Top most popular games used by TRIZ teachers

TRIZ technologies in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard have not yet been sufficiently developed, and teachers who want to modernize their work and make it more productive with the help of new techniques have a wide field of activity open.

A game based on TRIZ technology for preschoolers is structured in such a way that all possible functions of the child’s brain, and that of an adult too, are included in the work. Practice shows that TRIZ problems for children with or without answers are solved by adults with great pleasure. This is because these are not ordinary tasks with a standard set of rules and algorithms. Quite often this is a solution to life situations from the opposite angle.

This approach allows you to adapt training to everyday conditions, and apply the acquired knowledge in life. Unfortunately, traditional education does not promise such prospects.

Altshuller's TRIZ technology method includes a unique approach to solving any given problem, be it an educational or everyday situation. Children are unobtrusively taught to think, look for options, opportunities. The guys do not act according to a previously prepared template; each new task is always impromptu. Moreover, TRIZ games for preschoolers in preschool educational institutions show participants in the process that there are no wrong answers, there are only unfinished ones that have not been brought to the IFR (ideal final result). This means that the child is not mistaken, he just needs to complete the solution.

But let's move on to the games from the TRIZ card index. In general, in theory, there are a huge number of games for children and adults. TRIZ is generally notable for the fact that it absorbs everything important and useful that can in any way affect the development of brain activity. We will look at several popular and quite effective techniques.

Progress of the game:

Educator: What can you say about an object that has legs with suction cups?

Children: This is an animal or bird that lives in trees or rocks.

Educator: What can you say about an object if there is “Meow”


Children: Cat, kitten.

"Let's switch"

(held from the middle of the middle group)

Rules of the game: The game is played by a subgroup. Each child makes a guess for his own object (can be on one topic)

and says what he can do. Then there is an exchange of functions between the children who have guessed the object.

Didactic games using the TRIZcard file method (senior group) on the topic

Game "Fantasy"

Goal: develop the ability to find the resources of objects, replace them with other objects.

Hod: Guys. Imagine if all the buttons on earth disappeared. What can replace them? (Velcro, buttons, hooks, locks).

- all textbooks

- all matches

- pens

- erasers.

Game "Teremok"

Goal: to train analytical thinking, the ability to identify common features through comparison.

Props: drawings of various objects, for example: guitar, teapot, house, bag, tree, apple, pencil, etc. One drawing for each child. Introduction to the game: a reminder of the fairy tale “Teremok” and an offer to play the fairy tale in a modified form.

Progress of the game: 1st option: each child receives his own drawing and plays for the drawn object. The presenter chooses one of the children as the owner of the tower, and the rest, in turn, approach the tower (the tower is purely conventional - a locker, rug, or just part of the room) and conduct the following dialogue with the owner:

- Knock, knock, who lives in the little house? - I, (calls himself, for example, guitar). And who are you? - And I - (calls himself, for example, - apple). Will you let me into the little house? “If you tell me how you are like me, then I’ll let you in.”

The guest must compare both drawings, identify common features and name them. For example, both a guitar and an apple have a stick. After this, the guest enters the mansion, and the next participant in the game addresses the owner. And so on until everyone enters the tower. If someone cannot answer the owner, the other children can help.

2nd option: the same as in the first option, but the owner is constantly changing - the guest who enters becomes the owner, and the former owner becomes “honorary”. And so on until all the players take part in the “rotation”. 3rd option: Now let there be several towers and their owners. And guests visit each of the towers in turn.

Notes: you can play not only in a group, but also with an individual child. Then the leader and the child alternately become the owner and guest of the tower, and instead of drawings, you can use surrounding household objects. The game will be more lively if you first train the children a little in naming the properties of various objects.

4th option: learn to find common and different between two objects.

For example - wood and paper, paper and fabric, metal and wood, glass and clay.

Progress of the game.

Some substance or material lives in a conventional little house. A child playing the role of another material knocks on the house.

Q: Who are you?

