Classification of outdoor games. Plot and non-plot outdoor games for preschoolers

Preschool children are able to perceive information better than others, and parents should not waste this time. New knowledge and skills are easily acquired with the help of various outdoor and board games. At the ages of 3 to 7 years, children try to copy the actions of adults and imitate animals and birds. At this time, parents need to guide their child on the right path of understanding life.

With the help of active games you can achieve success in this matter. The classification of outdoor games is quite diverse: by complexity, by degree of load, taking into account the age of the child, by the use of equipment, etc. Adults need to help their child adapt to life. However, we must not forget about the independence of the child. You can complicate the game a little, change its direction, but you shouldn’t tell your child how to act.

The value of outdoor games

Many experts in the field of raising children, including Froebel, Leontiev, Reich, noted the importance of outdoor games for a child. They argued that active games can develop children both physically and mentally. In addition, during these classes, children are always in the movement that they need.

Outdoor games for preschoolers are indispensable, as they can improve the child’s attentiveness and physical condition, his plasticity and understanding of the environment. In the process of playing, children learn about the world from a new perspective, and in addition, they strengthen and improve their skills.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of active games for a child, since here, among other things, imagination and fantasy, speech and memory develop. In addition, outdoor games are very good for health, especially in the fresh air. Children jump, run, play with a ball, which promotes normal blood circulation and increased breathing. This has a positive effect on the body, especially the growing one.

Methodology for conducting active games

Children of preschool age are in most cases extremely active, and therefore there is no need to be very surprised if the child does not stand still for even a minute. They constantly run, jump, roll a ball, wrestle, and play with their peers. The child must act and play independently; for this, the teacher or teacher must create all the conditions.

The adult’s task is to direct and provide everything necessary for the play area. Firstly, you need as much free space as possible so that the child does not feel cooped up. Secondly, you need to provide all the necessary toys that promote physical activity in children.

All children are different: some like to play alone, some are too active, and some, on the contrary, are calmer. The teacher needs to consider all this and indirectly guide the game process. But you cannot do this in an authoritative and strict manner; you need to push the child to the right decision. Some need to be helped and played with, and others need to be offered a different game. The teacher should remember that almost all children in younger groups prefer to play alone. He should try to instill in children a love of playing together. It is necessary to properly organize and present the game, thereby arousing interest. This is the method of outdoor games.

Examples of fun games

“Catch the ball” (for preschoolers - children of primary school age)

Children receive one or more balloons (depending on the number of participants). The guys' task is to prevent the balls from touching the floor, constantly forcing them to fly up.

“The slower you go, the further you go” (for any age)

Two lines are drawn - start and finish (the distance between them is about 30 m). The leader stands at the finish line, the rest at the start. The presenter turns away and says the words:

"The quieter you go, the further you'll get".

While the leader speaks, the rest try to run as far as possible. The presenter, having finished speaking, turns sharply.

At this moment everyone should freeze. The player who does not have time to stop is sent back to the start. The players' task is to get to the finish line as quickly as possible.

"Jumping in bags" (for any age)

The guys are divided into 2 or more teams. Each team has a bag.

Children take turns jumping in bags to the set mark and returning back.

All team members must complete this task. The team's goal is to finish faster than their opponents.

The fastest team wins.

Outdoor games are an excellent way to develop skills in a child. While children are having fun and having fun, physical activity has a positive effect on their health, increases endurance and agility, and teaches children how to work as a team. Thus, the child develops while doing what interests him.

Active games during the day

Every day, teachers need to conduct outdoor games with children. Before breakfast, you need to let the children play on their own without distracting them. To do this, you need to take out the toys and encourage the kids to go to class. Outdoor games for preschoolers are not appropriate immediately after breakfast or any other meal. When choosing games, you need to consider the activities that came before them. For example, after lessons in drawing or the Russian language, it is necessary to offer active games in order to move more.

It is recommended to use outdoor games while walking, in the fresh air. You should only go indoors if the weather is unsuitable, such as heavy rain or wind. If the weather outside is just like this, you need to play in a large hall where there is enough space for everyone.

In the evening it is also recommended to play games, but with little mobility. Singing with round dances is good. This activity should last about 10 minutes. The most favorable time of year for playing games is, of course, summer. Since outdoor games during a walk in the summer are quite easy to implement. On hot days, it is advisable to conduct activities with moderate or low activity so that children do not overheat. And on cooler days, it is better to use games with the highest activity.

