Poster “Fire extinguishing means and a selection of riddles on fire safety for preschoolers”

Quiz “Experts of fire safety rules” for the preparatory group of kindergarten

Summary of the quiz for older preschoolers “Experts in fire safety rules”
Goal: to create conditions for the formation of the personality of a preschooler who knows and follows fire safety rules and is able to act in an extreme situation. Objectives: Educational objectives:
• Teach children to navigate problem situations.
• Introduce children to fire and its properties. • Expand children's vocabulary on the topic of fire safety. Developmental tasks:
• To develop the ability to realistically assess possible danger.
Help children remember fire safety rules. • Develop the creative abilities of preschoolers. Educational objectives:
• Foster a sense of caution and self-preservation.
• Instill self-confidence in children and prevent fear of fire. Practical tasks:
• To instill practical skills in children’s behavior in the event of a fire.
• Teach basic rules for extinguishing a fire. Material: doll “Pozharkin”;
illustrations on PPB; puzzles; cut pictures; coloring pages based on PPB, the “light” feature, disposable cups, buckets, cartoon based on PPB. Preliminary work: Guessing riddles, looking at illustrations, moving folders, s/r games “Firemen in training”, d/games “Say a word”, “What a fireman needs”, “What is useful in a fire”, “Dangerous situations”, “ Dangerous objects", reading fiction by S.V. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”, S.Ya. Marshak “Fire”, “Cat’s House”, O. Senatovich “Autumn Fire”, T. Fetisov “Where the Red Cars Are Rushing”. Quiz progress

“Pozharkin” appears with a bandaged hand and tells the children that he got burned (conversation about fire safety).
— Guys, have you ever heard the word “fire”? What does it mean? How does a fire start? Why does a fire hazard happen? — A fire is a great disaster for all life on the planet. It's no secret that most fires are caused by people. Many misfortunes occur due to the fault of children - due to empty curiosity, careless handling of fire, or simply ignorance. Successful fire fighting requires a lot of knowledge. — What rules of conduct in case of fire do you know? — What do we have in kindergarten in case of a fire? — Pozharkin offers you a game based on fire safety rules. — We will divide into 2 teams: 1st – “Firemen” and 2nd – “Rescuers”. For each completed task - a “light”. 1. Competition “Warm-up” 1. Hisses and gets angry, Afraid of water, With a tongue, but does not bark, Without teeth, but bites (fire). 2. We must fight fire, We are brave workers, We are partners with water, People really need us, So who are we? (firemen) 3. What, barely touched, turns firewood into smoke? (fire) 4. Without arms, without legs, crawling towards the sky? (smoke) 5. A coal fell on the floor, lit the wooden floor, don’t look, don’t wait, don’t stand, but fill it with (water). 6. If little sisters light matches at home, what should you do? Immediately those matches (take away) 7. I walk next to the janitor, I shovel the snow around, And I help the firefighters Cover the fire with sand (shovel) 2. He hurries, buzzes - give way, Blinks his blue eye, He rushes in time - he will save Children and adults nearby. (fire truck) 2. Competition “Assemble a picture” - You need to assemble a picture from parts and name what happened. 3. Relay race “Put out the fire” On the command “Fire! Help!" children take disposable cups, scoop up water from a bucket prepared in advance and, one by one, take them to the “hearth of the fire.” The team that completes the task faster will win. We all made an effort and we put out the fire. It was difficult, difficult, but skill and dexterity saved us from disaster. 4. Competition “Listen carefully” I will ask questions, and you must answer in unison “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends” or remain silent. —Who, upon hearing the smell of burning, reports a fire? - Which of you, noticing the smoke, will shout: “Fire! We're on fire!" - which of you plays tricks with fire in the morning, evening, and afternoon? - Who, sensing gas in the apartment, will call zero four? - who will quietly hide matches from his little sister? - whoever of you plays tricks with fire, admit it honestly. - Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others to? Physical school We are friendly guys And we are going into a fairy tale (children walk in a circle, raising their legs high) Let's see who in the fairy tale will put out the cat's house (bending forward and backward) And if necessary, we will also help (walking in a half-squat, hands on knees ) And we will tell everyone: “You can’t play with fire” (turns left and right with a threatening gesture) 5. Competition “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy” Fire can be our good friend and helper, and an evil enemy. “It is always different. Amazing fire. Sometimes an ugly brawler, sometimes a quiet one. Either he glides like a hasty snake through the dry grass, or his shaggy red mane blazes at dawn. Yes, fire can be different: Pale yellow, bright red, Blue or gold, Very kind, very evil.” There are 2 lights on 2 tables – “Friend”, “Enemy”. Children take a picture and determine which fire they belong to. Pozharkin: Guys, look at the pictures carefully and tell me why dangerous situations arise and how to act in such cases. 6. Competition “Help the fire truck get to the place of the fire” (each team has a picture on the table: you need to find the way in the maze). At the end of our fire safety quiz we will hold a blitz tournament. I will ask you questions, and you must answer the question correctly. Blitz tournament Is it possible to play with matches? (No.) Is it possible to light a fire? (No.) Is it possible to learn to use matches with your parents? (You can.) Is it possible to play with matches on the street? (No.) Is it possible to set grass on fire? (No.) Is it possible to look at the fire in the stove? (You can.) Can children light a gas stove on their own? (No.) Is it possible to be near a fire if there are parents nearby? (You can.) Is it possible to blow out candles on a birthday cake? (You can.) Why is the rescuers’ phone number so short and simple? (To make it easy to remember.) What color is the fire extinguisher? (Red.) How can you put out a fire other than water? (Sand, earth, fire extinguisher.) What is the name of the profession of people who fight fire? (Firefighter, rescuer.) “Pozharkin”: The “safe” hour flew by quickly. I am very happy for you, friends! We learned a lot of safety rules. You have demonstrated solid knowledge. Just remember: it’s not enough to know – the rules must be followed! Guys, follow fire safety rules, trouble will never happen to you. Summing up the quiz, all participants are awarded coloring pages based on PPB. Now let's take a little rest and watch your favorite cartoon “No to Fire!”, where Arkady Parovozov will tell and show what needs to be done in case of a fire.

We recommend watching:

Summary of a lesson on life safety in the preparatory group. Safety for children Summary of OOD on life safety in the senior group. Rules for safe behavior in nature Summary of a safety lesson in the senior group of a kindergarten Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group of a kindergarten

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