attributes for the game.
Organize your gaming environment.
Create a game situation for the children’s play ideas to emerge.
Organize a situation of distribution of roles between children.
Discuss the game concept and rules of the game.
Provide direct (younger preschool age) or indirect guidance of play activities, follow the development of the plot.
— Pedagogical development of a game plan, i.e. the initial stage of pedagogical design: outlining its plot, defining game roles and filling them with specific content (senior preschool age).
— Familiarize children with the game plan and jointly refine it.
- Creating an imaginary situation.
Distribution of roles depending on the child’s wishes.
Starting the game: create a game or problem situation, have a preliminary conversation, discuss the topic of the upcoming game, etc.
Preservation of the game situation: use a reminder, instructions, advice, positive assessment, role-playing interaction, etc.
Completion of the game: positive assessment, analysis of role and friendly relationships.
Organization of a subject-developmental environment in the junior group of preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard
Organization of a subject-developmental environment in the younger group
Author : Olga Vladimirovna Bobkova, Educator of MBDOU kindergarten No. 4 “Fairy Tale”. Description : my methodological development will be useful to kindergarten teachers; in my work I described in detail how to design the environment of the junior group so that it complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, develops children and reveals their individuality.
There is no aspect of upbringing that is not influenced by the situation, there is no ability that is not directly dependent on the concrete world immediately surrounding the child... Anyone who manages to create such an environment will make his work extremely easy.
Among it, the child will live - develop his own self-sufficient life, his spiritual growth will be improved from himself, from nature... E. I. Tikheyeva One of the important conditions for educational work in a preschool institution is the correct organization of the subject-developmental environment.
A properly organized developmental environment will allow each child to find something they like, to believe in their strengths and abilities, to learn to interact with teachers and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what lies at the heart of developmental education. The developing subject environment is the main means of shaping the child’s personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience. The environment surrounding children in kindergarten should ensure the safety of their lives, promote health and strengthen the body of each of them. The organization of a subject-developmental environment in a kindergarten carries the effectiveness of educational influence aimed at developing in children an active cognitive attitude towards the surrounding world of objects, people, and nature. It should be formed taking into account certain principles developed in the works of leading teachers, in particular, taking into account the age of the children, since each age group has its own specific psychological and pedagogical characteristics. When creating a subject-development environment in the second younger group, we relied on the principle of activity , stability, flexible zoning. The group has created conditions for children to interact with the teacher and with each other. There is also a corner of solitude, which gives the child a sense of psychological security and helps personal development. We try to enrich the environment with elements that would stimulate the cognitive, developmental, motor and other activities of children. The content of the subject-development environment corresponds to the interests of boys and girls, periodically changes, varies, and is constantly enriched. Functions of the subject-development environment in the younger group: Cognitive – satisfies the child’s need to master the world around him, stimulates cognitive activity; Communicative – stimulates speech development, allows the child to learn the basics of communication and interaction; Wellness – stimulates motor activity, enriches motor experience, introduces to the culture of health; Creative – introduces children to creative activities, promotes self-development and self-realization. In our group, the subject-development environment is divided into micro-centers for children’s independent activities: Center for role-playing games. Objectives: to promote the emergence of the game; develop the ability to choose a role and perform several interrelated actions in the game; formation of communication skills in the game; development of imitation and creative abilities. Learn to use building materials in games. Equipment and materials that we have in our corner: doll furniture for the room and kitchen; ironing board; attributes for playing “House”, “Shop”, “Barbershop”, “Hospital”, “Drivers”, etc.; dolls; toy wild and domestic animals; sets of kitchen and tea utensils; a set of vegetables and fruits; large and medium-sized cars; trucks and cars; telephone, steering wheel, scales, bags, buckets, iron, hammer, etc.; doll strollers; fun toys; clothing for dressing up. The main activity of our kids is play. The playroom contains toys that introduce children to the everyday objects around them. Kids get acquainted with objects that are new to them and learn to operate with them. The acquired knowledge and skills are transferred to everyday life. Nature Center: Objectives: Environmental education and education of children. Foster love and respect for nature.
Physical Culture Center: Objectives: To create conditions for physical exercise in a group, to stimulate children’s desire to engage in physical activity. To instill in children a conscious attitude towards their health. Strengthening the muscles of the lower and upper extremities, preventing flat feet; prevention of colds; strengthening the muscles of the spinal column, preventing scoliosis. Equipment and materials that we have in our corner: rugs, massage paths, with footprints (to prevent flat feet); gymnastic sticks; balls; hoops; jump ropes; skittles; cubes; balls, handkerchiefs, long and short cord; bags with cargo; ribbons of different colors; checkboxes; attributes for outdoor games and morning exercises. The need for movement is an important task when organizing a subject-development environment.
Center for Fine Arts: Objectives: To develop interest, attention, curiosity, emotional response of children to individual aesthetic properties and qualities of objects in the surrounding reality. Equipment and materials that are in the corner: sets of colored pencils; sets of felt-tip pens; ballpoint pens; albums, gouache; watercolor; colored wax crayons, etc.; brushes - thin and thick; jars for washing paint brushes; drawing paper of various sizes; stencils by topic; plasticine; stacks; signets; fabric napkins, docks for drawing with felt-tip pens and chalk, stencils for plasticine printing, water and regular coloring books, PVA glue, all kinds of figures for applique.
