How do I prepare for consultations?
I plan consultations for the entire academic year, so I decide on topics in advance and select material for the conversation. Of course, I look for information in my favorite online store “UchMag”.
There are such manuals on our topic:
- “Interaction with the child’s family. Planning interaction with families of pupils for the year. Senior group from 5 to 6 years old: parent meetings, consultations, reminders for parents, family holidays. Set of 16 double-sided cards";
- “Interaction with the child’s family. Planning interaction with families of pupils for the year. Preparatory group (from 6 to 8 years): parent meetings, consultations, reminders for parents, family holidays.”
By the way, I recommend watching a video from the publishing house teacher on family education and teaching children.
It would seem, what problems can arise from children's toys? But no, inquisitive and thoughtful mothers and fathers understand that this is a very serious question that requires clarification.
Consultation for parents “What toys do children 4-5 years old need?!”
“What toys do children 4-5 years old need”
A child’s emotional world cannot develop without toys
They allow the child to express his feelings, explore the world around him, be able to communicate and get to know himself. Children love to play with dolls and cars. And not only. These can be various toys
: children's dishes, rubber and soft
(domestic and wild animals, puzzles, cubes, dolls, cars, musical instruments
(tambourine, bell, piano, guitar)
Every child should have this toy
, which he may regret.
After all, only she will help him overcome the fear of loneliness, for example, when his parents
turn off the lights and he needs to fall asleep.
And only with a toy
can a child dream.
cannot exist without play.
And play is a form of organizing children's life activities. Without toys
, a game cannot exist.
And at every age, toys
can be different in theme and purpose.
These are role-playing games ( "Barbershop"
"Dining Room"
" Pharmacist"
With the help of role-playing games, the child quickly becomes independent and active. And also implements his knowledge and skills. The child creates a game of future life
A child learns about the world in role-playing games. And at the same time, the child should not be forced to play
, he should have his own freedom of choice. But it is important that the imagination is rich. There are also outdoor games. Outdoor play is a motor active activity of children associated with certain rules. Children perceive outdoor games, where the child gets to know the world around him. Children develop thinking, dexterity, ingenuity, moral and volitional qualities, intelligence, imagination, imagination; social qualities are formed. Thanks to play, the child tries to express his feelings and desires, helping to reflect motor experience in his imagination and behavior. Ball games play an important role in working with children. When a child plays with the ball: hits, throws, throws. During play, children develop their eye, motor movements, attention and thinking.
Didactic games are aimed at the development, education and training of preschool children. In these games, the child develops attention, memory, intelligence and observation. Play is indispensable as a means of developing correct relationships between children. In it, the child shows a sensitive attitude towards a friend, learns to be fair, to give in if necessary, and to help in trouble. And of course, the child uses toys
, pictures, observations, experiments. With the help of didactic games, a child can express his thoughts, use nouns, verbs, adjectives and prepositions in speech, and his creative imagination also develops. Didactic games are an indispensable means of teaching children to overcome various difficulties in mental activity.
During speech development classes, you can use didactic games with children: “Say a word”
“On the contrary”
“Say the sentence”
“Describe the picture”
“Collect the picture”
Therefore, you can use various toys
Round dancing games help create a good mood, develop attention and perform movements. This is a whole set of gaming exercises that include music, singing, and free movements. I believe that round dance games in kindergarten play an important role. They develop a sense of rhythm and ear for music, and also help improve motor skills.
Of course, a child should have a certain set of toys
, which contribute to the development of his sensory perception, thinking and broad horizons.
With the help of the game, the child develops an interest in communicating with peers, the child develops memory and attention, and he orients himself in space.
Children begin to show emotions. And his emotionality is distinguished by the variety of ways of expressing his feelings: joy, sadness, grief, pleasure. The child is able to show sympathy and empathy. Independence begins to emerge.
from modern life.
Puppet theater (can be a family of animals, a dollhouse, furniture, dishes, cars, a boat, a cash register, scales, medical and hairdressing supplies, watches, washing machines, stoves, televisions, crayons and a board, abacus, musical instruments, railways, telephone.
, helping to “throw out” aggression.
