Various methods and techniques for working with preschoolers to implement the Federal State Educational Standard (manual for teachers)

Today, kindergartens use a variety of programs for the education and training of preschool children. However, all of them must comply with state standards of preschool education and be aimed at developing the five basic personal potentials of preschool children

Unfortunately, many parents today have to devote most of their time not to raising their children, but to work. That is why they are forced to shift the main “burden” of the educational process onto the shoulders of teachers in preschool institutions, where children spend 8-10 hours a day (on weekdays) - that is, almost all their waking hours.

Kindergarten is the first educational organization in children’s lives, where they learn to live in society. It is here that children acquire the first skills of independent contact, communication and interaction with people around them. Here they acquire new knowledge and skills, learn independence and master the basics of self-regulation. Here, for the first time, children have to negotiate with other children in order, for example, to get the desired toy, which contributes to the child’s communicative development and his desire to find a common language with strangers.

In other words, in modern society, preschool workers have a very important mission. In many ways, they are responsible for:

  • preparing every child for school,
  • development in children of skills and knowledge typical for their age group,
  • development of logical thinking, ingenuity and ingenuity of preschool pupils ,
  • nurturing positive character traits and an adequate worldview of children, etc.

It should be noted that today kindergartens use a variety of programs for the education and training of preschool children. However, all of them must comply with state standards of preschool education and be aimed at developing five basic personal potentials of preschool children:

  • physical;
  • communicative;
  • cognitive;
  • moral (value);
  • aesthetic (artistic).

The ideal “model” of a preschool educational institution graduate should include the following parameters:

  • hygiene skills;
  • high level of physical development and toughness;
  • confident mastery of basic types of physical activity;
  • the presence of intellectual prerequisites for effective learning at school;
  • efficiency, desire for knowledge and self-development;
  • developed imagination, interest in creativity; knowledge of the basic rules of discipline and the foundations of communication culture;
  • the ability to interact with a team and awareness of one’s capabilities.

Depending on the child development , the “model” of the graduate can be supplemented with other characteristics corresponding to the specifics of the educational organization.

“Forms, methods, technologies of working with preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”

The world of childhood is unique and inimitable; childhood impressions, good and bad, remain in people’s memory forever. Scientists have long discovered that the decisive factor in the development of certain characteristics of thinking is not the experience itself (knowledge, abilities, skills), but the methods of its assimilation. Creative activity is a reliable assistant in raising and teaching children.

Our OOD is structured in such a way that one type of activity is replaced by another. This allows us to make the children’s work less tiring and intense. Game forms allow you to activate the cognitive interests of preschoolers, surprise, and ignite the flame of curiosity. In play activities, children intensively develop their powers of observation, memory, and imagination.

People have been using games as a learning method for a long time. Gaming activities can be used in the following cases: a) as independent technologies for mastering a topic or section; b) as elements of a broader technology; c) as a lesson or part of it (explanation, reinforcement).

Communication games involve working in pairs, groups of large and small, and as a whole group, while participants must be able to move freely around the room. For such games, a subject-spatial environment or child development centers are created, with rich mobile, replaceable material.

The pedagogical process should not impose a template approach to solving tasks; it should respect and develop the uniqueness of the individual style of each preschooler.

The educational games that I use in my classes are based on the principle of organizing classes in small groups. This makes it possible to include all children in active work, organize competition between teams, and develop the ability to work in a team. Game situations help create a positive attitude towards learning and development, which is a necessary prerequisite for successful learning of the material. Education is based on the following types of activities: cognitive, playful, creative, communicative. As a result, preschoolers will have sufficiently developed

moral standards of behavior, culture of communication in a team, ability to cooperate. When using games in my work, I take into account that they must have two principles: educational and cognitive and entertaining. Of the wide range of methods and techniques for working with children, those play activities that allow them to comprehensively solve developmental, educational and educational tasks are primarily used.

I also use the project method in my work. The essence of this method is to stimulate children’s interest in certain problems that require mastery of a body of knowledge, and through project activities to show the practical application of the acquired knowledge. If we talk about the project method as a pedagogical technology, then it involves a combination of research, search, and creative methods. Preschool age is fertile ground for the education, upbringing and development of a child - this period in the life of children is characterized by sustained attention, observation, and a surge of cognitive interest. That is why the most effective method in teaching children is the project method. This method develops interest in various areas of knowledge, develops skills in collective and independent work, activity, and helps connect learning with life. Project activities make it possible to unite a teacher - a senior friend and mentor, children, parents and other teachers - into one team.

Selection of teaching methods

The choice of teaching method for preschool children is most often made by the teacher in any form. When choosing a method, the teacher takes into account a number of factors, such as:

  1. Educational goals facing a preschool institution, based on the state standard and the guidelines of modern didactics.
  2. Taking into account the peculiarities of the content of the science or subject being studied.
  3. Features of the teaching methodology of a specific academic discipline, due to its specifics.
  4. Purpose, objectives and content of educational material for a specific age level.
  5. Taking into account the characteristics and individualities of children, their age-related capabilities and needs.
  6. Level of readiness of children. They take into account the level of education, development and knowledge.
  7. Material and technical capabilities of the children's educational institution, the availability of the necessary visuals, methodological and teaching aids, and technical means.
  8. The capabilities and characteristics of the teacher, the level of theoretical and practical preparedness, methodological skills, and his personal qualities.

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Goals and objectives of preschool teachers

The main goal of preschool education will be to promote self-realization and development of each person in a civilized society, therefore, teachers and educators in kindergartens try from an early age to introduce children to universal moral, cultural and educational values ​​- kindness and honesty, love of neighbor, respect for parents , to hard work and diligence, curiosity and improvement of personal qualities, to mutual respect in relationships with other people, to responsibility, discipline and creativity.

Based on the goals, the most important tasks of preschool pedagogy will be:

  1. assess the personal qualities that can be developed in a child during the preschool period;
  2. justify the types and methods of educational activities;
  3. organize the educational process so that the child’s creative potential acquired in kindergarten is preserved throughout his entire education at school.

Of course, preschool age is a key period in the development of a child, therefore preschool teachers bear a huge responsibility to society, and in order to perform their tasks efficiently, they must have certain skills and competencies. Teachers at our academy will help you gain the necessary knowledge in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology and master the profession of a preschool teacher (primary school teacher) in a professional retraining course.

And we will tell you what methods teachers use when working with preschoolers.

What exactly do teachers use in the educational process and how to choose the right method?

In practice, teachers and educators choose methods for teaching children, guided by the objectives of the educational process, as well as the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers. The choice of a specific technique depends on the upcoming lesson in kindergarten and its ultimate goals.

  1. Visual techniques

    include observation (the skill of peering into the phenomenon of the surrounding world, noticing changes, additions, identifying the cause and drawing the right conclusion) and demonstration (visual representation of both familiar and still unknown objects).

  2. Practical techniques

    involve performing exercises (repeated repetition of mental or practical actions for better assimilation), conducting experiments (research to acquire knowledge) and modeling (map, plan, manual).

  3. Through gaming techniques

    imaginary situations are created (for example, a market game to study types of vegetables), and teachers also invite children to participate in didactic games (for better assimilation of knowledge).

  4. Verbal techniques

    – this is a conversation, story and reading fiction (suitable for studying and remembering information, developing imagination and memory).

Of course, we, adults, must not forget that kindergarten is the child’s first experience in independent life, therefore, in addition to the necessary skills, educational methods should bring the child joy and pleasure from his first achievements.

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