Long-term planning. Area "Communication". Section "Speech development". Middle group
No. Topic of the week Timing, Integration Topic GCD Purpose Objectives of educational activities Content of educational activities in GCD National-regional component and preschool educational institution component Equipping PRS for organizing independent activities of children Interaction with parents on the implementation of EO 1. 1 week September “Ah, summer, And where are you?" Z B P S H T H L K. Nursery rhyme “I’m through the forest, through green delirium.” Goal: to familiarize children with Russian folk nursery rhyme. 1). Introduce children to Russian folk nursery rhymes. 2).Enrich speech, show melodiousness, melody, rhythm of small forms of folklore. 3). Learn to recite a nursery rhyme by heart. 1) The teacher tells a nursery rhyme. 2) Game - dramatization: “In the forest.” 3) Conversation: “What can you see in the forest?” 4) Telling nursery rhymes by heart together with the teacher and independently. Conversation on illustrations of the book “The Red Book of the Komi Republic”. Nursery rhymes: “I’m through the forest, through green delirium”; "Our goat"; “Vanya, Vanechka! Where did you go? A series of narrative paintings on the theme “Summer, ah, summer.” Involve parents in the design of the wall newspaper “How I spent my summer.” 2. 2nd week September “The most beautiful and neat” Z B P S H. T H L K “Remember good, but forget evil!” Goal: developing the ability to understand the semantic meaning of the content of the story and proverbs. Encourage children to emotionally perceive figurative expressions of a literary work; form moral concepts: friendship, friends, mutual assistance. Surprise moment “Dunno is our guest” D/i “Guess and name” Comparison of two stories “Not Hearing” and “Brother” D/i “Caring Children” Guessing riddles about tundra animals. Dunno doll, books with stories, poems. Fairy tales; cards depicting children caring for animals, flowers, trees, etc. Offer fiction for reading in the family circle No. Topic of the week Timing, Integration Topic GCD Goal Objectives of educational activities Content of educational activities in GCD National-regional component and preschool educational institution component Equipping PRS for organizing independent activities of children Interaction with parents on the implementation of EO 3. Week 3 September “Our assistant is a traffic light.” Z B P S H T H L K A story based on a series of plot pictures “We are playing train.” Goal: learning to compose a story based on a series of plot paintings. 1)Teach the skills of writing a short story based on a picture. 2).Develop speech skills: coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, form words with a diminutive meaning. 1).Surprise moment. 2).Looking at and talking about the picture. 3).Physical education. 5). Storytelling based on tabletop paintings from the series “We Play Train.” 6). Summarizing. Observing various types of transport while walking and writing a descriptive story on the topic “Motor transport” in a group. Attributes for the game “Travel by Car” /bus/. Printed board game “Road Rules” Offer parents a selection of poems on this topic. Learning a poem about transport. 4. Week 4 September “The Magical World of Childhood.” Z B P S H T H L K “Hello, it’s me! And these are all my friends!” Goal: acquaintance with the genre diversity of small folklore forms. 1). To introduce the genre diversity of small folklore forms. 2). To develop the skill of speaking one’s native poetic language. 3).Encourage them to solve riddles. 4). Develop creative manifestations in speech activity. 1) D/outdoor game “Vanka, get up!” 2). Song "Chiv-chiv, sparrow." 3). Physical education minute. 4). Joke “Bag” 5).D/i “Guess your friend’s voice.” 6). Summarizing. Learning the Komi-Permyak song “Chiv-chiv, sparrow”, translated by V. Klimov. Soft toys, cut-out pictures or puzzles for nursery rhymes. Joint reenactment of the “Doll’s Housewarming” situation. No. Topic of the week Timing, Integration Topic GCD Purpose Objectives of educational activities Content of educational activities in GCD National-regional component and preschool educational institution component Equipping PRS for organizing independent activities of children Interaction with parents on the implementation of EO 1. 1 week October “Musical Kaleidoscope” 3 B P S H T M H L Fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”. Goal: teaching children to understand the emotionally figurative content of a fairy tale, its ideas. 