When are the minutes of the parent meeting drawn up and why is it needed?
Each collective meeting of parents and educators requires consolidation of the topics discussed and decisions made on paper - this role is played by the minutes of parent meetings in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard: they record the decisions made by the institution’s staff and parents of students during the meeting.
Why compose it? Why such bureaucracy? If complaints arise from parents, this document is proof that the administration of the institution acted within the law, and the preparation of minutes of parent meetings in the kindergarten is a mandatory procedure, the implementation of which should be approached with the utmost seriousness.
What issues are brought up for consideration?
At the meeting, issues related to educational work and the child’s adaptation to kindergarten are discussed, and a document is drawn up. In particular, the following topics are raised:
- what are the age characteristics of preschool children;
- what is the task and role of educators;
- who will be part of the parent committee;
- what functions will the committee members perform in the preschool educational institution?
Important! All issues raised are indicated under the heading “Agenda”. Regarding the decisions made, they are also reflected in the corresponding section.
Thus, based on the results of the discussion with parents in the kindergarten, protocols are drawn up. The document contains a list of participants, issues discussed and proposals heard. Based on the results of the meeting, organizational decisions are made, which are also recorded in the document. Next, you can download ready-made protocol samples.
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Compilation rules
It is most convenient to keep it on the same paper medium (for example, allocate one large notebook for this or file printed protocols in one folder).
Before the start of a meeting or at the beginning of the school year, a person should be selected to serve as secretary on a one-time or permanent basis. It is advisable that he (she) has experience in such a matter.
There is a short and extended form of the protocol of parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten - the latter option is chosen when discussing ambiguous issues, when every word is important.
We recommend that you first draw it up as a draft, and after the end of the event, rewrite it completely or print it on a computer.
To save time, you should develop a protocol template for the parent meeting in kindergarten in advance and use it in the future. The template consists of the following parts:
- title;
- agenda;
- solution;
- conclusion.
Let's take a closer look at what points should be contained in each part.
How to draw up a protocol correctly
Each meeting should begin with summing up the results and completed tasks. If this information is entered into a magazine, then there is no point in writing data about the kindergarten every time, since they are indicated on the cover. The title of the document is simply written in the middle, and below is the date of the parent meeting. After that, write down what issue was considered on the agenda and what decision was made. Below must be a list of present and absent parents. In the upper right corner there is a “header” that contains information about the preschool educational institution, characteristics of the group (what age it is intended for), and its leader. In the lower right corner after the text, the secretary puts his signature, after which he passes it to the teacher for signing.
As you can see, there are no special tricks in keeping minutes of meetings in kindergarten. Everything is quite simple and intelligible. Proper maintenance of this journal will help the parent team not to lose sight of important moments in the life of the group and resolve issues that arise in a timely manner. Try to regularly fill out the protocol according to the above requirements, and you will be able to systematize the accumulated and solved tasks. Keep the journals for each year until your group graduates from kindergarten.
The procedure for maintaining minutes of parent meetings in kindergarten
The list of mandatory documents and important papers always includes a journal in which all minutes of parent meetings are kept. In some cases, they start a new one every year, but this is not true. It will be better if there is a voluminous journal in the garden for several years in which all entries will be kept. In the kindergarten, parents participate and help as much as they can: in decorating and renovating the group’s premises, staging matinees, accompanying and organizing events, excursions, and providing children with toys and materials for creativity. The child feels especially good in this group if his parents are interested in the moments happening in the kindergarten.
There are several types of active participation of parents in the life of the group, which are important to constantly discuss, and, therefore, enter their status into the protocol. This protocol is completed by the appointed secretary, elected at the beginning of the year. It would be great if the parent team has an executive person who has the opportunity to fill out minutes at each general meeting. At first, everything is written in a draft, and then transferred to the journal. Drawing up such a protocol should not be the responsibility of the teacher-educator. All he can do is provide a sample to the secretary. For a clear example, you can ask for a log of protocols from a neighboring group of your children's educational institution. Try to stick to the same filling style.
