GCD for speech development in the middle group “Aibolit visiting children”

Game - a journey based on Chukovsky's fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" in the senior group in kindergarten

Summary of joint play activities with children 5-6 years old with disabilities.

The game is a journey based on the fairy tale by K.I.
Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit". Objectives: 1. Educational area “Socialization” (dominant): • Continue to teach how to organize a game based on knowledge gained from conversations, literary works, and watching cartoons. • Foster a culture of activity during the game. 2. “Reading fiction” • To consolidate children’s knowledge of the content of K. I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit.” 3. Educational area “Health”: • Develop children’s imaginative ideas, emotionality, expressiveness of movements and facial expressions, imagination in taking on the image of an animal. • Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules of first aid for burns, bites, toothache. Contribute to the unity of the children's team. 4. Educational area “Communication”: • Promote the development of dialogic speech. • Continue to expand and enrich the vocabulary: Subject: names of animals (fox, wolf, eagle, whale, hare, dog, shark); names of medical supplies and medicines (thermometer, brilliant green, bandage, tube, first aid kit, ointment), mountains, sea, forest, Christmas tree, Christmas trees, wave, waves, animals, little animals. Qualitative: sick, lame, poor, fast, hairy, big, tall. Verb: it hurts, tore off, bit, pecked, bandage, lubricate, put, fold, rage, make noise, run out, walk, get up, sit down, go down. Preliminary work: • designing a corner of a fairy tale (scenery “Africa”) • reading K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Aibolit”, • watching the cartoon “Doctor Aibolit”, • role-playing game “Hospital for Birds and Animals”, • didactic game “First Aid” ", • design of the coloring book "Doctor Aibolit", • making crafts from waste material based on the fairy tale. • design of the exhibition “A hospital for birds and animals has been opened”, • sketch games “Imagine”, “Turn one-two-three and turn into someone”. Equipment, gaming materials: demonstration material: a fairy tale corner is decorated with “Africa” decorations, soft toys, a doctor’s costume. handouts: children's doctor costumes, medical bag, medical toy supplies, pictures of animals (fox, dog, ostrich, hare, hippopotamus), Methods and techniques: • surprise moment; • work with illustrations; • didactic games; • sketch; • game situation; • explanation; • display of movements; • question. Work with parents: • reading the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, • watching the cartoon “Doctor Aibolit”, • jointly decorating a fairy tale corner in the group, • parents making a costume for the doll “Doctor Aibolit”.
Organizational moment. Children play independently in different parts of the group. The teacher and the speech pathologist offer the children to play the game “Ho-ho-ho”. Then the speech pathologist teacher invites a subgroup of children to his office. The teacher draws the attention of the other children to the telegram. Educator : Look, children, we received a telegram from Africa. Who do you think it's from? Children: From Doctor Aibolit. If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher draws attention to the red medical cross. Educator: Guys, you guessed it yourself, this is a telegram from Doctor Aibolit. Let's read it: “Dear children, help! The poor animals are sick, I can’t handle it alone.” Educator: Shall we help Doctor Aibolit? Children: Yes, we will help. Educator: But first we must go through the school of a young doctor, don’t you agree? Children: Yes, we agree. Educator: Then let's quickly go there. (children together with the teacher approach the table where it is written “Young Doctor’s School”) Game “First Aid” Educator: Look, children, who is drawn in the pictures? Children: Animals. Educator: Let's name them. Children: fox, dog, hare, hippopotamus, ostrich, shark. Educator: What fairy tale are these animals from? Children: These are animals from the fairy tale about Doctor Aibolit. Educator : Before us are sick animals from the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”. Children, choose your own patient. Children choose one picture for themselves. Educator: Katya, name your patient, and what hurts? Katya: This is a fox, she was bitten by a wasp. Educator: how will you treat her? Katya: I’ll remove the sting and cover it with a band-aid. Educator : That's right, Katya is great. If the child finds it difficult to answer, I suggest he choose from two options: (Will you lubricate the wound or wash it with water?) Educator: Alice, who is your