Summary of a drawing lesson in the 2nd junior group. Topic: “The house where I live.”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Program content: Learn to draw rowan, highlighting the characteristic features of the bunch. Reinforce the idea of ​​the color red; cultivate interest in collective creativity. Continue learning doat.

Introduce children to the concept of “war”.

Author: Olga Aleksandrovna Kharkova teacher Place of work: MBS (K) OU Primary correctional school - kindergarten No. 10 Age: Second junior group Description of material: material used.

Goal: Formation of elementary ideas about the life of birds in the spring. Objectives: Educational: To develop children’s ability to depict objects consisting of several parts in appliqué; behind.

Introducing children to decorative arts and cultivating interest in Russian folk art. Notes on drawing in the second junior group on the topic “Let's decorate the Dymkovo duck.

Notes on drawing in the second junior group (3-4 years old) Topic: “Mimosa for a bear” (non-traditional drawing techniques).


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