Physical education in the senior group on traffic rules “Journey to the Land of Traffic Lights”

Physical education in the senior group on traffic rules “Journey to the Land of Traffic Lights”

Warm-up game “Lucky Chance”

(children must answer the questions quickly):

— What is the name of the part of the road along which vehicles move? ( Roadway.)

—An animal whose name denotes a section of the roadway? (Zebra.)

— What is the name of the sounding instrument of a traffic police officer? ( Whistle.)

— What is the name of the silent tool of a traffic police officer? ( Rod.)

— At what traffic light should you not cross the road? ( Red)

— Name the part of the road along which pedestrians walk? ( Sidewalk


— What is the name of the place where passengers wait for transport. ( Stop


— At what traffic light can you cross the road (Green)


Today we have 2 teams meeting that will show their knowledge of traffic rules. Guys, but in order for you to travel around the country of Traffic Lights, you need to pass the tests.

The game " Traffic Light "


When the color red is shown, children stand still. When yellow is shown, they clap their hands; when green, they stomp their feet.

1 competition “Pass the Baton”

(Team captains, at the teacher’s signal, run to the identifier-cone, run around it, return to their team and pass the baton to the next one).

2nd competition “Cautious Driver”

(the first participants have a steering wheel in their hands, and a bag of sand on their heads. At the teacher’s signal, the team captains must quickly walk to the identifier-cone, return, pass the steering wheel to another, without dropping the bag of sand on their heads)

3rd competition “Cheerful Taxi Driver”

(Teams line up behind the starting line in a column one at a time. The first participant, the captain, has a hoop in his hands. At the teacher’s signal, the team captains, putting on the hoop, run around the identifier-cone, grab the first player in the hoop and together with him run to the identifier-cone , the captain leaves the passenger there and runs after the next one. The relay ends when all team members have traveled in the “taxi”)

4th competition “Pedestrian road”

(each child is given a strip of white paper; at the teacher’s signal, the child must run to the identifier-cone, put down his piece of paper and stand on it, then the next child runs, and thus a pedestrian crossing is built)

5th competition “ABC of Road Signs”

(the teacher shows traffic signs, the teams take turns guessing and calling them)


Well done, guys, we made sure that you know the rules of the road, but most importantly, don’t forget to follow them.
Traffic rules are very important .
Every adult and child should know them. Do not violate them, and then you will not have accidents on the roads.

In kindergarten we will constantly learn something new about the rules of the road. And our journey around the “Traffic Light” country is coming to an end.

Paper applique

Everyone has such a material as paper in their home. Therefore, making our Traffic Light will not be difficult.

What we need:

  • Sheet of cardboard
  • Colored paper
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors
  • Stationery knife
  • Scotch
  • Gouache
  • Brushes
  • Sippy cup and water

So, let's get started:

  1. First we need to take a sheet of cardboard, it should be rectangular in shape.
  2. Dip the brush into water and then into black paint and decorate our cardboard.
  3. While the sheet dries, let's work on colored paper. We need certain colors: red, yellow and green. It is these flowers that our craft consists of.
  4. Take scissors and cut out circles. To make them even, you can use a compass or use improvised objects.
  5. This could be a glass or mug.
  6. You can add originality to our traffic lights and cut them into different shapes, so that you can then glue them onto our signal circles.
  7. They can be in the shape of hearts or small flats with which you can decorate everything.
  8. You can use glitter or eggshells this way. It all depends on your imagination and the imagination of your child. As shown below in the picture.
  9. In the meantime, the cardboard has dried and we can connect all our parts.
  10. You need to make marks on the cardboard so that the circles are glued at the same distance from each other.
  11. Then we smear the colored circles with glue and carefully glue them each into place.
  12. There is red at the very top, yellow in the middle, and green at the bottom. We wait. Let it dry. And look what we got.

Traffic light from a plastic bottle

This fabulous option is very easy. Let's turn on our imagination. We will need:

  • Plastic bottle
  • Brushes and paints (preferably gouache)
  • Colored paper
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors

Work progress:

  1. We choose a plastic bottle, it is better to take the one with a longer neck.
  2. We paint it a neutral color (meaning not red, not yellow, not green). Let it dry.
  3. Next, we cut out circles from colored paper for the traffic light itself and details for our fairy-tale character. These are eyes, mouth, nose, ears, hands.
  4. The bottle is dry. Carefully glue the finished parts and, of course, the circles, making sure that the distance between them is the same.
  5. But our hero cannot be without hair! We also make hair from paper. Cut into thin strips and twist with scissors.
  6. We also make the cap out of paper. And look what happened. To fully complete our hero, we will add a rod or a road sign to the handles.

Plasticine traffic light

What child doesn’t like to stretch their hands with plasticine? But don’t just stretch it, create something. In this case we will make a traffic light. For this we need:

  • Plasticine
  • Chupa Chups stick
  • Pen refill


  1. First we need to make the body of our road assistant.
  2. Let's take a piece of black plasticine and knead it thoroughly, giving it the shape of a rectangle.
  3. Next you will need to use red, yellow and green plasticine. From these pieces you need to roll into small circles.
  4. Then, carefully take them with your fingers and flatten them a little.
  5. And at the end we assemble the traffic light craft. Glue the circles to our body.
  6. A traffic light, as everyone knows, is mounted on a pole; you can use a candy stick or a pen rod as a pole.
  7. The fake is ready.

Birth story

Exactly one hundred years have passed - and the traffic light has become an important, vital attribute of highways.

It all began in America, in 1914: on August 5, the first progenitor of the modern apparatus appeared in the city of Cleveland.

He was clumsy, antediluvian, had only two eyes - red and green. When the light switched, the device made a sound, and the device was controlled by a police officer in a glass booth. It is this day that is taken as the starting point in the life of this invention.

In fact, the roots of this unusual device are much deeper. Back in the 19th century, the Englishman Jay Knight invented a device that was installed in 1868 in London.

They controlled it manually, and when it got dark, they turned on a gas lamp for illumination. A year later, one “eye” exploded, and the policeman who operated the device received “combat” wounds. After this incident, the traffic light was forgotten for half a century.

In 1910, the first automatic traffic light was invented and patented.

The usual apparatus with three signal lamps appeared only in 1920. It was installed in Detroit and then smoothly spread to cities in America and Europe.

It reached Russia 10 years later. The first device was installed in Leningrad, a little later - in Moscow. In Ukraine, a three-eyed friend of pedestrians and drivers appeared in 1936, in the city of Kharkov.

The purpose of a traffic light is to regulate traffic. And even small towns can no longer do without this important device.

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