Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world in the junior group “Transport”.

Complex lesson in a nursery group on the topic “Transport”

Shcherbakova Yulia

Complex lesson in a nursery group on the topic “Transport”

» Complex lesson in the nursery group “Transport” «

Types of children's activities:

Gaming, communicative, educational and research,

musical and artistic; reading fiction, productive.


teach to distinguish by appearance and name trucks, cars, buses, as well as their main parts: cabin, steering wheel, body, wheels, windows

develop speech, attention, general motor skills;

Planned results:

knows how to find objects following verbal instructions from an adult;

responds emotionally to outdoor games;

takes an active part in drawing;

demonstrates emotional responsiveness to age-appropriate literary and artistic works.

Materials and equipment:

toy cars, plane, ship, truck, car, motorcycle, helicopter, bus;

pictures depicting different types of transport

Whatman paper for collective drawing using non-traditional drawing techniques (stamps)

Organized educational activities:

Fixing transport names.

1. The teacher names a toy vehicle, and the children show it. (Car, plane, ship, truck, car, motorcycle, helicopter, bus)

2. Children look at the pictures and, at the teacher’s request, show transport.

Game “How noisy is transport?”

There is a lot of noise from transport. Let's remember and pronounce the sounds that we hear from transport:

• The car tires rustle on the road: “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.”

• The car is stuck in a ditch and is slipping: “Dzzz-dzzz”, Jzh-jzh”

• The pilot starts the plane’s engine: “Rrrrr-rrrr=rrrr.”

• The plane took off: “U-oo-oo-oo”

• They start the motorcycle, and it makes the noise “D-d-d-d-d-d” louder and faster.

• A train passes by: “Chuh-chukh=chukh.”

Introducing children to the poem “Truck” by A. Barto.

Listen to a poem about how a cat decided to go for a ride in a car.

No, we shouldn't have decided

Ride a cat in a car:

The cat is not used to riding -

The truck overturned.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “We are going, going, going”

Children listen to music and beat out the rhythm with rattles.

- Make some noise at the top. Tap the rattles on the floor. Tap the rattles on your knees. Hands with rattles to the sides. Hide the rattles behind the back.

Construction game “Car Garage”

When night comes, you and I go to bed in our beds at home. And real cars go to sleep in a special house for cars, called a “garage”. Now you and I will build a garage for our car. Take the cubes. Place them like this. And be sure to cover the top with a roof. Now our cars have their own garages.

Massage “These are the wheels”

For a car to move, it needs wheels. Look where the wheels are on your car? Spin the wheels by hand. Now let the car ride on your palm. Like this. I went along the handle, I went along the leg.

The wheels of the car are spinning and spinning,

They spin and spin, they drove through the whole city.

Collective drawing with stamps “Crossroads”

Look how big our sheet of paper is. Now we will all draw a real road with cars and a traffic light together.

(We draw the road with car treads, everything else (traffic lights, trees, cars) with foam sponges)

This is such a real crossroads we have!

Summary of a lesson in kindergarten on the topic: Transport. Junior group

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with a vehicle for children of primary preschool age “Transport comes in different forms”
Program content: - teach children to distinguish by appearance;
name trucks and cars, buses, trains, airplanes, as well as their main parts: cabin, body, steering wheel, wheels, doors, windows, trailers, wings, body and tail of an airplane; - enrich children’s vocabulary with the words “car”, “train”, “plane”, “passenger”, “railroad”, “highway” - teach children to act in an imaginary situation; — develop children’s motor activity — create conditions for friendly relationships. Progress of the lesson:
Organizational moment. Children run into the group on horses. - We rode on a horse and we were a little tired. You, horse, rest, look at the kids (the children put up the horses) Educator: Look, guys, how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them. (Children say hello) The teacher draws attention to the table on which the cars are located and asks a riddle. -Four wheels, Rubber tires, Motor and brakes, What is it? (Machine) Main part. Looking at toys. Avtomobilnaya station. (There are toy cars on the table: a car, a truck, a bus) Educator: Yes, these are cars, but each car is called differently. Who knows what this car is called? And this? And this? (Children call: car, truck, bus). These are all cars. Name the main parts of the car? (Children list the main parts of the machine). Children Wheels, steering wheel, seats, cabin, body, door, windows. Educator: check if all the cars have a steering wheel, seats, maybe some part is broken (Children look at the cars, note that everything is in order with all the cars) Educator - Children, who drives the cars? (Driver, chauffeur) - What is the name of the road along which cars move? (Highway). — What is the name of the road along which pedestrians move? (Sidewalk) The teacher invites the children to leave their cars in the parking lot and go traveling by car: - Open the tank, Pour gasoline, Close the tank, Pump the wheels, Check the signal, Start the engine, Take the steering wheel and. - The car, the car is humming, In the car, The driver is sitting in the car. Beep beep, beep beep. Here is a field, here is a river, here is a thick forest, the children have arrived, the car, stop. Educator: - Guys, what is this? What is the name of this car? (Bus). I suggest we go further by bus. I'll be the driver. Take your seats. Citizens passengers, do not forget to purchase tickets. Dear passengers, what stop are you going to? (Children’s answers). That’s right, to the “Zaporozhskaya” stop, because our kindergarten is located at: Zaporozhskaya street, building 31 “A” Educator: - Attention! Stop "Zaporozhskaya" Get off. Station "Railway" - What kind of interesting car is this? Children: This is a train. Educator -What does the train consist of? Children: -Cars, wheels. Educator: - What is the name of the road along which the train moves? Children: - Railway. Educator - What can a train transport? Children: - Cargo, passengers. Educator - I suggest we go further by train (Children stand one after another, arms bent at the elbows) Educator: - Let's go: - Let's check the wheels. - How does the train sound? — How is the train going? - Go. Educator: - Here is our train rushing, the wheels are knocking. And the guys are sitting on our train. Chukh-chukh-chukh-chukh, The train rushes at full speed. (Stop) Airport station Educator: - Again, an interesting car. what is it called? Children: - This is an airplane. Educator: - What parts does the plane consist of? Children: - Body, wings, tail, landing gear. Educator - Where does the plane move? Children - He flies in the sky. Educator : -Guys, let's fly with you like airplanes. -We start the engine, the wings are straight, we fly! -The plane is flying, the plane is buzzing. Uh-uh-uh. I’m flying to Moscow, the Commanding Pilot is calling me to follow me. (Planes landing).

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