Project at a preschool educational institution - what is it? Types of projects used in kindergarten.

Project at a preschool educational institution - what is it? Types of projects used in kindergarten.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten for supervision and health improvement No. 108" in Saratov

Project at a preschool educational institution - what is it? Types of projects used in kindergarten.

Prepared by the teacher

I qualification category

Senina Yulia Viktorovna


What is project work in kindergarten?

Back at the beginning of the twentieth century. Professor Collings, the organizer of a long-term experiment in one of the rural schools in Missouri, proposed the following classification of educational projects:

 “game” - children’s activities, participation in group activities (games, folk dances, dramatizations, various types of entertainment);

 “excursion” aimed at studying problems related to the surrounding nature and social life;

 “narrative”, during the development of which children learn to convey their impressions and feelings verbally and in writing. Vocal (song), artistic (painting), musical (playing the piano) forms;

 “constructive”, aimed at creating a specific useful product: putting together a birdhouse, a prepared children's breakfast, arranging flower beds.

By the end of the twentieth century. New types of projects have been developed. E. Polat (1999) characterizes projects in accordance with their typological characteristics: number of participants, dominant method, nature of contacts, method of coordination, duration.

Focusing on these signs, the author offers his own version of the typology of projects relevant for preschool education.

1. According to the dominant method: research, creative, informational, gaming, adventure, practice-oriented.

2. By the nature of the content: include the child and his family, the child and nature, the child and the man-made world; child, society and its cultural values.

3. According to the nature of the child’s participation in the project: customer, expert, performer, participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result.

4. By the nature of contacts: carried out within one age group, in contact with another age group, within a preschool educational institution. In contact with family, cultural institutions, public organizations (open project).

5. By the number of participants: individual, pair, group and frontal.

6. By duration: short-term, medium-term (medium-term) and long-term).

The project sounds somehow official and scientific, doesn’t it? But in fact, this word hides the name of one of the methods for implementing tasks for the development and training of preschoolers. Project activity consists of the joint work of the teacher, parents and children to study a certain issue.

The purpose and purpose of the projects is to promote the development of independent thinking in children, the ability to make decisions, look for answers, plan, foresee the result and learn to cooperate with other people. The teacher gives some task to the children, feasible for their age, and teaches how to solve it and how to present the result of the solution.

Preschoolers cannot develop a project on their own; in kindergarten we do everything together. Typically, this type of activity is purely educational in nature; we use the project as a tool for learning, gaining knowledge and enriching life experience. This method has only recently begun to be used in preschool education; it is considered progressive and effective for modern children.

Development and learning in preschool format is carried out mainly through play activities, so projects have a creative, playful orientation. The most effective is group research activities of children.

The topics of the projects are very diverse.

Well, for example, the popular theme for children's projects is “Family Tree” or “My Family”. This project can be implemented in different ways - in the form of a collective panel with photographs of the family of each child in the group, or a painted large tree, or an exhibition of children's works on the theme of the children's family.

The point is not to give children a finished project, but to give them a topic and help them determine the path for implementing the project: what materials to use, who to ask for help, how to design the project product, how to present it. Moreover, this applies not only to children of the senior and preparatory groups. Kids also do projects that they can handle.

For those who want to create a project according to all the rules

The peculiarities of the pedagogical and educational system in Russia are such that every step we take must be strictly in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, even such a creative task as writing a project requires compliance with the methodological recommendations of the Ministry.

In order not to search for information for a long time, I suggest looking at the UchMag online store, since there is absolutely any methodological literature, including excellent manuals on our topic:

  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions: practice of teaching children 3-7 years old”;
  • “Innovative pedagogical technologies. Project method in preschool educational institutions";
  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions: theory and practice of child development”;
  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions. Practice of teaching children 3-7 years old. Program for installation via the Internet";
  • “Preschool educational institution development program. CD for computer: innovative educational project";
  • “Environmental projects in preschool educational institutions. Research activities on walks."

For preschool teachers, taking into account modern requirements for a preschool teacher, in such manuals you can find everything that is necessary for competent planning and implementation of teaching activities: how to draw up a project, what to take into account, how to formalize the results, etc.

Types of projects in kindergarten

In current practice, kindergartens use the following types of projects:

  • Research with a creative bent: the guys find out some information, for example, why snow melts in the spring, and the results are presented in the form of drawings, wall newspapers, staged skits, etc.;
  • Creative tasks are also educational in nature, but the results of the research are presented in the form of a theatrical performance, a performance, or a children's party;
  • Social and informational: the guys research the subject of the project and draw up the result in the form of a newspaper, folder, poster, installation;
  • Role-playing or gaming: children solve a project task using a fairy tale familiar to them, getting used to the roles of the characters, presenting the result of the research in the form of a role-playing plot.

According to the method of project implementation, group, individual, intergroup, complex

Taking into account the age-related psychological characteristics of preschoolers, project coordination should be flexible, i.e. The teacher unobtrusively guides the children’s work, organizing individual stages of the project.

