Long-term planning of work on traffic rules in the senior group

Long-term plan for working on traffic rules with older children

A long-term work plan to familiarize preschoolers with the rules of the road

for children 5 – 6 years old (senior group)
“Rules of behavior in public transport”

Goal: learn the basic rules of behavior on the bus.

Literature: Avdeeva N. N. “Security”

, lesson 37, page 144.

O. V. Korchinova “Children’s etiquette”

page 80.

Didactic games

"City Street"

goal: to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, about various types of transport, and traffic rules.

"Three traffic lights"

goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior for drivers and pedestrians on the street; consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light;

teach children to distinguish road signs (warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, informational, intended for drivers and pedestrians. (T. F. Saulina “Three traffic lights”

page 3).

Plot-role-playing game:


goal: to teach to be attentive drivers, to correctly observe traffic lights, pay attention to installed road signs, and follow their recommendations.

1. S. Mikhalkov “My Street”


2. G. Ladonshchikov “Traffic Light”

3. O. Bedarev “The ABC of Security”



“Parents are an example for children in following traffic rules.”



"I'm walking down the street"

Goal: To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, traffic rules, and various types of transport; acquaint children with dangerous situations that may arise in certain sections of the pedestrian part of the street and with the appropriate precautions, various methods of fencing off dangerous areas of the sidewalk.

Literature: N. N. Avdeeva “Safety”

Lesson 41, page 125.

L. I. Zhuk “Protect childhood”

page 63.

T. F. Saulina “Three traffic lights”

page 18.

Didactic game

"Types of intersections"

goal: to introduce children to the types of intersections; teach the rules of crossing the street; develop attention and observation.


goal: to teach children to distinguish between road signs for drivers and pedestrians; develop attention and skills of conscious use of traffic rules in everyday life. (T. F. Saulina “Three traffic lights”

pages 6 and 7).
View multimedia
“Riddles from a traffic light”

Goal: to develop the ability to solve riddles, develop thinking and imagination.

Plot-role-playing game:

"We travel by car"

goal: to help children remember road signs and rules of safe behavior on the street, to use assistants - road signs in unfamiliar areas.

Drawing and coloring

various types of transport.

1. S. Marshak “Ball”


2. S. Mikhalkov “Loafer traffic light”

3. A. Dorokhova “Crossroads”

(book by E. Ya. Stepanenkov
“For preschoolers about the rules of the road”
p. 26).


"Road Safety"


drawings (together with children)
“Road Rules”



“Getting to know the traffic signs”

Goal: to teach children to distinguish and understand what some road signs mean: “Railway crossing”

“Pedestrian crossing”
“Wild animals”
- warning;

"No entry"

“The passage is closed”
“Bicycles are prohibited”
- prohibiting;
“Circular traffic”
“Pedestrian path”
- Literature: N. N. Avdeeva
lesson 38, p. 117.

E. Ya. Stepanenkova “For preschoolers about the rules of the road.”

Didactic games

"Guess what sign"

goal: to teach children to distinguish between road signs for drivers and pedestrians; develop attention and skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life.

"Put up a road sign"

goal: to teach children to distinguish road signs; develop attention and spatial orientation skills. (T. F. Saulina “Three traffic lights”

pp. 5, 6).

Looking at the album

"Public transport"

Goal: to expand knowledge about modes of transport, distinguish and name public modes of transport, fix public transport stop signs. Plot-role-playing game:

"Chauffeurs and Passengers"

goal: to teach children to be attentive and considerate towards other people on the bus.

1. S. Marshak “Traffic Light”

2. S. Mikhalkov “Cyclist”

3. S. Mikhalkov “Bad History”

4. G. Yurmin “Favorite Mouse”

Movable folders:

“Adults! They are imitating you!” — “On the importance of teaching children traffic rules.” — “Discipline on the street is the key to pedestrian safety.”



"Safe behavior on the street"

Goal: discuss with children various dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the yard and on the street; teach precautions in such situations.

Literature: N. N. Avdeeva “Safety”

Lesson 39, page 122

"Lessons of Aibolit"

page 18.

Didactic games

"Our street"

goal: to expand knowledge about the rules of pedestrian

and the driver in street conditions.
(L. Zhuk “Protect childhood”
p. 88).

"To cross a street"

goal: developing attention on the road, reinforcing traffic rules. (L. Zhuk “protect childhood”

page 64).

Plot-role-playing game:

"Cyclists and drivers"

goal: to reinforce in the game the rules of safe behavior in the event of dangerous situations when children are riding a bicycle, scooter, or roller skates.

Drawing road signs

Goal: remembering the appearance of road signs and their designation.

Looking at a book

"Special machines"

Goal: to clarify the purpose and name of the special transport “Firefighter”

, etc.

1. S. Yakovlev “A stupid elephant is reading a book”


2. V. Golovko “Traffic Rules”



for parents “Safe transportation of children in a car.”



