Lesson on speech development in the middle group “Polite words”

Conversation with middle group children about politeness

In the evening you can read a fairy tale about politeness.

In one kingdom there lived a king with his queen, and they had two daughters, two little princesses, Nika and Lika. Outwardly, the princesses were very similar to one another, but in character they were completely different.

Nika was very polite, always greeted everyone, said “thank you,” “please,” “sorry.” And everything is always with a smile.

Lika, on the contrary, did not know polite words at all. Instead of saying “please,” she stomped her foot and demanded: “Bring it and serve it!” It seemed that she had never heard of “thank you” at all. And she was rude to everyone left and right.

Queen Mom shook her head and said:

- And what happened? Why are our daughters so different? It seems like we raise them the same way.

One day the princesses went to a nearby forest for a walk. The weather was wonderful, the birds were chirping, butterflies were fluttering over the flowers! Lika went ahead, and Nika paused to look at the bees collecting honey. Lika came out into the clearing and saw that a huge Dragon was lying in the middle of it, resting.

- Well, step away! I need to go! – the princess said to the Dragon in a rude voice.

- What, you don’t know the magic word? – the Dragon asked her.

- What kind of magic word?! “Didn’t you hear that I told you to move away,” Lika answered.

“What a rude person,” answered the Dragon, but moved to allow the princess to pass.

Lika walked through the clearing, and then, turning to him, said:

- Lounged here, and still requires some magic words! Nasty dragon!

Here the Dragon could not stand it and rose to his paws. His head hung over the princess.

- What kind of impolite girl is this?! Instead of saying thank you, she also calls me names! Now I'll eat you! I can't stand such ill-mannered people! – he roared and opened his mouth.

Princess Lika was very afraid that the Dragon would really eat her. Then suddenly, behind the Dragon’s back, the pleasant thin voice of Princess Nika was heard:

- Hello! Please don't eat my sister. Excuse her.

- It's your sister? – the Dragon was surprised. - How did it happen that you are such a well-mannered girl, and she is a rude person?

“I don’t know,” Nika shrugged, “no one in our kingdom can understand this.”

Hmm...,” the Dragon scratched the back of his head with his hind paw. “I think I understand what’s going on.” This happened to one of my cousins. When he was learning to talk, he accidentally lost his polite words and was terribly rude until one Good Fairy helped him.

- Maybe you know where this Fairy lives? – Nika asked.

- Yes, very close! Behind the forest! - Dragon nodded. - Climb on my back. I will quickly get you to this Good Fairy.

The princesses climbed onto the back of the Dragon, and he, flapping his wings, rose into the sky. Princess Lika tried not to even open her mouth. It was not only that the Dragon scared her, but also that she herself was tired of being so rude and ill-mannered. Even if she wanted to say something beautiful, when she started speaking, she came out completely rude. She really hoped that the Dragon was right and the Good Fairy could help her.

The Good Fairy turned out to be very kind indeed. She listened to the Dragon and Nika and happily agreed to help poor Lika. The fairy brought her thick magic book, found the required spell in it and cast it, waving her magic wand.

“Thank you,” Lika said immediately.

- Happened! Happened! - everyone was happy.

“No one can help you understand why polite words are sometimes lost,” explained the Good Fairy. “It’s good that there is a special spell that helps bring them back.”

- I'm so glad, I'm so glad! Thank you all, friends! “I will never be rude again and will be a kind and well-mannered princess,” Lika promised.

And so it happened. Lika became as well-mannered and polite as her sister Nika. And since then they have been great friends with the Dragon, and he often flies to the palace for tea and cakes with the princesses.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Department of Education of the Aznakaevsky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 9 “Salavat Kupere” of a combined type of the city of Aznakaevo, Aznakaevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan Teacher of the 1st qualification category Akhunzyanova Svetlana Yuryevna, Aznakaevo 2014

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group

Topic: Polite words

Educator: Akhunzyanova Svetlana Yurievna

Program content. Teach children to correctly use etiquette formulas in speech. To consolidate the rule of cultural behavior in society. Develop dialogical speech and artistry. Nurture children's communication skills.