1st child: I am paper. Let me into the little mansion.

Q: And I am a tree. I'll let you in if you tell me how you and I are alike.

1st child: We are solid, solid people live in us. We can be smooth or we can be rough.

2nd child: I am glass, let me into the little house.

B: And I am clay. I'll let you know if you tell me how you and I differ.

2nd child: I am fragile, and you are plastic, I am transparent, and you are not

Game "Masha-Rasteryasha"

Goal: to train attention, the ability to see resources for solving problems.

Preceding stage: familiarizing children with the functions of various objects. Why a spoon? Why a door? Why a knife?..

Introduction to the game: tell (with an appropriate conclusion) about inattentive people who confuse and lose everything. Invite the guys to provide friendly assistance to such Confused Mashas.

Progress of the game: 1st option: the presenter himself takes on the role of Masha the Confused Man and addresses the others:

- Oh! - What happened to you? — I lost (names some object, for example, a knife). What will I be now?

(names the function of the lost object, for example, cut bread)? The players name the resources to perform this function, for example: saw, axe, fishing line, ruler; You can break it off by hand. Masha the Rasteryasha can provide a small reward for good advice. 2nd option: the same as in the 1st option, but the role of Masha the Rasteryasha is given in turn to all participants in the game. Before the game starts, the presenter can ask the children to make a wish for the lost object. Then he appoints one of the children as Masha the Confused. You can appoint, for example, a neighboring child as the defendant. Then, after a successful answer, he becomes Masha the Confused Man and turns to the next participant in the game in the chain. This ensures that every child participates. But the rest quickly get tired of waiting their turn. You don’t have to appoint a responder; let everyone answer Masha the Rasteryasha’s question, after which the role of Masha the Rasteryasha passes to the next player in the chain. But then not everyone will actively participate in the game. You can combine approaches when, for example, a neighbor should answer first, and the rest can complement. Then Masha-Rasteryasha can evaluate the answers and choose the best one. And whoever gave the best answer becomes Masha the Confused one - after all, it is known that “confusion” is contagious...

Game “Yes-No” or “Guess what I wished for”

For example: the teacher thinks of the word “Elephant”, the children ask questions (Is it alive? Is it a plant? Is it an animal? Is it big? Does it live in hot countries? Is it an elephant?), the teacher answers only “yes” or “no” until the children guess what they are planning.

When children learn to play this game, they begin to make words for each other. These can be objects: “Shorts”, “Car”, “Rose”, “Mushroom”, “Birch”, “Water”, “Rainbow”, etc.

Game "Black and White"

The teacher raises a card with a picture of a white house, and the children name the positive qualities of the object, then raises a card with a picture of a black house and the children list the negative qualities. (Example: “Book”. Good - you learn a lot of interesting things from books... Bad - they get torn quickly... etc.)

Can be disassembled as objects: “Caterpillar”, “Wolf”, “Flower”, “Chair”, “Tablet”, “Candy”, “Mom”, “Bird”, “Prick”, “Fight”, “Punishment” and etc.

"What was - what has become"

Rules of the game:

1st option: The presenter names the material (clay, wood, fabric...), and the children name the objects of the material world in which these materials are present...

2nd option: The presenter names an object of the man-made world, and the children determine what materials were used in its manufacture.

Progress of the game:

B: Glass. It used to be an alloy of different materials.

D: Dishes, windows, mirrors are made of glass. There is glass in the TV screen, glass display cases in the store. And I saw a glass table. My mom has glass beads.

Q: What's good about a glass table?

D: It’s beautiful, you can see a cat lying under the table.

Q: What's wrong with such a table?

D: Such a table can break and people will be cut by the fragments...

Q: What else could be made of glass?

D: There are glasses in glasses, there are glass chandeliers with glass light bulbs, and watches also have glass.

Q: Have you heard the expression: “He has a heart of glass.” Who can you say this about?

