comprehensive thematic plan for the ten-day period “My Home” (junior group 1)

comprehensive thematic plan for the ten-day period “My Home” (junior group 1)

1. Familiarization with the surrounding world.

“Whose house is better?”

Goal: To expand the understanding of animal housing, to introduce the houses of some animals.

Develop attention, listening skills, memory, speech.

Cultivate an interest in animal life. (s.n.p.)

2. Physical development. No. 5


1. Develop the ability to walk without bumping into other children.

2. Teach children to long jump from a standing position, and practice throwing from behind the head at a distance.

3. Contribute to the development of a sense of balance and coordination of movements. (s.n.p.).

1. Music.


“I’m walking” (traces, colors).


1. Drawing footprints with fingers or cotton swabs. 2.Introduction to the color brown. Develop a sense of color and rhythm.

3. Cultivate interest in learning about nature and reflecting one’s impressions in visual arts. (s.n.p.)

1. Speech development.

Reading the poem “Who Screams?”


1. Introduce children to a riddle poem and improve their speech hearing.

2. Develop the ability to listen carefully.

3. Do not rush to answer, so as not to make a mistake. (s.n.p.)


“Find the same one”

Goal: To teach children to distinguish geometric shapes by shape, to introduce them to the technique of examining the shape (tracing the outline of the shape with a finger).

Develop thinking, speech, tactile sensations.

Cultivate interest in the objective world. (s.n.p.)

1. Speech development.

Reading the story by L. N. Tolstoy “Petya and Misha had a horse”


To improve children's ability to listen to a story without visual accompaniment. (s.n.p.)

2. Physical development. No. 6


1. Develop the ability to walk in pairs in a certain direction.

2. Throw the ball at a distance from the chest.

3Teach to listen carefully and wait for a signal to start moving. .(s.n.p.)



"Carrot for the bunny."


1. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the characters.. 2. Develop a sense of form, texture, tactile sensations.

3. Strengthen your fingers and hand. (s.n.p.)

1. Familiarization with the surrounding world.

"Friendly family"

Goal: To introduce children to the concept of “family”, to teach them to name family members.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, activate vocabulary.

Cultivate love for family members. (s.n.p.)

2. Physical development. No. 7


1. Teach children to walk on an inclined board.

2. Practice throwing at a distance.

3.Teach children to coordinate their movements with the movements of other children, to act on a signal. .(s.n.p.)


2. Drawing.

"Gathering the Harvest"

Purpose: 1. To arouse children's interest in the drawing process.

Develop a positive attitude towards painting.

Learn to place the drawing over the entire plane of the sheet.

Introduce a new drawing technique “Finger painting” (s.n.p.)

1. Speech development.

Reading to children the Russian folk nursery rhyme “The cat went to Torzhok...”.


1. Introduce the folk song with the song “The cat went to Torzhok...”

2. We suggest saying something good to the cat.

3.Feed the cat and play with him. (s.n.p.)


"Up - Down"

Goal: To teach children to distinguish spatial directions “above - below”.

Develop attention, thinking, enrich vocabulary.

Cultivate curiosity and perseverance. (s.n.p.)

1. Speech development.

Didactic game "Breeze".


1. With the help of plumes, develop in children the skills of slowly exhaling air through the mouth (preparatory exercises for the development of speech breathing).

2. Show children pictures depicting the position of a tree in windy weather.

3. Develop in children the ability to play together. (s.n.p.)

2. Physical development. No. 8


1. Teach children to throw and catch a ball.

2. Practice walking on an inclined board.

3. Develop a sense of balance, eye, and cultivate self-control. .(s.n.p.) .

1. Music

2. Modeling

"Peas for the cockerel."


1. Continue getting acquainted with plasticine. 2. Learn to pinch off a whole piece and roll lumps of plasticine between your palms using circular movements of your hands.

