Summary of GCD in the 2nd junior group on the topic: Sunny

Summary of GCD in the 2nd junior group on the topic: Sunny

Abstract of the GCD in the 2nd junior group on the topic “Visiting the Sun.”
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children (3-4 years old) on the topic “Visiting the Sun.”
This material will be useful to teachers of the younger group. This is a summary of an educational lesson aimed at cultivating interest in the sun and developing curiosity in younger preschoolers. Procedure:
1. GCD slide “Visiting the Sun”
Children enter the group and greet the guests.
They stand in a semicircle. An audio recording of the Turtle and Lion Cub's song about the sun is played. Educator : Introductory and organizational stage. "Good morning!" Psychological attitude towards activity, creating an atmosphere of interest. -Good morning, eyes! You woke up? (children, together with the teacher, stroke the eyelids) - Good morning, ears! You woke up? (stroke ears) -Good morning, hands! You woke up? (clap our hands) - Good morning, legs! You woke up? (stomping) - Good morning sun! We woke up! (hands open towards the sun). Let's all smile and share the good mood with each other and with our guests. Say hello to them. Educator: Children, now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you guess it. The golden apple rolls across the sky and the rays in a smile are very hot. Children's answers. (sun) Educator : That's right, and today we will talk about the sun. How can you call the sun affectionately? Children's answers. Educator: That's right, honey. Educator: Look, children, what kind of sun came to visit us today. 2. Slide sun
What is it like?
Children's answers (cheerful, joyful, warm, hot, radiant, kind, clear, bright, beautiful, gentle, affectionate, red-sun). Educator : Now let's talk about the sun in poetry. The sun looks out the window, looks into our room. We clapped our hands, We were very happy about the sun. A. Barto The sun examined the earth, Each ray left a trace. There is no more important thing in the world than giving warmth and light. V. Nesterenko A cloud is hiding behind the forest, The sun is watching from the sky. And so pure, kind, radiant. If we could get him, we would kiss him. 3.Slide the sun is smiling
Let's blow a kiss to the sun, guys.
4. slide the sun hid behind a cloud
Educator: Now let's play.
The game is called "Sunshine and Rain". I suggest we stand in a circle around our sun. Now magical music will play and we will turn into rays of sunshine. If our sun laughs, we will jump and run merrily, but as soon as you hear the sound of rain - like this (the sound of a metallophone), you must hide under an umbrella. 5. Slide people, animals, birds, plants Educator: Without the sun it’s hard for everyone, people, animals, birds, and plants. And when the sun is shining everyone is happy! What happens if the sun disappears? Children's answers (it will become dark, cold, plants will not grow). Educator: That's right, and if plants don't grow, then animals, birds and people will have nothing to eat. But our sun shines on us and we are happy about it, and plants grow. The teacher draws attention to the container in which dummies of vegetables and fruits are hidden in the sand. Educator: Children, look what I found. What's inside? Let's check. Place your hand in the container (children take turns putting their hand down and taking out dummies of vegetables and fruits). D/game “Find out by touch” (children take out vegetables and fruits, name them, color and shape) 6. Slide vegetables and fruits 7. Slide sky (music, the sun came out) Educator: Children, look, there is a sheet of blue paper on the table It’s like a piece of the sky, but there’s no sun on it. Let's make suns and send them to this sky. To do this, take yellow dough, first roll it into a ball, then flatten it, make a circle, and then stick yellow-colored sticks (rays) into the side. And let's send our suns to the sky and admire them. Place on cardboard. 8. Slide the sun in the sky Educator: Your suns turned out beautiful. Result: What came to visit us today? (sunny) Who did you guess riddles about? Who did we read poems about? What happens if the sun disappears? Well done. Educator: Guys, you are also rays of sunshine. Warm your palms with your warmth (blow into your palms, rub them). Now convey your warmth and tenderness to our guests. Come, don't be shy! (children approach the guests and take their hands). Look how warm and happy everyone is! Let's go pass on our warmth to other children.

