Card file of labor activity (middle group) card file (middle group)
Work in a corner of nature.
"Watering indoor plants."
Purpose: To give children an idea of the methods of watering (in a tray, under the leaves) and the rules (do not flood, water evenly); cultivate a desire to care for plants. Invite children to help as much as possible, clarify children’s ideas about indoor plants.
"Care of large-leaved plants."
Purpose: To teach children to wipe large plant leaves with a damp cloth, being careful. Give children the knowledge that this method of care makes it easier for plants to breathe, which determines their growth and development. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with water and plants. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.
“Spraying indoor plants with water from a spray bottle.”
Goal: To teach a new work skill; reinforce children’s understanding that leaves also need moisture; cultivate a caring attitude towards plants. Teach children how to use the sprayer correctly. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with water and plants. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.
“Green landing on indoor plants”
(remove diseased leaves, fertilize).
Goal: To teach children to determine by the condition of indoor plants what actions are necessary to care for them (watering, cleaning, loosening, fertilizing, correctly perform the relevant labor operations, invite the children to tell about the purpose of each of them.
"Taking care of plants."
Goal: To clarify previously acquired knowledge about ways to keep plants clean, to teach children how to choose a method for removing dust from a plant, focusing on the features of its appearance and structure.
"Loosening the soil of indoor plants."
Goal: Teach children to care for indoor plants; give children knowledge about why it is necessary to loosen the soil of plants; consolidate loosening techniques and rules for using the necessary items for this. Develop labor skills, accuracy. Foster an ecological culture and respect for the environment.
"Planting onions."
Goal: To teach children to set a goal, prepare a workplace, tools and clean up after themselves. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the onion and the conditions necessary for onion growth. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with land, water and plants. Foster an environmental culture, a desire to achieve results, and participate in a common cause.
"Sowing seeds of flowers and vegetables."
Goal: To give children knowledge that every plant has seeds. Learn the sequence of actions required when sowing seeds; make a hole in the ground (for sowing seeds, each time marking with a stick the distance between them and the grooves for small seeds; teach to observe cultural and hygienic skills when working. Consolidate children’s knowledge about what time, what seeds are sown in boxes in the group for preparation seedlings, and which seeds are sown in open ground. Develop labor skills and abilities. Foster an ecological culture, respect for the surrounding nature, and a desire to take care of it.
“Planting seedlings, caring for them.”
Goal: To form children’s ideas about the main stages of plant growth and development (seed, seedling, stem with leaves); about the basic methods of growing plants and caring for them (planting in loose soil, watering, loosening the soil, weeding, feeding). Be careful when planting seedlings, as the plants are very fragile. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with land, water and plants. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.
"Care of plant leaves"
(remove dust with a brush and dry cloth)
Goal: To teach children to remove dust from plants with brushes or dry cloths, being careful. Determine for which plants this method of dust removal is suitable (hairy leaves of geranium, violet, etc.) Give children knowledge that this method of care makes it easier for plants to breathe, which determines their growth and development. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with water and plants. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.
"Plant cuttings"
Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge of what a plant can be grown from. Teach children how to properly plant a plant cutting, prepare the soil, care for them and the sequence of work: pour sand into the bottom of the pot, then soil, water, wait until the water is absorbed into the sand, make a hole in the middle (center) of the pot with a stick and plant the cutting until the first leaf, press the ground. Water as needed. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with water and plants. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.
"Replanting indoor plants."
Goal: To teach children to provide all possible assistance to the teacher in replanting plants; teach plant transplantation techniques and sequences
work: choose the right size pot, prepare sand and soil, plant. To consolidate children's knowledge about indoor plants and their differences from each other. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with land, water and plants. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.
"Feeding houseplants"
Goal: to consolidate the ability to recognize a lack of nutrients by the appearance of plants. Teach children to provide all possible assistance when feeding plants. Cultivate caution when working with water and fertilizers. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.
Labor on site.
Card -1
"Sowing seeds of flowers and vegetables."
Goal: to give children knowledge that every plant has seeds. Learn the sequence of actions required when sowing seeds; make a hole in the ground (for sowing seeds, each time marking with a stick the distance between them and the grooves for small seeds; teach to observe cultural and hygienic skills when working. Consolidate children’s knowledge about what time, what seeds are sown in boxes in the group for preparation seedlings, and which seeds are sown in open ground. Develop labor skills and abilities. Foster an ecological culture, respect for the surrounding nature, and a desire to take care of it.