1) Teach children to understand the emotional figurative content of a fairy tale, its ideas. 2) Develop figurative speech: the ability to select definitions, comparisons to a given word 3) Lead to an understanding of the meaning of proverbs. 1) “Find out the name of the fairy tale by the cover.” 2) Listening to the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.” 3) Conversation with children about the content of the fairy tale. 4) Speech exercise: “What else can you call it?” 5) Working with illustrations: “What episode of the fairy tale is depicted here?” 6) Game: “Say it on behalf of the pig.” 7) Psycho-gymnastics: “Humpty Dumpty”. Communication "Home Alone". Book – fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, piglet costumes. Bring in stencils for drawing: “House for Piglets.” Pet toys. Pictures, diagrams “Dangerous situations on the street and at home.” Consultation in a mobile folder (Section “Speech Development”) on the topic “Dangerous situations in a child’s life.” 2. 2nd week October “Nature around us” Z B P S H T K Poem by I. Bunin “Falling Leaves”. Goal: teaching children the emotional perception of the figurative basis of poetic works. 1) Continue to teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative basis of poetic works. 2) Develop creative imagination and expressiveness of speech. 1) Working with paint. “What can you paint with this paint?” 2) Conversation: “What color is autumn?” 3) Reading the poem “Falling Leaves” by I. Bunin. 4) Conversation on content. 5) “Drawing the forest” (non-traditional drawing technique “Finger Palette”) Learning a poem for the entertainment “Colorful Autumn”. Poem by I. Bunin “Falling Leaves”; Reproductions of paintings “Golden Autumn”. Assistance in compiling descriptive stories for the herbarium “Plants of the City of Vorkuta”. No. Topic of the week Timing, Integration Topic GCD Purpose Objectives of educational activities Content of educational activities in GCD National-regional component and preschool educational institution component Equipping PRS for organizing independent activities of children Interaction with parents on the implementation of EO 3. 3rd week October “Autumn Kaleidoscope” 3 B P S H T H L K Poem by N. Egorov “Radish, carrot, pumpkin...”. Goal: learning to compose descriptive stories on subjects. 1) Learn to describe objects and find them by description 2) Develop creative imagination. 3) Cultivate a love of fiction. 1) Display of dummies of fruits and vegetables. 2) Game “Magic Bag”. 2) Reading the poem by N. Egorov “Radish, carrot, pumpkin...”. 3) Conversation with children about the content of the work. 4) Physical education minute. 5) Game “Describe, we will guess.” 60 Summing up. A teacher's story about the climatic features of the city of Vorkuta. Poem by N. Egorov “Radish, carrot, pumpkin...”; Fruits vegetables. A story from personal experience “Autumn gifts of nature” 4. 4 week October The kingdom of my health “Me and my body” Z B P S H T K Compiling a story on the topic “Going to the doctor” from personal experience. Goal: learning to write a story from personal experience. 1) 1) Teach children to compose a story together with the teacher on a topic from personal experience. 2) 2) Activate adjectives and verbs in speech. 3) 3) Strengthen the ability to pronounce phrases at different volumes. 1). Guessing the riddle. 2) D/i “Loud-quiet”. 3) Compiling a story. 4). Physical education 6).Summing up. Game situation “Call the doctor” Attributes for the game “Hospital”, screen Excursion to the hospital (dentistry). Communication "Etiquette Lessons". No. Topic of the week Timing, Integration Topic GCD Purpose Objectives of educational activities Content of educational activities in GCD National-regional component and pre-school component Equipping PRS for organizing independent activities of children Interaction with parents on the implementation of EO 1. 1 week November “Late Autumn”. Z B P S H T K Compiling a descriptive story on the topic “Vegetables and fruits.” Goal: learning to write a descriptive story. 1) Teach the skills of writing a short descriptive story about vegetables and fruits. 2) Develop speech skills: coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender and number. 3) Develop the ability to form words with a diminutive meaning. 1).Guessing riddles. 