The relevance of creating a favorable developmental environment for preschool education. article on the topic
Report to the teachers' council
The relevance of creating a favorable development environment
preschool education.
Prepared by: Art. teacher Kriushenkova E.V.
One of the important conditions for effective educational work in a preschool educational institution is the correct organization of a developing subject-spatial environment. This question is especially relevant at the present time. This is due to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), which imposes certain requirements on the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education, including requirements for the organization and updating of the subject-development environment of a preschool institution.
According to the Standard, a developing subject-spatial environment must:
— ensure maximum realization of the educational potential of the preschool educational institution space, group and territory of preschool educational institution, materials, equipment for the development of children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protection and promotion of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of deficiencies in their development;
— provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults, physical activity of children, as well as opportunities for privacy;
— ensure the implementation of various educational programs, taking into account national, cultural and climatic conditions, taking into account the age characteristics of children;
— be rich (a variety of materials, equipment and inventory in accordance with the specifics of the program), transformable (the possibility of changing the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation and the changing interests and capabilities of children), multifunctional (the possibility of varied use of various components of the subject environment), variable (availability of materials and equipment for children’s free choice, periodic change of material), safe.
The very concept of “developing subject-spatial environment” covers both its spatial organization and corresponding content. The spatial organization of the environment makes it possible to create comfortable, relatively stable conditions for the implementation of the educational process. And its content, focused on systematic addition, renewal, and variability, helps to activate various types of preschooler activities and stimulates their development. The spatial organization of the environment can be called form, and the content – content.
The balance of form and content plays an important role: a reasonable spatial organization with unreasonable content, as well as competent content with an irrational environment, will not provide the proper developmental and educational effect. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure an increase in the professional competence of teachers in creating an appropriate developmental environment and to focus their attention on the main problems:
— diagnostics of the needs of children and teachers in the environment;
-creation of a developing space for socialization and individualization of students;
- selection of toys and materials based on the age-related psychological characteristics of children in accordance with educational areas;
— ensuring variability in the development environment;
- ensuring richness and psychological safety of the educational environment;
-organization of interaction between teachers and children in the created educational environment of preschool educational institutions.
At the stage of creating a space in a preschool educational institution that ensures the processes of socialization and individualization of the individual in accordance with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, it is important to ensure targeted diagnosis of the play and environmental needs of both children and the teacher. The information received will contribute to the formation of a favorable person-oriented environment, as comfortable as possible for the life of both parties. Playing needs are the desired and preferred toys and games necessary for the implementation of play plans. Environmental needs are the desired environment, a set of conditions that create maximum comfort for the individual. It is important to remember that this diagnosis must be targeted, systematic and comprehensive. The results obtained will make it possible, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, to regularly update and change the educational environment, ensuring its variability and dynamism based not only on knowledge of the provisions of developmental psychology, the development of play activities in preschool age, but also taking into account the personal needs of children, their interests and aspirations. Purposeful identification of the environmental needs of the teacher will help create favorable conditions for the implementation of professional activities and optimization of the process of professional self-development of the teacher, which is also one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
The preschool period of development is an age sensitive to the assimilation of social and moral norms, the age of active socialization and the readiness of the psyche to internalize the norms, rules and values of social interaction. As a result of socialization, a child develops a basic picture of the world, and an individualized one, therefore, when modeling the educational environment, it is important to understand with which picture of the world it will be associated with a particular child. The developmental environment is designed to help the child determine his unique trajectory in the society in which he grows up. It should ensure the inclusion of the pupil in the group and mutual acceptance of the child and the group. Modeling the educational environment allows you to include a preschooler in the following groups: peers, gender and ethnocultural inclusion, interest groups, etc.
Socialization in preschool education involves creating situations for the child to test appropriate models, gain experience, and make social decisions. Not only specific sociocultural skills or the content of socialization are important, but also the active experience of the child’s actions and the degree of his independence, which involves providing the child with the opportunity to choose the means and forms of active activity. In turn, socialization is ensured by introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, country, society, and creating an ethnocultural environment. The embodiment of these provisions in practice can be a variety of options for creating ethnocultural corners in groups or corresponding objects on the territory of preschool educational institutions, holding holidays and exhibitions of the relevant focus, participating in district and regional events, visiting cultural institutions. The principle of constructing the ethnocultural component of the educational environment is an orientation towards patriotism, civic identity, on the one hand, and tolerance, on the other.
Social relations as a systemic component of the educational environment should be aimed at developing the following characteristics in the child:
- respect for yourself and others;
- self-confidence, lack of fear of making mistakes;
- natural behavior and sincerity;
- willingness to take responsibility for one’s actions;
— independence of intentions and decisions;
— empathic position;
- focus on individual and social interests.
