Organization of correctional and developmental work in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
Emelyanova N.V. - teacher speech therapist,
Turk A.V. - teacher speech therapist
MBDOU TsRR – d/sno. 70 Firefly"
Organization of correctional and developmental work in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
We live in an era of change. Global changes are currently taking place in the preschool education system. First of all, they are related to the fact that in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” the preschool education system has become the first educational level of the Russian education system, which guarantees the unity of the educational space, provides uniform conditions and quality of education, continuity of basic educational programs of preschool and primary general education.
New changes in the preschool education system have resulted in the adoption of the federal educational standard for preschool education (FSES DO), which determines what the program of a preschool educational institution should be and what conditions are needed for its implementation. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the teaching staff of each preschool educational institution creates its own model of the pedagogical process, choosing the main educational program, partial programs, technologies, forms, methods and techniques of working with preschoolers.
The model of correctional and developmental activities in preschool educational institutions is an integral system. The goal is to organize the educational activities of a preschool educational institution as a system that includes diagnostic, preventive and correctional and developmental aspects that ensure a high, reliable level of speech and mental development of a preschooler. The work of a kindergarten is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the importance of which lies in the speech therapy of the educational process and various types of children’s activities. Creating a holistic correctional and developmental system for children with developmental disabilities is a complex task that requires the involvement of various specialists. To carry out qualified correction of violations, a program mechanism for children with disabilities must be launched. This means that the main general educational program of preschool education of a preschool educational institution, developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, should include all the specific features of the education and development of children with disabilities: varying the timing of learning materials, a system of correctional work, special approaches, methods and techniques aimed at mastering OOP, special conditions for implementation. And also provide for adaptation of the general education program to the perception of the education system by children with disabilities. children with disabilities. In a kindergarten, correctional work will be effective only if it is carried out in a complex that includes pedagogical and psychological correction, as well as medical support for students.
The purpose
of correctional work
in groups for children with special health needs is to ensure the correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of various categories of children with disabilities and to assist children of this category in mastering the general education program.
The correctional work program should be aimed at ensuring the correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children with disabilities and assisting children in this category in mastering the basic educational program.
The correctional work program contains
- list, content and plan for the implementation of individually oriented correctional measures that ensure the satisfaction of the special educational needs of children with disabilities, their integration into preschool educational institutions and their mastery of the basic educational program;
- a system of comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in the educational process, including a psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children in order to identify their special educational needs, monitoring the dynamics of children’s development, their success in mastering the program, adjusting corrective measures;
- description of special conditions for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, the use of an adapted educational program and methods of teaching and upbringing, conducting individual and group correctional classes;
- a mechanism for interaction in the development and implementation of correctional measures with a speech therapist and preschool education specialists who must ensure the unity of correctional and developmental work in the preschool educational institution;
- planned results of correctional work.
The correctional work program at preschool educational institutions contains several areas: diagnostic, correctional and developmental, advisory, information and educational.
Diagnostic direction includes:
- timely identification of children in need of special assistance;
- early diagnosis of developmental disorders and analysis of the causes of adaptation difficulties;
- comprehensive collection of information about the child based on diagnostic information: study of the development of the emotional-volitional sphere and personal characteristics, socialization of the developmental situation and conditions of family education, adaptive capabilities of the level of socialization, systematic comprehensive monitoring of specialists over the level and dynamics of development, analysis of the success of correctional and developmental work.
The correctional and developmental direction includes:
- selection of correctional programs, methods, methods and techniques that are optimal for the development of a child with disabilities in accordance with his special educational needs: organization and conduct by specialists of individual and group correctional and developmental classes necessary to overcome developmental disorders and learning difficulties;
- correction and development of higher mental functions, development of the emotional-volitional and personal spheres of the child and psychocorrection of his behavior, social protection of the child in the event of unfavorable living conditions under traumatic circumstances.
The information and educational direction includes:
- various forms of educational activities (lectures, conversations, printed material), conducting thematic presentations for teachers and parents to explain the individual typological characteristics of various categories of children with disabilities. In this direction, information and training tools and techniques are widely used that help improve speech therapy literacy of both teachers and parents.