All projects are carried out within the preschool educational institution, as a rule, between groups of participants, but there are also personal, individual projects (in visual and verbal creativity). Since the leading activity of a preschooler is play, role-playing and creative projects are used from a young age: “Favorite Toys”, “The ABC of Health”, etc.

Other types of projects are also significant, including:

  • complex: “World of Theater”, “Hello, Pushkin!”, “Echo of Centuries”, “Book Week”, etc.;
  • intergroup: “Mathematical collages”, “World of animals and birds”, “Seasons”, etc.;
  • creative: “My friends”, “In our Neskuchny Garden”,

“Favorite Tales”, “Natural World”, “Rowan Bins of Russia”, etc.;

  • group: “Tales of Love”, “Know Yourself”, “Yugan Gems”, “Underwater World”, “Fun Astronomy”, etc.;
  • individual: “Me and my family”, “Family tree”, “Secrets of grandma’s chest”, “Fairytale bird”, etc.;
  • research: “The World of Water”, “Breath and Health”, “Nutrition and Health”, etc.

These projects may seem like they're too difficult for preschoolers. But preschoolers are just getting acquainted with this type of activity, preparing for independent research that they will conduct at school.

Research projects

According to E. Polat, they require a clear structure, defined goals, relevance of the subject of research for all participants, social significance, and thoughtful methods for processing the result. In recent years, research projects have been actively conquering the space of secondary schools and additional education institutions and are increasingly of interest to preschool specialists.

Information projects

Goals: collect information about some object, phenomenon, and then familiarize participants with it, analyze and summarize the observed facts.

Structure of the information project: obtaining and processing information, result (report, album with drawings and photographs), presentation.

Creative projects

They do not have a detailed structure for the joint activities of participants. It is just outlined, and then develops, subordinate to the final result, the interests of the project participants. Teachers and children agree on the form of presenting the results (fairy tale, film, dramatization, holiday, interior decoration). However, the presentation of the results of the project requires a clearly thought-out structure in the form of a film script or a concert program.

Creative projects are varied, as are the types of artistic and productive activities that children master. In content, they reflect the relationship: child - family; child - nature; a child is a man-made world; child – society and its cultural values.

Creative projects can be classified according to the predominant motive (expression of a subjective attitude, bringing joy, providing assistance, joint creativity or activity); by dominant type of creativity (game, visual, constructive, artistic and speech, artistic and design, theatrical, musical); according to the form of presentation of the result (panel, design, performance, decoration, cartoon, concert, holiday, presentation).

Game (adventure) projects

The structure of game projects is just being outlined; participants take on certain roles determined by their character and content. These can be literary characters or fictional characters that simulate social or business relationships in imaginary situations.

The degree of creativity in such projects is high, but the dominant type of activity is still role-playing.

Practice-oriented projects

They are distinguished by a clearly defined expected result of the participants’ activities, oriented towards social interests. A practice-oriented project requires a well-thought-out structure and organization of work at individual stages (adjusting efforts, discussing results and ways to implement them in practice, evaluating the project).

Open Projects

The most common design is within one age group. Teachers and children do not experience difficulties because they know each other’s creative capabilities and social qualities well; have an idea of ​​the subject-spatial environment of the group. However, you should not isolate yourself in your team. Contacts with another age group are necessary for a child for his social development and expansion of the sphere of communication. Participation in a joint project with another group enriches children with new impressions, allows them to experience new emotions, and win sympathy from the people around them. A similar process occurs in a mixed-age group. In such conditions, younger preschoolers have the opportunity to master the world around them with the participation of their elders, and older children gain experience in behavior socially approved by adults.

It is more difficult to organize contacts and projects within preschool educational institutions (for example, “April Fool’s Day”, “Fairy Tale Week”). They require a high level of development of management (creative, organizational) skills among teachers, since it is necessary to identify the current problem, think through the conditions and form of children's or child-adult projects.

The most complex are open projects implemented in contact with family, cultural institutions, and public organizations. But it is they that give a high result in the development of the child, expanding the space of his life.

Individual and collective projects

Individual project - carried out independently, designed to enrich the child’s cultural experience; with its help, the ability to overcome obstacles in solving a problem (composing and illustrating a fairy tale) is monitored. The Value of Custom Design

is undeniable, since the child learns to take initiative, experience mistakes and achievements, and demonstrates abilities.

However, children are collectivists at heart; they want to interact with peers and adults. An essential feature of the psychological characteristics of any person is the ability to participate in collective activities and jointly find ways to solve problems. The formation of stable skills of collective cooperation in preschoolers is facilitated by the constant and purposeful involvement of children in the creation of common works. Children learn to unite in subgroups, discuss together ways to implement a plan, plan and coordinate their actions step by step, distribute responsibilities and tasks among themselves, help each other, worry about the quality of not only their part of the work, but the whole.

The experience of collective creativity is acquired against the background of joint positive emotional experiences that contribute to the development of friendly relationships between children.

Children feel unhappy when they are not in the group. Therefore, pair, group, frontal projects are necessary for children's development.

Pair project

- carried out by a pair (pairs) of participants. Children acquire cooperation skills, learn to act together in the same space, solve a common problem, and choose adequate solutions.

Group project

- carried out by a group of participants (from 3 to 10-12 people).

Frontal (collective) project

- performed by the whole team.

Short term projects

- aimed at solving a small problem or part of a larger one. They can be implemented in one or several specially organized classes, as part of joint activities with adults or independent children's activities (studying the properties of ice; studying the activities of an artist in a workshop).

Medium duration projects

- designed to solve the problem within several days, weeks (preparing for a holiday, travel); writing and staging a fairy tale).

Long-term projects

(from one to several months) - solve a major problem, which requires effort and sufficient time to overcome (for example, researching your ancestry).

Have you probably seen foreign films where children prepare some projects, often making volcanoes, various devices, bringing a pet to kindergarten and talking about it? Such types of activities are extremely useful for children, as they broaden their horizons, activate cognitive activity, and reveal creative and scientific abilities.

The name - projects - sounds very serious to our ears. In fact, for children this is just one type of work that requires research and presentation of the result. Both short-term and long-term projects are designed to increase the child’s self-esteem, since initially the adult is determined to recognize the value of any result of the child’s research.

The point is not to get an ideal research result from a child, say, on the topic of a favorite toy. The point is to instill in him an interest in research and analysis of the processes that occur around us. Arousing curiosity and healthy curiosity in children is the task of children's projects.

The tasks of research activities are specific for each age.

In early preschool age this is:

— children’s entry into a problematic play situation (the leading role of the teacher);

— intensifying the desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation (together with the teacher);

— formation of initial prerequisites for research activities (practical experiments).

In older preschool age this is:

— formation of prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative;

- developing the ability to determine possible methods of solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;

— developing the ability to apply these methods to help solve the problem, using various options;

— developing a desire to use special terms, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

Thus, the project method in working with preschoolers today is an optimal, innovative and promising method that should take its rightful place in the preschool education system. The methodological foundations of project activities discussed above give an idea of ​​the high degree of adaptability of innovative technologies to the specifics of preschool educational institutions.

Using the project method in preschool education as one of the methods of integrated teaching of preschoolers can significantly increase children's independent activity, develop creative thinking, children's ability to independently find information about an object or phenomenon of interest in different ways and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality. It also makes the educational system of preschool educational institutions open to the active participation of parents.

The specificity of using the project method in preschool practice is that adults need to “guide” the child, help discover a problem or even provoke its occurrence, arouse interest in it and “draw” children into a joint project. Based on a person-centered approach to training and education, ultimately, it should contribute to the development of individual creative activity of teachers in the development of strategy, tactics and technology of the educational process, promote the personal development of students, and ensure high-quality results of teaching activities.

The promise of the project method in the preschool educational system is that it provides the opportunity to develop observation and analysis of phenomena, comparison, generalization and the ability to draw conclusions, creative thinking, logic of knowledge, inquisitiveness of mind, joint cognitive-search and research activities, communication and reflective skills and much more that are components of a successful personality.

Stages of project activity

Depending on age, the following stages of the formation and development of this type of activity in preschool children can be distinguished:

  • 3.5 – 4.5 years – imitative-performing period. At this age, children are focused on repeating the actions of adults and imitating them. Their independence and manifestations of initiative are at the stage of formation, so they participate in projects in secondary roles as teacher assistants.
  • 5 – 6 years – developmental stage. At this time, preschoolers can already participate in the process on an equal basis with adults, are able to delegate tasks, take on team functions, and are able to fairly objectively evaluate their own work or the results of other children.
  • 6–7 years is a creative period when preschoolers are active and show personal initiative, can concentrate on a task and focus on achieving long-term goals.

If a teacher chooses project-based activities as the topic of his self-education, he must take into account the age characteristics of the students.

For those who want to create a project according to all the rules

The peculiarities of the pedagogical and educational system in Russia are such that every step we take must be strictly in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, even such a creative task as writing a project requires compliance with the methodological recommendations of the Ministry.

In order not to search for information for a long time, I suggest “registering” in my favorite online store “UchMag”, since there is absolutely any methodological literature, including excellent manuals on our topic:

  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions: practice of teaching children 3-7 years old”;
  • “Innovative pedagogical technologies. Project method in preschool educational institutions";
  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions: theory and practice of child development”;
  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions. Practice of teaching children 3-7 years old. Program for installation via the Internet";
  • “Preschool educational institution development program. CD for computer: innovative educational project";
  • “Environmental projects in preschool educational institutions. Research activities on walks";
  • Offline webinar “Technology for organizing project activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education”.

For teachers of a preschool educational institution, that is, a preschool educational institution, taking into account modern requirements for a preschool teacher, such manuals are simply a treasure. It contains everything that is necessary for competent planning and implementation of teaching activities: how to draw up a project, what to take into account, how to formalize the results, etc.

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