2).D/and “The Fourth Wheel” 3).Physical education minute 4). Compiling a descriptive story 5).D/i “Two Baskets” 6).Summing up. Excursion to the winter garden of the preschool educational institution. Compiling a story on the topic “Vitamins all year round.” Posters, illustrations, pictures on this topic. Models of fruits and vegetables. Conversation about vitamins contained in foods at home 2. Week 2 November “Courtesy Week”. Z. B P S H T H L K “Make peace, make peace, make peace and don’t fight anymore!” Goal: learning to tell a fairy tale by showing it on a flannelgraph. 1) Form the concept of a fairy tale (the beginning of the fairy tale, the fairy tale itself and the end). 2) Teach telling a fairy tale by showing it on a flannelgraph. 3) Cultivate moral qualities: kindness, honesty, hard work. 1) D/i “Name and describe.” 2) Reading a fairy tale /accompanied by laying out plot pictures on a magnetic board/. 3) Conversation on content 4) Drawing round and long men when they have already made peace. Communication “Describe your friend” Doll, magic chest, figurines or plot pictures for a flannelograph or a magnetic board based on the fairy tale by R. Sef “The Tale of Round and Long Men” Task “Tell your mother about the fairy tale you read.” No. Topic of the week Timing, Integration Topic GCD Purpose Objectives of educational activities Content of educational activities in GCD National-regional component and pre-school component Equipping PRS for organizing independent activities of children Interaction with parents on the implementation of EO 3. 3rd week November “We need different mothers, different mothers are important” Z B P S H T K Retelling of the story by Ya Thai “Train”. Goal: learning to retell a short text. 1). To teach children to retell a short story read for the first time, to expressively convey the direct speech of the characters. 2) Exercise in the formation of the r.p. form. plural nouns 3). Practice independently selecting words for a specific sound. 1).Guessing the riddle. 2) Reading the story “Train” by Y. Taits 3) Work on the text based on questions. 4). Physical education minute. 5).Work using cards. 6). Behavior of the results. Looking at a picture of a train at the Vorkuta station. Pictures depicting winter clothes, a train, a driver and a controller. Attributes for the role-playing game “Train Driver” Invite them to talk at home about their mother’s profession. 4. Week 4 November “Vorkuta, you’re amazingly good!” Z B P S H T K Compiling the story “The city where I live.” Goal: learning to compose a short, coherent story based on personal experience. 1).Teach the skills of writing a short, coherent story based on personal experience. 2).Develop speech creativity. 3) Form an idea about your city and attractions. 4). Foster a sense of patriotism. 1). Guessing riddles. 2). Travel around the city. 3). Physical education minute. 4). Compose a story together with the teacher. 5) P/i “Colored cars”. Summarizing. Conversation on the contents of the book “The ABC of Little Vorkuta.” Wooden constructor of different sizes and sizes. Dummy city. City map. Photos, illustrations with city sights. Literature “My Vorkuta”, “The ABC of Little Vorkuta”. Game exercise “I’ll start, you continue.” No. Topic of the week Timing, Integration Topic GCD Purpose Objectives of educational activities Content of educational activities in GCD National-regional component and preschool educational institution component Equipping PRS for organizing independent activities of children Interaction with parents on the implementation of EO 1. 1 week December “Winter's Tale”. Z B P S H T H L K Poem by Y. Akim “First Snow”. Goal: development of figurative speech in children. 1). Introduce children to poetry about winter. 2). Develop the ability to emotionally perceive and realize the figurative content of a poetic text. 3). Develop phonemic awareness. 1) Conversation: “Look out the window. What do you see there? 2) “What kind of snow is there?” 3) Reading the poem by Y. Akim “First Snow”. 4) Conversation on content. 5) Problem situation: “Why is there no snow in this corner of nature?” Learning poems about winter by Komi poets. Thematic exhibition of books: “Poetry about winter”; poem by Y. Akim “First Snow”. Grammar exercise: “Who are the clothes for?” (use of the preposition -for- in speech). 2. Week 2 December “Winter fun”. Z B P S H T H L K Examination of the painting “Winter Fun” Purpose: learning the ability to write a story based on the painting, based on personal experience. 