Advisory work includes:
- development of joint, substantiated recommendations on the main areas of work with children with disabilities, common for all participants in the educational process;
- consultation by specialists of teachers on the choice of individually oriented methods and techniques for working with children with disabilities;
- consulting assistance to the family in matters of choosing an upbringing strategy and methods of corrective education for a child with disabilities.
In groups of combined orientation with OHP, when building a system of correctional work, the joint activities of specialists are planned in such a way that teachers build their work with the child on the basis of general pedagogical principles, not in isolation, but complementing and deepening the influence of each. A unified complex of joint correctional and pedagogical work, outlined by specialists, is aimed at the formation and development of motor and speech areas. The content of classes, organization and methodological techniques are determined by the goals of correctional education, taking into account specific ideas and speech experience accumulated by children in the process of working as a speech therapist in the sections of the program. The system of correctional and developmental activities provides for individual, frontal forms of work, as well as independent activity of a child with special needs in a specially organized spatial-speech environment .
All specialists work under the guidance of a teacher-speech therapist, who is the organizer and coordinator of all correctional and developmental work, draws up, together with colleagues, a block integrated calendar and thematic plan, organizes diaphragmatic-speech breathing, corrects sound pronunciation, automates them, differentiates them, introduces them into independent speech contributes to the speech therapy of routine moments and directly organized educational activities, the practical acquisition by children of the skills of word formation and inflection, which helps the child’s personal growth, the formation of confident behavior, a sense of dignity, adaptation in the society of peers, adults, and in the future – successful learning at school.
New changes in the preschool education system have resulted in the adoption of the federal educational standard for preschool education (FSES DO), which determines what the program of a preschool educational institution should be and what conditions are needed for its implementation.
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the teaching staff of each preschool educational institution creates its own model of the pedagogical process, choosing the main educational program, partial programs, technologies, forms, methods and techniques of working with preschoolers. The model of correctional and developmental activities in preschool educational institutions is an integral system. The goal is to organize the educational activities of a preschool educational institution as a system that includes diagnostic, preventive and correctional and developmental aspects that ensure a high, reliable level of speech and mental development of a preschooler. The work of a kindergarten is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the importance of which lies in the speech therapy of the educational process and various types of children’s activities. Creating a holistic correctional and developmental system for children with developmental disabilities is a complex task that requires the involvement of various specialists. To carry out qualified correction of violations, a program mechanism for children with disabilities must be launched. This means that the main general educational program of preschool education of a preschool educational institution, developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, should include all the specific features of the education and development of children with disabilities: varying the timing of learning materials, a system of correctional work, special approaches, methods and techniques aimed at mastering OOP, special conditions for implementation. And also provide for adaptation of the general education program to the perception of the education system by children with disabilities. children with disabilities. In a kindergarten, correctional work will be effective only if it is carried out in a complex that includes pedagogical and psychological correction, as well as medical support for students.
The purpose of correctional work in groups for children with special health needs is to ensure the correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of various categories of children with disabilities and to assist children of this category in mastering the general education program.
The correctional work program should be aimed at ensuring the correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children with disabilities and assisting children in this category in mastering the basic educational program.
The correctional work program contains:
- list, content and plan for the implementation of individually oriented correctional measures that ensure the satisfaction of the special educational needs of children with disabilities, their integration into preschool educational institutions and their mastery of the basic educational program;
- a system of comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in the educational process, including a psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children in order to identify their special educational needs, monitoring the dynamics of children’s development, their success in mastering the program, adjusting corrective measures;
- description of special conditions for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, the use of an adapted educational program and methods of teaching and upbringing, conducting individual and group correctional classes;
- a mechanism for interaction in the development and implementation of correctional measures with a speech therapist and preschool education specialists who must ensure the unity of correctional and developmental work in the preschool educational institution;
- planned results of correctional work.
The correctional work program at preschool educational institutions contains several areas: diagnostic, correctional and developmental, advisory, information and educational.