D: This can be said about an evil, “prickly” person. Baba Yaga has an evil heart, it is made of sharp fragments.

Q: Name fairy tales that have heroes with glass hearts!

The teacher summarizes the children's answers.

B: TV.

D: It is made of different materials. The body is made of wood or plastic, the screen is glass, and there are many iron parts inside the TV.

Game "Good and bad"

Goal: to teach children to identify positive and negative aspects in objects and objects of the surrounding world.

Rules of the game:

A leader is any object or, in older preschool age, a system or phenomenon in which positive and negative properties are determined.

Progress of the game.

Option 1:

Q: Eating candy is good. Why?

D: Because she is sweet.

Q: Eating candy is bad. Why?

D: Your teeth may hurt.

That is, questions are asked according to the principle: “something is good - why?”, “something is bad - why?”.

Option 2:

Q: Eating candy is good. Why?

D: Because she is sweet.

Q: Sweet candy is bad. Why?

D: Your teeth may hurt.

Q: If your teeth hurt, that’s good. Why?

D: You will see a doctor in time. What if your teeth hurt and you didn’t notice?

That is, the questions follow a chain.

Q: Man invented fire. Fire is good, why?

D: It makes you feel warm. Dad will make a fire, it will be fun.

Q: Fire is bad. Why?

D: It's dangerous, there could be a fire. If the house burns down, then people will have nowhere to live.

Q: Is leaf fall good?

D: Yes! The earth becomes beautiful, the foliage rustles underfoot.

Q: Leaves underfoot are bad. Why?

D: You can’t always see a bump, your shoes will get dusty or will be wet if after rain.

Game "Robinson Crusoe"

Goal: to teach children to allocate subject resources; using the resources received, create fantastic situations.

Rules of the game: The teacher tells a story about a ship that was wrecked and that the surviving people, out of many objects, only had one item left, but there is a lot of it. After this, the game begins, during which the children need to come up with a way out of the current problematic situation (build a home, protect themselves from enemies, find and get food, and so on). The leading method is brainstorming. All proposals are accepted without exception, but the teacher singles out the “strongest” children’s decisions. At the end of the lesson, children can be asked to realize and embody their version in drawing, modeling, come up with a fairy tale or story and tell it to their parents. It is important to have some kind of productive activity.

Progress of the game:

Q: Let's imagine that we went on a trip to distant countries around the world on a ship. On board this ship there was a variety of cargo, among which were a large number of pencils. And then one day a storm arose and our ship was wrecked. We miraculously managed to escape. It turned out that all of our cargo had sunk except for the pencils. We found ourselves on a desert island. How can we survive? Let's discuss what is needed for human life?

D: For human life, you need food, water, shelter, if there are enemies on the island, then you need weapons to defend yourself, or a high fence, or build a fortress. You also need toys so you don’t get bored on the island. We also need to tell someone that we are on an island and need to be rescued.

Q: Well done! Let's now think about how we can build a home from a large number of handles. What suggestions will you have? How can pencils help us get food?

And so on.

Game "What does it look like"

Goal: development of associative thinking, teaching children to compare various systems.

Rules of the game: The leader is the teacher, and at an older age the child names the object, and the children name objects similar to it.

Note: Objects can be similar based on the following characteristics: by purpose (function), by subsystem, by supersystem, by past and future, by sound, by smell, by color, by size, by shape, by material. Even very different objects can be similar. You can use subject pictures, especially at the stage of familiarization with the game. The presenter asks to explain why the player decided that the named objects are similar.

Progress of the game:

Q: What does the lampshade look like?

D: On the umbrella, on Little Red Riding Hood, on the bell, because it is big, on the heron, because it stands on one leg.

Q: What does a smile look like?

D: For a rainbow, for a month in the sky, for sunny weather.

B: Ladle.

D: For the bucket of an excavator, for the constellation Ursa Major, for an umbrella, for a shovel, for a microphone, since the microphone has two parts: the microphone itself and a handle, and the ladle also consists of a bucket and a handle. The microphone can also be metal, like the ladle, or it can have metal parts, and so on.