1). Introduce children to the content of the picture, comprehend the relationships between the characters. 2) Develop the ability to compose a story based on a picture, based on personal experience. 3).Strengthen the articulatory apparatus. 1) Children viewing the painting “Winter Fun”. 2) Conversation based on the picture. 3) Assignment: “I’ll start telling the story, and you’ll come up with a continuation.” 4).Physical education minute 5).Game: “What should we wear for a walk?” 5).Summing up. Conversation based on illustrations, photo “On a walk.” Painting "Winter fun". Introduce external material: sleds, sleds, skis, etc. Conversation “Winter fun” 3. Week 3 December “My favorite toys.” Z B P S X T M H L K Compiling a descriptive story about toys. Goal: developing the ability to write a descriptive story about toys. Develop the ability to compare similar toys, select significant signs of action for objects. D/i “Find the toy according to my clue” D/exercise. “Guess what kind of toy” Sketch game “Heavy bags with toys” D/i “Toy store” Conversation “What do I like to play?” Large red and small green balls with stripes; blue and multi-colored pyramids; dolls; toys (fox, bear) Offer to compose a descriptive story “My favorite toy” 4. Week 4 December “New Year's adventures”. Z B P S H T M H L K Learning the poem by E. Trutneva “Happy New Year” based on a mnemonic table. Goal: learning the poem by heart using the mnemonic table -tsu. 1). Form a presentation for the New Year's holiday. 2). Enrich children's vocabulary with figurative words and expressions. 3). Develop the ability to see the connection between actions and emotional state. 1) Conversation about the New Year holiday. 2) Reading the work. 3). Conversation on content. 4) Physical education minute. 5) Learning a passage by heart using a mnemonic table. 6) Children's story. 7). Summarizing. New Year's party Decoration of group rooms with garlands, rain, tinsel. Decorated Christmas tree, balls, garlands. Fancy dresses. Learning poems for the New Year's party. No. Topic of the week Timing, Integration Topic GCD Purpose Objectives of educational activities Content of educational activities in GCD National-regional component and pre-school component Equipping PRS for organizing independent activities of children Interaction with parents on the implementation of EO 1. 1 week January “Grandma’s Tale Box” . Z B P S H T H L K Learning an excerpt from the fairy tale “Fedorino's grief” based on a mnemonic table. Goal: learning to learn an excerpt from a fairy tale based on a mnemonic table. 1) Introduce the work of K.I. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief” 2) Develop children’s memory, the ability to expressively tell an excerpt from a fairy tale. 3). Develop the ability to see the connection between actions and emotional state. 1) D/i “The fourth wheel”. 2) Reading the work. 3). Conversation on content. 4) Physical education minute. 5) Learning a passage by heart using a mnemonic table. 6) Children's story. 7). Summarizing. Excursion to the garden kitchen. Game exercise “Describe the dishes.” Fiction - works by K.I. Chukovsky. Illustrations, pictures of dishes. Replenishing the corner for girls with dishes (tea set) Invite children to talk about the types of dishes, their purpose, qualities and properties. 2. Week 2 January “Christmas gatherings”. Z B P S H T H L K Poem by N. Artyukhova “White Grandfather” Goal: development of the ability to emotionally perceive and realize the figurative content of a poetic text Introduce the poem “White Grandfather” by N. Artyukhova; develop children's figurative speech. Conversation about winter Reading a poem Conversation about a poem Making a picture of a snowy winter Looking at a card with winter landscapes of Vorkuta Sheets of green and blue paper, white paper, pencils, illustrations depicting a snowy winter. Learning poems about winter. 3. Week 3 January “Winter-winter”. Z B P S H T H L K Poem by N. Nekrasov “Frost - Voevoda”. Goal: development of skills to emotionally perceive and realize the figurative content of a poetic text. 1). Develop the ability to emotionally perceive and realize the figurative content of a poetic text. 2) Learn to use figurative expressions in speech. 3). Develop phonemic awareness. 1) Riddle about snow. 2) “How can you call it something else?” 3) “Drawing with our fingers in the air” 4) Reading the poem by N. Nekrasov “Frost - Voevoda.” 