Diagnostic direction includes:
- timely identification of children in need of special assistance;
- early diagnosis of developmental disorders and analysis of the causes of adaptation difficulties;
- comprehensive collection of information about the child based on diagnostic information: study of the development of the emotional-volitional sphere and personal characteristics, socialization of the developmental situation and conditions of family education, adaptive capabilities of the level of socialization, systematic comprehensive monitoring of specialists over the level and dynamics of development, analysis of the success of correctional and developmental work.
The correctional and developmental direction includes:
- selection of correctional programs, methods, methods and techniques that are optimal for the development of a child with disabilities in accordance with his special educational needs: organization and conduct by specialists of individual and group correctional and developmental classes necessary to overcome developmental disorders and learning difficulties;
- correction and development of higher mental functions, development of the emotional-volitional and personal spheres of the child and psychocorrection of his behavior, social protection of the child in the event of unfavorable living conditions under traumatic circumstances.
The information and educational direction includes:
- various forms of educational activities (lectures, conversations, printed material), conducting thematic presentations for teachers and parents to explain the individual typological characteristics of various categories of children with disabilities. In this direction, information and training tools and techniques are widely used that help improve speech therapy literacy of both teachers and parents.
Advisory work includes:
- development of joint, substantiated recommendations on the main areas of work with children with disabilities, common for all participants in the educational process;
- consultation by specialists of teachers on the choice of individually oriented methods and techniques for working with children with disabilities;
- consulting assistance to the family in matters of choosing an upbringing strategy and methods of corrective education for a child with disabilities.
In groups of combined orientation with OHP, when building a system of correctional work, the joint activities of specialists are planned in such a way that teachers build their work with the child on the basis of general pedagogical principles, not in isolation, but complementing and deepening the influence of each. A unified complex of joint correctional and pedagogical work, outlined by specialists, is aimed at the formation and development of motor and speech areas. The content of classes, organization and methodological techniques are determined by the goals of correctional education, taking into account specific ideas and speech experience accumulated by children in the process of working as a speech therapist in the sections of the program. The system of correctional and developmental activities provides for individual, frontal forms of work, as well as independent activity of a child with ODD in a specially organized spatial-speech environment.
All specialists work under the guidance of a teacher-speech therapist, who is the organizer and coordinator of all correctional and developmental work, draws up, together with colleagues, a block integrated calendar and thematic plan, organizes diaphragmatic-speech breathing, corrects sound pronunciation, automates them, differentiates them, introduces them into independent speech contributes to the speech therapy of routine moments and directly organized educational activities, the practical acquisition by children of the skills of word formation and inflection, which helps the child’s personal growth, the formation of confident behavior, a sense of dignity, adaptation in the society of peers, adults, and in the future – successful learning at school.
At the present stage of development of the education system, the tasks of creating conditions for the development of the personality of each child in accordance with the characteristics of his mental and physical development, his capabilities and abilities are brought to the fore.
The number of children who have developmental deviations already in preschool age is very significant. Accordingly, the risk of school maladaptation and academic failure increases.
According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health of Children and Adolescents, recently the number of healthy preschoolers has decreased by 5 times and constitutes only about 10% of children entering school. Of particular concern is the increase in the number of children with mental retardation (MDD).
Impaired mental function
- this is a type of abnormal development of a child, which is characterized by a slow pace of development of one or more mental functions, which can be compensated under the influence of drug treatment, with special correctional influence and under the influence of a temporary factor.
From the perspective of an inexperienced observer, preschoolers with mental retardation are not so different from their peers. Parents often do not attach importance to the fact that their child began to walk independently a little later, act with objects, and that his speech development is delayed. Increased excitability, instability of attention, and rapid fatigue first manifest themselves at the behavioral level and only later on the completion of curriculum tasks.
By older preschool age, difficulties in mastering the kindergarten program become obvious: children are inactive in classes, do not remember material well, and are easily distracted. The level of development of cognitive activity and speech turns out to be lower compared to peers.
With the start of school, the clinical picture of disorders becomes more pronounced due to difficulties in mastering the school curriculum, and psychological problems become more profound and persistent.
The problem of studying and correcting mental retardation of preschool children in our country has recently become one of the most pressing.