Card -2
“Planting seedlings, caring for them.”
Goal: To form children’s ideas about the main stages of plant growth and development (seed, seedling, stem with leaves); about the basic methods of growing plants and caring for them (planting in loose soil, watering, loosening the soil, weeding, feeding). Be careful when planting seedlings, as the plants are very fragile. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with land, water and plants. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.
Card - 3.
"Digging up flower beds"
Purpose: To give children an idea of the need to dig up a bed.
Teach proper digging: try to stick the shovel (bayonet) deeper, carefully break up the lumps; old plant roots and stones need to be removed from the beds.
Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to observe cultural and hygienic habits when working with the land. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.
“Weeding flower beds on your own plot and the children’s plot.”
Goal: To teach children to distinguish a cultivated plant from a weed; pull out weeds by the roots, because if the root is left the weed continues to grow; give children some knowledge about the harm weeds cause to flowers and vegetables. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to observe cultural and hygienic habits when working with the land. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.
Card -5.
"Water the flower beds."
Purpose: To give children an idea of the need to water and care for plants in flower beds. Involve children in watering plants from a watering can with water at room temperature.
Develop accuracy when working with water and plants, confidence in your actions, work skills. To cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding nature, a desire to take care of it, and an ecological culture.
Card – 6
"Collecting Flower Seeds"
Purpose: Summarize previously acquired knowledge about plant propagation.
To develop knowledge about the biological and decorative characteristics of flowers (one flower - many seeds). Strengthen the ability to identify mature seeds and collect them carefully in bags. Cultivate interest in cultivated plants and ability to work.
Card -7.
“Digging out flower bulbs and tubers from flower beds.”
Goal: To teach children to dig up and store tubers and flower bulbs. Cultivate a desire to participate in joint work activities on an equal basis with everyone else, the desire to be useful to others, to enjoy the result of work, to understand its significance
Card -8
“Sweeping the area, veranda, paths.”
Goal: To consolidate the ability to use brooms, to constantly and timely restore order in the area, to form responsibility for the assigned work.
Card -9
“Cleaning dried flowers and leaves”
Goal: Continue to develop skills in working with rakes and buckets. Continue to instill in children a sense of justice, correctly distribute interesting and uninteresting work, teach children to complete work
Card -10
"Let's sweep away the puddles"
Goal: Develop a habit of work effort. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of water (evaporates under the sun). After the rain, we suggest placing puddles that interfere with play and clarifying what is needed for this. We observe how the asphalt gradually becomes dry and clarify why this is happening.
Card - 11
“Collecting rowan berries (rose hips)”
Goal: To involve children in harvesting berries for winter feeding of birds, for crafts made from natural materials; instill responsibility for the assigned work; to develop environmental consciousness, the ability and desire to work together when picking berries.
Card -12
“Preparation and drying of leaves and plants”
(for herbariums and applications).
Objectives: to consolidate the names of trees and plants; cultivate a love for the plant world; learn to collect plant leaves and dry them correctly.
Card – 13.
"Digging of trees and shrubs"
Goal: To consolidate labor skills, cultivate a desire to work, and take care of plants.
The teacher and the children remember that plants need roots in order to:
• stay in the ground;
• get nutrients;
• breathe.
Reminds that in order for the roots to breathe well, the soil around the tree must be soft. He asks how to do it, what tools to use. Shows techniques for digging up soil, explains why you can’t drive a shovel deep into the ground. Children do the work and listen to the rustle of leaves in gratitude from the tree.
Card -14
"Feeding the birds"
Goal: to involve children in feeding wintering birds. Cultivate concern for them and a desire to work.
The bread crumbs collected by the attendants during lunch and the sunflower seeds brought by the children are taken to the feeder and the birds are observed.
Card -15.
"Let's cut flowers"
Goal: learn to use pruning shears, cut flowers of a certain length, and make bouquets. Reinforce the knowledge that plants decorate our lives; they cannot live without water.
Card – 16.
“Let’s clear the path for the streams”
Goal: to cultivate joy from communicating with nature, a positive attitude towards work.
The teacher draws the children's attention to the streams that flow through the area and offers to help clear the paths for them using shovels. After work, the children observe that the streams are running faster, which means that the area will soon become dry.