3. Develop a plot-game concept in children. (s.n.p.)

Project on moral and patriotic education of children in the first junior group “My family, my home”

Goal: to form a conscious understanding of the importance of loved ones in the life of a child and family.


  • consolidate children's knowledge of the names of mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers;
  • develop emotional responsiveness, a sense of pride in the family;
  • cultivate love and respect for the dearest people on earth;
  • encourage sensitivity to the emotional and physical state of loved ones;
  • develop the gaming, cognitive, and speech abilities of children.

Relevance: It is necessary to cultivate patriotism from early childhood, not forgetting that everyone’s patriotism is formed individually. One of the leading factors in the formation of the patriotic consciousness of children is the cultivation of love for the child’s closest environment - family, home, kindergarten and their city.

Project participants : children of the first junior group, parents of students, group teachers.

Project type: short-term, group, creative.

Project duration: February 16 – May 16, 2015.

Project presentation:

  • Exhibition of children's works.
  • Photo newspaper “My mommy is the most…”.
  • Newspaper for fathers and grandfathers “Glory to the Defenders of the Fatherland!”

Stages of work on the project:

  • Stage I - preparatory (accumulation of knowledge).
  • Stage II – joint activities of children, parents, and teachers.
  • Stage III – final (result).

Thematic work plan

  • Conversation “What can dad do?”
  • Conversation with children about dad while looking at photographs “My dad is in the army.”
  • Examination of illustrations from the album “Defenders of the Fatherland.”
  • Drawing “Across the seas, along the waves...”.
  • Modeling “We sculpt the plane ourselves...”.
  • Making greeting cards for dads.
  • Application "Planes are flying."
  • Singing songs, memorizing poems about the army.
  • Folder for parents “Future Man”.
  • Conversation “A dog is a man’s friend”, looking at illustrations.
  • S/r game “We are soldiers”.
Expand children's understanding of labor actions and the responsibilities of men.

To give the idea that a man is a defender of the family, the Motherland.

Introduce the types of Russian troops.

To instill in boys a sense of duty, strength, responsibility, a desire to protect the weak, their homeland.

Expand children's understanding of dogs, their service in the military, and their importance.

  • Conversation with children about their mothers “I love my mommy”, “Grandma’s hands”, “So as not to upset mommy” (how to take care of your health).
  • Introduction to the “cleanliness rules”.
  • Making greeting cards for mothers and grandmothers.
  • Drawing “Flowers for my beloved mother.”
  • Applique “Beautiful dress for mom.”
  • Singing songs, reading poems about mother, grandmother, holiday.
  • Design of the exhibition “Happy Holidays!” (doing crafts by children, parents with children).
  • S/r game “Daughters - Mothers”.
To give an idea of ​​what kind of mother is - kind, gentle, keeper of the hearth.

To cultivate respect for the female sex, to protect and protect mothers, sisters, and friends.

  • Examination of illustrations “Furniture”, “Dishes”, “Household Appliances”, “Food”.
  • Conversation “What does it mean to love your parents?”
  • Presentation for children “All work is good.”
  • Children's stories about their family members.
  • “Everyone is involved” (household responsibilities of family members), “How I help at home.”
  • D/i “Call me affectionately”, “Call me by name”
  • Conversations with children “My address”, “The street where I live”.
  • Looking at photographs and slides of various city streets.
Expand children's understanding, replenish vocabulary and activate new and familiar words in children's speech.

Cultivate love and responsiveness to your loved ones and parents.

Give an idea of ​​the work of adults and various professions; cultivate respect for working people.

Give an idea of ​​family responsibilities.

Cultivate a love of work and a desire to help parents.

Introduce the concepts of “street” and “address”.

Help you remember your address.

Cultivate love, respect for your street, a desire to improve it.