K.S. Lebedinskaya divided mental retardation into 4 groups:
1. ZPR of constitutional origin.
2. ZPR of somatogenic origin.
3. Mental retardation of psychogenic origin.
4. Cerebral-organic origin.
Outstanding teachers and psychologists note that in most cases, children with mental retardation have impaired perception, attention, thinking, memory, and speech. Currently, the content of correctional work is being rethought in accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standards of preschool education, which take into account the educational needs of children with disabilities. To carry out qualified correction of disorders of children with mental retardation, a mechanism for an adapted Program for children with disabilities has been developed.
Organization of work with preschool children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions.
Adapted educational program of preschool educational institution
This program, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, implements the training and education of children with disabilities in accordance with their development, characteristics, and individual capabilities. In addition, she corrects, if necessary, problems with the child’s adaptation to social society.
Individual correctional and developmental route for a child with disabilities
General methods for preschool education are not suitable for all students. For some, it is quite difficult to study according to such a program, for others, on the contrary, there is not enough knowledge for further development. For this reason, new training systems are being developed that take into account all the individual qualities of all children individually. They are presented in the form of an individual educational route for children with health problems in a preschool educational institution.
It is developed by specialists, gradually setting goals and objectives, using pedagogical resources, methodological techniques and the results of individual educational methods.
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
“Corrective technologies in pedagogical practice, as an effective tool in working with preschool children”Taking care of health is the most important work of educators. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.”
Sukhomlinsky V. A.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
The efforts of preschool educational institutions employees today, more than ever, are aimed at improving the health of preschool children and cultivating a healthy lifestyle. It is no coincidence that these are the priority tasks in the program for the modernization of Russian education. There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received a common name - health-saving technologies.
So what is “health-saving technology” ?
Health-saving technology is an integral system of educational, health-improving, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between children, teachers, and parents.
Preschool teachers most often use three groups of health-saving technologies in their practice:
- Technologies for preserving and promoting health;
- Healthy lifestyle training technologies;
- Corrective technologies.
The goal of correctional technologies is physical development and health promotion, as well as relieving psycho-emotional stress of preschool children. Today, teachers have many methods at their disposal to help solve a child’s problems in the most pleasant way for him.
Music therapy - in various forms of physical education and health work; holidays, birthdays or individual classes. They are held 2-4 times a month depending on the goals set. The advantages of music therapy are:
- Absolutely harmless;
- Ease and simplicity of use;
- Possibility of control;
- Reducing the need to use other treatment methods that are more stressful and time-consuming.
Used as an auxiliary tool as part of other technologies to relieve stress and improve emotional mood. It is recommended to use musical soundtracks in children’s daily activities: as a background music in the morning, when preparing for bed, or for a walk. You can also listen to fragments of musical works in classes on artistic and speech activities in the process of directing.
Listening to a variety of classical music influences the development of intelligence, creative and musical abilities.
2. Fairy tale therapy is a method of “fairy tale treatment” . classes are used for psychological, therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult or a group of children, and the rest of the children repeat the necessary movements after the storytellers.
In fairy tale therapy for children, 3 main types of fairy tales are used:
1) Fiction and folk tales:
These fairy tales contribute to the education of moral and aesthetic feelings:
2) Developmental and educational fairy tales that allow the child
gain experience about surrounding objects and phenomena, rules of behavior in various situations (public places and in relation to people of different ages, master writing and reading.
)Independently composed by a child: through such a fairy tale you can learn about those experiences of a child that he is not aware of or hides from adults. Thus, a fairy tale in a child’s life has enormous educational significance. It becomes a means of development and education from the first day of a child’s life and accompanies him until adolescence. The role of fairy tales in the education of preschool children is great. It awakens all the good that is in a child’s soul, forms strong moral values and a love of reading, teaches proper communication, and develops the emotional sphere and speech. Fairy tales can not only be read, but also discussed with children. The guys really love to “personify” them and play them up. Children also compose fairy tales themselves, because a fairy tale invented by a child, which reveals the essence of the problem, is the basis of fairy tale therapy. Through a fairy tale, you can learn about children’s experiences that they themselves are not really aware of, or are embarrassed to discuss with adults.
