Cognitive development of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Cognitive development of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Inna Stolyarova

Cognitive development of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Content. 2

Introduction. 3

1. Basics of cognitive development of preschool children . 4

2. Content of cognitive development . 6

3. What does cognitive activity provide in a preschool educational institution ? 7

4. The main goals and objectives of the development of cognitive and research activities. 8

5. Types of activities for the cognitive development of children in preschool educational institutions . 10

Conclusion. 12

Bibliography. 13


The relevance of the problem of improving the quality of preschool education at the present stage is confirmed by the state's interest in the issues of education and development of preschool children . An example is the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education ( FSES DO )

The Federal State Preschool Education considers the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive as the main principle . The standard is aimed at developing the intellectual qualities of preschool children .
The goal of cognitive development is to develop the cognitive interests , needs and abilities of children, their independent search activity on the basis of an enriched consciousness and formed emotional and sensory experience.

1. Basics of cognitive development of preschool children .

Cognitive development of children is one of the important areas in working with preschool . A child is born with an innate cognitive orientation that helps him adapt to new conditions of his life. Gradually, cognitive orientation develops into cognitive activity - a state of internal readiness for cognitive activity , manifested in children in search actions aimed at obtaining new impressions about the world around them. As the child grows and develops, his cognitive activity increasingly begins to gravitate toward cognitive activity . Developed cognitive activity is characteristic of adults.

During preschool childhood, thanks to the child’s cognitive activity, the emergence of a primary image of the world occurs. The image of the world is formed in the process of development .

1. cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking)


2. information (experience and achievements accumulated by humanity on the path of understanding the world );

Information consists of individual information, facts, events in our world and the mental processes necessary to receive and process information. These include:

- what interests the child, what he chooses from the world around him for his knowledge ;

- how a child receives information, ways of knowing and means of knowing ;

- how a child processes information: what he does with it at different age stages - systematizes, collects, forgets, organizes.

Information is considered as a means by which it is necessary to develop in a child , skills, abilities, and ways of knowing cognitive development .

3. attitude towards the world (emotional reaction to individual objects, objects, phenomena and events of our world).

All components of the cognitive sphere are closely interconnected. The cognitive development of preschool children involves the work of teachers with all three components of the cognitive sphere .

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education highlights “Basic principles of preschool education

, including “the formation
of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities.”
2. Content of children's cognitive development .

Basic concepts of cognition :

Cognitive interests are the child’s desire to learn new things , to find out what is unclear about the qualities, properties of objects, phenomena of reality, and the desire to delve into their essence, to find connections and relationships between them. This is very clearly visible from the numerous questions that children ask about the topic being studied.

Cognitive actions are the activities of children, with the help of which they strive to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities. At the same time, develops and a constant need is formed to use different methods of action to accumulate and expand knowledge and horizons. These are all research and experimental actions with the help of which the child himself obtains the information he needs about the world.

Cognitive development is a set of quantitative and qualitative changes that occur in cognitive mental processes due to age, under the influence of the environment and the child’s own experience.

The task of cognitive development is the development of mental abilities. And abilities, in turn, are considered as conditions for successful mastery and performance of activities. The tasks set by the Federal State Educational Standard include the following formulation : “the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social , moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities.”

3. What does cognitive activity provide in a preschool educational institution

In children's institutions, everything is created so that the little explorer can satisfy his curiosity. In order to effectively develop the child’s cognitive sphere , the best option is to organize and carry out activities aimed at cognition .

Activity, whatever it may be, is an important component for the harmonious development of a child . After all, in the process the baby gets to know the space around him and gains experience interacting with various objects. The child acquires certain knowledge and masters specific skills.

As a result of this, mental and volitional processes are activated, are developed and emotional personality traits are formed. In preschool educational institutions, the entire program for the upbringing, development and training of children is based on the Federal State Educational Standard . Therefore, educators must strictly adhere to the developed criteria.

Pre-school education is the initial stage of universal secondary education. That is why so many requirements are imposed on it and uniform standards are introduced that all preschool educational institutions adhere to. The Federal State Educational Standard is a support for developing plans and writing lesson notes aimed at the cognitive development of preschoolers .

Cognitive development according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions pursues the following objectives: Encouraging curiosity, development and identification of the child’s interests. Formation of actions aimed at understanding the surrounding world , development of conscious activity. Development of creative abilities and imagination in children. 7

4. The main goals and objectives of the development of cognitive and research activities of preschoolers .

Development of cognitive and research activities . Development of children's cognitive interests , expansion of experience of orientation in the environment, sensory development , development of curiosity and cognitive motivation ; formation of cognitive actions , formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, causes and effects, etc.).

Development of perception , attention, memory, observation, ability to analyze, compare, highlight characteristic, essential features of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; the ability to establish the simplest connections between objects and phenomena, to make the simplest generalizations.

Introduction to sociocultural values. Familiarization with the surrounding social world, broadening the horizons of children, forming a holistic picture of the world.

Formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays.

Formation of elementary ideas about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts, primary ideas about the basic properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world: shape, color, size, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time.

Introduction to the natural world. Familiarization with nature and natural phenomena. Development of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena.