5) Conversation on content. 6) Word game “Repeat after me.” Conversation on the topic “Cold in winter in Vorkuta.” Poem by N. Nekrasov “Frost - Voevoda”. Paintings, illustrations, photographs on this topic. Making up riddles about natural phenomena. 4 4th week January “Everyone has kindness” Z B P S H T H L K Retelling the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut” using the modeling method. Goal: teaching retelling using the modeling method. 1).Develop the ability to independently retell fairy tales using a visual model. 2).Develop dialogical speech in the process of answering search questions and problem situations based on the content of the fairy tale read and the model cards. 1). Surprise moment "Sad Bunny". 2).Work using cards. 3) Physical education minute. 4) Retelling a fairy tale based on a model. 5) Summing up. Situational conversation “I lost my toy.” A toy-tier (bi-ba-bo), a chest with surprises, a book with a fairy tale, a note with the text, a model of a fairy tale. A set of pictograms (schematic images) of emotions and moods of people Conversation “Our good deeds”. No. p/n topic of the week, Integration Topic of GCDs The purpose of educational activity The content of educational activity in the NTE National-regional component and component of the DOU Equipment of the PRS to organize independent activities of children, Interaction with parents on the implementation of OO 1. 1 week February “True, children! Hi all! Physical training!". Zb p s x thal to compilation “How a Frog helped a duck” Purpose: Forming the ability to compose a joint narrative story to form the ability to adhere to the storyline when compiling a story; exercise in the selection of verbs denoting the characteristic actions of animals; encourage healthy rivalry; Develop a sense of humor, attention, the ability to listen. D/and "What can the animal do?" Compilation of the story together with the teacher of d/and “Help Dunno” collective coloring of the drawing. Examination of tundra birds. Toys (frog and duck); mugs; Dunno doll; ½ Whatman, colored pencils. An exhibition of children's fiction about animals “What to read to children about animals” 2. 2 week February “Forest Residents in winter”. Zb p s x a retelling of the story of E. Sharushin “Wolf” Purpose: Formation of the ability to retell the story together with the teacher to form the ability to understand the content of the story for the first time read; select synonyms for a given word; activate in speech words denoting the actions of the animal; Develop the ability to listen. Reading, considering illustrations for the story. Conversation on the content of the story. Game with the ball "What can the wolf do?" D/and “how to say differently” retelling the story comparison of the forest wolf with a polar wolf. Ball, illustrations for the story of the folder-forward “what knowledge to give children about animals” No. p/n theme of the week, integration Topic of GCDs The purpose of educational activity The content of educational activity in the National National Code of the National-Regional Component and the component of the DOW Equipment of the PRS to organize independent activities Interaction with parents for the implementation of OO 3. 3 week February "We are without a dad like without hands." Zb p s x tkh k "I am ready to serve the people!" Purpose: Acquaintance with the figurative basis of a poetic work. 1) to form the perception of the figurative foundation of a poetic work, moral concepts - each other, friendship, a heroic act. 2) to work out the skill of proper use of nouns in the dative case. 3) develop creative activity. 1). “What does anyone need?” 2). Vocabulary work. 3). Reading a passage from the work "Uncle Styopa". 4). Physical education. 5). 6). Memorizing the passage by heart. 7). Summarizing. Learning songs and poems to the entertainment "Defender of the Fatherland". Card index of subject pictures "Defenders of the Fatherland." Posters, photographs, a series of plot pictures on this topic. Conversation on the topic “They protect their homeland” 4. 