3. Art therapy - treatment with art and creativity captivates children, distracts them from unpleasant emotions, and activates the body's emotional reserves. Art therapy in working with children solves the following problems:
Helps you relax and get rid of emotional stress
Provides an opportunity to develop a positive emotional background
Develops hand motor skills and mental abilities: creativity, thinking, speech
Instills interest in creative activities
Helps overcome complexes and phobias
Group activities with other children develop confidence and communication skills
Art therapy with preschoolers should not be limited to the usual set of visual media (paper, brushes, paints) and traditional ways of using them. The child is more willing to engage in a process that is different from what he is used to. Young children enjoy creating images in an unusual way, for example, using dry leaves or threads.
The arsenal of ways to create images is wide: aquatouch, drawing with bulk products or dried leaves, drawing with fingers and palms, with a spray gun, etc. The main difference between art therapy and drawing is the absence of rules. In drawing therapy classes, the child is not told what tools to draw with or what image to create. Therefore, art therapy is not just honing drawing skills, but a way to penetrate a child’s subconscious with the help of images and the development of imagination.
Art therapy is indicated not only for children, but also for adults. This practice relieves stress and relieves anxiety, which is the main thing for the internal harmony of a modern person.
4. Color therapy (chromotherapy) is a direction that uses the effect of colors on the psycho-emotional state of a preschooler and his well-being. When used skillfully, color has a beneficial effect on people regardless of age. Color can help relieve stress or nervous excitement, calm you down, or vice versa - it can activate your performance and increase your body’s vitality. By following such a simple technique, exposing a child to a certain color, you can achieve significant results in the treatment of apathy, irritability, excessive activity and even incipient childhood aggression. Thanks to this correctional technology, teachers build lesson programs with the most problematic children. Color therapy for children involves first identifying each child's favorite color, and then filling as much of the space that surrounds him or her with that color.
5. Psycho-gymnastics are games and exercises aimed at using expressive movements in the education of emotions and higher feelings. Children explore different emotions and learn to manage them. Such games help children overcome barriers in communication, better understand themselves and others, relieve mental stress, and provide the opportunity for self-expression.
These events are conducted by a teacher-psychologist. Educators, in turn, use psycho-gymnastics in various educational areas with the help of games and sketches.
The main advantages of psychogymnastics:
the playful nature of the exercises (reliance on the leading activities of preschool children);
maintaining the emotional well-being of children;
reliance on imagination;
the ability to use group forms of work.
It is advisable to conduct classes once a week. Classes can start from the age of 3 (changing the topic, making it more complicated)
hour of comprehension.
6. Phonetic rhythms - classes are recommended for children with hearing problems or for preventive purposes.
The goals that determine the main directions in phonetic rhythm classes are to:
- connect the work of the speech motor and auditory analyzers with the development of general motor skills;
- promote the formation in children of speech with a pronounced intonation and rhythmic side in the process of transition of general motor skills to speech motor skills;
- develop auditory perception and use it in the formation and correction of pronunciation skills.
Phonetic exercises are a good incentive to communicate with children, both in kindergarten during classes with a speech therapist, teacher, music director, and at home with parents.
With the help of phonetic play exercises, it is easy to establish contact with a silent child, achieve the necessary results in speech development, and create a comfortable emotional environment. Phonetic rhythm classes will help children form phonetically correct speech.
Phonetic rhythm helps the child:
- express emotions using different intonation means;
- normalize speech breathing, unity of speech;
- correctly reproduce sounds individually, in syllables, words and phrases;
- play sounds at a given tempo;
- change the pitch and strength of the voice at a normal pace, without deviations from the norm;
- perceive, distinguish, reproduce different rhythms;
- teaches the natural expression of denial, laughter, etc. using gestures and sound pronunciation.
Exercises are performed with or without music. The necessary movements are not learned beforehand, but are repeated several times synchronously.
The competent use of correctional and other health-saving technologies helps to achieve the greatest possible success in overcoming not only speech problems. psychological difficulties, but also the general health of children. The main purpose of such new technologies is to unite teachers, psychologists, doctors, parents and, most importantly, the children themselves to preserve, strengthen and develop health.
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My kindergarten
Author: Lere-Pland Albina Nikolaevna, head, teacher-defectologist, Central Children's Resource Center-kindergarten No. 12, city of Alexandrov, Vladimir region.