Formation of primary ideas about the natural diversity of planet Earth. Formation of elementary ecological ideas. Forming an understanding that man is part of nature, that he must preserve, protect and protect it, that everything in nature is interconnected, that human life on Earth largely depends on the environment. Developing the ability to behave correctly in nature.

The developing subject-spatial environment should be:

– content-rich;

– transformable;

– semi-functional;

– accessible;

– varied;

– safe.

The teacher should structure classes in such a way that the child is interested in research, is independent in his knowledge and shows initiative.

5. Types of activities for the cognitive development of children in preschool educational institutions .

The most important indicator of the development of a preschool child is the level of his mastery of various types of children's activities, which, on the one hand, serves as the source and driving force for the child's development , and on the other hand, it is in them that all his achievements are most clearly manifested.

Types of activities in which the content of children’s cognitive development is most effectively realized :

gaming, communicative, cognitive-research , perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work, design, visual, musical, motor.

In preschool age, play comes first in importance among the types of activities in which cognitive development .

The main types of games are role-playing, directing, theatrical, because these games satisfy the child’s desire for independence and active participation in the lives of adults. A game for a preschooler performs the same function as a textbook for schoolchildren; it helps to understand what is happening around them.

Communicative activities, compared to communication at an early age, become more meaningful. Children are able to express their opinions and set “chains”

questions, discuss serious issues, insist on something.

Cognitive and research activities , when properly organized, teach children to see a problem, look for ways to solve it, record the result, and analyze the data obtained.

Introducing children to reading fiction and folklore allows us not only to replenish children’s literary baggage, but also to raise a reader who is able to experience compassion and empathy for the characters, and identify himself with the heroes of the book.

Self-service and basic household work become noticeably more complicated and allow children to identify more properties of objects and gain new knowledge.

Construction, visual activity, musical activity, of course, mainly solve the problems of artistic and aesthetic development of children , but at the same time they learn a lot about the means and materials with which they work, and get acquainted with works of art.

Motor activity, to a lesser extent, but also affects the cognitive development of children . Firstly, it relieves stress, and in addition, here children receive a lot of information about their own body, its capabilities, and learn to understand through outdoor games. As part of motor activities, we introduce children to various sports, famous athletes, the Olympic Games, and form ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

During a walk, the teacher can use many outdoor games, and observe nature and its changes. Games based on natural objects help to better assimilate knowledge.

Thus, we can conclude that each type of activity makes it possible to realize the content of cognitive development , integrating it with other educational areas.


From all of the above, we can conclude:

The development of cognitive abilities and cognitive interest of preschoolers is one of the main and difficult tasks in the upbringing and development of preschool children . The success of their education at school and the success of their development in life on how developed children’s cognitive .

Purposeful and varied work of a teacher with children using various innovative and developmental technologies will lead to positive dynamics of indicators.


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3. Wenger L. A. Development of cognitive abilities in the process of preschool age [Text] / L. A. Wenger. - M.: Education, 1986.

4. Veraksa N. E. Child development in preschool childhood : A manual for teachers of preschool institutions [Text]/N. E. Veraksa, A. N. Veraksa. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.

5. Godovikova D. B. Communication and cognitive activity in preschool children [Text] /D . B. Godovikova // Questions of psychology. - 1984. - No. 1.

6. Godovikova D. B. Formation of cognitive activity [Text]/ D. B. Godovikova // Preschool education . - 1986. - No. 1.

7. Golitsin V.B. Cognitive activity of preschool children [Text]/ V. B. Golitsin // Soviet pedagogy. -1991. - No. 3.

8. Grizik T. Methodological foundations of cognitive development of children [Text] /T . Grizik // Preschool education . — 2008.- No. 10.

9. Education and training program in kindergarten. /ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova. M., 2007.

10. Development of cognitive abilities in the process of preschool education / Ed. Venger L.A. - M.: Education, 1986.

11. Conditions for the formation of cognitive motivation of preschoolers 5-6 years old // Psychological science and education. - 2011. - No. 1.

12. Formation of cognitive activity of preschool children : Collection of scientific works. - Shadrinsk, 1992.

13. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Approximate general educational program for preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.

Development of cognitive activity in preschoolers; methodological development (senior group) on the topic

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 45 “Volchok”

Self-education plan:

"Development of cognitive

activities of a preschooler."

Educator: Burkovskaya G.V.

Surgut 2021


One of the main aspects of the development of preschool children is the formation of their cognitive interests. The cognitive activity of preschoolers is very high: every answer from an adult gives rise to new questions. Modern children live and develop in the era of information technology. In a rapidly changing life, a person is required not only to possess knowledge, but also, first of all, to be able to obtain this knowledge himself and operate with it, to think independently and creatively. We want to see our students as inquisitive, sociable, independent, creative individuals who can navigate their surroundings and solve emerging problems. The transformation of a child into a creative personality depends largely on us, teachers, on the technology of the pedagogical process; in this regard, one of the main tasks of a preschool educational institution is the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities

According to the position of D. B. Elkonin, a preschool child, through the leading type of activity, learns the meaning of human activity. At preschool age, the child’s motivational-need sphere is formed. At this age, he is looking for answers to questions about why something should be done, accomplished, taught. Finding answers to these questions is one of the values ​​of this age. The cognition of a child, to a much greater extent than the cognition of an adult, is affective, event-based and individual.

