Lesson summary for the senior group “It’s fashionable to be polite”
Summary of a lesson in kindergarten on the topic “Politeness” for children of senior preschool age
Author: Karabekova Ayikat Farkhadovna, teacher, MBDOU d/s “Beryozka” Goal: to form basic rules of politeness;
ideas about good and bad deeds; the ability to correctly evaluate oneself and others; show children the important role of polite words in people’s lives and encourage children to use polite words in their speech in various situations; develop communication skills in children. Progress of the lesson
Educator: Children stand in a circle.
Good morning to smiling faces!
Good morning to the sun and birds! Let everyone become kind and sympathetic. Let the good morning last until the evening! (Children sit down) Educator: In order to give joy to people, you need to be kind and polite. Children, tell me, who is a polite person? What does he look like? How does he speak? Maybe he speaks with magic words? Children's answers Educator: You are correct. A polite person does not forget to say greetings when meeting. He also always says goodbye when parting, apologizes if he caused someone inconvenience and thanks for their help. Always uses magic words in his speech. Educator: What magic words do you know? Children's answers Educator: Well done, I am so pleased that my children know so many magic words. Physical education lesson “Please don’t make a mistake” I will ask you to complete tasks, but you must complete them only when I say the magic word. Stand up please! Hands up! Please clap your hands! Stomp. Jump please! Please, hands forward. Please put your hands down. Please, tilt your head forward. Lean back please. Left. Right. Please, please take your seats. Now, let's play the game “Find a polite word” 1. The hedgehog sat on a stump under the tree - Hello, squirrel, Good afternoon, how are you, neighbor? Where were you today? 2. The eagle owl is waiting for a visit from a fox, a wolf, a woodpecker and a marten. The white tablecloth is covered. Everyone - Bon appetit! 3. The siskin began to say goodbye to his friend: “Goodbye, dear swift!” Tomorrow we will meet again to fly together 4. The cat was playing with a ball. Suddenly the ball hit the raccoon. The black cat meowed: “Excuse me, raccoon!” 5. The bear climbed into the bushes - the little bear was getting ready to sleep. The little bunny shouts to him: “Good night, bear!” What polite words did you hear? Now tell me how to greet correctly? Children's answers Educator: You need to look into the eyes, smile and say words of greeting. When you are addressed politely, how do you feel? Children's answers Educator: You are pleased, happy. If you were treated rudely, how do you feel? Children's answers Educator: You are offended, sad. And so as not to make you and I sad, we will now sing the song “From a Smile.” Educator: How warm and joyful my soul felt after such a good song. Let's play the game “Find the extra word” 1. Good afternoon, hello please; 2. I beg your pardon, goodbye, excuse me; 3. Thank you, thank you, bon appetit; 4. You're welcome, you're always welcome; 5. Thank you, see you soon, good night. Educator: Guys, I suggest you play. I will name actions, and you, in your places, will clap if the action is good and stamp your feet if the action is bad. 1. Offend little ones 2. Scream, talk loudly 3. Say hello when meeting 4. Sit down at the table dirty, unwashed 5. Always be neat 6. Give up your seat Well, our lesson has come to an end. And you and I continue to do good deeds every day and speak polite words to each other. If we are polite every day and hour, the world will become millions of times happier.
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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
Leisure for senior groups “Always be polite”Author: Adyushkina Irina Nikolaevna teacher, GBOU School No. 2089 Moscow
VED.: We know many holidays. We greet them cheerfully. And today, at this hour, the Festival of Politeness awaits you!
Children run into the hall to cheerful music and stand in a semicircle
VED: We all once learned to walk, draw, talk. Let's remember, guys, how to be kind and polite.
Good morning! The birds began to sing, Good people, get out of bed. All the darkness is hiding in the corners. The sun has risen and is going about its business.
Good afternoon - they told you, Good afternoon! – you answered. How two strings are connected - Warmth and kindness.
Good night! - says the silence. Everyone can hear it now. It says in silent words: - Sleep, I will stay with you all night.