Children with developmental problems are a general concept. This group includes more than 10 subgroups with various developmental disabilities. In our kindergarten we educate mentally retarded children. Institutions with such groups are called upon to perform the following tasks:
- ensuring the right of a child with developmental disabilities to receive correctional assistance;
- protecting a child with developmental disabilities from incompetent pedagogical influence;
- maintaining a unified educational space in preschool educational institutions;
- ensuring compliance with the requirements for the development of content and methods of correctional pedagogical influence;
- ensuring variability and diversity of organizational forms of training and education and correctional and developmental technologies;
- ensuring the material and technical base of the preschool educational institution, taking into account the nature and structure of disorders in the child’s development.
The main goals of preschool educational institutions with special groups are: creating conditions for the development of the emotional, social and intellectual potential of the child and the formation of his positive personal qualities. The content and methods of correctional and educational work involve a set of measures aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual, at smoothing out various mental deficiencies of mentally retarded preschoolers, aggravating their intellectual, physical and social inadequacy.
The main task of groups for mentally retarded children is to provide each child with the maximum level of physical, mental and moral development; organize educational work aimed at correcting, compensating and preventing secondary deviations in the development and preparing children for school, taking into account the individual capabilities of each child.
In our preschool educational institution there are three groups for mentally retarded children. Groups of different ages, mixed (from 3 to 8 years), 24 hours a day. Children come to us by decision of the regional PMPC and, of course, with the consent of the parents.
A feature of incoming children is a violation of intellectual development, a violation of the system of mental activity. All incoming children show deviations in receiving and processing information. Some children are very excitable, others are lethargic. What our children have in common is a persistent, irreversible impairment of intellectual and mental development. PMPK identifies developmental deviations, determines their nature and chooses the optimal educational route for the child. Children come to us with a referral and a specific diagnosis. When children enter a preschool educational institution, we conduct an initial psychological and pedagogical examination of children.
First of all, let’s get acquainted with the conclusion of the PMPC:
- medical records, because studying medical documentation is an important diagnostic method, and this helps to understand the causes and nature of intellectual disability;
- with a pedagogical characteristic (if the child is from another kindergarten).
The main role in diagnostics is given to the defectologist. It diagnoses: speech, cognitive, social development, play. In her work she uses special diagnostics E.A. Strebeleva and E.A. Ekzhanova. Then specialists are involved in the diagnosis: psychologist, physical education director, music director. The examination results serve as the basis for determining the zone of proximal development of each child (taking into account age characteristics, the structure of the defect, the child’s capabilities) and determining the effectiveness of correctional and developmental interventions.
The diagnostic results are summarized and entered into the “Diagnostic-Evolutionary Card”. Based on these results, an individual educational route is developed for each child.
We provide education for children with intellectual disabilities according to a special program of compensatory preschool educational institutions for children with intellectual disabilities E.A. Ekzhanova and E.A. Strebeleva “Correctional and developmental education and upbringing of preschool children with intellectual disabilities.” Features of this program:
The material in it is divided into 4 stages of training. The time frame for each stage is tentative and can be:
- – from 6 months. up to 1 year;
- – from 1 year to 1.5 years;
- – 1.5 years.
We are not strictly tied to the years of study, with specific deadlines for its completion, as is customary for normally developing children.
Transfer to the next stage of training is made only after mastering the program of the next stage.
In our Program for children with intellectual disabilities, there is a special section “Social Development”, which prepares the child for adequate orientation in the environment.
The fundamental content of this section is the formation of cooperation between a child and an adult. The peculiarity of the Program also involves a special daily routine, curriculum, and schedule of classes. The curriculum determines the content of correctional education:
- basic components of correctional education;
- content of correctional work outside of class;
- distribution of activities between specialists.
The speech pathologist conducts all classes on cognitive development (sensory, thinking formation, mathematics, familiarization with the environment, speech development, literacy) and play.
The task of the defectologist is to teach children methods of self-care and examination of objects. Teachers organize practical activities for children.
We build a network of classes based on the curriculum, taking into account age, compliance with sanitary standards, rapid fatigue of children, uniform distribution of mental, physical activity and rest.