GOAL: targeted development of the child’s personality and cognitive mental processes that underlie successful schooling.


  1. promote the development of cognitive processes: memory, attention, thinking;
  2. develop communication skills;
  3. promote the development of the emotional-volitional sphere;
  4. develop the creative abilities of preschoolers;
  5. develop fine motor skills and coordination;
  6. develop social behavior skills;
  7. promote increased self-confidence and development of independence;

develop a positive attitude towards peers

To solve the problems, the following methods were used: study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and educational literature on the topic; pedagogical observations, conversations.

In the course of teaching activities, the theoretical aspects of cognitive activity were studied, which is an active activity in the acquisition and use of knowledge. It is characterized by the child’s cognitive activity, his active transformative position as a subject of this activity, which consists of:

– the ability to see and independently set cognitive tasks;

– outline an action plan;

– select ways to solve the problem;

– achieve results and analyze them.

In the process of cognitive activity, the child’s cognitive development occurs, that is, the development of his cognitive sphere (cognitive processes) - visual and logical thinking, voluntary attention, perception, memory, creative imagination.

At the beginning of the 2016-2017 academic year, according to the results of a diagnostic study, the level of development of the group’s cognitive activity was 70%, at the end - 82%.

This indicates that pedagogical reality proves every day that the learning process is much more effective if the child demonstrates his cognitive activity.

Namely, activity is a necessary condition for the development of a child. In the process of activity, life experience is acquired, the surrounding reality is learned, knowledge is acquired, skills and abilities are developed, thanks to which the activity itself develops.

What is the role of the teacher in the development of cognitive activity?

In my opinion, the goal of a teacher’s work to develop cognitive activity is to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers. A means of developing children's cognitive abilities is the skillful use of such methods and techniques that ensure high activity of preschoolers in educational cognition.

The methods and techniques for forming experience that the teacher uses must take into account the level of children’s cognitive abilities, because impossible tasks can undermine the pupils’ self-confidence and will not give a positive effect. In their pedagogical work, methods and techniques for the development of cognitive activity were actively used in educational activities. They were implemented both in individual and group form, in regime moments. For example, the following topics were considered: “Autumn is walking along the path”, “Mother’s Day”, “What winter will give us, what will make us happy”, “The history of the Christmas tree decoration”, “Good deeds”, “Magic that helps”, “Children’s Week books”, “House of Kindness”, etc.

Therefore, the teacher’s system of work for the development of pupils’ cognitive activity should be built taking into account the gradual and purposeful development of the creative cognitive abilities of preschool children and the development of their thinking. During the learning process, the child carries out various actions in which basic mental processes appear: sensation, perception, imagination, thinking, memory, etc.

The cognitive activity program involved long-term planning of educational activities 2 times a week, with experiments and experiments, opening up a new world of objects and inanimate natural phenomena for preschoolers.

During the GCD, 3-4 experiments were carried out, depending on the complexity, in the form of a game-experimentation in the children's laboratory “The Unknown is Nearby”, always with a surprise moment, or with an unusual object, etc. The main form of children's cognitive activity, which was actively used, was experiments. Children with great pleasure carried out experiments with objects of inanimate nature: sand, clay, snow, air, stones, water, magnet, etc. For example, the problem was posed: to make a figurine from wet and dry sand. The children discussed what kind of sand was being molded and why. Examining the sand through a magnifying glass, they discovered that it consists of small crystals - grains of sand, this explains the property of dry sand - flowability.

The following topics were considered: “Magic tricks of Electron”, “Invisible air”, “Snowflake on the palm”, “Miracles with a magnet”, “Transforming water into ice”, etc. In the works of many domestic teachers (G. M. Lyamina, A P. Usova, E. A. Panko and others) talk about the need to include preschoolers in meaningful activities, during which they themselves could discover more and more new properties of objects. Their similarities and differences. About giving them the opportunity to acquire knowledge on their own. Relationships with children are built on the basis of partnership. Collaborative skills are developed. A child who feels like a researcher, who has mastered the art of experimentation, overcomes indecision and self-doubt. He develops initiative, the ability to overcome difficulties, experience failures and achieve success, the ability to evaluate and admire the achievement of a comrade, and readiness.

Thus, on the basis of knowledge of current theories about cognitive activity, the teacher’s task is to form the correct cognitive experience of a preschooler. The student must develop the motivation to achieve success and, conversely, it is necessary to reduce the desire to avoid failure. A child needs to grow up to be a self-confident person, capable of developing his personal and moral achievements.

Thanks to cognitive interest, both knowledge itself and the process of acquiring it can become a driving force in the development of intelligence and an important factor in the education of the individual. Gifted children are characterized by a strong desire to learn and explore the world around them. The child does not tolerate restrictions on his research, and this property, manifested quite early at all age stages, continues to be his most important distinguishing feature. The best way of personal development, the real guarantee of high intelligence, is a sincere interest in the world, manifested in cognitive activity, in the desire to use every opportunity to learn something.