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Project in the first junior group on the topic: “Sun” Implementation period: short-term (one week) Type of project: information and research Participants: educators, children 1 ml. groups, parents. The goal of the project: the formation of an active vocabulary in children through the organization of different types of activities: gaming; cognitive (observations, experiment, artistic expression); musical, aesthetic, productive. Objectives: 1. To give children basic ideas about a natural object - the sun, its influence on the world around them (“Cognition”). 2. To form children’s cognitive activity when conducting experiments and observations (“Cognition”). 3. Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic. Reinforce the concepts of “yellow”, “round”, “similar”, “not similar” “Cognition”. Expected result: - enrichment of children’s active and passive vocabulary through the words: “bright”, “light”, “warm”, “shines”, “smiles”, “warms”, etc. - cognitive interest in experiments; — development of observation skills in children Stages of the project: 1. Conversations with children to identify children’s knowledge about the sun. 2. Preparation of poems, amusements, riddles, games, using the “sun”, illustrative material. 3. Preparation of attributes for games and activities. Main stage: 1. Reading and memorizing nursery rhymes “Sun”, “Sun-bucket”, physical education. 2. Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”. 3. Didactic game “What does it look like? "(by shape, color, feeling). 4. Observation of changes in nature associated with the sun. 5. Carrying out joint drawing activities on the theme “From the Sun”. 6. Carrying out joint modeling activities on the theme “Radiant Sun”. 7. Using the “Sun” attribute as a surprise moment 8. Complex of morning exercises “Radiant Sun”. 9. Observing the sunrise and sunset (if possible in a group, using illustrations, with the help of parents at home). 10. Experiment “Cold-warm” 11. Sedentary game “Build a sun”. Final stage: Summarizing the results of the project. 1. Experiment with plants “Plants and the Sun” 2. Experiment “Ice - Water” 3. Observations of seasonal changes in nature associated with the sun. Project implementation: 1. Physical school I'm sitting in the sun, I'm looking at the sun, I'm sitting and sitting, And I'm looking at the sun. The rhinoceros-horn-horn is coming, the crocodile-dil-dil is swimming, Only I am still sitting and looking at the sun. I'm lying in the sun, I'm looking at the sun, I'm lying and lying, And I'm looking at the sun. A lion cub lies nearby and wiggles its ears, but I still lie there and don’t look at the lion cub. Only I still lie and don’t look at the lion cub. Nursery rhymes and poems about the sun. Bucket sunshine! Come up quickly, light up, warm up the calves and lambs, even the little guys. Burn, burn clearly! E. Blaginina The sun is red, burn clearly! Swim like a fish in the sky, revive our land, warm all the children in the world, warm them up, make them healthy! Orca swallows, Fly to us quickly, Hurry from distant countries, And spring on your wings And bring warmth 2. Joint modeling activity on the theme: “Radiant Sun” Purpose: To teach, in collaboration with the teacher and other children, to create an expressive image of the cheerful sun. introduce children to accessible natural phenomena; develop fine motor skills of the hands. form the correct posture when sculpting: sit freely, do not lean too low over the table. develop the desire to play outdoor games with simple content. 3. Joint drawing activity in the first junior group on the topic: “Sun” Goal: learn to draw the sun, teach the elements of composition, consolidate color, shape, learn to paint inside the outline, cultivate interest in the world around you, create a joyful mood, develop imagination. Preliminary work: observation, looking at illustrations, conversation. 4. A set of exercises for morning exercises (with elements of breathing exercises) “Visiting the sun.” Children stand in a circle. Educator. Guys, look how light and warm it is in our group today. Do you know why? Everything is very simple - we are visiting the sun. The sun illuminates and warms everything around. The game “Sunny Bunny” is played. Educator. A sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. It ran further down the face. Gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin. Stroke carefully so as not to frighten the sunbeam, head, neck, tummy, arms, legs. He climbed up the collar, stroke him there too. The bunny is not a mischief-maker—he just loves and caresses you, and you pet him and make friends with him. INTRODUCTORY PART Walking randomly after a sunbeam (15 seconds). Running in all directions (15 seconds). Formation in a circle. MAIN PART 1. “Smile at the sun.” I. p.: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on shoulders. Raise your right leg and extend your right arm forward, palm up, and smile. Return to starting position. Repeat the same movements with your left arm and leg. Return to starting position. Repeat 3 times. Instructions for children: “Follow the task carefully and clearly: act with your right hand and right foot at the same time.” 2. "Playing with the sun's rays." I. p.: sitting, legs together, arms down. Spread your legs to the sides, clap your palms on your knees. Return to starting position. Repeat 6 times. Instruction for children: “Do not bend your knees.” 3. "Relaxing in the sun." I. p.: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and pressed to the chest. Roll onto your right side. Return to starting position. Roll onto your left side. Return to starting position. 3 times in each direction. Demonstration and explanation by the teacher. 4. “The kids are happy.” I. p.: legs together, hands on the belt, jumping in place. Repeat 3 times. Instruction for children: “Jump high, easy.” FINAL PART Walking around the hall in a column one at a time (15 seconds). Outdoor game "Sun and Rain". On the command: “Sunny,” children run around the hall; on the command: “Rain,” they squat. The game is repeated 2 times. Walking around the hall at a slow pace (15 seconds). Breathing exercise “Blowing into the sun” (15 seconds). Children say goodbye to the sun and return to the group. Collaborative activities between teachers and children. Conversation “The Sun is Radiant” Purpose: To introduce children to the natural object the sun. To form children’s ideas about the need for the sun for life on earth. Teach children to answer the teacher’s questions, select adjectives and verbs. Activate children's vocabulary Joint activity (FCCM) Topic: “On a visit to the sun.” Goal: To consolidate the ability to group homogeneous objects according to the specified characteristics, to name their number, using the concepts of “big”, “small”, “many”, “little” To develop the motor activity of children through the implementation of the games “Grey Bunny”, “The Sun Woke Up” Enrich and activate the child’s active vocabulary in the word game “Describe the Sun” Independent activity of children Game situation: “Masha woke up - the sun smiled at her” Purpose: to teach children to play together, to promote the development of children’s imagination, the implementation of early knowledge in children’s independent games. Children's games with mosaics: “Sun” Story game: “Sun woke up” (children make the crib, wash the doll)