Document drafting plan
Since the minutes of the parent meeting is a mandatory document, it is drawn up according to certain rules. Let's look at an approximate template that is intended for use in a kindergarten. A similar form is used for school meetings.
- Date of the event.
- Name of the group and preschool educational institution.
- Theme of the meeting.
- List of those present. If the total number is within 10, you can list the parents by name.
- Invited participants. A medical professional, speech therapist, or administration representative can join the discussion. If any of these persons were present at the event, it is worth indicating their full name and position.
- Chairman. As a rule, a member of the parent committee.
- Secretary. Also selected from parents.
- Agenda. Under this separate heading, all the issues that will be raised at the meeting are listed.
- Progress of the meeting. Speakers are listed here based on the main topics of the meeting.
- Decisions based on the results of the discussion. The final definition obtained as a result of joint work fits in. If there are several solutions, they are listed under numbers.
- Signatures of the chairman and secretary with transcript.
In some cases, voting is provided for issues discussed at meetings in kindergartens. In this case, it is worth sorting out the design and displaying the results separately, breaking them down into points “for”, “against”, “abstained”.
Document structure
The elements that are included in it are the following:
- Background information about the event (date, time, place, etc.).
- Agenda.
- Solution.
- Signatures.
Not a single sample protocol for a parent meeting in a kindergarten would be complete without an event agenda - this is a key component.
Here are recorded:
- list of questions for discussion. This briefly describes the flow of the story, the questions asked - everything that is important;
- information about the speaker;
- Voting results. If a decision was made not to vote, the item is deleted.
You can add a “Miscellaneous” item to the end of the part. Additional questions and suggestions are included there.
Decisions made during the event are divided into three types.
- general, they affect all participants;
- individual, for individual performers;
- questions on which participants could not reach a consensus. The reconsideration is postponed to the next meeting, which is reflected in the minutes.
Be sure to include the citizens responsible for completing the assigned tasks and the deadlines for their implementation.
To save time, it is wise to draw up a rough implementation plan before the event and adjust it along the way.
The results of the discussion should be read by all participants.
For absent parents, the results must be posted on the information board of the preschool educational institution.
After everything has been approved and read by interested parties, the document is certified by the signatures of the secretary and chairman of the meeting. Sometimes the signatures of everyone present are required.
Instructional and methodological letter for preparing minutes of parent meetings
In accordance with uniform requirements in the preparation of documentation, uniform rules are introduced:
The parent meeting is the main form of joint work between parents. Here decisions on the most important issues of life are discussed and made. Its main purpose is:
- coordination, coordination and integration of the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally pure and physically healthy child’s personality;
- improving the pedagogical culture of parents, their role, responsibility and activity in the life of the kindergarten;
- promote the unity of the parent team, the involvement of both parents in the life of the preschool educational institution;
- development of collective decisions and uniform requirements for raising children;
- promoting the experience of successful family education.
Parent meetings are held once a quarter (4 times per school year), but can be held more often if necessary. Its effectiveness largely depends on the focus, thoughtfulness and thoroughness of the preparatory work of teachers and members of the parent committee. The main elements of preparing a parent meeting include the following:
- choosing a meeting topic;
- determining the goals of the parent meeting;
- studying by teachers and other organizers of the collection of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration;
- conducting micro-studies in the community of children and parents;
- determining the type, form and stages of the parent meeting, methods and techniques for the joint work of its participants;
- inviting parents and other meeting participants;
- development of the meeting’s decision, its recommendations, and instructions to parents;
- equipment and design of the venue for parent meetings.
Let us consider each of the listed elements of preparatory work in more detail.