TOPIC of the week TARGET
September "I'm in kindergarten" Tour of the kindergarten. Reduce the level of anxiety and aggressiveness; develop communication skills.
“Gifts autumn. Vegetables in the garden" To develop the ability to analyze the signs of autumn; To consolidate, clarify and expand children’s ideas about vegetables; Learn to distinguish vegetables by taste and touch; Learn to write a descriptive story.
“What a golden autumn it is! Rowan and viburnum berries" Enrich vocabulary on the topic “Seasons”

Learn to distinguish between rowan and viburnum berries. Compose a story using reference pictures; develop general fine motor skills; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

“It’s an autumn day outside. Autumn clothes. September 27 is the day of the teacher and all preschool workers" 1. Develop oral speech; develop the ability to analyze the signs of autumn; basic knowledge on the topic – “Mushrooms”; promote the development of creative abilities; cultivate love for native nature

2. Develop interest in the profession of a preschool worker; create a desire to imitate worthy behavior; cultivate respect, promote independent thinking and choice.

October "I and my family. Children in the family. Family walks. Going to the circus.

October 1 is International Day of Older Persons"

1. Enrich the idea of ​​the family, provide initial information about the history of the family, family relationships; clarify the most significant information about the child’s relatives; learn to build a family tree; cultivate a sense of respect for older family members; introduce your child to the holiday of elderly people.

2. Consolidate children’s knowledge about themselves (name, surname, age); about family composition (names, ages). Talk about family traditions; cultivate respect for family traditions.

1. Develop an interest in joint work and housekeeping. Develop housework skills (cleaning the room, collecting toys, folding clothes). Learn about the professions of parents, cultivate respect for other people's work and various professions.

2. Summarize and systematize knowledge about various types of human housing; to form a desire to understand the world around us; expand knowledge on the topic “Family”; consolidate concepts of family relationships; help the child realize himself, his involvement with loved ones, family; cultivate respect for elders.

“Our site in the fall. Maple in autumn" 1. Promote the development of thinking, cognitive interest, imagination; cultivate a desire to respect nature in everyday life; consolidate knowledge about the concepts of “Tree”, “Shrub”, “Herbs”, about the variety of sizes, shapes, in connection with the adaptability of plants to their environment.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about trees and their varieties. Introduce one of the varieties of trees - maple; talk about its changes with the onset of autumn (change in leaf color, falling leaves). Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

“Autumn in my city. Parks" 1. Continue observations in nature with the onset of autumn (decreasing day length, leaf fall, yellowing of grass and leaves); fix the names of the autumn months; signs of autumn in September-October.

2. Introduce the landmarks of your hometown - parks; signs of autumn coming to the city.

November “November 4 is National Unity Day.” 1. To form a love for one’s hometown and interest in its past and present; introduce the history of the name of the city, cultivate a sense of pride in their fellow countrymen; continue exploring the sights of the city; cultivate love for your hometown.

2. Give an idea that Moscow is the largest city in our country; lead to an understanding of what the main city, capital is; arouse interest in the most beautiful city of our country, a feeling of admiration; introduce people living in our country to the diversity of nationalities; bring the conversation to the celebration of National Unity Day.

“Birds in autumn. Who stays for the winter.” 1. Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about birds (appearance, habitat); their diversity; teach to divide into migratory and wintering ones based on the connection between the nature of food and the method of obtaining it; activate the vocabulary (migratory, insectivorous, granivorous, predatory songbirds, arrival); cultivate a caring attitude towards living nature.

2. Continue to consolidate knowledge about birds; talk about the species that stay in their hometown for the winter, and who flies to where during the winter; to develop the ability to establish simple connections between seasonal changes in nature and in the behavior of birds.

"Pets." 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about pets; teach to notice and name their characteristic features; consolidate the ability to identify and correctly name parts of an animal’s body and its abilities.

2. Maintain children's interest in watching pets; encourage comparison of animals (cat and dog), finding signs of differences and similarities (ears, eyes, tail, fur); activate children's speech; cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

"Mothers Day. Let's relax together. The last Sunday in November is the international holiday Mother's Day." 1. Introduce the concept of “rest” and show its necessity; to form the idea that people not only work, but also relax, teach to value free time, and fill it with reasonable and interesting things.

2. Introduce children to traditional holidays; instill a love for traditional holidays; develop an understanding of the names of holidays; increase the social significance of motherhood; developing a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to your family.

December “What will winter give us, how will it please us? Sledding and skiing" 1. Enrich and expand children’s knowledge about winter, its first month - December, using different genres of oral folk art; develop attention and observation in relation to natural phenomena; to form children’s understanding of winter changes in nature; consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in adverse weather conditions.

2. Consolidate knowledge about various sports; develop interest in various sports; desire to play sports; introduce winter sports (skiing, figure skating, sledding). (Internet)

“Trees that make you happy. What types of Christmas trees are there? 1. Summarize ideas about plants; consolidate the ability to distinguish and name parts of plants; form ideas about the needs of plants (heat, light, water); introduce children to the characteristics and living conditions of trees in winter; consolidate knowledge about the role of trees in winter.