Please, I say this in confidence. Be kind - and don't expect candy for it. Be kind - without playing and during the game. If you can, be kind as soon as possible.
They wish us a good journey. It will be easier to travel and walk. Of course, a good journey will also lead to something good.
Someone came up with a beautiful idea - To thank for your help, The usual word “thank you” We must not forget to say.
“Hello” - you say to the person, “Hello” - he will smile back And, probably, he will not go to the pharmacy And he will be healthy for many years.
When we say goodbye, we all “goodbye.” We always say to each other, “Please,” if we want to fulfill a wish or a request.
Children sit on chairs.
What is politeness? What does it mean to be polite?
These are the questions we will answer today!
VED: Yes, if we are kind, attentive, we say a lot of magical, polite words and when we meet someone and start communicating, we say the first word……… HELLO!!!!
Let's say hello to you now:
- First with the girls: Hello, girls!
- Now let's say hello to the boys: Hello, boys!
Well done! So glad! How polite you all are!
Guys, you know what happens when we forget each other or don’t want to say this magic word when we meet.
Now we will show you and tell you the story that happened with the Fox and the Little Bear.
Once upon a time there lived a little bear and a fox, they lived together. But one day the Little Bear and the Fox did not play together as usual, they pouted and turned away from each other.
Addressing Teddy Bear and Fox:
- What's happened? Why are you so angry? Did you have a fight? So we need to make peace!
Fox: I’m offended by Little Bear and I won’t put up with him! He's not polite. I told him “hello” , but he didn’t answer me.
Little Bear: Why answer, I saw you yesterday. Chanterelle: But today I said “hello” . Little Bear: So what, I haven’t finished yesterday yet. Ved: Little Bear, do you want the Fox to get sick?
Little Bear: No, I don’t want her to get sick!
Ved: What did you “hello” ? After all, “hello” means be healthy, don’t get sick!
Little Bear: Forgive me, Fox! I will always say hello!
Fox: And forgive me, Little Bear! I will always be polite!
They hold hands and go to the chairs.
Ved: Today I have prepared a surprise for you! Want to know which one? And it was conveyed by the Fairy of Politeness.
VED: I don’t understand what happened, the chest is closed and there is no key. What to do?
VED: Wow! The surprises are not over! Who could it be?
Children: snowman
VED: that’s right, he was in such a hurry, but it’s already warm outside now, he melted, but he did a good deed.
"Dear Guys! I, the Fairy of Politeness and Kindness, wanted to give you a magical chest of gifts. But the evil witch intercepted him and hid the key to the chest in the box. And this box is not simple, but enchanted. You can disenchant it and open it only when you complete all the tasks that the sorceress came up with.”
VED: Guys, what are we going to do? Let's try to disenchant the box? Are you not afraid of difficulties?
KIKIMORA: (sits down next to the children): Come on, move over! Look, she's seated! (pushes away) Why are you staring at me here? It's me Kikimorushka!
Everyone is great, great, hello guys! I came to visit you, and what are you doing here?
VED: Today we have a holiday of politeness! Together with the guys, we remember polite words and learn to be polite.
KIKIMORA: Ha! It's boring. Is this necessary? Let's play, fight, and throw away toys!
VED: No, it’s not good to do that. Only ill-mannered people do this, but we want to be well-mannered and polite.
What an impolite Kikimora you are!
Kikimora: What does it mean to be polite?
VED: Guys, explain to our guest what it means to be polite.
It means being attentive to people. Speak polite words. Take care of people close to you. Give way to girls and adults.
Thank you for your help.
Don't be rude.
Try to do something nice for others.
KIKIMORA: I didn’t know!
VED: Kikimorushka, do you know what happened to us?
VED: The Fairy of Politeness wanted to give us a magic chest, but the evil witch took the key and hid it in an enchanted box. To get the key, you will need to solve several tasks correctly. Do you want to help us?
KIKIMORA: Of course! I will try!
VED: Kikimora, do you know the words of politeness?