If the defectologist conducts classes with the 1st subgroup in mathematics, the teacher conducts classes with the 2nd subgroup of children in fine arts. After a break there is a change of classes, i.e. The teacher and the defectologist conduct classes in parallel. This makes children's work dynamic, rich and less tiring.
Each lesson is a complex of cognitive activity, speech, motor skills, and various types of gymnastics. Some tasks of correctional and developmental work are solved in the process of traditional forms and activities for preschool education. An example would be music and physical education classes. But, using the basics of diagnostic data, classes are enriched with correctional and developmental tasks.
At the same time, special correctional classes are distinguished in the structure of the pedagogical process. A whole system of correctional classes and exercises is carried out with children aimed at:
- instilling CGN and self-care skills;
- to develop interest in the environment through object-based, playful, visual, constructive and labor activities;
- on the formation of all mental processes;
- for the development of sensory-motor skills;
- on the formation of speech communication, correction of speech development deficiencies.
To successfully carry out the correction process, a correctional environment has been created at the preschool educational institution, which implies a set of conditions:
- gentle protective regime;
- increasing the duration of children's walks in the fresh air;
- increasing the duration of daytime sleep;
- development of daily routine content for each group;
- review of the organization of physical education for children. Physical education classes are of a playful nature; they include games aimed at developing memory attention, free movement, self-control and correction of personality disorders.
The organization of correctional work and the correctional environment is impossible without general leadership, which includes:
- collecting information, processing it, making management decisions;
- coordinating the activities of all participants in correctional work and creating the necessary conditions for the effective implementation of the correctional process.
The creation of a special correctional and developmental environment provides for a system of conditions. These conditions include:
- creating a psychological climate;
- level of personnel preparedness (timely course preparation, training in kindergarten - methodological associations);
- material and technical base;
- systematic assessment of child development outcomes.
Having analyzed the content and organization of the correction process, we set the following goals:
- To overcome inter-activity fragmentation in the work of specialized groups and reunite the work of specialists and educators into a single pedagogical system.
- Create a system of work for educators and specialists.
The task was to determine the place of specialists in the daily routine: defectologist, psychologist, music director, physical education director in working with children; create a model of a holistic pedagogical process. The choice of this pedagogical technology allows preschool teachers and specialists to:
- work creatively;
- see the working day as a holistic pedagogical process.
It was decided to introduce such a form of work as small pedagogical councils, where we discuss the results of dynamic monitoring of the progress in the development of each child by all participants in the correctional process.
To carry out the correctional and educational process, the teaching staff of each group created a special developmental environment, selected equipment and toys that meet not only safety and aesthetic requirements, but also have a correctional and developmental focus.
The preschool educational institution has developed basic regulatory documents that reflect the organization of the life activities of children with mental retardation, their upbringing and education.
Currently, the question of creating a special methodological service has become urgent:
- creation of the “Council for Correctional Work”;
- a data bank for methodological support of correctional and developmental work (correctional and developmental methods, special literature).
One of the most important tasks of preschool educational institutions is to attract families from correctional groups to active cooperation, because Not only students, but also their parents need psychological and pedagogical support.
Every specialist knows that the success of correctional and developmental work largely depends on how much parents understand the child’s condition, accept him for who he is and strive to help. Some parents, having brought their child to the special groups of our kindergarten, remain convinced that their child’s development does not lag behind the norm, and he does not have any special problems.
Some parents have reduced social responsibility for the fate of the child. They are not interested in what teachers do with the child and are indifferent to his successes and failures. Therefore, we provide consultations to parents on the problems of their children’s development, and teach parents the methods and techniques available to them for providing correctional assistance to children in a family setting.
The main directions of interaction with the family, the forms of organizing psychological and pedagogical assistance to the family, are mainly of a traditional nature:
- collective forms of interaction (meetings, thematic classes, holidays, open days);
- individual (questionnaires, surveys, conversations, consultations with specialists, “Parenting Hour”, “Helpline”);
- visual information support (stands, thematic exhibitions, exhibitions of works, etc.)
The “trust service” operates on personal requests and wishes of parents. Everyone who wishes receives advice.
