Everyone knows that the main activity of preschool children is play. But, besides this, there is also a productive one. What it is? This means that as a result of classes, the child creates some kind of finished product. Organizing the productive activities of preschoolers is the task of every teacher. By doing it, the child is socialized, he develops perseverance, the desire to complete the work he has begun, and graphic skills. Numerous studies have proven that this is the most important activity for children in the senior groups of kindergarten; thanks to it, favorable conditions are created for teachers, including future teachers, who will work with the child in the lower grades. The fact is that the productive activity of preschoolers, combined with play, prepares the child’s psyche for school.
What are productive activities?
This is the name for activities as a result of which the child will create a given product with the specified qualities. Which of them are productive activities:
- modeling of figures and applications from plasticine and clay;
- assembling an interesting structure in all possible ways;
- making crafts from various materials (paper, cardboard, beads, foliage and others);
- complex classes with layouts;
- creating pictures with paints, pencils, chalk;
- production of applications and mosaics.
All types of productive activities are important for children's development. Preschoolers need to be interested in order to get the desired result, but this is the work of teachers. All institutions aimed at educating young children include these activities. Parents should know what the productive activity of a preschooler is aimed at and why it is so important. If you teach your child at home on your own or prefer not to send him to kindergarten, then this publication will be useful for you.
“Innovative culture of a teacher” is the teacher’s formed readiness for a purposeful search and acquisition of new knowledge, the manifestation of general cultural, professional and personal qualities.
Integration is one of the most important and promising methodological directions in the development of modern education.
Actually, “integration” means the combination of several academic subjects into one, in which scientific concepts are connected by a common meaning and teaching methods. Thus, integration is one of the most favorable forms of development of the creative abilities of preschool children.
The development of children's creativity is an urgent problem of modern pedagogy and psychology, and sets the main goal for the education system - to educate the younger generation in a creative approach to transforming the world around them, activity and independent thinking, contributing to the achievement of positive changes in the life of society. We must cultivate in our children inquisitiveness, ingenuity, initiative, imagination, fantasy - that is, qualities that find vivid expression in children's creativity. The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Its solution should begin already in preschool childhood.
An important way of the pedagogical process that creates an emotionally favorable environment for each child and ensures his spiritual development is increased attention to aesthetic education and the formation of artistic and creative abilities in all children raised in preschool institutions. One of the main conditions is to develop children’s creativity in various ways, including in constructive activities, which include various types of construction (for example, paper). Creating paper crafts using unconventional techniques gives children great pleasure when they are successful, and great disappointment if the image does not work out. At the same time, the child develops a desire to achieve a positive result. The technology for working with paper may be different. Sukhomlinsky V.A. wrote: “The origins of children’s creative abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of a child’s hand, the more subtle the interaction with a tool, the more complex the movement required for this interaction, the deeper the interaction of the hand with social work enters into the child’s spiritual life. In other words: the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”
Research in recent years shows that the number of children with speech development disorders is growing from year to year. Everyone knows that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. Working with paper contributes to the development of the child’s creative imagination, his imagination, and artistic taste. And the most important thing when working with paper is that various hand actions develop: coordination of both hands, coordination of hand and eye movements, and visual control. In our kindergarten, children with great pleasure make crafts using the origami, modular origami and kirogami techniques. I have developed a program for the “Hotelki-Skills” club for preschool children from 3 to 7 years old, where I am the leader.
It is known that the integrated approach meets one of the main requirements of preschool didactics: education should be small in volume and capacious. Integrated education for children allows them to see and understand any phenomenon holistically; in kindergarten there is a subject-based teaching system and it often turns out that knowledge remains scattered, artificially divided according to the subject principle, and as a result, children do not always holistically perceive the whole picture of the world around them. In my work I use the integration of additional education and the educational process, that is, I conduct integrated training.
