Lesson for children in the middle group of kindergarten: “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

ECD for speech development in the middle group “My favorite fairy tales”

Abstract of the educational activity “Favorite Fairy Tales”
Author: Moiseeva Natalya Valentinovna, teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution Moscow Secondary School No. 1464 (preschool department) Purpose: This material will be useful to preschool teachers and parents. can be used to conduct quizzes with preschool children. Goal: Remember and repeat familiar fairy tales. Objectives: To consolidate familiar fairy tales in children’s memory, to be able to recognize them from fragments and illustrations. Reproduce excerpts from fairy tales and dramatize them. Develop memory, imagination, intonation expressiveness of speech. To cultivate a love for Russian folk tales and fairy tales of other peoples. The material is intended for children 4-5 years old. Preliminary work: Telling fairy tales, talking about their content, looking at illustrations, dramatizing excerpts from fairy tales.
Prepare fairy tales in separate editions, illustrations, objects, costumes. GCD move

The teacher enters the group in a Russian folk sundress, with a scarf on his shoulders. - Hello, children, look at my unusual costume, do you like it? (children's answers) Today I will be a storyteller, okay? (children’s answer) I’ve told you a lot of fairy tales, and now I’ve come to find out if you like my fairy tales? Do you know them? A poem about a fairy-tale country. In a cozy fairy-tale country, there is no anger or sadness. In it you can meet, oddly enough, in the tavern - Hans Christian. And next to him, and next to him You can see the Brothers Grimm. And the noble Charles Perrault takes up his pen again, To suddenly revive a magical moment on the pages of old books And again call guests here - Children in love with miracles. Let the Heroes of fairy-tale worlds enter the land of their dreams! Nikolaeva Polina Educator: - Guys, I have a magic box, let's see what's in it? (I suggest one of the guys get it) One egg is simple, the other is golden. Tell me, what fairy tale are these eggs from? (children's answers) -Who laid the eggs in the fairy tale? (children's answers) -What did the chicken say at the end of the fairy tale? (children’s answers) -Okay, in which fairy tale does the cockerel scream: “I’m carrying a scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip the fox, get the fox off the stove...”? (children's answers) -Tell me what happened to the bunny? (children's stories) - Think and tell me why the fox kicked the bunny out of his house? (children's answers) -What other heroes of this fairy tale do you know? Do you remember who helped the bunny? (children's answers) -What happened at the end of the fairy tale? (children's answers) - Well done, guys, in which fairy tale did the washbasin talk? (children's answers) -What does Moidodyr teach you and me? (children's answers) Children recite lines from the fairy tale in chorus: “You must, you must, wash your face in the mornings and evenings, but being an unclean chimney sweep is a shame and a disgrace, a shame and a disgrace!” Educator: -Very good. (shows illustrations to the fairy tale “The Three Bears”) Do you recognize the fairy tale? Tell us what the bears said when they entered the dining room? 9 children's stories) - Guys, which of you wants to be the bear from this fairy tale? (We choose three children to play the roles of bears, the children play the roles of bears, repeating words from the fairy tale). -Well done, guys, your heroes were very similar to bears from a fairy tale. Does anyone remember in which fairy tale the milk river flowed through the banks of jelly? (children's answers) - That's right, in the fairy tale "Geese and Swans." Tell me, who helped your little sister save her brother? Why did they do this? (children's answers) - Guys, let's remember in which fairy tale the wolf blew away two houses? (children's answers) - How many houses were there in total? What were the piglets' houses made of? Why didn't the third house break down? (children's answers) Physical exercise “Frog-green ears” Frogs danced on an old tub, Green ears, Eyes on the top of the head. I approached them - They were splashing into the water! And there is nothing more to tell me about them. V. Stepanov (The children first squatted down, jumped on their haunches like frogs. Sitting on their haunches, they showed the ears of the frog with their palms, then jumped forward, imitating a frog jump.) Educator: - Well done, guys, you not only listened to fairy tales, but and remembered them. So you love them? (children's answers) Then you and I will continue to read fairy tales. What fairy tale would you like to listen to now? (The teacher names several fairy tales, the children choose the one they like to read). I read a fairy tale to the children and at the end I ask questions: Who is the main character of the fairy tale? What actions of the main character did the children like or dislike? Which fairy tale heroes would you like to be like? Why? I invite children to ask questions about the fairy tale they read. The teacher-storyteller says goodbye to the children and leaves parting words for the children.

Why do we need fairy tales?

Why do we need fairy tales? What does a person look for in them? Maybe kindness and affection. Maybe yesterday's snow. In a fairy tale, joy wins, A fairy tale teaches us to love. In the fairy tale, the animals come to life and begin to speak. In a fairy tale, everything is fair: both the beginning and the end. The brave prince leads the princess down the aisle. Snow White and the mermaid, The old dwarf, the good gnome - It’s a pity for us to leave the fairy tale, Like a cozy, sweet home. Read fairy tales to children! Teach them to love. Maybe in this world it will become easier for people to live.

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