It is most difficult to play outdoor games in winter and autumn. Children usually wear warm clothes and bulky shoes, which makes their physical activity difficult. In this case, classes with simple movements that will not tire the kids are ideal.

Outdoor games in a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) in the fresh air and in the hall contribute to a significant increase in physical and mental abilities. Kindergarten is a place that is one of the key in shaping the views and interests of a child.

Rooster fight

“Cock Fight” is a game that develops agility and jumping endurance.

Location. Open area (gym, corridor, games room).

Preparation. The game involves two teams that line up facing each other in two lines.

Description of the game. At the coach's command, the players begin to jump on one leg with their hands behind their backs. The goal of the game is to push a player of the opposing team with his shoulder to throw him off balance and force him to touch the floor with his other foot. Whoever touches the floor is out of the game. The team that doesn't have a single player left loses. In the next fight, the participants move on the other leg.

Rule. During the fight, it is prohibited to change the pushing leg and remove your hands from behind your back.

Game option. This game can also be played one-on-one. In this case, the game goes, as they say, “to the winner.” That is, the loser is eliminated, and the next player faces the winner of the previous battle. And so on until the final winner is identified. In order to reduce the time of the fight, it is advisable to play this version of the game in a circle with a diameter of 4-5 meters. In this case, the player who touches the floor with his second foot or goes outside the circle loses.

Methodical instructions. It must be said that the one-on-one version of the game has a very low motor density. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct it in the final part of the lesson, when the “team versus team” version of the game has already been played several times.

Classification of outdoor games

Experts in this field note that the wide variety of active games has led to the need to divide them. As already mentioned, they are classified by complexity, degree of mobility, etc.

In the most general version, games can be divided into simple and complex. Simple ones are classified into plot, plotless, attractions and fun games.

Story-based games are characterized by a clearly developed scenario with fixed rules. They are characterized by thoughtful actions of all participants in the events; deviation from the plot seems impossible. Games of this type are popular in all groups, especially for younger ones.

Plotless games are characterized by the absence of a script, but require children to be attentive, quick and independent. During the lesson, the child must repeat a certain motor action, most often presented in the form of a competition.

Attractions and fun games also require the completion of a specific task in the form of a competition. The difference from plotless ones is that some of the children participate in the game, and the other part are spectators. These outdoor games are very popular in preschool educational institutions, as they delight children.

Almost all sports games are classified as difficult. This includes football, basketball, volleyball, and hockey. Of course, young children cannot participate in these adult competitions, and therefore classes are conducted according to a simplified system.

Active games can also be distinguished by motor content: running, jumping, projectile throwing, etc. There is a classification of outdoor games according to the degree of mobility. Examples of such games can be very diverse. There are classes of high, medium and low activity. The first group includes those activities in which the majority of children take part, most often running or jumping. The second group includes games in which all the children also participate, but the tasks are calmer, for example, walking or passing shells. In games of low mobility, the action is low-intensity and has a slow pace.

Text of the book “Collection of outdoor games. For working with children 2-7 years old"

Collection of outdoor games. For working with children 2-7 years old

Methodology for conducting outdoor games

Outdoor play as a means of harmonious development of a child

An outdoor game with rules is a child’s conscious motor activity, characterized by the accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players. According to P. Lesgaft’s definition, outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. The exciting content and emotional richness of the game encourage the child to make certain mental and physical efforts.

The specificity of outdoor play is the child’s lightning-fast, instant response to the signals “catch!”, “run!” “stop!” and etc.

Outdoor play is an indispensable means of replenishing a child’s knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities. When conducting outdoor play, unlimited opportunities are created for the integrated use of various methods aimed at shaping the child’s personality. During the game, not only the exercise of existing motor skills occurs, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of personality qualities.

Many domestic scientists have been searching for ways to harmoniously develop children. Thus, in the system of physical education created by P. Lesgaft, the principle of harmonious development was fundamental, and the physical and spiritual forces of a person were considered as qualitatively different aspects of a single life process, allowing the formation of people of the “ideally normal type.” According to P. Lesgaft, harmonious development is possible only with a scientifically based system of physical education and upbringing, in which the principle of awareness prevails.

Awareness of movements provides the opportunity to use them rationally and economically, perform them with the least expenditure of effort and with the greatest effect, and also contributes to the spiritual development of a person.