Fine art lesson summary. Topic: “Sunshine”


: computer, interactive whiteboard

Educational Resources

: none.

During the classes.

Motivation for educational activities (organizational moment)

Greetings, landing hygiene and letters. Checking readiness for upcoming activities. The list of accessories includes oilcloth, an apron with sleeves, brushes of different thicknesses, paints (gouache or watercolor), a sippy jar, and wet wipes.

Warm up your hands and fingers, prepare for upcoming creative activities.

Self-determination for educational activities

- What did we do with you in the last lesson? What were they talking about? What helped us depict a rainbow?

Planned result: students have knowledge acquired at the previous stage of training, are able to use this knowledge in a learning situation, and solve problems set by the teacher.

Result obtained: the obtained result corresponds to the planned one.

Setting a learning task

- Look out the window. What do you see there? What words can we use to describe the sun? Is it more gloomy or kind and smiling? What shape is the sun?

Planned result: students have knowledge acquired at the previous stage of training, are able to use this knowledge in a learning situation, and solve problems set by the teacher.

Result obtained: the obtained result corresponds to the planned one.

Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action.

The teacher provides instructions on working with different types of paints, using jars and brushes of different widths. The drawing is shown on the board and implemented together with the children according to the designated stages. If the desired color is not available in the existing palette, the teacher explains the procedure for obtaining the shade by mixing the available bases.

The teacher gives the order of drawing a circle through two points and arcs, shows alternative ways of drawing a circle without a compass. The drawing of the sun with elements of the face is embodied in a pencil and then filled in with paints.

After completing the image of the compositional center, students are given the opportunity to freely create to fill in the voids on the sheet. Compositional completion is determined through the students’ skills and abilities; the task is set to be feasible, of medium complexity and possible to quickly implement.