Q: What does rain feel like?

D: On a watering can, when you water something from a watering can, on a shower.

Q: What kind of shower is there?

D: Cold and warm. And the rain in summer can be warm and cold in autumn. And the rain is like a sprinkler that mom puts in the garden and waters the berries and vegetables.

Q: What does a box of crayons look like?

D: To the rainbow, to colored paths, to colored caramels (red flavored - raspberry, strawberry, blue flavored - blueberry...)

Q: What does the brush look like?

D: On Baba-Yaga’s broom, on a pointer, on the Sorceress (because if you run a brush over the paper, you get some kind of drawing).

Q: What does a traffic light look like?

D: On a three-headed robot, on a rainbow, on a tape recorder.

Q: Why on a tape recorder?

D: Because it is rectangular, and the circles resemble buttons. And also for paints, since the box is rectangular, and the colors of the traffic lights are paints.

Q: What does a needle look like?

D: On a pin, on a button, on a nail, on a knife blade, on a pen rod.

Q: That is, all these objects are united by one characteristic: sharp and metallic.

D: Also on the spines of a hedgehog and a cactus, on the clasp of an earring that is inserted into the ear, it is also sharp.

Game “Something is part of something”

The principle of this game is taken from a game TV show. You will need a cut subject picture of 12 - 16 parts. The picture lies face down on the table. At random, at the request of the children, one square is opened. Children look at it, guess what the image looks like, what other objects have such parts. When the options are exhausted, the next square is opened. And so on until what is shown in the picture is guessed.

Game "Chain"

The first child names the object, the second - its property, the third - an object with the named property, the fourth - another property of the new object, etc. For example: 1. Carrots. 2. Sweet carrots. 3. Sugar can be sweet. 4. White sugar. 5. Snow can be white, etc.

Game "Stone thrown into a pond"

(or "Chain of Words")

Goal: to teach children to select words united by meaning, to correctly coordinate them with each other, to develop imagination.

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to make a long train of words, each word a trailer. Cars, like words, must be united with each other, which means each word must pull the next one along with it.

For example, Winter-snowy-cold;

- What happens when it’s cold? Ice cream, ice, wind

- For each word, a trailer is placed, the teacher starts from the last word.

Games to determine the development line of an object

Game "Twisting a Fairy Tale".

This game may be familiar to many of you. From our point of view, it has the following didactic properties that justify its use in speech therapy classes for the development of coherent speech - it teaches the child simultaneously the operations of decomposition and composition.

Let's take a well-known fairy tale as an example:

— Once upon a time there was a girl whose name was Yellow Riding Hood:

- Not Yellow, but Red

- Oh yes, Red. So, dad called her and:

- No, not dad, but mom.

- Right. Her mother called her and said: go to Aunt Marina and take it to her:

“She told her to go to her grandmother, not to her aunt:

And so on.

Game "Little Red Riding Hood"

Goal: development of creative imagination. Props: paper and markers. Before the game, we remember the fairy tale, and more specifically the episode where Little Red Riding Hood is surprised by the wolf dressed as a grandmother. We explain to the children that now we will play a little differently than in the fairy tale. Our grandmother, having learned about the wolf's plans, turns into some object in order to avoid a sad fate.

How to play: An object is selected into which the grandmother will turn (the object can be selected from children's cards. Players remember the properties of this object (for example, a glass: transparent, empty). We begin to play, and for clarity, depict a grandmother with a glass body, arms, legs, growing from a glass and a scarf on the head at the top of the glass. One of the players is appointed grandmother. The others or the other turns to him: - Grandma, grandmother, why are you so transparent (called one of the properties of the object)? - To see how much I ate. And so we play until all the strangeness of the grandmother is justified. After that, we move on to discussing how the grandmother can protect herself from the wolf (for example, throw out the contents of her stomach on him or break into sharp pieces - so that the wolf cannot eat her, and then, when the wolf leaves, it will be glued together with glass glue).