The socialization of a preschooler is carried out primarily through play. In the play space, children master social skills and learn cooperation. The contacts that arise between them regarding toys or other objects become the first form of social communication with a peer. In the game, the preschooler’s actions are directed not so much at an external object, but at depicting the action as such. The gaming environment is a necessary condition for the development of children’s social intelligence, and group role-playing games in preschool educational institutions have great potential for developing interpersonal communication and uniting the children’s team. Cognizing social reality, the child appropriates it in play, includes it in his own picture of the world, modeling relationships and exploring the content and forms of communication between people. Thus, in play, the child learns to separate himself from others, to realize individuality and relate himself to others through identification, identification, and empathy. While playing, he not only models social relationships, but also assimilates them.
Currently, the self-worth of the individual in the educational environment changes the goals of the educational process: from the assimilation of “knowledge - abilities - skills” to the formation of the child’s personality and the creation of conditions for the realization of its potential. The environment does not play the passive role of “conditions” for the realization of children’s abilities, but as an effective mechanism for the development of these abilities. In these conditions, it becomes important to take into account the individual abilities of children. The effectiveness of the educational process increases if the environment creates conditions for the child to gain experience and is focused on his personal interests. The gaming environment and gaming interaction create conditions for testing in social relations what the personality of a particular child represents from the point of view of society, and at the same time studying society itself from a personal position. As an example, we can consider gender differences between boys and girls, which imply differentiation of the components of the educational environment being formed. Thus, the educational environment of a preschool educational institution can be built taking into account the specifics of gender: provide opportunities for the development of the strong qualities of boys and girls and help them overcome gender-related specific development. Girls acquire complex verbal skills a year earlier than boys and master reading and writing skills faster. Therefore, the environment for girls should be focused on auditory and tactile stimuli, verbal information, and for boys it should be presented with visual stimuli and visual information. Boys have higher research activity, which must be oriented in the environment. If girls are strong in the emotional sphere, sensory perception and various types of memory, then boys quickly form spatial concepts and abstract thinking, and from the point of view of memory, boys are strong in long-term storage of details and trifles. When organizing an educational environment, it should be taken into account that boys should be seated at the first tables, as they better perceive the loud voice of the teacher. Then, girls perceive “quiet information” well. With regard to vision, the same pattern applies - boys are recommended to take places closer to the source of visual information. In addition, boys are more vulnerable to emotional stress because they are not competent in recognizing and analyzing emotional information and cannot cope with it effectively. Boys need more space and are more comfortable in an open space; girls feel more comfortable in a protected, secluded space. Boys' games are about action, while girls' games are about relationships. In general, girls have better developed fine motor skills. Through ball games and outdoor games with rules, it is necessary to stimulate the development of lagging gross motor skills. Thus, the developmental opportunities of the educational environment of preschool educational institutions should create conditions for the individualization of education and gender socialization.
According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the content of the educational program should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types of activities, covering five areas of development (educational areas) and education of children:
- social and communicative;
- educational;
- speech;
- artistic and aesthetic;
- physical.
The types of activities of preschool children within each educational area can be implemented based on the potential of the developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution with appropriate content. This environment is a collection of objects and toys that are understandable and interesting to children, without which it is impossible to carry out specific types of children's activities. The lack of pedagogically appropriate subject content impoverishes the content of the educational process and narrows the options for developing the game. The content of the developmental environment is selected in such a way as to ensure the possibility of solving pedagogical problems within a particular educational field, including on an integrative basis. Groups should create a rich, multifunctional environment that makes it possible to organize various types of games with children and to model the gaming environment in accordance with the gaming situation. When organizing a space, it is important not to oversaturate it with pieces of furniture. Boxes with attributes for various role-playing games can be placed on open shelves. Thus, the space becomes dynamic, transformable, and not overloaded. When filling the developmental environment, it is necessary to use both traditional and modern toys. This allows you to create a variable, multifunctional environment. All games and toys should be placed so that students can take what they need and just as easily put everything back in place after the game is over. It is also important to determine the pedagogical value of toys and play materials.