Integrated learning is the combination of several types of activities. Thus, in the lesson “Let’s help “Princess Four” (for children 4-5 years old), children were offered tasks of a different nature:
1) Mathematical (Counting to four, number 4; consolidation of geometric shapes, classification of geometric shapes according to one criterion);
2) Tasks aimed at consolidating knowledge about the world around us. (“Princess Four” with children examines and identifies migratory birds);
3) Tasks aimed at developing speech. (With the help of artistic words, children find themselves in the “Land of Mathematics”);
4) Productive activity (Children of “Princess Four” decided to make birds using the origami technique from a square.);
Integrated classes arouse interest and help relieve stress, overload and fatigue by switching them to a variety of activities. Within the framework of an integrated approach, children consider this or that phenomenon or event from different angles, highlighting and studying different aspects:
1) social, including moral and ethical;
2) emotional - sensual, including musical;
3) artistic and aesthetic;
4) logical-mathematical;
5) naturally – scientific.
This is clearly seen in the example of the lesson “Fairytale Swan Bird” (for children 5-6 years old). Here are given:
naturally - scientific knowledge: about the lifestyle and characteristic features inherent in these birds;
socio-ecological: behavior of people in nature in relation to the animal world;
emotional and sensual: there is a conversation about the fairy tales “Wild Swans”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Ugly Duckling”, which describes the image of a swan. Children are offered to listen to excerpts from P. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “Swan Lake” and Saint-Saens’ “The Swan”. Children perform creative tasks - show how swans move to this or that melody;
artistic: the lesson uses paintings by Rylov “In the Blue Expanse”, Vrubel “The Swan Princess”;
productive activity: children make swans using the kirogami technique and fill in the missing parts.
The topics of classes can be varied. In such classes, there is an interpenetration of material from different sections of education and training through different types of activities. So, in one lesson, tasks of speech, mathematical development and artistic activity can be used, in another - environmental, social education and theatrical activities. The implementation of tasks occurs through problem situations, experimental work, didactic games, etc. The connecting link is the topic (image) discussed in the lesson.
The integrated structure of classes gives the child the opportunity to realize his creative abilities, develops communication skills, since in each lesson one must be able to freely express one’s thoughts, share impressions, and most importantly, children develop cognitive interest and activity, since any topic requires children to intensify their experience of real life. life in a situation of integrated occupation.
extreme clarity, compactness, and high information content of educational material are required;
logical interdependence, interrelation of integrated objects;
free placement of visual material;
change of dynamic poses;
involving specialists and parents in conducting classes.
Thus, some of the classes are conducted jointly with music directors, these are classes such as “In a certain kingdom, a paper state”, “Travels through the fairy tales of H. H. Andersen”.
Lessons with a teacher on art activities include tasks to get acquainted with painting, graphics, productive activities: drawing, modeling, appliqué.
One of the conditions for the implementation of the Rainbow program is the openness of the pedagogical process, the cooperation of the kindergarten teaching staff with parents. One of the forms of cooperation with the family was the holding of integrated parent-child activities. The purpose of such classes is to develop ways of interaction between children and parents in the classroom. Thus, at meetings of the “Family Origami Club,” children teach their parents how to make crafts using the “origami” and “kirogami” techniques: for play and theatrical activities. After which a competition is held for the best and most interesting fairy tale or beautiful toy.
Work on this topic has been carried out for many years and now we can draw conclusions:
1. Planning classes of an integrated nature, and the use of new technologies in one’s practical activities provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, helps to increase the level of professional interest, creative activity, and leads to a targeted search, that is, the innovative culture of teachers is developing.
2. Integrated classes contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world, since an object or phenomenon is considered from several sides: theoretical, practical, applied;
3. Children develop cognitive interest, and classes are highly effective.
4. Integrated classes unite children with common impressions, experiences, and contribute to the formation of collective relationships.
5. Such activities promote closer contact between children, specialists and cooperation with parents, resulting in the formation of a child-adult community.
6. Integration helps reduce the number of classes, free up time for play activities and walks, which helps improve children's health.
The need for productive activity
The purpose of the classes is the comprehensive development and education of a child of the preschool age group. Children develop in many ways, so it is important to include all types of productive activities of preschoolers in classes, without focusing only on drawing or modeling. Classes should be conducted in a playful way, and not “under pressure”; the child should realize that this is fun, and in addition, at the end of the work he will be proud of his product. At the same time, he will gradually learn the need to listen carefully to the teacher and do everything necessary to get results.