4 weeks of February “We were waiting for the oilfield”, the Russian folk tale “Winged, shaggy and butter” Purpose: the formation of the ability to invent another ending of the fairy tale to develop the ability to understand the characters and the actions of the heroes; Notice and understand figurative expressions. Reading a fairy tale. Conversation on the content of the fairy tale Physical Council inventing the end of the fairy tale Considering objective pictures: costumes, folk musical instruments. A book with a fairy tale “Winged, shaggy and oil” with colorful illustrations. Folder-forward "What is Shrovetide?" No. p/p The topic of the week, integration Topic of GCDs The purpose of educational activity The content of educational activity in the GCD National-regional component and component of the DOU Equipment of the PRS to organize independent activities of children interaction with parents on the implementation of OO 1. 1 week March “Folk traditions”. Zb p s x tk l to "nursery rhymes, sayings, counters." Purpose: to familiarize children with genre variety of small folklore forms 1). To form the ability to expressly and rhythmically tell by heart the nursery rhymes, sayings. 2). To energize the vocabulary of children with figurative words and meanings. 3) to develop speech skills in the formation of forms of nouns of the genitive case, many 1). The viewing of illustrations. 2). Acquaintance with the jam, saying. 3). Physical education. 4). Bess with a count. 5). P/and "Loves". 6). Summarizing. Game exercise "Describe your friend, and I will guess." Illustrations on the topic "Human structure." Fiction on this topic. A series of plot pictures. Learning the counting "We are going to play." 2. 2 weeks March "My beloved mother." Zb p s x tha to compilation of descriptive stories about mothers. Purpose: the formation of the ability to make a descriptive story about mom. To form the ability to emotionally perceive the proposed fairy tale, to comprehend its content; encourage children to draw conclusions; Exercise in the selection of epithees about mom's communication “Who is a real wizard” compiling a descriptive story about mothers. D/exercise “Magic bouquet for our mothers” Compilation of descriptive stories for the photo exhibition “Me and My Family”, photographs of mothers, silhouettes of colors, a vase application. Communication "Who who has to whom?" No. p/n topic of the week, integration topic of NODs The purpose of educational activity The content of educational activity in the NTE National-regional component and component of the DOU Equipment of the PRS to organize independent activities of children, interaction with parents on the implementation of OO 3.3 week March “Spring, red! » Zb p s x tk l to the nursery rhyme "go, spring, go, red." Purpose: training expressive telling a nursery rhyme. 1) Continue to acquaint with small folklore genres. 2) contribute to the joyful spring mood. 3) to develop expressiveness and emotionality of speech. 4). To form the skill of expressive performance of the poem. 1) Conversation: “What can you tell about spring?” 2) Reading the nursery rhyme “Go, spring, go, red” 3) conversation on the content of the nursery rhymes. 4) repetition by children of the nursery rhyme. 5) The game "Describe, we guess." 6). Summarizing. Conversation in the corner of the ecology "Spring comes to us." Sucking "Go, spring, go, red." Illustrations, pictures, posters on this topic. Pastel crayons. Stencils and templates "Flowers". Environmental entertainment, together with parents "Travel to the Spring Forest." 4. 4 Week of March “The World of the Book and Theater” Zb P S C A CH K to Reading the Head from A. Miln’s book “Winnie the Pooh and All-all-all”. Purpose: The development of skills to emotionally perceive the figurative content of the fairy tale. 1). Develop the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of the fairy tale. 2) to contribute to the assimilation of the figurative language of the fairy tale. 3). Develop phonemic awareness. 1) Surprise. 2) Task: "What is the story of Winnie the Pooh you can tell?" 3) Reading the story of Winnie the Pooh and bees. 4) Task: "Come up with a name for this story." 5) conversation on content. Excursion to the senior group of DOW. The problem situation is “the words of greeting and farewell”. Color pencils for the practical task: “Draw your favorite episode of the fairy tale.” Kniga A. Milna “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”. Learning a poem / individually / Conversation "Rules of etiquette at a party." No. p/n theme of the week, integration topic of GCD, the task of educational activity The content of educational activity in the NTE National-regional component and component of the DOU Equipment of the PRS to organize independent activities of children, interaction with parents on the implementation of OO 1. 