2. Activate interest in the life of the winter forest; enrich the idea of ​​spruce and pine; evoke a desire to preserve the spruce; activate the vocabulary (spruce, pine, pine needles, landscape); to cultivate an ecological worldview: to evoke a negative attitude towards those who harm nature by cutting down spruce and pine trees.

“Decorate the forest guest! Toys and decorations for the Christmas tree" 1. Introduce children to glass production, its properties and applications; develop curiosity, tactile memory, attention; clarify children’s understanding of what objects can be made from glass; introduce people who work with glass to the professions.

2. Create conditions for expanding children’s horizons: introduce them to the history of Christmas tree decorations; arouse interest in modeling and making toys.

“Meet the holiday of miracles! New Year – making wishes!” 1.Introduce the customs of celebrating the New Year in Russia and other countries. Talk about why we decorate the Christmas tree. To form an idea of ​​the holiday and its meaning for people.

2. Developing in children patience, mutual assistance, the ability to reconcile their desires with the desires of others, helping the child establish friendly relationships with peers.

Formation of a personal emotional attitude to the facts of compliance and violation of moral norms.

January The winter vacation 1.Continue to develop the ability to understand what behavior is dangerous during winter games; the ability to avoid danger and take precautions; continue to teach how to use emergency telephones.

2. Instill a feeling of love for the countryside, its beauty, simplicity, naturalness, and inseparable connection with nature. Cultivate respect for its inhabitants. "Land of the Khanty"

Winter fun.

Let's make snow


1. Clarify and expand children’s ideas about winter changes in nature, about fun winter activities. Activate children's speech and thinking. To develop the ability to write a story about winter and winter fun.

2.To consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons. Learn to solve riddles and answer questions. Consolidation of knowledge of concepts on the right, left, up, down. Learn to recite poetry expressively. Reinforce your knowledge of the properties of snow and ice.

What are our girls made of?

Girls love


1. Continue to form an idea of ​​the relationship between girls and boys, their similarities and differences. Develop children's ability to observe, describe, compare. Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about the rules of etiquette and politeness.

2.Improve children’s knowledge in games with visual content. Develop children's creative imagination, artistic perception, ability to express feelings, impressions in children's creativity, enrich sensory experience.

Boys love to play.

Play with joy!

1.Enrich with new knowledge and skills of conflict-free communication. To consolidate the concept of “friends”, teach to understand the meaning of the words “friends”, teach to value friendship, take care of it; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance; instill love and respect for all living things.

2. Learn to look at objects, talk about them, naming color, shape, material and its qualities, properties; Develop attention, observation, memory, and the ability to use simple complex and complex sentences in speech; Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

expand children's vocabulary, develop coherent

speech. Strengthen the ability to describe a toy. Develop the ability to find

an object, focusing on its signs and actions.

expand children's vocabulary, develop coherent

speech. Strengthen the ability to describe a toy. Develop the ability to find

an object, focusing on its signs and actions.

February Folk


1. Introduce children to the history of Russia, clarify and expand knowledge about the characteristic features of Russian clay toys; instill interest in the artistic works of Russian masters.

2. Introduce children to Russian folk culture, broaden their general horizons; introduce the tradition of tea drinking in Rus', the history of the appearance of the samovar, and the rules of behavior at the table.

What kind of transport is there? 1.Consolidate knowledge about the concept of “transport”. Introduce the classification of transport: land, air, water. Strengthen knowledge of traffic rules and rules of conduct in transport. Teach safe behavior on the streets.

2. Expand ideas about professions. Introduce the profession of transport workers. Foster respect for the work of adults.

Military equipment 1.Improving children’s ideas about types of transport.

Expand children's understanding of military equipment. Introduce children to new names of military equipment and activate the vocabulary: armored personnel carrier, BMDS, infantry fighting vehicle, KA-52 helicopter, MI-8 helicopter.

2. Expand children’s ideas about the Russian army and their native country. To cultivate love for the Motherland, respect for the defenders of the fatherland. Introduce children to military equipment: tank, plane, ship and military professions: tank driver, pilot, sailor; Help children use words in speech in strict accordance with their meaning.

February 23 -

Defender's Day


1. Continue to introduce children to the history and traditions of the holiday on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Consolidate knowledge about the army, branches of the military, military professions; cultivate a respectful attitude towards the defenders of our Motherland.

2. To form in preschoolers their first ideas about the features of military service; consolidate children's knowledge about the branches of the military (sailors, pilots, tank crews, rocket men, artillerymen, border guards, paratroopers). To evoke in children a feeling of sympathy for the warrior, admiration for his courage, strength, and valor. To cultivate love for the Motherland and respect for its defenders.

March How to help

mom around the house.

1.Form a generalized idea of ​​where and who the pupils’ mothers work and what the value of their work is. Continue to introduce women's professions. Foster feelings of love, respect and care for women.

2. Teach to show care, attention, desire to help mom, to please her with good deeds and deeds;

March 8 -




Introduce children to the history of the holiday - March 8;

Expand children's understanding of the spring holiday - March 8; foster respect for all women; the desire to do something nice for mom with your own hands; development of speech, fine motor skills of fingers

2.Continue to teach children to compose creative stories from personal experience according to plan; learn to select verbs and adjectives for a noun; develop coherent speech through complete and grammatically correct sentences; cultivate love and respect for family members, cultivate the ability to listen to the stories of other children and evaluate them.

House of Kindness. 1.Give children an idea of ​​the spiritual beauty and mental health of a person. Continue to teach to be attentive to peers and take care of younger ones. Reinforce the rules of being kind to other children.

2.Formation in children of moral ideas about positive feelings and emotions (goodness and joy); show concern for others and be grateful for help.

In the world of a good fairy tale. To consolidate knowledge about Russian folklore using the example of fairy tales. Teach children to guess riddles based on the content of familiar fairy tales. To cultivate a love for Russian folk art.

To introduce the greatest wealth of Russian folk culture - fairy tales, to develop interest in Russian fairy tales; cultivate a desire to read them, to understand the deep meaning; know fairy tales by heart, independently compose new fairy tales with smart, kind thoughts.

The world of family in fairy tales. Develop an interest in books, the ability to listen and understand works of different genres, and respond emotionally to imaginary events; consolidate the skills of careful handling of books, intensify cognitive activity.

2.Recognize and name familiar fairy tales, stories, poems based on illustrations and lines from works. Answer questions from common works and draw conclusions. Develop the ability to observe, analyze, compare. Develop thinking, speech, and the ability to draw conclusions. To educate children in the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature.

April "Meeting of Spring" 1.Expand and generalize children’s knowledge about spring changes in nature; continue to teach children to answer questions, encourage them to participate in conversations - to develop memory and curiosity; cultivate a love for nature.

2. Clarify and systematize children’s ideas about spring changes in nature. To promote the development of the ability to apply one’s knowledge in practice and transfer it; independently analyze the results obtained; Develop ingenuity and visual memory;


12th of April -

Cosmonautics Day.

1. To consolidate children’s knowledge that April 12 is Cosmonautics Day; The first cosmonaut was Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin. To provide knowledge that human space flight is the fruit of the labor of many people: scientists - designers, mechanics, doctors, etc. (Internet)

2.Give an idea: about space, outer space; about the nearest star - the Sun; about the planets of the solar system; about the Earth's satellite - the Moon. To cultivate respect for the difficult and dangerous profession of astronaut. Learn to fantasize and dream. (Internet)

"Animals in the Forest." 1. Continue to introduce wild animals of your native land, their habits and living conditions. Talk about nature conservation, about human help to wild animals. Teach: connect observations with personal experience; keep a diary of observations.

2.To form children’s ideas that different animals live in the forest; winter is a difficult time of year for everyone; animals are differently adapted to life at this time.

"Spring Streams" 1. To introduce the form in which water exists in nature, various phenomena (rain, dew, snow, frost, ice, steam, etc.) and the state of water in the environment; instill skills of environmentally conscious behavior in everyday life; teach to understand the need to take care of water as a natural resource.

2. To consolidate knowledge about the basic rules by which people live; to give the idea that the main thing is not to know the rules, but to follow them.

May 1st of May!

May 9 is Victory Day!

1.State symbols of Russia. Continue to form the idea that Russia is a huge multinational country. Introduce the flag and coat of arms of the country. Foster love for your country and pride in it.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge that May 9 is Victory Day. To give children knowledge that the country was defended not only by the army, but also by partisans, among whom were children. To instill in children a sense of pride for their people and respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

"My family". 1.Form ideas about family composition. Improve the ability to write a short story about a family, naming the names and patronymics of relatives. Cultivate love and respect for your family members.

2. Expand the idea of ​​family. To form an idea of ​​family traditions, family relationships (uncle, aunt, niece, cousin, first cousin). Continue to cultivate a respectful attitude towards family and friends, towards your ancestry.

"Relaxation at the

sort of in the spring."

1. To form children’s ideas about how people care about nature, want to preserve it, create nature reserves. Introduce children to the Red Book and plants that are under protection.

2.Remember the basic rules of behavior in nature; to cultivate in children the ability to see, understand and love their nature, to treat all living things with care; consolidate knowledge of fire safety rules.

"Summer is coming soon!". 1.Consolidate knowledge about the dangers that await them on the street. Consider and discuss with children dangerous situations of possible contacts with strangers;

2. Introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature during a thunderstorm or fire. To provide knowledge about the rules of conduct when meeting animals and insects)

Diagnostic work

During the program, the teacher monitors the children’s results using tests, creative tasks, open classes, diagnostics, and parent surveys.

To track the dynamics of the development of students’ mental processes, an individual diagnostic card and a summary diagnostic table based on the diagnostic results are compiled.

Summing up the results of the program implementation is carried out in the form of diagnostic measures to determine the level of readiness of children for school, as well as group and individual consultations for parents

Evaluating the effectiveness of using the program

This program is carried out by me throughout the year. At the end of the year, the children learned to accept a learning task, accept teaching assistance, and think figuratively and logically. Children have fairly well developed voluntary attention, visual and auditory memory, and imagination; the motives for teaching are formed.