Game "Stop the thief!"

Goal: to train analytical thinking, the ability to identify distinctive features through comparison.

Previous stage: the game “Teremok”. In contrast, in this game visual support is given only for one object of comparison, the other must be imagined mentally.

Props: the same as in the Game “Teremok”.

Introduction to the game: shouts are heard in the crowd: “Stop the thief, he’s so tall!” - Stop the thief, here he is in the black hat!

No one noticed the thief himself, no one can describe him completely. But detectives find a thief even based on individual signs... So we will try to find a “thief”, knowing some of his signs.

Progress of the game:

1st option: each child holds a drawing in front of him and plays for the drawn object. The leader assigns 3-4 children to the search group and removes them from the room. The rest are determined by lot or counting - who will be the “thief”, and the children name his signs (for example, a teapot: patterned, with a handle, empty). Then the detectives return to the room, the leader tells them the signs of the thief and calls: “Stop the thief!”

The rest of the children can sit, stand, and run. Detectives run between the children, look at their drawings and try to identify the thief. When each detective has detained someone, the presenter says “stop!” and all movement ceases. The detainees are being examined.

The leader sets the order of consideration so that the real thief, if caught, remains the last. The first detective points to his detainee and says: “This is a thief, because he ... (names a sign known to him, for example, “With a pen”).” The detainee, if he is not a thief, says in what other ways he differs from a thief: “No, I am not a thief, because... (for example, if a bag is “detained”: “The thief keeps the tea, and I keep the books”). If the detainee cannot tell the difference, he is taken away as a thief. And so on until all the detainees were examined. A real thief, if caught, can only voluntarily confess. Let him give back what was “stolen” and receive forgiveness. Investigators can be rewarded.

2nd option: The same as in the 1st option, but each detective is told only one of the established signs. Then it is more difficult to find the thief.

Game "Let's change"

Rules of the game: The game is played by a subgroup. Each child makes a guess about his own object (can be on one topic) and says what he can do. Then there is an exchange of functions between the children who have guessed the object.

Progress of the game:

R1: I am an elephant. I can douse myself with water from my trunk.

R2: I am a hedgehog. I can curl up into a ball.

R3: I am a hare. I can jump fast.

Then comes the exchange of functions. The hedgehog can now douse himself with water from his trunk. Like this? And the elephant explains how he learned to jump quickly, and the hare to curl up into a ball.

Game "Find Friends"

Rules of the game: The presenter names the object, highlights its function, and the children say who or what performs the same function.

Note: This game can be played in a subgroup, or in a group with frontal forms of work (in class). It is recommended to use the game after children become familiar with the concept of “function”.

Progress of the game:

Host: A horse carries a load, and which other animal performs this function?

Children: The elephant carries the cargo. Maybe a dog - in the North, a deer, a camel.

Host: The hare can jump, but which other animal can jump?

Children: Can jump a kangaroo, a squirrel, a horse.

Game "Magic Pictures"

Goal: to develop imagination and thinking by finding images in the lines drawn by the children themselves (draw with eyes closed).

Progress: Guys, close your eyes now. Pleasant music will sound. To this music, you will draw any lines on a sheet of paper with a felt-tip pen. When the music ends, look at your drawing and find in it familiar objects, images of animals, people, etc.

Paint over and draw the necessary parts with it.

Progress of the game: When clarifying the concept of relativity of size

Educator: It was small, but it became big.

Children: He was a little bear cub, but became an adult bear.

Educator: It was a tree, but it became... What can a tree become?

Children: A den house, a beaver house, a bear den.

“What can you say about an object if it contains...”

(held from the middle of the middle group)

Rules of the game: The presenter names the parts of an object or item, and the child must name what kind of object it is and give it a description.

Progress of the game:

R1: I am an elephant. I can douse myself with water from my trunk.