patient? What hurts him? Alice: This is Barbos, his chicken pecked on his nose. Educator : How can I help him? Alice: You need to wash the wound and lubricate it with brilliant green. Educator: Okay, Alice. Sasha, tell me, who did you choose? What hurts your patient? Sasha: This is Bunny. His paws were torn off. Educator: How will you help him? Sasha: I'll sew new paws on him. Educator: Well done Sasha. Who is Dasha's patient? Dasha: This is an ostrich. Educator: What hurts him? Dasha: His throat hurts. Educator: Dasha, how can we help him? Dasha: Let's tie his neck and give him warm water. Educator: Veronica, who did you choose? Veronica: I chose a shark. Educator : What is wrong with your shark? Veronica: Her teeth hurt. Educator: What do you advise her? Veronica: Rinse your mouth with warm water. Educator : Well done, Veronica. The teacher sums it up, says that everyone has completed the task, and gives the children “Young Doctor” medals. Educator: Guys, what does the doctor need to take with him on the journey? Children: Medical bag, suitcase, first aid kit. Educator: That's right, so we're going to pack our medical bag. You are ready? Children: Yes, ready. Game “Assemble a first aid kit”
Objects are laid out on the table, children need to choose from them the medical supplies that Doctor Aibolit will need to treat the animals.
Educator: Guys, let's remember how Doctor Aibolit treated animals in the fairy tale? Children: Chocolate, set a thermometer, eggnog. Educator: Well done guys, now put in our medical bag what can help us treat animals. Children collect medical supplies, the teacher talks with each child about what medical supplies are needed for. Educator: Let's check and name what you added. Children: Thermometers, bandages, brilliant green, vitamins, tube, band-aid. Educator: Guys, what can you call all this, what is it? Children: Medical supplies. If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher asks the question differently (Are these medical supplies or dishes?). Educator: Well done, guys, you did an excellent job with this task. Our first aid kit is packed and we hit the road. How will we get to Africa? Children: You can sail on a ship, fly on a plane. Educator: Let's remember who helped Doctor Aibolit get to Africa? Children: Doctor Aibolit was helped to get to Africa by wolves, an eagle, and a whale. Educator: Let’s imagine that Aibolit found himself in the forest, show us what kind of Christmas trees grow in the forest. Sketch “Aibolit on the way” Children depict Christmas trees, stand on tiptoes, sway, wiggle their fingers. Educator: “And there’s snow and hail in Aibolit’s face.” Children depict falling snow and hail. Educator: “And Aibolit fell and lies in the snow, I can’t go any further.” Children depict how Aibolit fell and lies. Educator: “And now shaggy wolves run out to him from behind the tree. Get on top of me Aibolit, we’ll get you there quickly.” Children run in a circle, imitating the habits of wolves. Educator : “But in front of him is the sea, raging, noisy in the open.” Children hold hands, raise and lower them, and pretend to be a wave. Educator: “But then a whale swims up: Sit on me Aibolit, and like a big steamer. I’ll take you ahead!” Children lie down on the carpet and do the fish exercise. Educator: “And the mountains stand in front of him on the way, he begins to crawl through the mountains.” Children stand up and stretch their arms up, imitating mountains. Educator: “And now eagles descended from a high mountain to him: Sit on Aibolit’s horse, we’ll get you there quickly.” Children imitate the flight of birds and stop near Aibolit (a child in a medical cap). Educator: Let's say hello to Doctor Aibolit. Children: Hello Doctor Aibolit. We also became doctors and want to help you. Aibolit: Hello, I am so glad that you came to my aid. These are sick, forest animals, and they have measles, and diphtheria, and they have smallpox, and they have bronchitis, and they have a headache, and their throat hurts. Educator: Don’t worry, Doctor Aibolit, we will help you and try to cure all the patients. The teacher offers to continue the game independently. Children take toys in their hands and stroke them. They ask what hurts them, talk kindly, and begin to treat them. Then the teacher invites the “doctors” to take a break from work and dance with their patients to the music of “Chunga-Changa”.

We recommend watching:

Scenario for a lesson in a senior group. Journey into a fairy tale Entertainment based on Chukovsky's fairy tales in the older group. Scenario Game - dramatization based on Chukovsky's fairy tales for children of the senior group of kindergarten Scenario of a holiday based on Chukovsky's fairy tales for children of the senior preparatory group

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