Card file of summer walks in the second early age group

Let's get to know the world around us:

When you go for a walk, talk to your child about the sun:

1. Look for the sun in the sky together.

2. Discuss with your child what our sun is like: warm, yellow, bright, affectionate. Say as many adjectives .

3. Watch with your child how the sun hides behind the clouds, what happens (the sun has hidden behind a cloud, it is no longer visible in the sky, its light is no longer so bright).

4. Tell your child in a simple and accessible form what role the sun plays on our planet. Explain that:

– trees, grass and flowers grow big and green, because the sun helps them grow, it warms them with its rays;

– the sun warms people, animals, and plants in summer and even in winter;

– children grow big and strong from the sun (after all, in the sun our skin produces vitamin D...);

- the sun, like a big flashlight, illuminates our planet during the day, so during the day it is light for us and we see everything.

5. Talk about what would happen to us if there was no sun: it would be cold, all the plants would freeze, we would be surrounded by darkness.

“Collectors are finders.”

Color the cells of the egg carton in different colors:


1. The colors will turn out brighter and richer if you use gouache rather than watercolors.

2. If you don’t have paints on hand, felt-tip pens will do just fine.

3. When we went outside with this box, it turned out that we forgot to leave one of the cells white. And in the yard there are so many white flowers and pebbles. Therefore, my advice is - don’t forget about white!

3. Instead of an egg carton, any other box in which you can make colored cells will do.

While walking, collect various interesting objects that you come across and arrange them by color:

This task develops the child’s sorting skills (and with it logic), as well as attention.

Sorting "Big-small".

Draw two squares on the asphalt - one large, the other small. Invite your child to arrange objects by size: in a small square - small objects, in a large square - large ones. Anything that comes to hand will be suitable as “items”:

This game develops the child's sorting skills, which promotes the development of logical thinking and helps reinforce the concepts of “big-small”.

Game for home:

We will conduct this developmental activity on a walk... But at home, while you are busy with important things, the baby can work out on his own!

Prepare the dough for modeling (one glass of flour, half a glass of salt, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, water - as much as you need).

Draw a picture on it. Show your child that if you stick beans or mosaics into the drawn circles, the drawing will become more beautiful:

The sun is drawn in this picture, since “sun” is the theme of our educational walk.

But in fact, it will be much better if a drawing is drawn on a piece of dough that will cause the greatest emotional response in the baby (think about what might interest him - a car, a cat, a bunny?)

By playing with dough and cereal, the baby develops his fingers and creative thinking.

This is the kind of summer activity you can do while walking!

May the sunny summer bring you and your baby a lot of joy!

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