Planned result: students have the knowledge acquired at the previous stage of training, are able to use this knowledge in a learning situation, and solve the problem set by the teacher.

Result obtained: the obtained result corresponds to the planned one.

Bottom line

Upon completion of work, students clean the work area. The exhibition of works is determined on an empty desk.


Summary of the educational activity “Rays for the Sun” for children of the 1st junior group

Safonova Elena Alekseevna, teacher at MBDOU No. 55 in Apatity, Murmansk region.

Objectives: 1. To develop the ability to group objects by color. 2. Consolidate knowledge of the color yellow. 3. Cultivate responsiveness and goodwill in children. 4. Develop cognitive interest in the world around us in the process of becoming familiar with small forms of oral folk art.

Equipment: - multimedia installation; - laptop; — memory card with the flash game “Rays for the Sun”; - recording of the musical composition by A. Yaranova “Sunshine, sunshine, come out.”

Material: - plate; - steering wheel; - saucer; - wheel.

Preliminary work: - learning physical education; - reading the nursery rhyme “The sun is looking through the window”; — solving riddles about the sun.

Progress of the directly organized activity: The lesson is held in a room (group). Before the start of the lesson, multimedia equipment is installed. Children with a teacher enter the group. The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs. Educator: Guys, an unusual guest came to us today, would you like to meet him? Children: Yes, we want. Educator: Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to solve it and then you’ll find out who it is. Early in the morning I will wake up, I will look and laugh, Because in my window it is shining brightly... (Sun)

Educator (shows a slide with a picture of the sun): Well done, guys! And the sun is already here, heard that they speak kindly about him, and came to us. Let's tell the sun his nursery rhyme together.

The teacher reads a nursery rhyme about the sun, the children recite it together with the teacher. The sun is looking out the window, shining into our room. We will clap our hands - We are very happy about the sun.

Educator: The sun wakes up before everyone else and rises high into the sky, illuminates the whole earth, warms everyone with its warmth. Look at the sun - what is it like? Children: The sun is round, yellow, big. Educator: What great fellows you are, you know everything! Guys, look at the table. The sun brought various items for us. Let's look at them. Examines round objects with children.

Educator: What is this guys? Children: Wheel. Educator: Correct! What shape is the wheel? Children: Round. Educator: What else did Sunny bring for us? Children: Plate, saucer, steering wheel. Educator: Well done, guys! Look carefully, what round objects do we have in our group? Children name round objects. Educator: Well done! All round objects found! You've worked hard, now it's time to relax!

Physical school is being held. We extended our palms (extend our arms with our palms facing forward). And they looked at the sun (look up and down). Give us, sunshine, warmth (perform a movement with your hands, as if beckoning to you). So that there is strength. Our fingers are tiny (rhythmically bend and straighten your fingers). They don’t want to wait a minute (clench their hands into fists). Knock - knock, with hammers (knock one fist on the other). Clap - clap, with your little paws (clap your knees with your palms). Jump and jump like bunnies (jumping on two legs) Children are jumping on the lawn.

A “sad” sun appears on the screen.

Educator: Guys, look, while we were having fun, our sun became sad. What happened to him? Children: The sun has lost its rays. Educator: Let's help him find them.

The flash game “Rays for the Sun” is being played.

Comments on the game: Educator: Guys, look at the screen showing blue and yellow rays. What color do you think our sun has lost, blue or yellow? Children: Yellow. Educator: Correct. Let us remove all the blue rays and give the yellow rays to the sun. In order to remove the blue ray, we need to point the arrow (cursor) at it and click on the red mouse button. (The computer mouse is specially adapted for children - the left button is painted red with varnish). Using the mouse, the teacher and the children remove the blue rays. The sun with rays appears on the slide.

The teacher praises the children.
The music of A. Yaranova “Sunshine, sunshine, come out” sounds, the children dance together with the teacher. A fun trip with the sun Visiting the sun Sunbeams “Rays”, “Iskryata” - friendly guys!” >

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