The variability of the developmental environment of a preschool educational institution is due to the specifics of its activities in general and the preschool level, in particular, the characteristics of the contingent of children (dictated by their age, gender, preferences, capabilities, etc.), the content of the educational program, priority tasks in a given period of time . The implementation of the principle of variability can be expressed through continuity, the establishment of such a connection between spaces when the new, replacing the old, retains some of its elements. In the conditions of preschool education, this is manifested in the fact that the environment in different groups should, on the one hand, have its own content and spatial organization due to the specifics of each stage of preschool childhood, and on the other, gradually be supplemented with new elements, providing a zone of proximal development and the sequence of education and training. In line with the ideas of continuity of education, the development environment should be consistent in organization and content from group to group. When organizing a variable developmental environment that ensures continuity from group to group, the following factors should be taken into account:
— age stages of each stage of preschool childhood;
— features of the development of children’s play activities;
— spasmodic and uneven development of the child;
- characteristics of the contingent of children in the group;
— the specificity of pedagogical tasks in a given period;
— features of the individual style of activity of group teachers.
The saturation of the educational environment is a dual characteristic. On the one hand, it can have a beneficial effect, stimulating the child’s activity, self-changes and the creative nature of his activities, and on the other hand, it can cause tension, anxiety, destabilize the child’s emotional state and hinder the realization of his intellectual and personal potential. Accordingly, the saturation of the educational environment can play both a stimulating and limiting and even inhibiting role. The objective saturation of the educational environment depends on the intensity, complexity and specifics of the educational program implemented in the preschool educational institution. The standard provides for the possibility of implementing various educational and partial programs aimed at developing children in all types of activities. Thus, educational and partial programs allow you to vary the content of the educational process, which affects the saturation of the educational environment.
One of the requirements for the educational environment is psychological safety. Psychological safety of the environment is ensured by creating a positive, friendly environment in which the child feels confident and does not experience hostile influence. Social relations, as a component of the educational environment, are built on the following methods of interaction: cooperation, recognition of the child’s rights and freedoms, discussion, empathy, support, stimulating system of requirements. In the conditions of such a system of social relations, the child experiences feelings of psychological security and acceptance of his individuality. In interaction with adults, psychological comfort and emotional well-being are achieved in an educational environment characterized by the following parameters:
— absence of unreasonable prohibitions;
— a consistent system of rules and interactions;
— absence of psychological manipulation by adults;
— subjective personal communication with the child;
- providing the child with opportunities for independent activity and choice of activities and a head start on activity;
- the ability to complete the work started, to realize a plan, a goal.
- open, positive informing the child about different aspects of life in accordance with the age level of understanding;
- encouraging the child’s own activity and independence;
-satisfaction of all subjects of educational relations with the level of interaction in the environment.
An important component of the modern educational environment for a preschooler is the nature of his interaction with adults and other children, during which the development of personality and the transmission of moral norms and values are ensured. It is possible to optimize the interaction of a teacher with students in a created subject-development environment if its participants have the appropriate knowledge and ideas, perform actions and show emotions. The teacher must know the features and elements of the environment, ways of changing it in joint activities with children. In turn, preschoolers should have an idea of the possibilities of transforming the subject-play environment together with the teacher. Preschool educational institutions should be characterized by cooperation and co-creation of teachers and children, their active, proactive position aimed at achieving a common result using the resources of the educational environment, permanent partnerships between participants in educational relations; showing interest and mutual respect in the process and results of joint activities; emotionally positive background of interaction.
Thus, a properly organized subject-development environment in a preschool institution provides each child with equal opportunities to acquire certain personality traits and opportunities for his comprehensive development. But not every environment can be developmental. The space organized for children in an educational institution can be both a powerful stimulus for their development and an obstacle that prevents the manifestation of individual creative abilities.
- Federal state educational standard for preschool education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 17.10. 2013 No. 1155.
- Babaeva T.I., Gogoberidze A.G., Solntseva O.V. Childhood: Sample educational program for preschool education. – JV: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2014.
- Miklyaeva N.V. Subject-developmental environment of kindergarten. M.: Sphere shopping center. 2013
- G. Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution. No. 8, 2014.
Designing a subject-spatial environment in kindergartens
The developing subject-spatial environment (DSES) is part of the educational environment (clause 3.6.3 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education). RPPS includes:
1. A space that is specially organized (rooms, areas, etc.).
2. Materials, equipment and inventory, taking into account the characteristics of age groups,
3. Educational resources that can be updated, including consumables, sports and health equipment.
Organizing RPPS means creating favorable conditions for the development of preschool children. Conditions must take into account the age and individual characteristics and inclinations of children, develop the abilities and creative potential of each child. The preschooler must act as a subject during play and other activities.
Organization of the RPPS: possible problems
The kindergarten has many tools and components for the subject-spatial environment. However, other problems may arise:
- RPPS is described in the organizational section of the OOP DO along with the calendar schedule and daily routine;
- It is difficult for educators and teachers to determine the funds needed for a particular kindergarten;
- The kindergarten is faced with the high price of these components or the imposition of a range of services from manufacturers.