Musical and theatrical center: Objectives: Development of auditory perception and attention; formation of performing skills; development of children's creativity based on literary works. Equipment and materials that we have in our corner: a set of noise boxes; sounding toys, contrasting in timbre and nature of sound production (bells, tambourine, pipes, metallophone, drum, rubber tweeters, rattles, etc.); musical educational games; table theater, shadow theater, flannelgraph, small screen and sets of puppets (finger, flat, etc.), masks, caps, for staging fairy tales, homemade costumes.
Children are delighted with our music and theater center. Musical instruments bring children many joyful moments and develop phonemic hearing and a sense of rhythm. We try to introduce children to various types of theater. Meeting with a doll helps children relax, relieve tension, and create a joyful atmosphere. Book Center: Objectives: Formation of listening skills, ability to handle a book; Formation and expansion of ideas about the environment. Equipment and materials that we have in the corner: a bookcase, a table and two chairs; books according to the program, children's favorite books, baby books, toy books; albums for viewing: “Professions”, “Seasons”, “Kindergarten”; an album with family photographs of the group's children; sets of subject and subject pictures; games on cognitive and speech development, etc. In the group’s book showcase, I usually display 4-5 books, usually already familiar to children, with bright, large illustrations. The length of time a book stays in a corner is determined by the children’s interest in this book. On average, her stay there is 2-2.5 weeks. In the corner, I give children the first lessons in independent communication with a book: I introduce them to the corner of the book, its structure and purpose, teach them to look at books only there (take books with clean hands, leaf through carefully, do not tear, do not wrinkle, do not use for games; after I looked, always put the book in its place). My kids love it when we read books and look at pictures with them, so here we have a lot of bright, colorful and interesting literature on the program.
Center for sensory and speech development.
Objectives: Performs a calming and relaxing function. The child can relax, be alone with himself, play educational games, watch a book or just dream. Reducing the level of anxiety, psychological stress, improving mood. Materials and equipment: A jar of “Aggression”, a mirror, games “Emotions”, “My Mood”, a box “Mirilochka”, chairs for bad and good moods, family photo albums, soft toys, handmade toys, pebbles.
A properly organized developmental environment allows every child to find something they like, to believe in their strengths and abilities, to learn to interact with teachers and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what lies at the heart of developmental education. The subject-developmental environment of the group is as close as possible to the interests and needs of each preschooler. We tried to ensure that the child had the opportunity to do what he loved in the mini corner of his choice. Everything in the group is accessible to every child, is age appropriate and takes into account their individual characteristics and developmental capabilities. Conditions have been created for the accumulation of creative experience, the application of one’s knowledge and skills, in situations of action with familiar or completely unfamiliar objects. The subject-spatial environment of the group creates a comfortable mood and promotes the emotional well-being of children.
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What do you need to know about SanPiN in preschool institutions?
Sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations for preschool institutions are approved by SanPiN
The act, approved by the Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26, includes rules governing the organization of the organization and the rules for the use of accessories for children accepted into groups.
The act establishes requirements for:
- location of the preschool educational institution;
- equipment, including its location;
- maintenance of territories related to a children's educational institution;
- maintenance, decoration of premises, the building itself;
- lighting of rooms, as well as auxiliary premises (natural and artificial);
- heating, water supply, ventilation, sewerage and other systems;
- the formation of groups that accept children with diseases that limit their health;
- admission of minors to organizations implementing preschool education programs;
- organization of the regime and educational process, including training;
- equipment, inventory, toys, dishes and equipment in the catering department;
- conditions of preparation, storage of food, menu preparation;
- transportation, food intake;
- hygienic, anti-epidemic measures;
- compliance with sanitary standards.
All of the above requirements must be strictly observed by employees of preschool institutions.
For refusal to comply with the rules, citizens and organizations face a hefty fine. Next we will talk about labeling furniture and utensils in preschool educational institutions.
Group cell
The group cell of a preschool institution is an isolated room for each children's group. Such a cell should include the following rooms:
- a locker room for receiving children and storing outerwear;
- group for games, activities and meals;
- bedroom;
- pantry for preparing ready-made dishes for distribution and washing tableware;
- a toilet room combined with a washroom.
In the dressing room, in addition to equipped places for storing clothes, conditions must be provided for drying outerwear and shoes. All wardrobes for clothes and shoes must have individual hooks and shelves for hats. The reception area for infants and young children should have a place for breastfeeding, be equipped with changing tables and a sink for washing.
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All children's furniture must be appropriate for the age of the children and be made from materials that are harmless to health. Window glazing should be made only from solid glass; there should be no broken glass. When conducting classes in conditions of insufficient natural light, additional artificial lighting is necessary, which must be sufficient and safe.
Aquariums, as well as cages with animals or birds, cannot be placed in group rooms. In group rooms and bedrooms, it is also not recommended to place flowers in pots on windowsills. The SanPiN standards do not say anything about the presence of televisions, which means that they are allowed to be installed.
Toilet facilities include a wash area and a sanitary area. Children's washbasins and a shower tray should be placed in the washroom area, and toilets in the sanitary area. According to the requirements, toilets in the junior and middle groups must have at least four toilets. In the senior and preparatory groups there is 1 toilet for 5 children, and it is recommended to install toilets in lockable stalls.
In accordance with the standards, it is recommended to organize separate toilet rooms for staff. Kindergarten buildings must have sewerage, hot and cold water that meets sanitary and epidemiological requirements for drinking water.
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