Toy soldiers, guns, balls, inflatable pears, pillows, rubber toys
, jump ropes, skittles, as well as darts for throwing, etc.
for the development of creativity, imagination, attention and observation.
Cubes, nesting dolls, pyramids, construction sets
, alphabet books, board games, cut-out pictures or postcards, paints, plasticine, mosaics, craft kits, threads, pieces of fabric, applique paper, glue, etc.
When buying toys
use a simple rule:
toys should be chosen
, not collected!
By the age of four, role-playing becomes the child’s main activity. Many toys become unnecessary
, because
become interested in what is new.
So, a pencil can become a magic wand, green leaves can become money, ornaments drawn on paper can become carpets in a doll’s apartment. Therefore, at this age, the child will benefit most from
handmade toys
By the age of five, large toys
gradually cease to occupy the child and move from the play area to chairs, beds, and cabinets. But sets of little animals and soldiers capture the child’s interest and emotions. Children develop fantasy and imagination, thinking ceases to be concrete, but the emotional world is enriched.
And one more piece of advice. Dear parents
Don't take your child to the toy store
The child is seduced and there are many tears. You need to drive when
you yourself are ready to give your child joy, take him to the store and make him a holiday.
Thus, the game cannot exist without toys
. Thanks to play, a child develops attention, memory, imagination, fantasy, interest in the world around him, and communication with peers and adults. Games enrich children's speech. The child develops attention, thinking, intelligence, observation, speed of movement, and dexterity. Games help strengthen the child's movements.
Play is a child’s independent activity that develops as a personality. Play is where a child develops and what makes him active and happy. Toys
can be varied, as they differ in subject matter.
The toy
must be selected for each development
(artistic-aesthetic, cognitive, FCCM, speech)
The toy
should evoke a feeling and desire to play with it.
Through play, a child develops thinking and imagination. But for a fun game, a child needs a good toy
The most common questions parents have about toys
So, what do the parents of my students ask me:
- Why does the baby quickly lose interest in the fun?
- How to teach people to put away their toys?
- Do you need to make car dolls for your baby with your own hands?
- What to do if a preschooler constantly demands new expensive toys?
Of course, there are many more questions on this topic, but these are the main ones. We all know, literate ones, that play is the main and most important activity of a child before school. With its help, he develops comprehensively and learns about the world. But it is not enough to give a child a doll and hope that he will be able to come up with interesting educational games on his own. But this is my sore subject, I got a little distracted...
So, I will answer the questions in order. I would like to note regarding the first problem that it is quite natural for children to lose interest in something, even after 5 minutes. The kid is disappointed in the toy, he is used to having everything bought for him on demand and therefore does not know how to truly enjoy and appreciate the doll car, does not know what interesting games to come up with with the new toy.
We adults can also experience disappointment and loss of interest, but we know how to hide it from ourselves and others. For children, on the contrary, it is unnatural to hide feelings. So it turns out: you bought an expensive or not very expensive teddy bear, the little one cuddled it for exactly 10 minutes and forgot about it. We are perplexed, offended by the child, appeal to his feelings of gratitude...
But the fact is a fact: it’s not interesting. The advice is this: you shouldn’t predict your baby’s desires and buy a toy the first time he wants it. Let her really want it and ask him to tell you what he will do with her, how to play. It is necessary that preschoolers from an early age develop the ability to listen to their true desires: are new cars (dolls) really necessary or can they do without?
Toys. Consultations for parents – Consultation for parents “Games and toys in a child’s life”
Publication “Consultation for parents “Games and toys in life...” Consultation for parents “Games and toys in a child’s life” “A game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity,” noted V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Childhood is a time of play. All of them develop a little person, help him explore the world, learn to build...
Image library "MAAM-pictures"
Round table for parents of middle group children “I talk, play, or how to develop a child’s speech” Round table for parents of middle group children “I SPEAK, PLAY, OR HOW TO DEVELOP A CHILD’S SPEECH” Goal: increasing parental competence in matters of speech development in preschool children. Objectives: • creating an atmosphere of emotional comfort and trust; •…
Memo for parents on organizing children's games MEMO FOR PARENTS Dear parents! When organizing a child’s game and becoming a participant, remember the following rules: • Story-based play is very important for a child’s development. Be sure to play with your baby! • Playing with a child should take no more than 15-20 minutes. • Get interested...