In the process of attending classes, children learn to accept and understand the learning task; develop graphic and mathematical skills, the ability for initial forms of generalization, classification and formation of elementary concepts; develop the ability to voluntarily regulate activity in accordance with given standards.


  1. Educational program for preschool education "Mosaic" edited by V.Yu. Belkevich, N.V. Grebenkina, I.A. Kildysheva
  2. Agafonova I.N. Express diagnostics of school readiness St. Petersburg 1997
  3. Dubrovina I.V. I work as a psychologist... M., 1999.

4. Origins: Model educational program for preschool education. — 5th ed. - M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 161 p.

  1. Konovalenko S.V. Development of cognitive activity in children from 6 to 9 years old. M., 2000.
  2. Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults. M., 2000.
  3. Matveeva L.G. Practical psychology for parents, or what I can learn about my child. M., 1999.
  4. Matytsin V.P. Prepare your hand for school - Tver. 1993
  5. Mukhina V.S. Age-related psychology. – M.1997
  6. Nartova – Bochaver S.K. Back to school soon! (exciting preparation of children for first grade). M., 1995.
  7. Savina L.I. Finger gymnastics. – M., 1999

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so UNT / Preschool education / System of indicators of competence development of children

Educational field COGNITION

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Educational field COGNITION

Having been born, the baby began his long and difficult journey in our world. In order to define yourself in it, to find your place - the true place of Man, you need to know this world, be able to navigate in it.

A child's cognitive development is a complex process. It has its own directions, patterns and features.

The goal of cognitive development is the formation of the child’s cognitive interests, needs and abilities, his independent search activity based on emotional and sensory experience.

Tasks of cognitive development of preschool children


§ expand your horizons through familiarization with the knowledge of the world accumulated by humanity.

§ develop cognitive interests (perception, memory, imagination, thinking) and mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, etc.) in accordance with the age norm

§ to make a conditions. promoting the fulfillment and maintenance of selective interests, the emergence of independent cognitive activity of the child

§ to form a positive attitude towards the world based on emotional and sensory experience

To achieve success, a child’s cognitive development must be developed as follows:

§ direct cognitive activity to obtain information that goes beyond the limits of directly perceived reality

§ help to establish connections and dependencies in the accumulated and received information about the world

§ to promote the further development in children of a caring attitude towards objects, the formation in the child of the position of a creator, helper, friend of representatives of the animal and plant world

§ create conditions conducive to identifying and maintaining the child’s first selective interests.

Full cognitive development requires the necessary coordination of the efforts of all adults surrounding the child.

Interaction and cooperation is, first of all, a dialogue that constantly enriches all partners and participants in the educational process.

The interaction of kindergarten teachers and parents is a necessary condition for the normal development of the cognitive sphere.

Early age from one to 2 years

The second year of a child’s life is characterized by the following most important features: he begins to speak and walk; masters different ways of working with objects.

Communication with adults is still a primary condition for the development of cognitive interest in the world around us.

At the 2nd year of life, a new, higher form of communication is formed in the child - cooperation,

during which children master cultural patterns of actions with objects. At the beginning of the 2nd year of life, children’s ideas about objects and methods of their actions with them are specific, situational, characterized by low generality, fragility, and instability.

The cognitive development of children of the 2nd group of early age is carried out through structural components.

· Orientation in the properties of objects

Develop basic understanding of toys

To form generalized methods of examining the sensory properties and qualities of objects - feeling, examining, comparing, juxtaposing, etc.

Teach children to use objects as a means to an end.

· Understanding the world around us

Develop visual and effective thinking.

To form the child’s elementary ideas: about himself, about loved ones, about food, about the immediate surrounding environment.

· Construction

To develop an interest in design and to involve in the creation of simple structures.

· Basics of ecology

To form ideas about living and inanimate nature: about animals living nearby, about plants at home, about natural phenomena.

· Elementary experimental activities

Develop ways to solve practical problems using various tools (cubes, sticks, household items, etc.).

· Elementary mathematical representations

Develop sensory skills by grouping objects by color, shape, size, promote memorization and recognition of objects by their most characteristic features and properties.

· Working with information

Create situations that facilitate the acquisition of new information about sounds, objects, toys.

1st junior group

(from 2 to 3 years)

The world of a two-year-old child is separate, concrete, real objects and subjects, between which there are practically no connections or dependencies.

A two-year-old child learns about the objective environment of the world in a way accessible to him - with the help of analyzers and manipulation with objects. A 2-3 year old child learns according to the principle “What I see, what I act with, that is what I know.”

Peculiarities of cognition in children aged 2-3 years (the object of cognition must be specific, real, visible, accessible for manipulation).

The cognitive development of children of the 1st junior group is carried out through the structural components of the content of the educational field.

· Orientation in the properties of objects

To promote memorization and recognition of objects by their most characteristic features and properties.

Develop coordination movements of the hands and fine movements of the fingertips.

Demonstrate and encourage play with objects.

