Work with preschoolers on speech development in a preschool educational organization
The article is devoted to the forms and methods of work on the speech development of preschool children, which a teacher in a preschool educational organization can use in his work.
Key words: speech development, goals, objectives, conditions for speech development, subject-spatial environment, methods, techniques, forms, diagnostics, cooperation with parents, fine motor skills, origami, mnemonic tables, scoring cartoons, theater
Formation of a child’s correct speech is one of the main tasks of preschool education. However, a dynamic analysis of the practical situation over the past few years indicates an annual increase in the number of preschool children with speech disorders.
In this regard, the teachers of our preschool educational institution, and therefore me personally, were faced with the question of creating optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for the full speech development of children in the group. In order to achieve a purposeful step-by-step solution to this problem, I annually include tasks for the speech development of preschoolers in my annual plan. Solving the assigned tasks is carried out through various activities with children, teachers and parents. There is only one goal: to find effective methods to improve the quality of children’s speech development. Consistency in the actions of the teacher, specialists and parents will help improve the quality and efficiency of work on the development of speech in preschoolers with maximum consideration of the individual characteristics of each child. For the full development of children’s speech, I try to create the following conditions in my group:
− developing subject-spatial environment (speech corner, fiction corner);
− I purposefully work on children’s speech development in all types of children’s activities;
− I am increasing my competence in matters of speech development of preschool children (I study literature on this issue, attend webinars);
− I monitor the state of children’s oral speech;
− I provide consultations for parents on speech education of children.
“A child will not speak in empty walls,” E. I. Tikheeva noted at one time. When saturating a group space, I take care, first of all, that children can satisfy their important life needs in cognition, movement and communication in a group. My group has visual, game and demonstration material that provides a higher level of cognitive development for children and provokes speech activity.
In order to create an effectively developing subject-spatial environment, a speech corner has been created in the group. A variety of practical material for organizing speech games and activities has been accumulated and systematized: manuals for articulation exercises, sets of finger games, toys for the development of correct speech exhalation, thematic albums, games for enriching vocabulary, the formation of grammatical structure, coherent speech, the development of phonemic hearing and fine motor skills.
In all classes I pay great attention to the development of vocabulary, I carry out vocabulary work to learn new words. Systematic work is carried out on the formation of coherent speech and the development of grammatical categories. We are constantly working on the sound culture of speech, both in classes and during routine moments. During music lessons, together with the music director, we work on intonation expressiveness, clear diction, and breathing. Daily articulation and finger exercises are reflected in my calendar plans.
I use a variety of methods and techniques, forms of work that stimulate children’s speech activity. This includes the creation of problematic situations in which the child would need to speak out (express his request, opinion, judgment, etc.), solving speech logical problems, mini-experiments on logical problems, dramatization games, composing riddles, pure jokes , the use of supporting diagrams and pictures in teaching storytelling, inventing stories, talking about personal impressions, conversations based on what they read, etc. In order to improve my own competence in matters of children’s speech development, I participate in activities:
− Teacher councils, master classes.
− I get acquainted with modern methods and technologies for the development of speech by V. V. Gerbov, O. S. Ushakova on the formation of coherent speech and fine motor skills of the hands; about age-related patterns of speech development; on the prevention of speech disorders in children of primary preschool age.
− I take part in competitions.
− Pedagogical projects.
To study the state of oral speech of preschool children, I conduct diagnostics of children’s speech development. In my work I use diagnostic material by Yu. V. Karpova “Pedagogical diagnostics of the individual development of a child 3–7 years old. Toolkit".
Work on speech development is not possible without cooperation with parents.
Organizing work with parents aimed at developing the correct speech education of a child in the family is a necessary condition for creating a unified speech space. I increase the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of the child’s speech development, encouraging them to take action on the general and speech development of the child in the family through:
− Design of an information stand for parents...
− Consultations: “The speech environment in the family and its influence on the development of the child’s speech”, “The role of parents in the development of children’s speech”, familiarization with the characteristics of the speech development of children of a certain age, “Playing with fingers”, “The influence of speech disorders on school learning, on formation of a child’s personality”, etc.
− Individual conversations with parents based on the results of an examination of children’s speech.
− Consulting parents of children with problems in speech development (recommendations for visiting specialists: speech therapist, child psychoneurologist, referral to primary medical care).
− Practical advice for parents - showing articulation exercises for pronouncing certain sounds, games and exercises to consolidate the material covered.