All over the world, experts have studied the productive activity of preschoolers and came to the conclusion that it is capable of developing the following qualities in children:
- Good creative imagination, a thinking mechanism, that is, the ability to think logically, compare, analyze and synthesize.
- Purposefulness, perseverance and perseverance.
- Good mental abilities, since the productive activities of preschoolers are cognitive activities.
- Fine motor skills of fingers and hand muscles.
- Methods of productive activity for preschoolers are aimed at conveying to children the need for independent work.
- Curiosity, inquisitiveness and initiative.
Classes also have a positive effect on children’s discipline; teachers noted a good connection between productive activities and sensory education. That is, in order for a child to have a good idea of an object, he must know what it looks like, its color, use, size and location in space.
During the lessons, all the qualities are revealed, primarily the mental and physical abilities of the child, and the teachers know exactly which child and what needs to be done more, they give practical advice to parents.
Productive creative activity of preschoolers provides practice and skills that will be needed for further education and work. For example, to create an applique you need to make some effort, think carefully about the placement of objects, arrange them correctly, and this requires creative actions. During classes, children gain experience in independent work.
An integrated approach is well implemented in the productive activities of preschoolers. In addition, kids are able to completely relax, and this means getting rid of all sorts of fears of society. Children, independently creating a product, can realize their ideas about a particular object in a model, and receive a material embodiment of an imaginary design.
Modeling classes in preschool age
Preschool age is the most plastic, “absorbent” and creative. At this time, the child fully masters speech, gains knowledge about the world, and develops fine and gross motor skills. In addition, preschoolers are considered the most creative people. They fantasize, invent, and create at a level higher than adults. Therefore, all types of visual activities are relevant and important in preschool age.
One of the types of visual activity is modeling. Modeling develops fine motor skills in a child, which has a beneficial effect on the development of speech, helps the child learn colors and shapes, and supports his creativity.
Modeling is one of the most emotional productive types of visual activity[7, p.844].
The importance of modeling for a child’s development is enormous. This is the art of children - very lively, spontaneous, with a realistic or expressive attitude to reality.
In sculpting, as in any creative activity, the focus on the final result is clearly expressed.
Modeling promotes the harmonious development of a child’s personality, helps create an environment of emotional well-being, and ensures the development of children’s abilities for aesthetic activities.
Modeling is not only an entertaining activity, it is also a massage and the development of the fingers, which is directly related to the development of the child’s speech and his creative abilities, artistic taste, the ability to fantasize, imagine, imagine, activate the brain and develop the child’s intelligence.
Modeling classes cultivate patience, perseverance, accuracy, the ability to plan and bring the job started to the end. All these skills help the child become a harmonious and creative person.
In modeling classes, the development of creative imagination has its own characteristics. This is explained by the fact that modeling is the most tangible form of artistic creativity. Any object has volume and is perceived by the child from all sides. It is thanks to the imagination, based on the perception of an object in the mind of a preschooler, that an image is formed.
In the process of sculpting, children depict objects of the surrounding reality, create an elementary sculpture using plastic materials (clay, plasticine, plastic, dough, snow, wax, wet sand, paper pulp for papier-mâché, etc.).
The child not only sees what he created, but also touches it, picks it up and changes it as necessary.
N. B. Khalezova emphasizes: “The creation of even the simplest sculptures by a child is a creative process. Thus, a spherical lump of clay appears to a small child as a ball, an orange, an apple, and a column bent until the ends are connected - as a ring, bracelet, bagel, etc.”[8, p.301].
Modeling is very useful for a child. This is a great opportunity to entertain your baby and activate the process of his individual development.
While working with any plastic material, the child experiences aesthetic pleasure from the plasticity, volume, and shapes that are obtained during the modeling process.
Modeling, by its nature, requires, on the one hand, developed sensations and perceptions, and on the other, it itself improves these perceptions and sensations.