Inviting parents and other meeting participants
It is advisable to invite parents to the meeting twice: the first time - 2 - 3 weeks before the meeting, so that they can plan their participation in the meeting in advance, and the second time - 3 - 4 days in advance in order to confirm information about the date and time of its holding. It is recommended to use invitation cards made by pupils with text approximately as follows: “Dear Evgeny Nikolaevich and Larisa Leonidovna (necessarily both parents), we invite you to take part in a parent meeting on the topic: “The role of the family in the formation of moral education”
, which will take place on March 20 at 18:00 in the group (or music room, etc.). We hope that you will express your opinion on the issue under discussion. Sincerely, Natalya Viktorovna and members of the parent committee."
When taking care of ensuring the attendance of parents, we must not forget about the timely invitation of other participants in the meeting, because representatives of the administration of the preschool educational institution, a teacher-psychologist, a teacher-speech therapist), employees of cultural institutions, medicine, law enforcement agencies and others can take part in it.
The parent meeting consists of three parts:
- introductory;
- main;
- final.
Introductory part.
Upon entering the group, the teacher meets parents and invites them to familiarize themselves with exhibitions of literature and creative works of students.
The parent meeting is opened and led by one teacher or the chairman of the parent committee: the topic and agenda of the meeting are announced, tasks are named, and those invited to the meeting are introduced. This message should be short but meaningful. It is important that in the first minutes of the meeting, parents are mobilized, interested and ready to actively participate.
Main part.
This part is related to the implementation of the main ideas of the meeting. It is in this part that the most important information is presented, collective discussion takes place, and a joint search for ways and means to solve the problem under consideration is carried out. Public discussion of parents is not allowed, even in the form of minor reproaches; it is better to draw the parents’ attention to these shortcomings in an individual conversation.
Final part.
This part of the meeting includes:
- decision-making;
- analysis of what happened at the meeting.
At the moment, a pre-prepared draft solution is being finalized.
meeting, then it is approved. It is important that the final stage of the meeting becomes a prologue to further joint work. The formation of cooperation is more successful if the meeting ends with “minutes of gratitude”, during which teachers thank parents for their success in education, celebrate those of them who took an active part in preparing the meeting and shared their experience of family education (it is more appropriate to present medals, prizes, etc. .d., prepared by students).
Registration of the agenda in the minutes of the parent meeting:
1. Workshop “Speech games with children.”
Answer: teacher-speech therapist Full name
2. Conversation “About rational nutrition.”
Answer: food technologist Full name
Registration of the progress in the minutes of the parent meeting:
1. On the first question, the speech therapist teacher (indicate full name) spoke about the importance of using games for the purpose of development...
2. Likewise.
Attention! As many items as are listed on the agenda, the same number should be included in the decision.
Development of a meeting resolution.
The decision is a mandatory element of the parent meeting. However, its adoption is not
Dagogs and PTA members sometimes forget. But it is very important that each meeting has a consequence aimed at improving the joint educational work of the family and the preschool educational institution. Otherwise, it is difficult to get the desired effect even from a meeting that was held with a high turnout and interested parent participation. Therefore, teachers should draw up a draft decision of the parent meeting 2–3 days before the meeting. The decision is written in the form of a list of planned actions with a mandatory indication of responsibilities and deadlines, for example:
- Make garlic beads.
Responsible: parents.
Deadline: until December 10, 2008
- Purchase a uniform sports uniform.
Responsible: parent committee.
Deadline: until September 20, 2008
- Strengthen numeracy skills in everyday activities.
Responsible: parents.
Duration: permanent.
When developing a solution, it is advisable to use the help of a teacher - psychologist, teacher - speech therapist, teacher-speech pathologist and other kindergarten workers.
List of sources and literature used:
- N.M.Metenova “Parents meeting in kindergarten”, “YarPK”, 2000
- O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotkova “Parent meetings in preschool educational institutions”, “Iris Press”, 2006
- E.N. Stepanova “Kaleidoscope of parent meetings”, “Sphere”, 2005
- N.A. Alekseeva “Kaleidoscope of parent meetings”, “Sphere”, 2005