“Journey into the past of transport” Program content: develop a retrospective view of objects; help children navigate the past and present of land, water, and air transport.

Literature by O. Dybin “What happened before...”

p. 119.

Didactic games

"Traffic Controller's Signals"

goal: to teach children to follow traffic controller signals, to know what they mean. (L. Zhuk “Protect childhood”

page 65).

"Answer the traffic light"

goal: to consolidate the rules for crossing streets and roads using dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the yard of a house. (L. Zhuk “Protect childhood”

page 66).


Topic: “Monitoring traffic on a rural street”


Goal: to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules on rural streets, distinguishing and naming modes of transport.

Plot-role-playing game:


goal: continue to teach children to follow the rules of safe behavior


“Street” (using construction kit, paper, waste material)

Purpose: to clarify the location of houses, green spaces, roadways and sidewalks

Examination of the illustrations
“The street is full of surprises”
Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the rules for crossing the road in winter

1. N. Nosov “Car”

2. N. Konchalovskaya “Scooter”


3. O. Bedarev “The ABC of Security”



for parents on road safety.


Together with your children, determine a safe place in the yard for skiing and sledding.



"Safe behavior if you are lost"

Goal: to teach children the rules of behavior on the street, in order not to get lost, and if this happens, what to do, how to behave.

Literature: N. N. Avdeeva “Safety”

Lesson 43, page 129.

Shchipitsina "The ABC of Communication"

page 233.

Didactic games

"On your marks "

goal: to consolidate knowledge of road signs and compliance with their recommendations.

"Attentive pedestrian"

goal: development of attention and responsibility on the road. (L. Zhuk “Protect childhood”

page 67).

Show of the puppet theater
“Respect the traffic light”
goal: to consolidate knowledge about the purpose of the traffic light, the designation of its signals, its necessity for the safety of people on the road.

Book "Three traffic lights"

page 31.

Plot-role-playing game:



Goal: to reinforce the rules of safe behavior on the roadway and the ability to provide basic assistance. Using dangerous situations (playing on the road)



"Pedestrians walk down the street"

Goal: to encourage the transfer of impressions from the environment (at home, transport); consolidate the ability to draw a human figure in motion, observing the proportions of the figure and body parts

1. S. Mikhalkov “Bad History”


2. O. Bedarev “If…”

3. V. Semernin “Forbidden - allowed”



"Causes of children's road traffic injuries."


Together with your child, think through and find the safest route from home to kindergarten.



"Journey into the Car's Past"»

Goal: to introduce children to the history of the car; consolidate knowledge about car parts and their functions; encourage children to compare different types and brands of cars.

Literature: O. Dybina “What happened before...”

page 133.

Didactic games

"Nimble Pedestrian"

“Singing traffic light”
goal: development of attention in children, the ability to act according to established rules. (L. Zhuk “Protect childhood”

page 68).

The plot-role-playing game
“Car Repair Shop”
aims: to consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about professions, to clarify what a car mechanic does, what basic parts a car has, what parts it consists of, what types of passenger cars the children know.

Looking at albums

"Types of transport"

PURPOSE: distinguishing between types of transport, destination, behavior on the road.

Independent games in the traffic corner

GOAL: using a street model, teach children to move on the sidewalk and with vehicles on the road. Reinforce knowledge and recognition of road signs.

1. I. Leshkevich “Ice”


2. Y. Pishumov “Song about the rules”


3. A. Dorokhov “Fence along the sidewalk”



When traveling outside the city with children, pay attention to traffic signs (shape, color, purpose). Consultation

for parents “On the importance of teaching preschool children traffic rules.


Writing a story from personal experience

“How to get from home to kindergarten”

Goal: to develop monologue speech, to contribute to the formation of children’s perception of conversations about their behavior on the street.


“Traffic light” - exercise running, the ability to act on a traffic light signal

Didactic games at the request of children

Goal: to teach children to independently organize and conduct educational games, following the rules.

Plot-role-playing game:

(at the request of the children)

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge acquired previously and from past gaming experience, to monitor the consistency of actions, the unification of the plot and the distribution of roles.

Goal: to involve children in dramatic performances on the topic of behavior on the roads and on the street, thereby consolidating all the knowledge acquired previously.

1. A. Dorokhov “Underground passage”


2. L. Galperstein “Tram and his family”


T. F. Saulina “Three traffic lights”


"Safety in public transport."

Sliding folder

for parents.

Topic: “Help children remember the rules of the road.”


Teach children to give up seats to elderly people, women, and girls on public transport.

Teach them to behave calmly in transport, not to walk around the cabin unless necessary, and to maintain cleanliness.


Final KVN

"Green Street"

Goal: attracting parents, schoolchildren and children of the group in order to consolidate knowledge and create a sense of confidence and knowledge of traffic rules.

Literature: L. Zhuk “Protect childhood”

page 71.

Plot-role-playing and didactic games:

(at the request of the children )


goal: to consolidate the ability to independently organize and conduct games.


joint works
“Together with Mom”

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