Card -17
"Let's pour sand in the sandbox"
Goal: To form and strengthen in children an interest in work and a desire to get involved in it. Teach children to work side by side without interfering with each other. Strengthen the properties of sand and water.
Card -18
"We carry sand"
Goal: to continue to accustom children to work and improve their work skills. Cultivate friendships while working.
Card – 19
"Raking snow to tree trunks"
Goal: to consolidate skills in working with a shovel, the ability to complete work. Cultivate a caring attitude towards trees.
Card - 20
“Let’s shake the snow off the bushes”
Goal: to cultivate a desire to help nature, to work together, carefully.
The teacher pays attention to how the branches of the bushes are bent, asks why, then offers to carefully shake off the snow from the bushes so as not to break the fragile branches. He draws attention to how the branches of the bushes straightened, they felt at ease. He offers to come up with something to tell the plants to the children.
Card -21
“Let’s throw snow on the flowerbed”
Goal: strengthen the skills of working with a shovel, the ability to work carefully. Develop the ability to see the results of your work. Foster respect for plants
Card -22
"Cleaning up the area after a snowfall"
Goal: to consolidate skills in working with a shovel, cultivate a positive attitude towards work, and a desire to work together.
Card -23
"Let's clear the snow from our clothes"
Goal: to consolidate skills in working with clothes brushes, cultivate friendly relationships, the habit of working, and continue to instill in children how to care for clothes.
Before the end of the walk, the teacher pays attention to clothes that are covered with snow. He asks what will happen to the snow indoors (the snow will melt, turn into water and clothes will get wet). The teacher invites the children to help each other, because it is inconvenient to do work in clothes and it is impossible to clean your back.
Card -24.
"Building a slide"
Goal: to expand the content of children’s work, improve labor skills.
The teacher invites the children to build a slide on the site. To do this, you need to dump a lot of snow in one place. Divides the children into teams and gives each one a task:
1- He shovels snow into the box.
2- Carries snow to the right place.
3- Compacts the snow
The teacher explains that now the slide needs to be sprinkled with water and frozen.
Card – 25.
"Let's sprinkle the paths"
Goal: to develop the ability to participate in the implementation of collective work assignments, to understand the significance of the result of one’s work for others. Cultivate a desire to work.
“We clean our shoes after a walk”
Goal: To teach children to remove snow from their shoes before entering kindergarten. To form respect for the work of a nanny, primary ideas about the role of work in people’s lives. Activate appropriate vocabulary in speech. Learn to ask adults and peers for help.
Card -27
“We wash equipment and benches”
Goal: to continue to develop labor skills and the desire to participate in the improvement of the site.
Card – 28
“We’ll remove the branches from the site”
Goal: continue to teach children to work on the site. Foster a positive attitude towards work.
The teacher brings out a wicker basket and draws the children’s attention to the fact that the area seems dirty due to scattered dry branches, offers to clean the area together, and whoever works best will take the basket with the teacher to the trash. After work, he notices how clean the area is. Praises children.
Card – 29
“Let’s help the kids clean up the area”
Goal: to continue to teach children to work on the site, to cultivate a caring attitude towards children.
Card -30.
"Putting away the toys"
Goal: to teach children to maintain order and cleanliness in the kindergarten area, to independently put toys into a container at the end of a walk, to reinforce a careful attitude towards toys.
Card -31.
“Let’s put things in order in the sandbox”
Goal: to develop appropriate work skills in children. Learn to select equipment, clean it of sand and put it in boxes. Sweep sand from the sides of the sandbox. Evaluate the results of work.
Card -32.
"Collection of natural materials"
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about trees, leaves, seeds. Continue to teach how to properly collect natural material and dry it for use in further work.
Household labor
Card 1
“Learning to make our beds.”
Goal: To bring to the awareness of children how to properly make the bed; cultivate independence, accuracy, and the desire to help adults. Foster a responsible attitude towards self-care work and independence.
“Helping the nanny put bedding on the beds.”
Goal: To teach how to sort bed linen according to their belongings, to cultivate a desire to help the nanny and respect for other people’s work. Cultivate a desire to work, a sense of responsibility for the assigned work.
"Changing dirty towels."
Goal: Maintain a steady interest in work, the desire to diligently complete the assignment.
"Dining duty."