1 week April “Smile with us " Zb p s x a “funny poems” Purpose: Forming an idea of the humorous sense of inconsistency. 1). To comprehend the meaning of figurative expressions in the text, to invent small stories according to the proposed plot. 2) activate emotional and evaluative vocabulary. 1). Surrounding moment. 2). Reading poems. 3). Analysis of poems. 4). Physical education. 5) inventing small stories by children. 6). Drawing "Draw a funny poem." Learning the role -playing text to the environmental entertainment "Earth is our common home." Stencil, illustrations on the topic of poems. Children's encyclopedias. Globe, map of Russia, Komi Republic. Invite parents to make a selection and learn proverbs and sayings about nature. 2. 2 week April "Space Flight of Fantasies." Zb p s x tha k to visit the uncle Stepa-Milionary. Purpose: the formation of the ability to make a small story according to the picture to form the ability to distinguish and call individual details and parts of objects; Encourage pronouncing words and short phrases; To educate creative activity in the lesson conversation "What is the best way to get?" Aircraft design. C/and "On the plane" Examination of books. D/and “think and say” the examination of plot pictures about space. The designer "Lego", a large wooden designer; Toys: Bear, parsley, fox, hare; Illustrations, Books of S. Mikhalkov to offer literature on the topic for reading in the family circle. No. p/n theme of the week, integration topic of GCD, the purpose of educational activity The content of educational activity in the National National University National-Regional Component and component of the DOU Equipment of the PRS to organize independent activities of children, interaction with parents on the implementation of OO 3.3 week April “Earth-our general house". Zb p s x tk l to the story of B. Zhitkov "Brave duckling." Purpose: Teaching the ability to retell the text of the story. 1). To the idea of the retelling of the literary text. 2) to contribute to the development of the ability to participate in a collective conversation. 3) give ideas about the sound composition of the word, about a certain sequence of sounds. 1) thin. Word: Riddle about the duckling. 2) Surprise: "We have a guest duckling Alyosha." Game “How are they similar and how are they different?” 3) Reading the story of B. Zhitkov "Brave duckling." 4) Conversation on the content. 5) repeated reading of the story. 6) retelling the story by children in parts. Learning the poems of the Komi poets. The story of B. Zhitkov “Brave duckling”, toy - duckling, pictures with the image of ducks. Drawing up a descriptive story on the topic "My favorite toy in kindergarten." 4. 4 Week April "All we need to know this in order to avoid fire." Zb p s x a story on the topic “danger in everyday life” from personal experience. Purpose: training in compiling a story from personal experience. 1). Generate the skills of compiling a small coherent story based on personal experience. 2). Develop speech skills: to understand and correctly use the prepositions of adverbs with a spatial meaning in speech. 3). Activate the use of complex sentences. 1). 2). Besting in proverbs 3). Physical education 4). The story of children from personal experience 5). Besting by the pictures-schemes of “possible-bad” the teacher’s story about the rules of safe behavior in the preschool educational institution in case of emergency situations. Poster on the topic: “Fire safety rules”, illustrations on this topic. The table-printing game “Dangerous situations” Information for parents “Odino”, conversation with children “Children are not toys”. No. p/n topic of the week, integration Topic of GCDs The purpose of the task of educational activity The content of educational activity in the NTE National-regional component and component of the DOU Equipment of the PRS to organize independent activities of children, interaction with parents on the implementation of OO 1. “1 week May“ Ray “ray” Warm up! Get the children of the sun! " Zb p s x tha l to the examination of the picture of A.K. Savrasov "Rooks flew." Purpose: training in compiling a story in the plot picture. 1) To teach the ability to make a story on the picture, based on personal experience. 2) develop dialogical speech. 3) to develop the imagery of speech. 