Consultation for parents “The meaning of speech games” Dear parents! In our age of gadgets and super-technologies, we must not forget about correct and competent speech. Sometimes our children cannot formulate their thoughts normally. But it is precisely in preschool age that mastery of the native language occurs, when he hears all its charm in...
How to teach your child to put away toys?
The second question is burning for most of us. But everything is simple: initially, as soon as toys appear in a child’s life, the habit should immediately appear after playing of putting them in separate boxes by type: Kinder figures - one box, cubes - another large one, construction set - another container. Soft companions can be planted on a shelf, etc.
If you haven’t taught it from a young age, you can correct the situation: together with your child, we go and choose containers, boxes, baskets for each type of toys in the store. And then in the evening we establish once and for all an inflexible rule - play, clean up. You can help your child, of course, but don’t get carried away and be sure to praise him after cleaning.
Believe me, children need rules, they do! This makes their life calm, protected, orderly. But if the mother herself is a slob, is it worth hoping that the child will be neat?
Next, question three: is it necessary to make toys for children and with children with your own hands?
The topic is extensive and worthy of a separate article. It’s strange to me when educated people ask me about this. After all, it is not because of our poverty that I propose to start making toys from rags, cardboard, matchboxes, etc. Such joint activities are extremely enriching for both the child and the parents.
In addition, motor skills, dexterity, the ability to work with different materials, and creativity, in the end, are developed. By the way, if you don’t have time to make crafts at all, you can buy the following blanks: a set for creating a “Chicken” paper box toy. It’s also a great way to warm up children’s fingers if you buy the “Sea Sand for Modeling” creativity kit.
I remember my friend’s son asked me to buy a toy character from the computer game “Worms,” or something. This, of course, was not found on sale, but my mother sewed a worm from an old sock. What do you think: this was the boy’s favorite toy for at least six months! And the family is not poor; my mother would have bought that worm ready-made if she had found it. After all, the very first toy on earth is folk, homemade. Do not disdain the legacy of thousands of years...
Let children play not only fun, but also usefully.
Contained in sections:
- Toys 1977
- Consultations for parents 57455
Includes sections:
- Gadgets. Harm and benefit 128
- Home theater. Consultations 78
- Games in the kitchen with children 116
- Lego, LEGO. Consultations and recommendations 146
- What to do with a child. Consultations 725
By groups:
- Junior group
Showing publications 1-10 of 9407. All sections | Toys. Consultations for parents
The best
Consultation for teachers “Types of games and their classification” MBDOU Nizhnegorsky kindergarten “Cheburashka”
Consultation for teachers : “Types of games and their classification”
Prepared by Senior teacher Burkaltseva T.O. P. Nizhnegorsky, 2021 Classification of types of games and their functions Children's games are a heterogeneous phenomenon. Due to the variety of these games...
Consultation for parents “Games with the family” Games with the family Khochukalki. An adult slowly draws a letter in the air with the tip of a pencil, and the child is asked to guess the letter, but not to immediately shout the correct answer, but, having overcome his “I want to shout”
, wait for the adult’s command and whisper the answer….
What to do if your child constantly demands new toys?
At this point, blame yourself, dear moms and dads: oversaturation is fraught with the fact that the desire will increase, but at the same time the pleasure from what is received will decrease proportionally. If the situation cannot be resolved through persuasion, if the baby is hysterical after hearing a refusal to buy a new doll, you will have to ask for help from a child psychologist.
By the way, while the situation is not yet critical, you can and should do the following trick: periodically, sort through the toys and hide those that the baby does not play with. After a couple of months, give him new, well-forgotten old toys. Don't lie to your child that you bought a new one. Just say: look what a machine. It has been tested many times, children are inspired like they were bought a brand new train, for example.
I understand that I haven’t given much useful advice, but there is still a lot of material planned ahead, everything will be, I promise. In the meantime, I say goodbye. Feel free to share links to my articles and subscribe to news.
Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh