Summary of management of regime processes in the middle group of kindergarten
Summary of management of routine processes in the middle group (returning from a walk, preparing for lunch, lunch)
Author: Natalia Eduardovna Ivanova, 3rd year student of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I. Yakovlev, Cheboksary. Description of the material: I offer you a summary of the routine processes (returning from a walk, preparing for lunch, lunch). This material may be useful for teachers and educators when working in a secondary group. Summary of management of routine processes in the middle group (returning from a walk, preparing for lunch, lunch) Objectives: Educational:
To develop in children the ability to notice disorder in clothes, neatly fold and hang, clean and dry them, consolidate the ability to use a comb, handkerchief, shape the habit of washing oneself, the ability to use a knife, eating carefully and quietly, developing cultural and hygienic eating habits, learning to use a napkin.
To develop skills of cultural behavior, responsiveness, accuracy, neatness, independence, desire to help a friend.
Sensory development, fine motor skills, memory, attention, speech
develop speech (fix the names of items of clothing, actions).
Individual work: Katya D. has problems taking off her clothes after a walk. The teacher first helps Katya undress, while explaining what she is going for. Then the teacher asks Katya to take off her things on her own. Methodological techniques for organizing routine moments: Verbal: instructions, reminders, explanations, encouragement, conversation, questions; Visual: demonstration of movements and actions by the teacher; Practical: imitation movements, labor actions of duty officers. Procedure: Educator : Children, when we enter kindergarten, we wipe our feet (I show how to do it) Educator: In the locker room we behave calmly, undress near our locker. I remind the children of the sequence of undressing. Educator: Guys, let's remember how to properly undress after a walk. First we take off the jacket, then the hat, jacket, pants, boots, tights and, finally, socks. Educator: All the things you took off need to be carefully folded and put in a locker. We put replacement shoes on the bottom shelf. Anyone who needs help, contact me: “Help, please!” I monitor the condition of the clothes; if they are wet, I tell the child to hang them up to dry. I make sure the children are neat after a walk; “Masha, look how dirty your pants are! What kind of pants did you wear?” (clean). I also turn to other children: “Misha, what are you filming now? Christina, where will you hang your jacket? Preparing for lunch: According to a pre-drawn schedule, I determine those on duty. Those on duty wash their hands first. Educator : Children, we will have lunch soon, so we are slowly collecting toys. Educator : Vanya and Masha are on duty today, the first to go wash their hands and help set the table for Tatyana Pavlovna. Educator: Guys, how should you wash your hands correctly? Educator : Correct. First, roll up your sleeves so as not to get them wet, and then open the tap with warm water. We place the handles under the water like a boat (I show them to the children). Then take the soap and lather your hands in a circular motion. Place the hands under water again and rinse off the soap well. Shake the remaining water into the sink and turn off the tap. Educator: Then what needs to be done? You need to go to the towel and wipe the handles dry on all sides, then hang them back in their places. I call 2-3 children who are eating slowly and send them to wash their hands. Educator: Guys, how to behave correctly in the washroom? Educator: Well done, you can’t splash water, you need to maintain order and cleanliness, after washing your hands, immediately turn off the water and under no circumstances leave the taps open. Then I send the girls first, then the boys. Lunch: Teacher: Children, everyone who has washed their hands, sit down at the tables. Sit up straight, put your legs straight, do not put your elbows on the table. Bon Appetit everyone. Educator: We eat everything carefully and eat it to the end. Educator: Children, what should I say to Tatyana Pavlovna?
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Joint activities in special moments in the middle group
Natalya Anikina
Joint activities in special moments in the middle group
Dear Colleagues!
I bring to your attention the joint activity of a teacher with children in special moments , in the educational field of “Labor”.
I hope this will help when planning educational work with children.
Educational field "Labor"
Middle group
• Develop skills for independent and consistent performance of work actions.
• Achieve targeted actions and timely implementation;
• Accustom children to comply with work culture skills;
• Strengthen children's desire to engage in work on their own initiative.
• Develop a feeling of joy from the work done;
Develop the ability to achieve goals together and the desire to help each other.
1 Week:
Teach children to maintain order on the veranda. Develop skills to perform labor actions one by one (sweeping part of the veranda one by one)
. Watch the work of a janitor.
Week 2:
Continue to teach children how to care for a plant in a corner of nature. Watch the teacher as he waters, loosens the soil, wipes the pot, and washes the tray. Develop a duty schedule in a corner of nature.
Week 3:
Monitor table manners. Conduct a conversation on etiquette, show the rules for using cutlery. Strengthen your ability to use a napkin. Foster table manners
Week 4:
Continue to teach children how to put on their own shoes and help others. Develop hand motor skills. Encourage the desire to help each other. Cultivate neatness and neatness in your appearance.
1 Week:
Develop the skills to straighten your crib independently. Observe the nanny's activities in the bedroom . Learn consistency in actions.
Week 2:
Help the janitor collect dry leaves on the paths of the kindergarten and take them to a certain place. Cultivate a desire to help adults. Collect natural material (leaves, pine cones, seeds)
. Make a craft from natural materials. Show the beauty of natural elements and develop imagination.