In modeling classes, preschoolers learn to treat art materials with care, they develop work culture skills: planning a future drawing, self-control over their actions in the process of doing work.
Modeling allows you to teach children to first think about a topic, create a sketch in advance in the form of a drawing, conditionally decide the shape of an object, and its painting.
Modeling allows children to develop mental activity, creativity, artistic taste and many other qualities, without which the formation of the initial foundations of a socially active personality is impossible.
The advantage of sculpting is as follows:
- promotes the development of fine motor skills;
-concentrates attention and perseverance;
-relieves tension and stress;
-helps to reveal the creative sides of the personality
During modeling classes in kindergarten, there are certain tasks for teachers: nurturing children's creativity, teaching children fine and technical skills, developing interest in this type of activity.
Also, modeling in kindergarten has a special content. Almost always, children, unlike sculptors, sculpt not living creatures, but surrounding objects. After all, most often children do not sculpt an object of aesthetic pleasure, but an object with which they can later play.
With proper training and guidance from the teacher, children use stacks during the modeling process, consciously select the frame and use them to connect disparate elements and to convey the specific features of the form.
We invite you to get to know productive activities more closely in order to have an accurate idea of it.
- Independent creation of various objects that are suitable for games, educational and research activities.
- Making objects that will fill the art gallery of a preschool institution.
- Ability to create layouts.
- Design of the group’s own book, which will contain drawings, stories of children, and their chronicles. You can also create a nature diary, and the children will decorate it with pictures and a herbarium.
- Making decorations and decorations for the holidays. For example, garlands, posters, posters, Christmas tree decorations.
- Creation of invitation cards for the holiday for parents, greeting cards for them, souvenirs that will be distributed at the end of the performance.
- Development of a wall newspaper for the group.
- Making up a story as a group. You can diversify your activities by creating a fairy tale or story each time so that each word begins with the same letter. By the way, this is a very good activity for developing oral creativity, logic, and helping in learning to read and write.
- Creating your own performance. You can prepare your own script for it, and the children should help. The scenery and costume elements are also collectively created.
Why is all this needed? The fact is that the development of productive activities for preschoolers is not only interesting, but also very useful.
To develop productive activities in preschool age, you can safely use modeling, which allows you to create three-dimensional figures. It develops fine motor skills, thinking, memory and imagination well, and for variety and maintaining interest, you can not only use plasticine, but also supplement crafts with natural and artificial materials (buttons, beads, beads, sequins, leaves, cones, twigs, stones, etc. ). In addition, the craft can be painted and decorated using counter-relief applied with a stick.
At 2-3 years old, children can be offered special soft plasticine and the simplest tasks - for example, rolling balls, flattening them between your fingers, pressing a depression in a workpiece, connecting parts into one whole. Children 4-6 years old can use ordinary plasticine or clay, since their fingers are already strong enough.
There are many interesting thematic activities that parents can offer their child.
- Fashion food: spaghetti, cheese (holes on the piece are pierced with a pen rod), fried eggs, vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, apples, oranges. For older children, you can offer mushroom sculpting.
- Animals. This process is somewhat more complicated, so all work should be divided into stages. An adult can show the child an example, and later, when the baby has already mastered the basic techniques of modeling, give him complete freedom of action.
- Favorite cartoon characters (the easiest way is to make Smeshariki with your own hands, they seem to be created for this “role”).
The parent can either verbally explain the task or provide the child with pre-prepared step-by-step instructions. In autumn, it is easy to use materials collected in forests and parks (acorns, pine cones, seeds, moss, berries) and create unusual compositions using modeling techniques.
Senior preschool age is the time for creating complex compositions, so you can invite your child to sculpt, for example, a room with furniture and other small details.
Lesson results
It is necessary to create a system of activities for children. If the teacher correctly distributes productive activities, and all its types are involved, the result will be as follows:
- children will be developed creatively;
- the group will have an excellent psychological atmosphere;
- preschoolers will be well prepared for school classes.