  • Conversation “My grandfather is the best.”
  • Conversation about the upcoming holiday "Victory Day".
  • Looking at illustrations about the war.
  • Making a greeting card for Victory Day.
  • Examination of illustrations, conversation on them “Dangerous - not dangerous” (about household appliances).
  • Conversation about rules of behavior in public places, transport, on the street.
  • Observing the work of adults.
  • S/r game "Hospital".
To instill in children a sense of respect for the elderly and old people.

Give children an idea of ​​military events and the significance of the holiday.

Preliminary work:

  • Consultation for parents to familiarize themselves with the topic, objectives of the project, and content of the work.
  • Reading works of fiction about mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, family, holidays.
  • Selection of illustrations and plot pictures on the topic of the project.

Selection of poems on the theme of the project: Z. Voskresenskaya “Mama”, “Mom’s Hands”, S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, N. Saxonskaya “Talking about Mom”, E. Blaginina “Let’s Sit in Silence”, M. Rodina “Mom’s Hands”, O. Chusovitina “My Grandma”, “The Best”, V. Rudenko “Men’s Holiday”, etc.

  • Selection of photographs on the topic: “My mommy”, “Our family”.
  • Learning poems, lullabies, nurseries, nursery rhymes
  • Finger games “My family...”, “This little finger went into the forest...”
  • Getting to know proverbs and sayings about family members.

The final stage:

  • Exhibitions of children's works.
  • Photo newspaper “My mommy is the best...”

Pedagogical project in the second junior group “My city: this street, this is my home”


1 Pedagogical project in the second junior group “My city: this street, this is my home” Project passport Type of project: educational - informational, short-term, group. Duration: from year to year Project participants: children of the second junior group “Kids”, teacher, parents of pupils. Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, physical education, safety, socialization, work, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music. Relevance of the project: Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small Motherland and the place where a person was born. The goal of the project: to expand knowledge about your hometown and its attractions. Project objectives: 1. To form an idea of ​​the Motherland based on familiarization with the immediate environment. 2. Introduce the basic rules of safe road traffic as a pedestrian and passenger. 3. To introduce children to the street, its features, freight and passenger transport. 4. Arouse cognitive interest, a desire to learn new things about your hometown. 5. Cultivate love for your hometown Borovichi, pride for your small Motherland. Work with parents: 1. Conversation on the topic “Patriotic education in the family.” 2. Joint productive activity of children and parents: “Houses and buildings.” 3. Exhibition of joint works “The House Where I Live”. 4. Conversation between parents and children about their city, home address, explanation of the rules of conduct on city streets and in public transport. Product of the project activity: 1. Panel “This is a street, next to it is a river” 2. Collective work on the art activity “Transport”. 3. Presentation of the project.

2 Expected result: 1. Increasing the level of children’s knowledge about their city, the street and its related concepts, as well as knowledge of transport, rules of behavior on city roads, in public transport. 2. Activating children’s interests in their small homeland and their city. Stages of the project: Preparatory stage: - selection of illustrations, paintings, recordings on the topic of the project; — selection of children's literature on the subject of the project; — selection of photographs of city views; — preparation of material for visual arts. Project content: - conduct cognitive cycle classes to familiarize yourself with the environment; — organize creative activities for children: Russian folk games, drawing, appliqué, modeling; - involve children and parents in the production of houses and buildings to decorate the street layout. Project implementation: Teacher activities 1. Replenishing the center of the book with photographs and illustrations of landscapes and attractions of our city. 2. Design of the photo album “My Favorite City”. 3. Develop a series of conversations and GCD on the topic of the project. 4. Making a card index for monitoring transport. 5. Design of an album of poems about the city of Borovichi. Children's activities 1. Reading fiction about transport, the city: poems, riddles. 2. Examination of illustrations “Passenger transport”, “Freight transport”, “Buildings”. 3. Artistic and productive activity: Drawing “House with a fence”, “Here is a car coming”, panel “This is a street, next to it is a river”. Application “Windows for the home”. Modeling “Bricks”, “Cars”. 4. Finger gymnastics. Parents' activities 1. Conducting conversations with children. 2. Help in replenishing the center of the book with illustrations and