KIKIMORA: I don’t know!
ED: Here is the first task: “A word is lost”
KIKIMORA: Well done guys! You did a great job! But I couldn’t cope! Wow, what are you! How angry I am with you!
VED: What should we do? How to appease her? I think I've figured it out! We will put Kikimora on a magic chair and speak kind and affectionate words to her. You can hug, stroke, kiss.
KIKIMORA: Wow, that’s good! Thank you for your words!
VED: But being kind and polite is not so easy. We invite you to watch the scene.
VED: Once upon a time there was a girl named Tanechka. Everyone loved her - her mother, her father, her grandmother, and her grandfather. Everyone listened to the girl, her requests were fulfilled. But Tanechka herself responded reluctantly to the requests of her relatives.
So dad came home from work and asked his daughter: Help me, please, bring some slippers.
VED: And Tanechka slyly answers:
Tanechka: But I don’t hear, I don’t hear anything at all. You know, daddy, I have some strange ears. They are now unhearing ears.
VED: The family began to prepare for dinner, the mother began to ask her daughter: Daughter, please put the breadbox on the table.
Tanechka: But I can’t hear. I have wicked ears.
Grandmother: Tanya, please look, I’m doing something with my glasses somewhere.
Tanechka: But I can’t hear, grandma, what you’re asking - I have unhearing ears.
VED: Then her grandfather turned to the girl.
Grandfather: What a problem! Our Tanya has crazy ears. And I was going to ask - what to give her for the holiday, what does she like better - a big doll or a multi-colored book?
Tanya loudly: Doll! And so that she was dressed in an elegant dress! And so that her eyes would close on their own.
Grandfather (puts his palm to his ear): What? I can not hear! I can’t figure it out!
Tanya loudly: Doll, grandfather, doll!
Grandfather: (spreads his hands) I don’t hear anything, I don’t hear anything at all, my ears feel like they’re blocked with cotton. What a disaster!
Tanechka: What to do? So I will be left without a gift for the holiday.
VED: But you yourself can’t figure out what needs to be done so that adults don’t get offended by you?
Tanechka: Of course I guessed it! You need to be attentive to people and help if they ask.
VED: Guys, you are convinced that with the help of polite words you can do a lot. Do you understand Kikimorushka?
KIKIMORA: Of course! Can I now use the magical power of the polite word “please” and at the same time check the guys how attentive they are? Fine?
VED: Of course!
KIKIMORA: the rule is this: I will give you commands, and you will carry them out only if you hear this word - “please” .
Stand up please! Please raise both hands up! Please wave your right hand! And now the left one. (did I say please)
Please put your hands down. Please clap your hands. Open your mouth wide. Stomp.
Jump please! Please close your eyes. Please open your eyes, Let's stand on the chairs together.
Please touch the tip of your neighbor's nose.
Sit down please!
Well, now, please, let’s say “thank you” .
Thank you!
VED: And now another task from the evil witch:
VED: Not only words should be kind and polite. We must always try to be useful to people in everything.
KIKIMORA: Another task that you will have to complete.
KIKIMORA: THESE ARE RIDDLES WITH A SECRET. If a riddle teaches kindness and politeness, you need to say together: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends . And if this is a harmful riddle, you just need to remain silent. Please be careful!
VED: My friends, the tasks of the evil witch are over. I am sure that we completed the tasks very well. Let's try to open the enchanted box.
VED: Kikimorushka, please help me open the magic chest.
VED: DEAR GUYS, you will eat the treat in a group, and now let’s together remember all the polite words that you heard and remembered today. And this balloon will help us. Rules: whoever the balloon lands on says a polite word.
VED: Before we part and everyone goes home, I would like to show us a good cartoon as a farewell.
VED: We would like to wish you goodbye: So that you are kind, Don’t forget the magic words, So that with kind words
You were talking with your friends. We are parting now, Bon voyage to you! Good morning!
To the accompaniment of BARBARIKA'S SONG "WHAT IS KINDNESS" everyone leaves the hall.
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