Most often, productive activity connects several areas, such as creativity, socialization, cognition, labor, communication, and the safety of preschoolers. Artistic and productive activities and creativity help develop a child’s speech. At this age there are many problems with her, such as poverty (poor vocabulary), monosyllabicity, it consists only of simple sentences, and the words are far from beautiful and literary. For example: “what”, instead of “what”, “beautiful flower”, instead of “I like this flower because...”, but instead of “I don’t want this because...” you can hear “leave me alone”, and others expressions. Children need to be taught to speak beautifully and explain their preferences more fully and efficiently.
In addition, children receive moral education, consolidate the knowledge acquired in the learning process, and develop the necessary character qualities:
- activity;
- independence;
- observation;
- determination;
- patience;
- the desire to finish what you started;
- the ability to “sort out” the information received and assimilate it.
Productive activity also improves the physical condition of children. They become more cheerful, their mood improves, their overall tone increases, their character becomes more relaxed and active. After classes and during them, the child is active. It is important to immediately correctly form his posture, gait, and body position, because all these qualities will be useful to the little man in the future. Productive activity allows you to coordinate movements, “tune” the vestibular apparatus, and strengthen the muscles.
Now we propose to get acquainted with the main types of productive activities. And at the same time we will note the features of each.
The concept of creativity. Human reproductive and creative activity.
Lecture 1.
OZD – 1 s. 16/18. 2 s. 16/24. Ex.
1. Lazutina G.V. Fundamentals of creative activity of a journalist. M., 2000.
2. Fundamentals of journalistic activity: a textbook for bachelors / ed. S.G. Korkonosenko. M., 2013.
3. Fundamentals of creative activity of a journalist // Ed. S.G. Korkonosenko. M. SPb., 2000, etc.
4. Kolesnichenko A.V. Practical journalism. M., 2010.
5. Kim M.N. Fundamentals of creative activity of a journalist. St. Petersburg, 2011.
6. Melnik G.S., Teplyashina A.N. Fundamentals of creative activity of a journalist. St. Petersburg, 2004.
7. Melnik G.S., Vinogradova K.E., Lissev R.P. Fundamentals of creative activity of a journalist. M.: Flinta, science, 2015.
8. Chernikova E.V. Fundamentals of creative activity of a journalist. M., 2005.
9. Samartsev O.R. Creative activity of a journalist. M., 2007.
10. Shostak M.I. Journalist and his work. M., 1998.
11. Tretyakov Vitaly. How to become a famous journalist. M., 2004.
12. Vasilyeva L.A. Making news! M., 2002.
1. Subject, goals and objectives of the course
2. The concept of creativity. Human reproductive and creative activity
3. Types and forms of creative activity (amateurism and professionalism)
4. Identification of the journalistic profession
Subject, goals and objectives of the course
The academic discipline “Fundamentals of Journalism” is a basic course in the professional training of future journalists. It gives an idea of the specifics of a journalist’s work.
This course is based on the newspaper and magazine activities of a journalist. However, the acquired professional knowledge and skills can be extended to the work of a journalist on radio, television, and the Internet, because cognitive and creative mechanisms in the profession are the same.
This course can be roughly divided into three large blocks:
1. The creative nature of journalistic activity.
2. Journalistic texts and technology for their preparation.
3. The method and methods of journalistic creativity.
As a result of studying the discipline “Fundamentals of Journalism,” the bachelor must:
- range of professional responsibilities of a journalist,
— types of journalistic activity (author, editorial, organizational, etc.),
- the main characteristics of a journalistic work,
— sources and methods of obtaining information.
— perform professional functions taking into account the specifics of print media,
- plan and organize your professional activities in its various types,
- obtain the necessary information using various methods of collecting material,
— use various channels and technical means of obtaining, storing and processing information,
— create journalistic works, primarily for news journalism.
— professional standards in working with information sources,
- in various ways and in journalistic works.
A few words about the name of the discipline “Fundamentals of Journalism.”