Numerous studies prove that a person’s character, thoughts, and feelings are reflected in the form of a “muscular shell” on the body (M. Alexander, V. Reich, M. Feldenkrais, etc.), therefore, in order to achieve the goals of harmonious development, it is important to understand how our body works . The teacher must teach children to move naturally, gracefully, in accordance with the constitution of the body and individual abilities.

Harmonious development occurs with a holistic, integrated, balanced realization of all human potential. One-sided development is detrimental to the individual and often borders on psychological or physical illness.

The child realizes freedom of action in outdoor games, which are a factor in the formation of physical culture. In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of a child’s comprehensive development. The deep meaning of outdoor games lies in their full role in physical and spiritual life, their significance in the history and culture of every nation. Outdoor play can be called the most important educational institution, promoting both the development of physical and mental abilities and the development of moral norms, rules of behavior, and ethical values ​​of society.

Outdoor games are one of the conditions for the development of a child’s culture. In them he comprehends and learns about the world around him, in them his intellect, fantasy, imagination develop, and social qualities are formed. Outdoor games are always a creative activity that demonstrates the child’s natural dexterity in movement and the need to find a solution to a motor problem. While playing, a child not only learns about the world around him, but also transforms it.

Children of primary preschool age imitate everything they see in play. However, in the outdoor games of children, what is primarily reflected is not communication with peers, but a reflection of the life of adults or animals: they fly with pleasure like sparrows, flapping their arms like a butterfly with its wings, etc. The desire to spiritualize inanimate nature is explained by the child’s desire to give The image depicted in the game has a living character. When he gets used to the image, the mechanisms of empathy are turned on and, as a result, morally valuable personal qualities are formed: empathy, complicity, involvement. Thanks to the developed ability to imitate, most outdoor games of younger preschoolers are plot-based.

In the fifth year of life, the nature of children's play activities changes. They begin to be interested in the result of outdoor play, they strive to express their feelings, desires, implement their plans, and creatively reflect the accumulated motor and social experience in their imagination and behavior. However, imitativeness and imitation continue to play an important role in older preschool age.

Outdoor games are characterized by the presence of moral content. They foster goodwill, a desire for mutual assistance, conscientiousness, organization, and initiative. In addition, playing outdoor games is associated with great emotional uplift, joy, fun, and a sense of freedom. Outdoor games of different content allow us to trace the variety of approaches to finding ways for the harmonious development of children. Conventionally, we can distinguish several types of outdoor games that contribute in different ways to the comprehensive development of preschool children and carry different social orientations. Games like “Traps” are characterized by a creative nature, based on passion, motor experience and strict adherence to the rules. By running away, catching up, dodging, children mobilize their mental and physical strength to the maximum, while they independently choose methods that ensure the effectiveness of game actions and improve psychophysical qualities.

Games that require inventing movements or instantly stopping an action at a game signal encourage children to individual and collective creativity (inventing combinations of movements, imitating the movements of vehicles, animals).

Such games are at the same time an exercise for will, attention, thought, feeling and movement. Particular attention is paid to the expressiveness of actions invented by children, which activate mental processes, carry out sensory corrections, role training, form the psychosomatic and emotional spheres, developing the mechanisms of empathy. Children convey the character and images of the game characters, their moods, and relationships. At the same time, facial and large muscles are trained, which contributes to the release of endorphins (the hormone of joy), which ensures an improvement in the condition and functioning of the body.

Ball games play a particularly important role when working with children. While playing, a child performs various manipulations with the ball: aiming, hitting, throwing, throwing, combining movements with claps, various turns, etc. These games develop the eye, motor coordination functions, and improve the activity of the cerebral cortex. According to A. Lowen, hitting a ball improves mood, relieves aggression, helps get rid of muscle tension, and causes pleasure. Pleasure, in his opinion, is freedom of body movement from muscle tension.

Games with elements of competition require proper pedagogical guidance, which requires compliance with a number of conditions:

Each child participating in the game must be proficient in the motor skills (climbing, running, jumping, throwing, etc.) in which the game is competed. This principle is also fundamental in relay games. It is also important to objectively evaluate the activities of children when summing up the results of the game: it is necessary to evaluate the child’s achievements in relation to himself, that is, his own achievements, because each child has his own characteristics, his own capabilities, determined by his state of health, sensory and motor experience.

In games like “Blind Man's Bluff” and “Guess by Voice”, analyzer systems are improved and sensory corrections are carried out.

Thus, by playing and implementing various forms of activity, children learn about the world around them, themselves, their body, their capabilities, invent, create, while developing harmoniously and holistically.