Material: Didactic game “Politeness Lessons” I.Mroshnichenko Sun Toy. Half masks - fox, bear, cat. hare Cash register. Tickets. Shapoklyak costume. Melody from the cartoon "Cheburashka"

Literature: “Clever Words” by E. Sinitsyn. M.1997 “Preparation for conducting theatrical games in kindergarten” P. Petrova M. School press 2004 “Speech therapy” O. Epifanova Volgograd 2004 “Amazing stories” L. Belousova St. Petersburg “Childhood press” 2000 “By playing, we learn to create” R.Shaekhova Kazan 1997

Progress of the lesson: Children enter the playroom. Educator: Children, say hello to the guests. Children: Hello. Q: Let's say hello and wish each other good health. - Hello sun, hello day, drive away all our laziness, give health to the little ones, all the kids are darlings. Q: Children, I have a toy sun in my hands, let’s play the game “Say a polite word” with it, let the sun rejoice. The rule is that children pass the toy to each other and say a polite word. (Hello, Good morning, Please, Thank you) Q: Well done children. Samir's poem will tell us about kind words. Kind words are not too lazy to repeat to me three times a day. As soon as I leave the gate To everyone going to work To the blacksmith, weaver, doctor “Good morning I shout” “Good afternoon” - I shout after everyone going to lunch “Good evening” - this is how I greet everyone hurrying home for tea. Q: Children today we will remember polite words, please sit down in your seats. There are pictures in front of you, let's look at them. Let's tell the heroes how to do the right thing. Working with pictures “Politeness Lessons” by I. Miroshnichenko “Hello” - Is it good that the boy didn’t say hello to his neighbors? Who should say hello first, junior or senior? Is it possible to say hello to everyone? What greeting words do you know? Also with the words - excuse me, please sit down, bon appetit. My phone rang.

Q: Guys, now we’ll take a little rest. Let's do gymnastics for the fingers. “The morning has come” The morning has come The sun has risen Hey, brother Fedya Wake up your neighbor Get up big boy Get up pointer Get up middle man Get up little orphan And little Mitroshka Hello palm1 Everyone stretched and woke up. “Friendly guys” They are friends in our group Girls and boys You and I will become friends Little fingers 12345 Start counting again 12345 We have finished counting.

You guys really love telling poems. Say them expressively and loudly. “Good afternoon” - “Good afternoon!” - they told you. “Good afternoon!” you answered. How two strings connected - Warmth and kindness. "Bon voyage" They wish us! Have a good journey1 It will be easier to drive and walk. It will, of course, lead to a good path - also to something good. "Hello! -Hello! You tell the person Hello! He will smile back and probably won’t go to the pharmacy and will be healthy for many years.

Q: Thank you children for your poems.

Surprise moment Shepoklyak enters, music from the cartoon “Cheburashka” sounds. Sh: What are you doing here? But anyway, you can’t become famous for good deeds! Q: No, no, Shepoklyak, you’re wrong, our children are friendly, well-mannered. They love to help everyone. They know a lot of polite words. Do you want us to teach you too? Sh: Play with me the game “What word is lost?” Shepoklyak reads the words, the children find the lost word. -I saw Nastya now. Nastya is a nice girl. Nastya goes to first grade. But for a long time now I haven’t heard the word from Nastya———. Hello. We're talking about Sonya. We gave her a ball But you can’t be silent like a fish Well, I would say ———— Thank you.

I met Vitya, my neighbor. It was a sad meeting. He hit me like a torpedo. He came from around the corner. But imagine! In vain I was waiting for a word from Vitya————- Sorry.

Educator. The word is so very precious!

Masha knew a lot of words, But one of them was missing, And it is, as luck would have it, that is spoken most often. For a gift, at dinner This word is said, When they thank you. (Thank you) Teacher. The word is so very precious!

Didactic game "Sun"

The game is played by Shepoklyak, who reads excerpts from V. Mayakovsky’s work “What is good and what is bad.” When reading a good deed, a smiling sun is shown, when reading a bad deed, a sad sun is shown.

Game initiation “Polite words” (Mashkovskaya)

Shepoklyak: The theater is opening, Everything is ready for the beginning. Tickets are offered for a polite word. The ticket office opened at 3 o'clock. A lot of people gathered. Even an elderly hedgehog dragged himself in a little alive.

Hedgehog: I have one place! Here is my kind word: “Thank you.”

Sh. Gives a ticket. Rooster. The rooster crowed “Good morning” That’s my word. I have a ticket for a whole row of hens and chicks.

Fox. A fox came running to us and said “Good afternoon.” I’d like a ticket, please.

Hare. If you're not too lazy, please give me the best place. Bear. Cashier, give me the Shapoklyak ticket. Your polite word. Bear. I do not have that. Shapoklyak. But you don’t have one. You won’t get a ticket. Bear. I need a ticket. Shapoklyak. The cashier did not give the clubfoot a ticket. Clubfoot began to sob. What should a clubfoot do? Solving a situation with children, naming polite words.

Summing up the lesson.

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