4). To sue the desire to preserve and protect the natural world, to see its beauty. 1) Khddlovo: riddles about spring. 2) Considering by children the paintings "Rooks flew." 2) conversation on the picture. 3). Physical education. 4). The picture: "I will begin to tell, and you will come up with a continuation." 5) Game: "All home." 6). Summarizing. Examination and compilation of stories-descriptions about birds on the site of the DOW. Picture A.K. Savrasov "Rooks flew." Illustrations, pictures on the topic "Spring". Stencils and templates "Flowers", "Migratory birds", etc. Game exercise "What is growing?" (assimilation of the category of prepositional case with prepositions -on-, -in-). 2. 2 week May "Memory of the fallen, be worthy!" Zb p s x tsh to the fairy tale “Porridge from the ax. Purpose: the formation of the ability to understand the content of the fairy tale to activate and expand the dictionary, to form the ability to select adjectives, to develop logical thinking. Listening to a fairy tale. Conversation on the content of the fairy tale. Guessing riddles. Physical school “Young cook” Conversation “They protected the homeland” Illustrations for the fairy tale, subject pictures (products) The manufacture of creative works for Victory Day No. Pxes The Topic, Integration Topic Topic of Educational Activities The Content of Educational Activities in National Academy of Sciences National-Regional The component and component of the DOW Equipping PRS to organize independent activities of children interaction with parents on the implementation of OO 3. 3 week May “My Family”. Zb p s x tk l to the poetry of L. Kvitko "grandmother's hands." Purpose: the development of skills to emotionally perceive and realize the figurative content of the poetic text. 1). To form the ability to listen, expressively tell a poem. 2). Develop the ability to feel the melting, rhythm of the language of poetic speech. 3). Foster respect, love for loved ones; Mom and grandmother. 1) Communication "What is this holiday of March 8?" 2) Reading the poem by L. Kvitko "Grandmother's hands." 3) conversation on the content of the poem. 4) "A gift for a grandmother - we will learn a poem." 5). Independent story: "What is my mother." The story by heart of poems on the matinee "Everyone has a mother." 2) Proverbs about the mother. 3) 4) Arts: "My mother." 5) C \ r game "Family". 6) “The proposal of contract and you repeat it” (drawing up proposals with the Union -a-). 7) “Choose a name” (selection of consonant names) d/and “select the adjective. What kind of mom? " 4. 4 Week May "The children of the whole earth are friends." Zb p s x tk l to the story of E. Charushin "Why does Tyupa not catch birds?" Purpose: The development of skills to correctly answer questions of the teacher. 1). To develop coherent speech 2) form natural science ideas. 3). To develop dialogical speech, creative imagination. 4). Develop phonemic awareness. 1) Surprise moment: “We have a visit to the kitten Tyupa” 2) Reading E. Charushin’s story “Why doesn't Tyupa catch birds?” 3) conversation on the content of the story. 4) The game "Castard". Work in the center of ecology. D/and "Who did you see in the cattle yard?" (preparation of proposals with homogeneous members). The story of E. Charushin "Why doesn't Tyupa catch birds?" Offer a selection of tongue twisters, sayings. List of literature 1. Bondarenko T.M. Complex classes in the middle group of kindergarten: A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2004. - 316s. 2. Karpukhina N.A. Summaries of classes in the middle group of kindergarten. The development of speech and acquaintance with fiction. Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. -Voronezh: PE Lacquenin S. S., 2009.-477 p. 3. Classes on speech development for children 3-5 / ed. O.S. Ushakova. - M .: Central Slide Sphere, 2009.-192 S.- (we develop speech). 4. Icommission with the literature of children 3-5 years old (class notes) / Ed. O.S. Ushakova. - M.: Shopping Center Sphere, 2009.-142 S.- (we develop speech). 5. Detailed promising planning under the childhood program. Middle Group / Aut. E.A. Martynova, I.M. Suchkova.-2nd Pred.-Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.-103 p. 6. Ivanishchina O.N., Rumyantseva E.A. The development of coherent speech of children: educational situations and classes. Middle group. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014. - 239 p.