If there is enough funding, for example, to purchase a whole range of funds, then the manager needs to decide:
- use more advanced and expensive equipment and increase capital costs;
- purchase less expensive equipment and increase operating costs;
- select only the missing equipment, tools, materials.
To justify its choice, a preschool organization needs to determine the main educational program, then conduct an inventory of groups.
Compliance with the principle of emotional saturation
Only the required amount of equipment allows you to:
- to form the space of the kindergarten and group rooms harmoniously;
- ensure an environmentally friendly environment;
- create optimal emotional stress on the child.
The environment evokes an emotional response in the child, which is reflected in his activities. The principle of emotional saturation implies a psychologically justified and pedagogically appropriate impact of the environment on emotions.
A peculiarity of preschool children is psycho-emotional instability. There is always a risk of overexerting students. Therefore, it is important to observe the principle of emotional richness of the environment in combination with the principle of “psycho-emotional environmental friendliness”.
To ensure psycho-emotional environmental friendliness:
- alternate passive and active forms of activity;
- use stimuli for different senses in moderation;
- alternate states of activity and contemplation.
Often kindergartens that have a good financial base violate these two principles. They purchase a large number of modern tools and equipment that are not functionally related to each other.
Or, conversely, the toy has many functions: “telephone-steam locomotive”, “steam locomotive-phone-dog”. Or the toy does not communicate the important basics of everyday life: single-color, typical cubes and shapes.
This approach makes it possible to provide each child with a sufficient amount of equipment, but does not take into account his developmental side. More interesting and less expensive will be:
- sets made from natural materials (shells, cones, clay, sand, wood, acorns, seeds, etc.);
- additional parts and accessories (dishes, appliances, clothes for dolls, etc.).
What you need to use from ICT
Preschool education maintains a tendency to integrate information and communication technologies into the traditional developmental subject-spatial environment.
ICTs have been used since preschool age under the influence of the “rapid maturation phenomenon of children.” The new generation of children from birth is exposed to the world of video games and computers with Internet access. They quickly master this world. This forces manufacturers to create more complex products.
On the website " Mobile Center for Child Development from 3 Years Old " teachers can use distance games and tests for children in their professional activities, get acquainted with distance programs for children in robotics, speed reading, mental arithmetic, calligraphy and chess, watch demonstration lessons on preschool education and additional education (“Are you familiar with Intesha?”), subscribe to the free electronic family magazine “ElectronicUM”.
In kindergarten, it is important to use developmental products and only in dosed form. It should not replace or displace traditional wooden, plastic toys, games in children's and yard playgrounds.
Developmental ICT products should be:
- licensed;
- focused on the preschool education system;
- including experimental games, creative games, audiovisual content (knowledge about the world around us, about animals, birds, flowers, counting, etc.).
Popular domestic children's cartoons and films, and children's programs can be used in electronic content. They contain national cultural images and help in education.
The Institute of New Technologies in Education offers teachers to complete distance learning in a short time:
Professional retraining programs:
- Music director in preschool education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education;
- Teacher of additional education in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Physical Education in the following areas: mental arithmetic, educational robotics, speed reading, astronomy and astronautics, preparation for school;
- Teacher of additional education in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education in the following areas: mental arithmetic, Lego construction and robotics, chess, natural science cycle, astronomy and cosmonautics, preparation for school;
- Senior preschool teacher. Management of educational work in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education;
- Preschool education methodologist. Design and implementation of organizational and pedagogical activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education;
- Physical education of preschool children in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard;
Advanced training programs:
- Improving the competencies of the teacher in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard and the Federal State Educational Standard;
- Current issues in the theory and practice of introducing modern pedagogical technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;
- Current issues in the theory and practice of introducing modern pedagogical technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;
- Methodological aspects of teaching reading and improving reading techniques of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education;
- Fundamentals of Lego construction and robotics in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;
- Organization and management of educational and research projects in the natural sciences within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;
- Methodological aspects of the implementation of the course “Astronomy and Cosmonautics” in extracurricular activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;
- Methodological aspects of the implementation of the course “Preparation for School” in extracurricular activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;
- Methodological aspects of the implementation of the course “Mental Arithmetic” in extracurricular activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education;
- Gender education of preschool children in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard;
- Pre-school preparation in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;
- Organization of a health-saving educational space for preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education;
- Pedagogical diagnostics of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education;
- Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the professional competence of a junior teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;
- Theory and methodology of music education for preschool children, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard;
- Formation of prerequisites for universal learning activities (UAL) for preschoolers as part of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education;
You can view the full list of programs on the website of the Institute of New Technologies in Education.
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Source: Pedsovet