Previously, it was called “Fundamentals of the Creative Activity of a Journalist,” but the “creative” component was removed from the new standards. In Russia, journalism grew out of literature, from “thick” magazines, and the general literary process of the 19th century. Today, journalistic work is being rethought: from a type of creativity to information activity . This trend has objective and subjective reasons. Objective reasons:
- commercialization of the entire process of publishing a publication (it is not profitable to publish materials on a page or half a page, since advertising claims a significant part of newspaper space),
- the orientation of many publications towards satisfying not aesthetic, but informational needs (and this causes a change in the criteria for assessing the quality of journalistic materials: factually rich texts are valued rather than those with linguistic delights),
- the emergence of matrices - unified text samples in accordance with which information is created (see Vedomosti, Izvestia). The style of publications itself is changing.
These changes affected the professional attitudes of journalists, i.e. on the subjective factors of journalistic work. Graduates of journalism faculties rarely mention talent, literary abilities, and the art of working with words as motives for professional activity. According to survey results, a person considers himself a journalist if he:
· makes a living through this profession,
· regularly publishes his materials,
· has a journalistic education,
· has an interest in the profession,
· is part of the journalistic community and is recognized by colleagues,
· has communication and public skills.
This list makes no mention of the creative component of the profession at all.
This trend is reinforced by the development of new information technologies, thanks to which the journalistic profession is becoming increasingly standardized and subordinate to production.
However, no matter in what context the profession of a journalist is considered, the key figure will always be the journalist himself - the author of texts, the initiator of new projects, the organizer of interaction with the audience, who needs to constantly solve creative problems. Therefore, we do not give up creativity in the journalistic profession.
Productive activity for preschoolers: drawing
Kids especially love to draw. Here they have scope for imagination, everything is depicted on paper: heroes of fairy tales, space, forests, individual objects, patterns, scenes experienced in life - here the child fully realizes his thinking. By drawing, children once again relive the emotions they have experienced and reveal their thoughts. Usually, a drawing task is given on independent topics, that is, everyone decides for themselves what, how and in what color to depict. From the drawings you can judge the baby’s character and find out his fears that he keeps to himself. Sometimes it is recommended to visit a psychologist so that he can solve the child’s problem and correct his understanding of the world around him.
It is necessary to engage in this activity collectively, drawing on one topic. Fine art allows us to instill in children a sense of beauty, an aesthetic understanding of the world and individual objects. The development of productive activity in preschoolers is priceless, because classes teach them to see beauty in everything around them, and only a harmonious, developed and intelligent person is capable of this. Children develop a sense of aesthetics, they change their attitude towards every bug, blade of grass, you just have to tell them correctly what and how to draw. For example: “Look what long antennae this bug has, it won’t be able to live without them, so be sure to draw it.” Well, how can a beetle tear off these antennae after catching it in the grass? The child learns to see only the good in everything, his behavior changes for the better, and his beliefs are formed.
The easiest and most useful way to help your child engage in productive activities in preschool is to invite him to draw. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to use standard paints (pencils, felt-tip pens) and a sheet of paper; you can safely show your imagination by giving your little one new and unusual tasks. These types of activities contribute to the comprehensive development of a preschooler’s personality, developing not only his artistic taste, but also his idea of color and harmony. Over time, a child who draws regularly will develop a sense of style, the ability to combine colors and place shapes in space, and will also develop fine motor skills.
What forms of unusual drawing can you use at home?
- Drawing with a ball on whatman paper. Take any small ball, for example a tennis ball, and dip it into the paint. After this, the baby rolls it over a white sheet, leaving all kinds of tracks and lines. You can complete the drawing by adding something with a brush or pencil so that the lines take on meaning.
- Scratch. A very interesting technique that will help make home painting fun and unusual. It is done like this: a sheet of paper is painted over with colored wax crayons, after which it is properly rubbed with a candle. Next, the base for the drawing is covered with a thick layer of gouache; the parents do this with a thick brush. When the paint dries, but is not completely dry, the children get involved in the work. They are given the task of scratching a design with a special rod or a pointed stick. A sharp object will erase the top layer, allowing the colors of the crayons to appear. And kids can either use stencils or create a composition themselves.