− Showing open classes on speech development.
− Conducting parent-teacher meetings with the invitation of a speech therapist.
− Joint acquisition and production of games and aids for speech development.
Often children with speech pathology are motorically awkward, their hand movements and fine finger movements are poorly developed, so in my work I pay great attention to the development of fine motor skills: I conduct origami classes, finger exercises, salt dough modeling, etc.
You can develop your child’s active speech by training fine motor skills. It has been established that the development of fine motor skills of the fingers has a positive effect on the functioning of the speech areas of the brain.
Origami is an art close and familiar to children. The ease of paper processing and the interesting, quick results attract children: fold it, iron it, and there it is, a finished toy. With its help you can come up with fairy tales and take part in adventures. During the design process, the child verbally accompanies his actions (explains folding techniques), so children learn to correctly indicate the directions of folding paper (toward, away from, fold opposite corners, find the upper right corner, etc.), consolidate information about the structure of geometric shapes (sides, vertices, diagonals, etc.). Folding the paper is accompanied by the child's comments, whether he is happy or upset. While doing work, children express their attitude towards the subject of the activity. They talk about what they have already done and what remains to be done. Origami develops in children the ability to work with their hands under the control of consciousness.
In the course of studying the art of origami, work on the development of speech occurs; children become familiar with concepts such as “basic shape”, etc., and mathematical terms (“diagonal”, “angle”, “triangle”, etc.). Origami affects the development of fine motor skills and mental processes such as memory, attention, thinking, imagination, and, consequently, the development of intelligence in general. Children not only activate their mental operations, develop memory, thinking, and imagination, but also deepen their knowledge of the world around them and safe behavior, develop motor skills, strengthen artistic skills, and activate the child’s vocabulary.
Folding figures of the living world is accompanied by a story about them. In the process of working on origami, the teacher leads an educational story of different directions, introducing children to the world of animals and plants, various objects and their purposes, provides information on environmental content, information on safe behavior in nature. If children put together an animal figurine, then the teacher teaches the children a caring, but also careful attitude. Tells about their habits and habitat. Having created a figurine, children must play out the game situation they have invented. Thus, the child develops coherent speech and develops imagination.
In my work I use an effective method - mnemonic tables in classes on the development of coherent speech, which allows children to more effectively perceive and process visual information. Mnemonics - translated from Greek - “the art of memorization.” This is a system of methods and techniques that ensure successful memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, knowledge about the characteristics of natural objects, the world around us, effective memorization of the structure of a story, and, of course, the development of speech.
The essence of mnemonic schemes is as follows: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is created; thus, the entire text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.
To help children master coherent speech and facilitate this process, I use mnemonics.
Mnemonic tables - diagrams serve as didactic material in the development of coherent speech in children. They are used: to enrich vocabulary, when learning to compose stories, when retelling fiction, when guessing and making riddles, when memorizing poetry.
Mnemonic tables are especially effective when learning poems: for each word or small phrase a picture (image) is created; Thus, the entire poem is sketched schematically. After this, the child reproduces the entire poem from memory, using a graphic image. At the initial stage, I offer a ready-made plan - a diagram, and as the child learns, he is also actively involved in the process of creating his own diagram.
If it is difficult for a child to remember the lines of a poem, then with figurative pictures drawn for it, the efficiency of memorization increases by an order of magnitude. Establishing a semantic connection between a word or sentence and a picture helps the child understand the meaning of the poem, remember key rhyming words, and maintain the sequence of actions and events.
In my work I use a gaming technique that does not leave any child indifferent: voicing cartoons. In the process of dubbing cartoons, communication skills are developed and the ability to interact with a partner is improved. The importance of theatrical play for speech development is great (improving dialogues and monologues, mastering the expressiveness of speech). Theatrical play is a means of self-expression and self-realization for a child. I use all types of theater: table theater, hand theater, flat theater, soft toys, puppet theater, finger theater. Together with the children we make figures for a finger theater. While making a figurine, the child comments on his actions, and having done so, he comes up with many fairy tales. The child's speech is developing.
Of course, these are just a few of the games and techniques that I use to develop children's speech. We teachers need to remember that the choice of forms of work is made by the teacher independently, should be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children and depends on the number of students, the equipment of the preschool organization, cultural and regional characteristics, the specifics of the preschool organization, and the experience and creative approach of the teacher.
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