Summary of the role-playing game "School" preparatory group

We use "Mail"

With the transfer of a large part of correspondence to the virtual world, the plot-role-playing game “Mail” is gradually losing its relevance. However, it is considered classic for work in preparatory groups of kindergartens. She is interesting, again, because of her profession. The work of a postman is shrouded in a flair of romance in the eyes of children: while working, you can ride a bicycle and please people with good news.

Marshak’s poem “Mail” perfectly illustrates the work of the post office. You can supplement your reading by watching suitable cartoons. And if the district post office is located next to a kindergarten, do not be lazy to organize a group visit: boys and girls are already able to understand the purpose of the work of the receptionist and sorter.

Suitable supplies for the scene include envelopes of various sizes, postage stamps, glue, as well as cardboard boxes, adhesive tape and cards for parcel information. Stationery stores offer postage stamps, however, you can make one yourself from a simple stamp.

As they work, it is important for students to understand the idea of ​​sorting letters and organizing their forwarding. Introduce them to the concept of index at a basic level.

Subjects for dramatization can be different: joint preparation of a letter for sending, removal of letters by postal workers on the instructions of the manager, sorting of printed materials by type: newspapers, magazines. The kids’ favorite plot twist is “The postman brought a parcel.” Delivery of a letter or parcel is accompanied by a greeting, clarification of the address, delivery of the parcel and a request for a signature. You can use a specially created mailbox with your own hands with the name and address indicated on it.

Reading is the best learning

A logical continuation of the school theme will be the role-playing game “Library”. Like the previous option, in the preparatory group of the kindergarten it is greeted with great enthusiasm, especially if the preparation for it includes a visit to the House of Books.

The lesson is designed to develop in students an interest in books and a caring attitude towards them, as well as to introduce children to the profession of a librarian.

Before playing the game "Library"

A visit to the Palace of Books will be an exciting event for children. Most city libraries organize group visits and answer questions from those interested: how to care for books so that they last a long time, how to keep a large number of books in a logical order, and how to quickly find the one you need? Teachers supplement this information with the basic rules of reading books: they remind you of the prohibition of tearing and crushing books, drawing in them, and teach you to turn the pages correctly. It is important to give children the opportunity to examine the work of all departments of the library: the living room, subscription, reading room and restoration workshop.

Of course, after the inspiration received, each student himself knows what equipment is needed for the stage - books. You can put 2-3 shelves and fill them with books of various types. You should also create something like a subscription and a card index. Dialogues can be played out between a librarian and a group of students looking for books to work on at home. Pay attention to the main rule of behavior in the library - maintaining silence. Switch to whispering dialogues with your children: this will not only immerse you in the atmosphere of the library, but will also serve as a useful exercise for children’s articulation apparatus.

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