In the formation of a child’s diversified personality, active games with rules are given the most important place. They are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Outdoor games have a healing effect on the child’s body - he practices a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. At the same time, breathing and metabolic processes in the body are activated, this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on mental activity. The healing effect of outdoor games is enhanced when played outdoors.

It is extremely important to take into account the role of growing tension, joy, strong feelings and undying interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. Passion for the game not only mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. Play is an indispensable means of developing and improving movements; formation of speed, strength, endurance, coordination of movements. In outdoor play as a creative activity, nothing fetters the child’s freedom of action; he is relaxed and free.

The role of outdoor play in mental education is great: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, act consciously in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them; master spatial terminology. During the game, memory and ideas are activated, thinking and imagination are developed. Children learn the meaning of the game, remember the rules, learn to act in accordance with their chosen role, creatively use existing motor skills, and learn to analyze their actions and the actions of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, and game starters. Such games replenish vocabulary and enrich children's speech.

Outdoor games are also of great importance in the moral education of preschool children. Children learn to act in a team and obey common requirements. The guys perceive the rules of the game as law; conscious implementation of them forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, and the ability to control one’s actions and behavior. Honesty, discipline, and justice are formed in the game. Outdoor play teaches sincerity and camaraderie. By obeying the rules of the game, children learn to be friends, empathize, and help each other.

Skillful, thoughtful management of the game by the teacher contributes to the development of an active creative personality. In outdoor games, the aesthetic perception of the world is improved. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery; master poetic, figurative speech; they develop a sense of rhythm.

Outdoor play prepares for work: children make play attributes, arrange and put them away in a certain sequence, and improve their motor skills necessary for future work.

Thus, outdoor play is an indispensable means of replenishing a child’s knowledge and ideas about the world around him; development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities. When conducting outdoor play, there are unlimited possibilities for the integrated use of various methods aimed at shaping the child’s personality. During the game, not only the exercise of existing skills occurs, but also the formation of new mental processes, new personality traits.

Outdoor games as a means of physical education contribute to the child’s health through playing in the fresh air, and also activate creative activity, independence, manifestations of looseness, and freedom in solving gaming problems.

As a method of physical education, outdoor play helps to consolidate and improve the child’s movements.

Features of outdoor games

Outdoor games are classified by age, by the degree of mobility of the child in the game (games with low, medium, high mobility), by types of movements (games with running, throwing, etc.), by content (outdoor games with rules and sports games) .

In the theory and methodology of physical education, the following classification of games is accepted.

Outdoor games with rules include plot and non-story games. Sports games include basketball, gorodki, table tennis, hockey, football, etc.

Plot-based outdoor games reflect a life or fairy-tale episode in a conventional form. The child is captivated by playful images. He creatively embodies himself in them, depicting a cat, a sparrow, a car, a wolf, a goose, a monkey, etc.

Story-based outdoor games contain motor game tasks that are interesting for children and lead to achieving a goal. These games are divided into games such as dashes, traps; games with elements of competition (“Who will run to their flag the fastest?”, etc.); relay games (“Who will pass the ball sooner?”); games with objects (balls, hoops, serso, skittles, etc.). When working with the youngest children, they use fun games (“Ladushki”, “Horned Goat”, etc.).

The methodology for conducting outdoor games includes unlimited possibilities for the integrated use of various techniques aimed at shaping the child’s personality and skillful didactic guidance of the game.

Of particular importance are the professional training of the teacher, pedagogical observation and foresight. By stimulating a child’s interest in play, engaging him in play activities, the teacher notices and highlights significant factors in his development and behavior; determines (sometimes in individual strokes) real changes in knowledge, skills and abilities. It is important to help the child consolidate positive qualities and gradually overcome negative ones. Pedagogical observation and love for children allow the teacher to thoughtfully choose methods for guiding their activities, correct the child’s behavior and his own; create a joyful, friendly atmosphere in the group. The children's joy that accompanies play contributes to the formation of the child's physical, mental, spiritual, aesthetic and moral qualities.

The method of conducting outdoor play is aimed at educating an emotional child who consciously acts to the best of his abilities and has a variety of motor skills. Under the benevolent, attentive guidance of the teacher, a creatively thinking person is formed who knows how to navigate the environment, actively overcome the difficulties encountered, show a friendly attitude towards comrades, endurance, and self-control.

A prerequisite for successful outdoor games is taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. Behavior in the game largely depends on existing motor skills and typological characteristics of the nervous system. Active motor activity trains the child’s nervous system and helps balance the processes of excitation and inhibition.

The selection of outdoor games depends on the working conditions of each age group: the general level of physical and mental development of children, their motor skills; the health status of each child, his individual typological characteristics, time of year, daily routine, place of play, children’s interests.

When selecting plot-based outdoor games, one should take into account the children’s developed ideas about the plot being played out. A prerequisite for preparing a teacher to conduct outdoor games is preliminary learning of the movements of both imitation and physical exercises, actions that children perform in the game. The teacher pays attention to the correct, relaxed, expressive performance of motor actions. To better understand the game plot, the teacher carries out preliminary work: reads works of fiction, organizes observations of nature, animals, the activities of people of various professions (drivers, athletes, etc.), watching videos, films and filmstrips, conversations. The teacher pays considerable attention to preparing the attributes of the game - he makes the attributes together with the children or in their presence (depending on age).

It is important to organize the game correctly in terms of content and order of tasks. The game can be played simultaneously with all children or with a small group. The teacher varies the ways of organizing games depending on their structure and nature, and the location of the movements. Thinks through ways to gather children for the game and introduce game attributes.

Introducing children to a new game is carried out clearly, concisely, figuratively, emotionally and lasts 1.5–2 minutes. An explanation of the plot-based outdoor game, as already noted, is given after preliminary work on the formation of ideas about game images.

The themes of plot-based outdoor games are varied: these can be episodes from people’s lives, natural phenomena, or imitation of animal habits. In the course of explaining a new game, a game goal is set for children, which helps to activate thinking, understand the rules of the game, and form and improve motor skills. When explaining the game, a short figurative storyline is used. It changes in order to better transform the child into a playful image, develop expressiveness, beauty, graceful movements, fantasy and imagination. The plot story is similar to a fairy tale, which evokes in children a reconstructive imagination - a visual perception of all play situations and actions that stimulate them to emotional perception.

The plot of the story and its content should be understandable to children, therefore the use of this technique requires planning and thinking through the teacher’s previous work so that the children have an idea of ​​the plot being played out. The teacher observes in nature, in a living area, the behavior of birds and animals; reads fiction, shows filmstrips, videos, films, creating ideas necessary for the successful implementation of the game. Instead of a situational explanation of the game, the teacher uses a little fairy tale or a plot story before the first game, which includes the rules of the game and a signal. Their explanation takes the same 1.5-2 minutes allotted by the technique, and sometimes less. The educational effect of such an explanation is high - children develop a recreating imagination and fantasy. The plot story helps to get into character and develop expressive movements. The rules and signal are woven into the explanation of the game.

Storytelling is used in all age groups. It is often difficult for a teacher to come up with an explanation for the game. To make the task easier, you can use poetry. For example:

A crested hen came out, with yellow chicks with her. The chicken clucks: “Ko-ko, don’t go far.”

The “chicken” children walk along the lawn, collect grains for the driver, and drink water from the puddle. Approaching the “cat” driver, the “chicken” (teacher) says:

On a bench, by the path, a cat lay down and dozed.

The “chickens” come close to the “cat”, the “hen” says:

The cat opens its eyes (Meows: “Meow-meow.”)
And catches up with the chickens.

When explaining a non-story game, the teacher reveals the sequence of game actions, game rules and signal. He indicates the location of the players and game attributes using spatial terminology (in younger groups with a focus on the object, in older groups without it). When explaining the game, the teacher should not be distracted by comments to the children. Using questions, he checks how the children understand the game. If the rules are clear to them, then the game is fun and exciting.

When explaining games with competition elements, the teacher clarifies the rules, game techniques, and competition conditions. Expresses confidence that all children will try to cope well with game tasks that require not only speed, but also high-quality execution (“Who can reach the flag faster”, “Which team will not drop the ball”). Correct execution of movements gives children pleasure, creates a feeling of confidence and a desire for improvement.

By uniting those playing in groups or teams, the teacher takes into account the physical development and individual characteristics of the children. Selects guys of equal strength for teams; to activate insecure, shy kids, it unites them with brave and active kids.

Children's interest in games with elements of competition increases if they wear a uniform and choose team captains, a referee and his assistant. Teams receive points for completing tasks correctly and quickly. The result of the calculation determines the assessment of the quality of task performance and collective actions of each team. Conducting games with elements of competition requires great pedagogical tact, objectivity and fairness in assessing the activities of teams, promoting friendliness and camaraderie in the relationships of children.

The teacher's guidance of outdoor play also consists of the distribution of roles. The teacher can appoint a driver, select using a counting rhyme, or invite the children to choose a driver themselves and then ask them to explain why they assign the role to this particular child; can take the leading role or choose someone who wants to be the leader. In younger groups, the role of leader is initially performed by the teacher, doing it emotionally and figuratively. Gradually, the role of the leader begins to be entrusted to children.

During the game, the teacher pays attention to the children’s compliance with the rules and carefully analyzes the reasons for their violation. A child may break the rules of the game if he did not understand the teacher’s explanation accurately enough, really wanted to win, was inattentive, etc. The teacher must monitor the movements, relationships, workload, and emotional state of the children in the game.

Considerable attention should be paid to options for outdoor games, which allow not only to increase interest in the game, but also to complicate mental and physical tasks; improve movements, increase the psychophysical qualities of the child.

Initially, the teacher comes up with game options himself or selects them from collections of outdoor games. In this case, the rules should be gradually complicated. For example, the teacher intonationally varies the interval of the signal: “One, two, three, catch!”, “One – two – three – catch!” etc.; it can change the arrangement of children and physical education aids in the game; choose several drivers; include rules in the game that require the child to have endurance, self-control, etc.

Children are gradually getting involved in creating options, which contributes to the development of children's creativity.

By leading the game, the teacher forms correct self-esteem, friendly relationships, friendship and mutual assistance, and teaches children to overcome difficulties. P. Kapterev called overcoming difficulties moral hardening, linking it with the formation of high spiritual potential. Correct pedagogical guidance of the game helps the child understand himself and his comrades, ensures the development and realization of his creative powers, and has a psychocorrective and psychotherapeutic effect.

Summing up the game, the teacher notes the children who performed their roles well, showed ingenuity, endurance, mutual assistance, and creativity.

Noting the actions of children who violated the conditions and rules of the game, the teacher expresses confidence that next time the children will try and play better.

Active game management

Preschool children love all outdoor games, but, of course, they cannot organize them on their own. The teacher comes to their aid with this. The teacher must remember that the main goal of such games is the improvement and development of the child’s physical and mental abilities. The ability to work in a team is also very important, which must be taught in childhood. The plan for outdoor games should be drawn up in such a way that children develop their skills and abilities during the lesson.

The teacher needs to take part in the games, thereby showing the child by his own example how interesting and exciting it is. Children love to play with adults, it makes them feel older. You need to use a cheerful tone in communication, this will captivate kids.

Organizing outdoor play is a rather difficult task, since all children are individual, and it is far from a fact that everything will go smoothly from the very beginning. You can often observe a situation where not all children want to take part in a group game due to their shyness. There is no need to put pressure on the child; you should give him a little time to get comfortable. If the baby is still shy and afraid to play with others, you can try to carefully involve him in the process. An offer to run or hide together would be an excellent way out of this situation for the teacher.

The teacher must competently manage the game and control it in order to avoid unpleasant situations. To suggest something, to encourage someone somewhere is a great option. If most children begin to play around and lose interest, it is necessary to stop the game and give the kids time to rest.

Precautionary measures

When conducting outdoor games, it is worth remembering safety precautions. Failure to comply with safety precautions can lead to injuries and other unpleasant consequences, so it is important to familiarize children with the rules of the game, indicate the territory in which it will be played, tell them what to do if they fall, etc.

Basic rules for outdoor games:

  • Play on a safe surface: flat, without unexpected holes or bumps, preferably not too hard. The ideal surface is grassy.
  • Do not play outside during or immediately after rain as the ground becomes slippery.
  • If the game is played indoors, make sure it is large enough.
  • Do not play games near roads or parking lots. The best place is a specially equipped closed area.
  • If you use sports equipment (ball, rope, jump rope), make sure it is in good working order and tell your children about the rules of use. Make sure the guys stick to them.
  • Check your children's shoes: they should be comfortable, fit firmly on the feet, and not cause difficulties when running. Clothing must also be appropriate. Do not neglect your hat if the game is played outside on a sunny day.
  • If necessary, use protection: helmet, knee pads, elbow pads.
  • You can prepare water so that the guys can quench their thirst after the game.

If one of the children is injured, provide first aid and, if necessary, take him to a place where he will receive qualified assistance.

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

Since the beginning of 2014, a new document has come into force, which represents a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education. Speech and cognitive, as well as artistic and physical development are the areas in which the Federal State Educational Standard operates. Each of these areas has its own tasks that will help children understand the world and develop in all areas.