R2: I am a hedgehog. I can curl up into a ball.

R3: I am a hare. I can jump fast.

Then comes the exchange of functions. The hedgehog can now douse himself with water from his trunk. Like this? And the elephant explains how he learned to jump quickly, and the hare to curl up into a ball.

"Find Friends"

(held from the middle of the middle group)

Rules of the game: The presenter names the object, highlights its function, and the children say who or what performs the same function.

Note: This game can be played in a subgroup, or in a group with frontal forms of work (in class)

It is recommended to use the game after children become familiar with the concept of “function”

Didactic games with elements of TRIZ technology

Svetlana Moiseeva

Didactic games with elements of TRIZ technology

1. Didactic games with elements of TRIZ technology

Games based on plot paintings, landscapes, still lifes”


Purpose of the game : develop the ability to find an object in a picture; determine the location of the object in the picture; develop the ability to find relationships between objects in a picture; use descriptions of possible sensations using different senses; description of an object, changing it over time.

Didactic material : pictures of plots, landscapes, still life, cards with analysis of the second sense organs.

Game description :

Subject, landscape, and still life pictures are shown. Children take turns finding an object in the picture, determining the location of the object in the picture, finding the relationship between them, changing them by time, and using different senses to describe their sensations.

2. Didactic game with elements of TRIZ technology (morphological table)

"In the world of professions"


Purpose of the game :

Consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about professions;

Develop the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions;

Strengthen the ability to use different types of sentences in speech (independently and with the help of an adult)


Develop communication skills - the ability to work in pairs and teams, the ability to collectively discuss a common problem, improve the ability to reflect on one’s activities.

Development of the ability to make independent conclusions based on the ability to perform operations of synthesis, analysis, and generalization.

Development of a child’s personal qualities: emotional responsiveness, curiosity, independence, creative activity.

Didactic material : morphological table, cards with names, characteristics, professions of people, a set of pictures for the game.

Description of the game : the game consists of a morphological table - pictures of people's professions are located vertically, names of characteristics are located horizontally. The teacher invites the children to look at the table and name everything they see on it. In front of the children there are cards depicting signs of professions; you need to find the corresponding sign of an object. For example: a child selects any card with a sign of an object and finds the corresponding object of this sign, analyzes the task vertically, horizontally, parts, which means the task is to find body parts among all the pictures that belong to this object.

3. Didactic game with elements of TRIZ technology : “Safety on the street, at home, on the water, on vacation. ” (puzzles)

Purpose of the game : develop the ability to find the causes and effects that occur depending on the conditions. The same cause under different conditions causes different consequences.

Objectives: Formation of a holistic picture of the world, development of logical thinking, formation of ideas about the interrelations of objects, phenomena and events of the surrounding world, development of skills to predict events, development of communication skills.

Didactic material : cards depicting the cause of an accident, what can happen during a vacation, when a child is left at home alone, swimming in the river, and the consequences as a result.

Game description : The teacher invites the children to assemble puzzles. Shows a card depicting the cause of an accident, which can happen during a vacation, when a child is left at home alone, swimming in the river, and the children must pick up cards depicting the consequences of safety on the street, at home, on the water, on vacation.

4. Didactic game with elements of TRIZ technology:

Ecological lotto: “I follow traffic rules”

Purpose of the game : develop the ability to find prohibiting and permissive traffic signs, establish cause-and-effect relationships between them.

Objectives: Development of logical thinking, formation of ideas about the interrelations of objects, phenomena and events of the surrounding world, development of skills to predict events, development of communication skills.

Didactic material : environmental lotto, cards depicting traffic rules, traffic rules compliance card, traffic rules non-compliance card.

Description of the game : The teacher invites the children to play an environmental lotto called: “I follow traffic rules.” Shows the main reason (for example, a card depicting compliance with traffic regulations is green, and children need to find the ensuing consequences. And vice versa, a card depicting non-compliance with traffic regulations is red, and the ensuing consequences.

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