- Drawing on ice will bring pleasure to even the most phlegmatic children. First, the parent makes a preparation: pours boiled water into a plastic container (for example, a container), freezes it. The child paints with watercolors; its structure allows the paint to penetrate the ice without any problems. You can use salt to create an unusual rough effect.
- Monotype. A very interesting method, although it is not used often. The child draws a composition on an ordinary plastic bag using bright colors. After this, the bag is applied to a sheet of paper and rubbed over it with the palm of your hand so that an imprint remains on the white surface. This will be the baby’s new “creation,” unusual and therefore very interesting.
Various techniques can be used. Parents should show the baby in advance in an unobtrusive manner how colors are mixed:
- blue + yellow = green;
- red + blue = purple;
- red + yellow = orange.
You can invite him to mix the colors on the palette himself and see what happens. Such a “little discovery” will give the baby a good mood and pride.
Scratch (scratches)
You need to take cardboard (white), shade it with multi-colored wax crayons, and then use a sponge to apply a thick layer of black gouache, or better yet ink, since gouache, even dried, will stain the baby’s fingers and his clothes upon contact. After this, children are given feathers or other objects with a sharp but safe tip, and they must scratch a design on the resulting material. The result will be a pattern, or some object created from thin multi-colored stripes on a black background. The children's joy will know no bounds!
Modeling and applique
The peculiarity of modeling is that a child can create a three-dimensional image of cars, animals, fruits and other favorite objects. The topics are very diverse. Modeling has a great effect on fine motor skills, develops imagination and a sense of space, because after making objects they can be placed further or closer to each other, and satisfies children’s needs for knowledge and creativity.
By creating applications, children learn to independently cut out objects, place them in the right places, and stick objects and elements onto paper. Here, again, the development of finger motor skills and coordination are involved. To create an applique, you need to think hard, think creatively, because the details rarely contain whole and clear objects, so you need to compare them correctly. In addition, the preschooler gets acquainted with mathematics by studying simple geometric shapes. The idea of the placement of objects in space (in the corner, in the center, on the right or left) and the size of parts (large or small triangle) also develops.
You can make a mosaic not only from pieces of paper, but also from lumps. This is also quite entertaining, and no less useful for development.
This is one of the most favorite productive activities of preschoolers. Who didn't love Legos? The peculiarity of the classes is that the children must assemble the object correctly, find the necessary parts and fasten them together. Construction develops spatial orientation, motor skills, creative and logical thinking, aesthetic perception - whether the child likes his creation or not. In addition, the child becomes familiar with the features of parts (color, weight, material from which they are made, shape). The child begins to understand architectural forms in volume, and develops his own taste and opinion.
You can design not only from ready-made parts, but also from paper, boxes, stones, shells, sand; kids learn to recognize parts, combine them, and synthesize them.
Formation of productive activity of a preschooler
It is necessary to properly develop a training program. Children should not be doing the same thing every day. If your child loves to draw, but does not want to design or sculpt, you need to interest him. Ask to build or sculpt your house, and after it is ready, let him tell you about it, about where it is, where he likes to walk.
It is necessary to talk about the finished products, be it a drawing or an applique. At this time, speech is formed and vocabulary is replenished. For example, a child drew a kitten. Let him come up with a nickname, tell him about his character, preferences in food and games - this is creative thinking.
Productive activity is necessary not only for preschoolers, but also for primary school students. Many schools have created children's creativity centers, which are a great help in learning.
Let's consider exactly what skills a preschooler should have in order to be able to talk about his normal all-round development. First of all, the baby must know numbers and letters and be able to perform simple arithmetic operations.
In addition, skills related to productivity include:
- the ability to draw geometric shapes and divide them into parts using lines in a drawing or scissors;
- know colors and shades, name and show them;
- assemble puzzles, simple models from construction sets or cubes using a sample;
- color drawings without going beyond the contours;
- sculpt small details;
- draw figures or letters in the cells using a sample;
- use different pressure on the pencil.
Preschool children are able to concentrate on a specific activity for 15 to 25 minutes. This needs to be taken into account when offering them different forms of games and exercises.