In addition, the Federal State Educational Standard regulates the following types of children’s activities: play, communication, cognitive, perception of fiction, self-service and household work, visual, musical and motor. To achieve certain goals, each type of activity is characterized by outdoor games. The Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at achieving certain goals:

  • improving the status of preschool education;
  • ensuring equal opportunities for every child;
  • maintaining the unity of education in the Russian Federation, including preschool;
  • ensuring high quality preschool education.

This document is an excellent innovation that is designed to regulate all preschool educational institutions for the correct execution of their actions. With the entry into force of the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool institutions have become more responsible in this matter. Now there is a clear plan of action, following which we can provide the highest quality education to the younger generation.

Outdoor games in kindergartens for the older group

Most children before school spend most of their lives in preschool educational institutions. Therefore, holding games in such institutions is mandatory. The classification of outdoor games involves division into two parts: for very young children and older children.

The preparatory group mainly plays games with the ball. For example, you need to find out who can run faster from start to finish by tossing a ball. In addition, such games as “Mousetrap”, “Owl”, “Shepherd and the Wolf” are popular. Let's look at each of them.

Mousetrap. Children are divided into two identical groups. The first is mice, which must line up in a column one after another. The other group should form three circles, holding hands. When the teacher says: “The mousetrap is open,” the children standing in a circle raise their hands, and the mice run in turn each circle. When the teacher gives the command: “Clap,” the children in the circle lower their hands. Those mice that are inside the circles are considered caught. The game continues until all the “mice” are caught.

Owl. Children are divided into two groups: butterflies and bugs. In addition, one baby is selected to act as an owl. A circle is drawn for him - a nest, and he stands there. When the teacher says: “Day,” all the butterflies and bugs walk freely around the playground, doing as they please. As soon as the teacher says: “Night,” everyone stops and the owl begins to wander around the playground. The owl takes those children who move with him to the nest. The game ends when there are several butterflies or bugs in the nest.

Shepherd and wolf. Two children are chosen to be the wolf and the shepherd, respectively. The rest are sheep. It is necessary to draw an area for the sheep's home and for the place where they will graze. The shepherd takes the sheep out to pasture, at the command: “Wolf,” everyone must run away. The wolf's task is to catch as many sheep as possible and take them to his lair, and the shepherd is called upon to protect his pets. The game ends when the wolf has caught a certain number of sheep.

Outdoor games for little ones

Here preference is given to games where you can observe a clear plot. It is advisable that each child has his own role. Also popular are games without a plot at all, which are the simplest, for example, “catch-up”. So, outdoor games for the younger group of kindergarten:

  1. Hen and chicks. To play this game you need a rope and two stands. A rope is pulled between them, on one side there is a hen’s house with chickens, on the other there are grains. When the hen goes to the other side, she calls the chickens “ko-ko-ko”. Having heard, the chickens run all over the territory, imitating the movements. On the command: “Home,” everyone goes on the other side of the rope.
  2. Brook. All children participate here, and there is no need to divide into teams. You need to draw a “stream” of small width and draw pebbles at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. Children stand at the beginning and must cross the stream using pebbles. If a child stumbles, it means he has “get his feet wet” and needs to try from the very beginning.
  3. Sun - rain. For this game, you need to place chairs and hoops (improvised houses) around the entire perimeter of the site. When the teacher says: “Sunny, it’s time to go for a walk,” the children leave the houses and run around the playground. At the command: “It’s raining, it’s time to go home,” all the children run back.

The purpose of outdoor games in kindergarten is, first of all, the development of personal and physical qualities, as well as teaching children to be friends and work in a team. It is generally accepted that school educates people. However, education begins in kindergarten. Thanks to active games, children perceive information more easily and quickly develop the necessary skills.

Game "Through a Stick"

“Through a Stick” is a children's game for developing dexterity.

Location and equipment. Hall, playground, gymnastic sticks.

Preparing for the game. The players are divided into two equal teams and line up in a column, one at a time. The distance between the columns is 8-14 m. The distance between those playing in the columns is arms outstretched forward. Two players from each team stand in front of their column, facing it, holding a gymnastic stick in their hands.

Description of the game. At the teacher’s signal, the first two players (with a stick) carry the stick along their column, and everyone standing in the column takes turns jumping over the stick. Having reached the end of the column, one of the pair (by agreement among themselves) stands at its end, and the second returns to the beginning of the column and, together with the guide, carries the stick along the column. The one who runs twice remains at the end of the column, and the second runs to its beginning and makes a new pair with the player in front. The team whose members are the first to finish the run and return to their starting position wins.