We send children to school through the school PMPK.
An analysis of the performance of our groups showed that our graduate children, after 2-3 years in correctional groups, show success in their advancement. The mental status improves significantly, children become socially adapted to the environment, and interest in school and educational activities appears.
We have such results thanks to the joint efforts of the teaching staff, specialists, and parents.
System of working with mentally retarded children
Goal: scientifically based organization of the correctional pedagogical process with uniform requirements for the child with the aim of timely correction of speech, sensory, mental, motor disorders, prevention of school failure, social adaptation in preschool settings.
Diagnostic block.
Organization of a comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical study of the child for the purpose of his rehabilitation.
Goals, objectives and content: -studying the qualitative features of the child’s psychological development; - identification of the “level of learning ability” (the degree of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with age capabilities); - determination of the nature of the dynamics of learning ability; - determination of the effectiveness of the implementation of an individual child development program.
Corrective and developmental block.
Development of compensatory mechanisms for the development of a child’s activity, overcoming and preventing secondary deviations.
Goals, objectives and content:
- development and correction of deficiencies in the emotional-volitional sphere and the emerging personality;
- correction of cognitive activity and targeted formation of higher mental functions;
- development of speech, communication activities and correction of their deficiencies;
- formation of leading activities;
- formation in children of ways of orientation in the surrounding reality.
Health saving block.
Improving the functions of the child’s developing organism.
Goals, objectives and content:
- creating conditions for preserving and strengthening health;
- medical control and disease prevention;
- inclusion of health technologies in the pedagogical process;
- specially organized classes with the head of physical education in the gym on the formation of motor skills in children.
Educational block.
Formation of moral foundations of the individual, socially acceptable behavior in society. Development of orientation and cognitive activity, strengthening the relationship between the main components of mental activity.
Goals, objectives and content:
- social and moral development;
- cognitive development;
- aesthetic development;
- formation and development of the main types of activities of preschool children for each period.
Social and pedagogical block.
Goals, objectives and content:
- collective forms of interaction with the family;
- individual forms of work with families;
- forms of visual information support;
- solving organizational issues;
- informing parents on issues of interaction between preschool educational institutions and other organizations and social services. services.
- Systems approach:
- Unity of diagnosis and correction of child development;
- The developmental nature of education, taking into account sensitive periods of child development;
- Integrity of approaches to correction of development, preservation and strengthening of the child’s physical, mental, spiritual health;
- integration, complementarity of all components of the correctional pedagogical process;
- expanding the space of childhood.
Analytical activities.
- Monitoring the system of medical and health work;
- Effectiveness in correcting violations according to the conclusions of the MPMK;
- A study of communicative abilities of imaginative thinking and school readiness.
Software and methodological support
1. Compensatory preschool program for children with intellectual disabilities “Correctional and developmental education” E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva.
Psychological, medical and pedagogical support.
a) medical impact
- preventive actions,
- symptomatic drug treatment,
- health monitoring,
- medical examination by narrow specialists,
- health-promoting activities.
b) correctional and pedagogical influence
- cognitive development,
- correction of verbal-motor processes,
- correction of speech development,
- the formation of gaming activities,
- formation of elements of work activity,
- health-preserving activities (valeology education),
- correction of sensorimotor disorders.
c) psychological, pedagogical and psychophysical impact
- formation of motivation for knowledge,
- formation of mental processes,
- formation of manual and fine motor skills,
- development of communication abilities.
Participants in the correctional pedagogical process
- pediatrician,
- psychiatrist,
- teacher-defectologist,
- educational psychologist,
- musical director,
- head of physical education,
- nurse,
- teacher,
- parents.
Model of a graduate of a kindergarten group for mentally retarded children
- Socially adapted, with good self-care skills.
- With developing and basic cognitive interests, the need and ability to communicate with peers and adults.
- With eliminated or minimized deviations in the sensory, motor and intellectual spheres and speech development.
- With generalized ideas about the world around us, contributing to the further development and improvement of security analyzers.
- A child who has mastered all types of activities provided for in the program of education and upbringing of children with intellectual disabilities.
- Mentally prepared for studying in a specialized school.
- Sufficient level of physical development.