MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
Objectives: 1. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary. 2. Continue to teach children to answer questions fully and accurately, building a sentence of 4-6 words.3. Develop skills in writing a short descriptive story using mnemonic tables. 4. Strengthen the ability to give characteristics and descriptions of individual wild animals (the fox is cunning, red, dexterous, lives in a hole) 5. Develop clarity of pronunciation, strength of voice, tempo and rhythm of speech. 6. Develop phonemic awareness. Teach children to divide words into syllables. 7. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sounds “l” and “l”. 8. Teach children to find these sounds in words, use a diagram, highlight the sound at the beginning, middle, and end of the word. 9. Continue to teach children the formation of nouns in units. and plural with diminutive suffixes (squirrel, baby squirrels). 10. Continue teaching children to use prepositions in speech: in, on, under, about. 11. Develop attention and memory. 12. Develop logical thinking and creative imagination.
Materials for the lesson:
1. Toy “Lesovichok” 2. Sets of pictures, illustrations, united by a common theme “Autumn Forest” 3. Set of pictures “Wild Animals of the Middle Zone” 4. Mnemonic tables (Wild Animals) 5. Envelope with a letter from Lesovichok 6. Large-checked notebooks 7. Colored pencils 8. Sheets of paper 9. Trees (Pine, oak, spruce, hazel) 10. Ball 11. Pictures of animals whose names contain the sounds “L” and “L” 12. Diagram for determining the characteristics of sound.
Progress of the lesson.
1 part.
Today, guys, I want to talk to you about what happens in the forest in the fall. About how forest animals prepare for winter. To do this, I suggest you go to the autumn forest to visit one of my friends. His name is Lesovichok. Just yesterday I received a letter from him. It is addressed not only to me, but also to you. Listen. "Dear Guys! Little Lesovichok is writing to you. I live in the forest, I keep order in it. If you are interested in how the big forest lives, come and visit me. The road to my forest is simple. I am sending you a plan on how to get to my forest clearing. See you! Your friend Lesovichok." Well, do you want to visit the forest? Then look at this plan and try to remember it. This is how Lesovichok explains the way to his house: You are leaving a city with large houses. You drive past a round flowerbed with red flowers. Past the blue lake, past the rectangular field with wheat. You will recognize the forest edge by two fir trees, a yellow maple and a red mountain ash.”
Children look at the picture plan (30-40 seconds), after which the teacher asks them to restore this plan in a notebook from memory (a table has been prepared in advance in the notebooks). The teacher asks them to tell them how to get to Lesovich? (1-2 children)
Part 2. So we ended up visiting Lesovichok. And here is the first house we see. You need to solve the riddle to find out whose it is. A mnemonic table is placed in front of the children and a riddle is asked. He sleeps in a den in winter under a huge pine tree. And when winter comes, He wakes up from sleep.
Who is this? Of course, a bear. An illustration depicting a bear + a mnemonic table is exhibited.
What do we know about the bear? Children's stories. The bear is a wild, predatory animal, lives in the forest, it has 4 legs, its body is covered with thick hair, it builds a den in the fall, and sleeps all winter; In winter, a mother bear gives birth to a cub. She feeds him milk. Well done boys. And here is another house. (Riddle and mnemonic table). A child can make a riddle if he knows it.
A ball of fluff. Long ear, jumps deftly, loves carrots.
Let's tell the forest boy what we know about the bunny. Mnemonic table. (Children's stories) And under the oak tree she built herself a spacious hole... (Riddle)
A cunning cheat, A red head, A fluffy tail, a beauty, And her name is…. (fox)
Listen to how Lesovichok talks about the fox: “The fox prepares for winter like this: it grows thicker and warmer fur than that. What she had in the summer. She even grows fur on the soles of her paws. The fox will run in the snow. Like in felt boots. But the fox doesn’t make any supplies. And why does she need them? The fox hunts all year round." And whose house on the oak tree is it? A mnemonic house is displayed and the child makes a riddle.
Jumping along the branches, Yes, not a bird, Red, But not a fox.
How does a squirrel prepare for winter? Tell us about her. (Mnemonic table) Guys, which wild animal sleeps in winter like a bear? (Children's answers - hedgehog, badger) Do you know anything interesting about them? (Answers, stories) Well, well done, guys, you told Lesovich a lot about wild forest inhabitants.
Physical exercise.
Game "Who has who?" (with a ball) A squirrel has a baby squirrel A hare has a baby hare A moose cow has a calf, etc.
Now, guys, let's play another game with you, “Find the Sound.” Let's look for the sound "L". (Pictures depicting animals are displayed on the flannelgraph - fox, elk, wolf, bear, squirrel, hare.). What sound is this? (Child exhibits a diagram)
- In which words is the sound “L” hidden? - Find words in which the sound is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word. - Count how many syllables are in words.
And in what word do we hear the sound “L”? (Fox) Tell me about this sound. (The child puts up a diagram and talks about the sound)
Part 3.
And Lesovich has something else in his letter. Oh yes, it's a poem. How can we learn it faster? (children's answers - you need to draw them, or show them with movements) The teacher, reading the poem, shows the movements to the children.
There is a hut in the forest under a spruce tree. (Hands up - trees waving their branches, hands like a house) The cubs fell asleep there. (Hands under the cheek, then we make ears - hands to the head) But the little one doesn’t want to sleep, (We show the small size with our hands, shake our heads) Mom began to get bored. (Hands to the head - the ears of the bear, we knock on the knees with our fists) The capricious clubfoot asks: (We show our clubfooted legs, we walk, we beckon with our hands) “Cook me dinner! (We show with our hands - we cook) Quickly bring it here (with our hands we beckon to you) Honey, a fish from the pond!!!” (We stroke the belly with our hand, show the fish with our hand, with wavy movements) The mother sings to her son: (We show the mother bear - hands and ears) “Bai, bai, I need to sleep! (We rock the child, hands to cheek) You will fall asleep, and sleep will come, (We continue to hold our hands, fingers on our knees - stomp stomp) He will bring everything in the basket!” (We show the basket - hands in a ring, then hands to the children)
We repeat 2-3 times, then listen to 2-3 children. (With the help of the teacher.) What a great fellow you are today, you worked out well. And Lesovichok sent you gifts - nuts. Help yourself, please.
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