Week 3:
Accustom children to duty in the dining room. Learn to perform actions sequentially (remove fork, spoon, cup)
. Observe the nanny's actions. Develop a canteen duty schedule. Teach children to use it.
Week 4:
Continue to teach children to put toys back in their place. Cultivate thrift. Encourage initiative and mutual assistance.
1 Week:
Maintain order in separate closets. Mark the neatest ones. Develop skills in folding clothes and keeping them in order. Strengthen the skills of putting everything back in its place.
Week 2:
Continue teaching children how to care for an animal in a corner of nature (washing shelves, changing water)
. Cultivate a love for animals.
Week 3:
Read literary works about work, about different professions. Arouse interest in the work of adults. Observe the chef's activities . Continue to develop the skills of serving in the dining room, laying out spoons, placing bread bins and napkin holders on the table.
Week 4:
Teach children to sweep snow from benches and play equipment in the area. Teach children to use work items carefully and take them to their place after finishing work.
I wish you all creative success!
Summary of the organization of the regime moment “Getting ready for bed. Dream"
Yulia Kazankova
Summary of the organization of the regime moment “Getting ready for bed. Dream"
Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution No. 20
"Combined kindergarten"
Summary of the organization of the regime moment
"Preparation for sleep. Dream"
in the senior speech therapy group
Goal: To develop discipline in children of senior preschool age. Creating a calm environment and a positive mood before bed.
Educational: To consolidate children's knowledge on the topic of the week (Migratory birds).
Developmental: Develop independence when undressing, accuracy when folding clothes.
Educational: Cultivate a kind attitude and respect for peers.
Preliminary work:
-development of an algorithm for undressing and folding clothes.
-preparation for naps and naps at the same time.
- conversations with children about the rules of behavior in the group’s bedroom.
- conversations with children about the importance of daytime sleep.
-conversations with parents on the topic: “The daily routine of a 5-6 year old child.”
-ventilate the bedroom for at least 15 minutes.
Methods and techniques: Artistic word (D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck”)
Progress of the regime moment:
After eating, the teacher invites the children to go to the toilet. (As children leave the tables.)
(While undressing, the teacher helps the children, encourages, praises, makes comments. Draws the children’s attention to the fact that clothes should be folded carefully. The girls are invited to remove the elastic bands from their hair and take them to their cubicles.)
(After the main part of the children have gone to bed, the teacher approaches each child, wishes pleasant dreams in a kind, gentle voice, straightens the blanket. When all the children are lying on their beds, the teacher says that he will now read a fairy tale.)
The teacher leaves the bedroom only after all the children have fallen asleep.
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Summary of an open viewing of a routine moment: the ritual of going to bed for a nap in the middle group
Teacher of the 1st qualification category: Yakhibbaeva V.D.
Goals: Create a favorable, calm atmosphere in the room;
Strengthen cultural and hygienic skills (neatly fold clothes, hang them on a chair, do not jostle near chairs, ensure a restful sleep); undressing algorithm;
Develop speech (fix the names of clothes, actions);
cultivate neatness, independence, and calm behavior in the bedroom.
Equipment: squirrel toy, box, undressing algorithm-cards, tso.
Children sit on chairs.
Guys, we had lunch, let's pat our bellies so that the food settles down and we are healthy and strong.
The teacher used the technique of bringing toys into class and lunch.
Children, remember how Squirrel came to us when we were playing, going for a walk, watching you have lunch, and now she wants to see how you get ready for bed and know how to undress. And she brought cards with her. What do you think these cards mean?
The cards indicate how to undress correctly.
Squirrel goes into the bedroom.
Children, why do people need to rest?
So as not to get tired, so that your hands can rest, your eyes can be healthy, etc.)
That's right, children, we did a lot of things: we played a lot, talked a lot, went outside, studied, ate. And, of course, we are very tired, we need to rest. Therefore, we will now get ready for bed and go to the bedroom to rest. Your cribs are already waiting for you, soft pillows and a warm blanket.
How should you behave in the bedroom?
Child: We take off our blouses and hang them on the back of the chair.
2nd child: take off shorts and place them on the seat of a chair.
3rd child: take off your socks and put them on the seat of the chair too.
4 children: take off the tights, fold them carefully, and place them on the seat of the chair.
That's right, children, they took off their tights and folded them neatly and placed them on the seat of the chair.
You start undressing, and I’ll see who remembers how to properly undress and fold it neatly
I see that your chairs are level. Clothes folded neatly. Well done.
: Now go quietly and calmly into the bedroom. The squirrel is waiting for us. Here's a surprise. Look how beautiful her little box is, and there are sleep vitamins in it. (the teacher treats each child with vitamins)
2. Chew your vitamin well.
3. Have a good night's sleep,
4. and may you dream of a beautiful fairy tale.
(The teacher will check that all children chew their vitamins)
Educator: Go to your beds and lie down quietly, sweet dreams.
Hush, hush, quiet time
All the toys are resting
All the guys fall asleep
The teacher accompanies the child to the crib. The child lies down, the teacher strokes the back or head, covers him with a blanket, and approaches another child.
When the children are in bed, quiet, calm music is turned on.