Goal: to teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of a duty officer. Wash your hands thoroughly, put on the duty officer's clothes, and set the table correctly. Clear dishes after meals; brush off tables. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to see disorder in the table setting. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.
"Order in the dressing room closet"
(together with an assistant teacher)
Goal: to teach children to maintain order in their personal wardrobes: empty the closet of clothes and shoes, wipe the shelves with a damp cloth, and neatly put the clothes back in place. Develop diligence, the ability to see disorder, and accuracy when working with water. Cultivate a desire to work in a team environment.
"Washing chairs."
Goal: to teach children to help the nanny, to keep the chairs in the group room tidy and clean: wipe them with a damp cloth; put in place. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to comply with cultural and hygienic requirements when working. Cultivate a desire to help adults and respect for their work.
"Washing building materials."
Purpose: To teach how to wash, dry and lay building materials, to teach children to constantly and promptly maintain order in the play area, to wash building materials with a soapy solution prepared by the teacher, to rinse and dry them; observe the rules of personal hygiene.
"Washing dolls."
Goal: To teach children to help the teacher in washing dolls: rinse soaked dolls, clean them with brushes. Develop diligence, the ability to see disorder, and accuracy when working with water. Cultivate a desire to help adults and respect for their work.
“We wipe the dust off the shelves for games and toys.”
Goal: Continue teaching children to wipe dust from shelves with a damp cloth. Develop labor skills and abilities. To cultivate aesthetic taste and the desire to work for the benefit of others.
"Bringing order to the group."
Goal: To form in children a conscious desire for order, the habit of putting away toys after playing. Improve the ability to draw up a work plan, select the necessary materials for upcoming activities
"Order in toys"
Goal: to teach children to put on work aprons before starting work; keep toys in order: wash, dry, wipe and put in place. Develop hard work and the ability to see disorder; be careful when working with water. Cultivate respect for your own work and the work of others.
"Washing doll clothes."
Goal: To teach children to help the teacher in washing doll clothes and bedding. Teach children to put on work aprons before starting work; prepare the necessary supplies for washing and drying, as well as a work space; be able to use soap. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to comply with cultural and hygienic requirements when working. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.
“Washing napkins used for visual arts.”
Goal: to teach children the skills of soaping, rinsing and wringing out napkins, to continue to form a work culture (tidiness in the process of work).
Card -14.
"Book Repair"
Goal: to teach children to peck at books, use glue and scissors correctly, and use napkins.
Develop labor skills, eye, fine motor skills, creative imagination. Foster a desire to work for the benefit of others, treat books and toys with care.
Card -15.
"Washing my combs"
Goal: To teach children to help the teacher in washing combs: rinse soaked combs, clean them with brushes. Develop diligence, the ability to see disorder, and accuracy when working with water.
Cultivate a desire to help adults and respect for their work.
Card -16.
"Class Duty"
Goal: independently and conscientiously perform the duties of an attendant: lay out materials and aids prepared by the teacher for the lesson on tables; wash and put them away after class. Develop hard work and a desire to help adults. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.
Card -17.
"Cut napkins"
Goal: Continue to teach how to hold and use scissors correctly. Foster a positive attitude towards work and a desire to help adults.
The teacher asks for help cutting napkins. Shows how to do this: take a napkin and carefully, from the fold side, cut off a thin strip, also from the side where there are two folds. As a result, we get 4 small square napkins, which we put in a napkin holder.
Card -18.
"Let's check the pencils"
Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to put equipment for art activities in order. Train to carry out assignments diligently and accurately. Cultivate a love of work. The teacher gives instructions to check the boxes of pencils. All broken and scribbled and put on a tray for sharpening. Praises.
Card – 19.
"Let's sharpen the pencils"
Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to put equipment for art activities in order. Train to carry out assignments diligently and accurately. Cultivate a love of work. The teacher asks for help sharpening pencils. Shows how to do this using a sharpener. Praises children for their help.
Card – 20.
“Washing pallets of flowers”
Goal: to teach children to observe hygienic skills when working with water: roll up their sleeves, wet a cloth and wring it dry, rinse when dirty. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with water. Cultivate a desire to work. Learn to follow safety and personal hygiene rules.
Card – 21.
“Let’s clean the boards from plasticine”
Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to put in order equipment for modeling. Cultivate accuracy and a desire to work.
The teacher explains how to wipe the board with a cloth, applying a little force.