· Understanding the world around us

Support the child’s natural desire to explore objects, objects and phenomena of the immediate environment, contribute to the accumulation and enrichment of the child’s emotional experience in the process of perceiving the phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Introduce people to the phenomena of social life: doctor, driver, hairdresser, cook, etc. Continue to form and expand children’s knowledge about a person and his external physical characteristics.

Introduce household items and their purposes.

· Construction

To develop children’s ability to construct simple structures on their own (house, turret, gate, bench) through adults acting out familiar scenes (matryoshka walking, etc.), to familiarize them with the properties of various materials (paper, sponge, wooden builder).

Develop the ability to navigate in space. Show the first ways of working with paper: crumpling and tearing, help to see an image in it.

· Basics of ecology

Continue to form ideas about the plant world (trees, grass, flowers, vegetables, fruits); about domestic and wild animals, about birds.

Expand your understanding of natural phenomena: seasons, weather phenomena and inanimate nature.

· Elementary mathematical representations

In the process of playing together, learn to identify the shape, color, and size of an object.

Learn to make pyramids of different colors and group objects according to 2-3 characteristics.

· Elementary experimental activities

Create conditions for the development of practical experimentation with objects, stimulate and support the search for new ways to solve practical problems.

· Working with information

Encourage the study of subjects, the ability to share their impressions of acquiring new knowledge.

Cognitive development of children

2 junior groups

(from 3 to 4 years)

Cognitive development in early preschool age continues in the following directions: the methods and means of orientation in the environment expand and qualitatively change, the child’s ideas and knowledge about the world are enriched in content.

The formation of the symbolic function contributes to the formation of an internal plan of thinking in children. With active interaction and experimentation, children begin to learn new properties of natural objects and individual phenomena - this allows them to make amazing “discoveries” every day. Friendly communication with the child on educational topics, creating conditions for practical experimentation. Promotes speech development. Curiosity and initiative.

The cognitive development of children of the 2nd junior group is carried out through structural components.

· Orientation in the properties of objects

Expand the child’s ideas about the objects around him and their purpose, give the first ideas about the similarities and differences in the properties of objects.

· Understanding the world around us

Develop ideas about household items and human economic activities. Give the child information about the physiological needs of a person. Learn to talk about your activities during the day. Learn to say his name, how old he is, and name the names of other children. Show existing simple patterns and dependencies.

· Basics of ecology

Maintain the child's interest in objects of living and inanimate nature.

Show how adults take care of plants and animals.

Introduce the basics of environmental behavior.

Cultivate an emotionally positive, caring attitude towards natural objects.

· Elementary mathematical representations

Learn to compose different sets, determine their quantity, recognize the size, compare, group

Learn to distinguish and compare 2 groups of objects using superposition techniques and applications. Develop the ability to determine the size of objects of contrasting sizes and their shape.

Learn to navigate in space away from yourself, and in time.

· Construction

To develop design skills from large and small building materials, using plot-game tasks. Teach paper crafting techniques.

· Elementary experimental activities

Learn to notice the expediency and purposefulness of your actions, to see the simplest causes and consequences.

· Working with information

Encourage the expression of interest in literary works as a source of new information.

Middle group

(from 4 to 5 years)

In the period from 4 to 5 years, significant changes occur in the child’s mental development associated with:

§ development of a number of mental processes (memory, attention, imagination, thinking);

§ a fairly high degree of speech mastery;

§ accumulation of a certain stock of ideas about the world.

The level of mental development of children by the age of 4 opens up the opportunity for them to master a qualitatively different way of understanding the world - the ability to receive and correctly understand information conveyed through words.

Now, in order to learn and understand, a child does not have to hold a cognizable object in his hands or observe a phenomenon. Interesting, exciting stories about the world from adults become a rich source of knowledge for him.

The ability to perceive information at the verbal level, not supported by visible images, and to assimilate the received information not through practical analysis, but at the level of mental operations, contributes to:

§ the intellectual development of the child, i.e. development of his mental abilities;

§ broadening your horizons;

§ the emergence and development of an extra-situational - cognitive form of communication with adults;

§ contacts between adults and children should be largely associated with cognition and active joint analysis of objects and phenomena of our world;

§ the teacher should look like an erudite and knowledgeable person in the eyes of the child;

§ The main means of communication between the teacher and the child is speech. Since it is the word at this stage of development that allows one to overcome the framework of the child’s direct experience.

The cognitive development of children of the 1st preschool group is carried out through structural components

· Orientation in the properties of objects

Learn to understand that objects with similar purposes can be of different shapes and made of different materials. Provide the opportunity to experience different weights, volumes, external and internal characteristics. Learn to name the properties of objects.

· Understanding the world around us

To give an idea of ​​the big and small Motherland: about the state symbols, traditions and customs of the peoples of Kazakhstan.

Form ideas about human economic activity

Introduce rules of conduct on the street and various types of transport. Introduce the features of knowledge architecture. To give an idea of ​​the differences between the man-made world and the world of living and inanimate nature.

· Basics of ecology

Expand the child’s opportunities for acquaintance with objects of living and inanimate nature, pay attention to the diversity of natural phenomena. Learn to classify natural objects. Create conditions for caring for natural objects. Continue to develop a caring attitude towards natural objects.

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