3 photos. 3. Drawing “The house where I live.” 4. Making models of buildings and houses from waste material. 5. Walk with children around the city, pay attention to the beauty of the city landscape and the architecture of the buildings. Plan of work with children: 1 week Conversations: “What kinds of cars are there”; "We're going on the bus"; invitation to the driver's dad's group (story about the work of a truck driver). Examination of illustrations from the “Transport” series (freight, passenger); viewing a map of the city (note that all the streets of the city, the Msta River, which divides the city into two parts, are marked on the map); Observations: targeted walk to the truck, observation of the bus (where it stops, rules of behavior in public transport), Reading fiction: B. Zakhoder “Builders”, “Chauffeur”; S. Mikhalkov “A car was walking down the street”; V. Berestov “This is me going running” Artistically productive activity: designing “Garage and gates for transport”, drawing “House with a fence”, sculpting “Car”, applique “Bus for children”. Physical education Finger gymnastics “I walked alone”, “Home”. Role-playing games: “Gas Station”, “Car Repair”. D/games: “Buy the right part for the car”, “Say it correctly”, “Fix the car”, “Transport” (orientation in color, shape of objects, classification of objects), “Stand where I say.” Singing: “The car, the car is moving, it’s buzzing.” Week 2 Conversations: “What kind of houses are there” (examination of a multi-storey building: entrance, stairs, mailboxes, doors; and a private house: fence, yard, porch, garden; pay attention to the differences), “City streets”, “Purpose of a traffic light with using a poster"; “The house where I live” (name of the city, street). Examination of photographs “Sights of the city of Borovichi (Belelyubsky arched bridge” across the Msta River; railway station where trains arrive); looking at the poster “On Our Street”.

4 Observations: target walk “We get to know the street”; monitoring traffic on the roads, reading fiction: N. Kalinina “How the guys crossed the street”; S. Mikhalkov “My Street”; S. Marshak “For pedestrians.” Artistically productive activities: building high and low houses, drawing, sculpting “Bricks”, applique “Traffic Light”, laying out city streets from blanks, painting silhouettes of houses and other city buildings, creating the panel “This is our street”. Physical education Finger gymnastics “Man on a walk”, “Our walk”. Role-playing games: “We are traveling on a bus”, “Chauffeurs”. D/games: “The third wheel”, “Where to put what?”, “Assemble a traffic light”, “Right - wrong”, “Make a whole”, “Is it possible or not.” Activities: 1. Excursion “Streets of our city” 2. Exhibition of joint works of children and parents “The House in which I Live”. 3. Design of a street model (joint work of the teacher and children to make a model of the roadway, sidewalk and traffic light; children and parents to make models of houses and buildings from waste material) As a result of the project: Children will increase their level of knowledge about their city and its objects and attractions, about the variety of types of transport and means of transport. There will be an interest in your small homeland and your city. Knowledge about the street and its features, knowledge of the rules of behavior on city roads and in public transport will be formed. Conclusion Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small homeland and the place where a person was born. Thus, it is possible to develop love for the Motherland, for one’s hometown, for one’s native nature only at a young age. Summary of educational activities for children 3-4 years old on the topic: “On the streets of the city” Program content: to give children an idea of ​​the street and its features, the purpose of a pedestrian crossing, a traffic light; develop interest in various types of games, the ability to observe and draw simple conclusions; develop the ability to lead correctly