Game option. The formation and scoring system are the same, but at the coach’s signal, the first person in the column carries a gymnastic stick, over which the entire column jumps. Once at the end of the column, the stick is passed on the right side to the person in front of the column.

Thematic outdoor games

Classes with a specific scenario instill in children a sense of responsibility and composure. Story games are very diverse, let's look at some of them.

  1. Sparrows and a car. All children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the playground. Here they play the role of sparrows who sit in their nests. On the opposite side stands the teacher, represented as a car. When the teacher says: “The sparrows have flown,” all the children get up and run or walk on the playground. On the command: “The car is moving,” all children return to their nests as quickly as possible.
  2. Aircraft. The teacher names certain children in the amount of 3-4, who stand on the opposite side from the others. At the command: “Get ready for flight, start the engines,” children make rotational movements with their arms in front of their chests. When the teacher says: “Let’s fly,” the children spread their arms to the sides, imitating an airplane, and run to the other side. At the command “Landing,” children land in their seats. Then the next group of kids is selected.
  3. Bubble. The children and the teacher form a small circle, holding hands. When the teacher says: “Blow up your bubble, blow up big,” the children slowly move back, forming a large circle. After the teacher says: “The bubble burst,” the children should lower their hands and squat down, saying “Clap.” After this, you need to stand up and form a small circle again.
  4. Birds are flying. Children stand on some hill on one side of the site. After the words “The sun is shining,” the children run out onto the playground and begin to look for and peck improvised grains. When the teacher says: “It’s raining,” the children return back to the hill.


The game "Tag" is designed to develop speed and dexterity.

Location. Hall (platform).

Description of the game. A playing area is determined (for example, one half of a volleyball court). The driver is determined. At the teacher’s command, the driver tries to catch up and touch (smear) all the other players with his hand as quickly as possible. The teacher times the time. After all the players have been named, the driver is told his time (which he remembers) and the next driver is assigned. The game is repeated until all players are the driver. The player whose time is the shortest wins.


  1. The upset player immediately leaves the playing area.
  2. Players are prohibited from stepping beyond the boundary lines of the playing area. When a player makes a stand, he is considered to have been greased and leaves the game.

Methodical instructions. Depending on the specific objectives of the lesson (development of speed endurance, development of speed, etc.) and the number of students, you can use playing areas of different sizes for the game, and repeat the game several times in a row. In addition, you can vary the method of movement: running, side step, jumping on one leg, etc.

Plotless outdoor games

They are designed to teach children agility, speed and spatial orientation.

  • Find color. The teacher gives each child a flag of a different color. Typically the color scheme consists of red, yellow, green and blue. Four children stand with flags next to a specific flag of a similar color. When the teacher gives the command: “Go for a walk,” the rest of the children scatter around the playground in a chaotic manner. After the words: “Find your color,” children need to run to the flag of their color as quickly as possible.

  • Do not be late. The teacher lays out some rattles in the shape of a circle. At his command, the children scatter around the room away from them. When the teacher says: “Don’t be late,” the children run back to the center of the room.
  • Find your home. Children are divided into several groups, each of them stands near a certain tree. It is their home. At the teacher's command, the children scatter in all directions. When the teacher says: “Find your house,” the children should gather in certain groups near the trees where they stood at the beginning of the game.

The classification of outdoor games is designed to highlight those that are necessary for a child at a certain age. The most popular is the division into plot and non-plot. Both are called upon to develop children, to instill in them certain qualities. Outdoor games are necessary for the normal development of every child, and their importance should not be underestimated.

Game "Who's Next"

“Who's Next” is a game to develop jumping ability.

Venue and equipment. Hall (platform), chalk.

Description of the game. Two equal teams play. A line is drawn on the site. The first team player performs a long jump from the line. A line is drawn at the landing site (on the heels). Another player of the same team stands at the newly marked line and also jumps forward. His landing is marked at the heels, with a line. All team players jump like this. Then the other team starts the game, starting their jumps from the same starting line, but a little to the side so as not to get confused. The result of the competition is determined when the last player of the second team jumps. If he advances further than the last player of the first team, then the second team wins. Otherwise, the second team is considered the loser.


  1. You need to jump without stepping over the line.
  2. If a player falls after a jump, a line marks the place where he touched the court with any part of his body closest to the starting line.
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