5 yourself on the street; promote the inculcation of a culture of safe behavior on the road through game images. Integration of educational areas: cognition, socialization, communication, physical education, health, safety, reading fiction. Materials and equipment: model of a roadway with a pedestrian crossing (“zebra”), strips of brown paper (sidewalks), models of houses and buildings, model of a traffic light, steering wheel. Previous work: reading fiction by S. Mikhalkov “My Street”, S. Volkov “About the rules of the road: pedestrians and cars”; examination of illustrations and photographs “Streets of our city”, targeted walks along the nearest streets (examination of traffic lights), d/game “Our friend the traffic light”, buildings made from building material “This is a street” NOD progress: Educator: “Children, we live with you in the city of Borovichi. There are many streets, different houses and buildings in our city. There are a lot of cars rushing along the roads at high speed, and pedestrians are crossing the road.” What cars did you see on the road? That's right, trucks (they transport goods), cars, buses (they transport people). - What do they call the people who travel on the bus? (passengers). And in passenger transport you have to buy a ticket, go through and sit in an empty seat, and follow the rules of behavior. Transport helps us quickly get where we need to go. There is a knock on the door, the teacher brings in a boy's doll. - This is Toropyzhka. They call him that because he is always in a hurry. He was in a hurry to visit us, but on the way he got into an unpleasant situation. - Hello Toropyzhka, what happened to you? “I wanted to bring gifts to the guys, but there are so many of them that I don’t know how to deliver them.” - Let's, guys, tell Toropyzhka how you can bring all the gifts at once. (by truck). Toropyzhka: — What kind of cargo can trucks transport? (Furniture, bricks, boards, sand, food). — Who drives passenger and freight transport? (Drivers). — Cars are our assistants, but without a driver they cannot work. — Let’s play the game “Transport the cargo.” (Children, at a signal, turn into any truck and move around the group, without colliding, carefully transporting their cargo. After the game, the children tell what color trucks they were and what cargo they transported). Toropyzhka: - And now I know how to bring gifts. I'll load them into the truck.

6 - Toropyzhka, do you remember how to get to us? After all, there are a lot of streets in the city and they have different names: there is Pushkinskaya, Gogol, Podbelsky (Toropyzhka shrugs). Our kindergarten is located on Botanicheskaya Street. Toropyzhka: “You all say a street, but what is a street?” - Let's tell you guys and show you what a street is. And you, Toropyzhka, look and remember. — This is a road, it’s called a roadway (children put a model of the road on the floor), cars drive along it towards each other, and this is a sidewalk (they lay out paths along the road) people walk along it. Tell me, what do you call people walking down the street? (Pedestrians). They walk along the sidewalk at a calm pace, sticking to the right side so as not to disturb each other. All that remains is to arrange the houses and buildings (children arrange models of houses and small cars). This is how our street turned out. Toropyzhka: - Hurray, I can cross the street. (Toropyzhka runs across the road). “Toropyzhka, you can’t cross the road like that, you might get hit by a car.” Now the children will tell you and show you how to cross the road correctly. And you can only cross the road in a special place. Reading an excerpt from S. Volkov’s poem “About the rules of the road. How to cross the road." Here is the usual transition. Everyone, go to your store. People walk along it. He sees that the street intersects with the road, There is a special marking here, And this intersection is aptly called a “Zebra”! It's called a crossroads! White stripes here So that near the intersection They lead across the street! You crossed the road, Pedestrian crossing sign, All colors at the traffic light Where is the pedestrian on the zebra crossing, You need to remember well! You find a red light on the street - and cross under it! No way for pedestrians! Approach the zebra crossing and wait, Yellow means wait, Don’t rush forward: But the green light, go! Look to the left, if there are no cars, go. You look to the right, there are no cars. While reading the poem, children perform actions in accordance with the text. - Now do you understand, Toropyzhka, how to cross the road correctly? (Yes, thanks guys)

7 — Our friend traffic light came to visit us. Let's show Toropyzhka what kind of fires he lights. D/game “Our friend the traffic light” (The traffic light is not working, we need to fix it; repeat what each color means). Toropyzhka: - Thank you guys, you taught me a lot, I will be very attentive on the street, but it’s time for me to get gifts. I'll bring them by truck. Goodbye. - Goodbye Toropyzhka, come and visit us.

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