Summary of direct educational activities on labor education on the topic “Collective work in a corner of nature” for children of senior preschool age

Summary of work activity in a corner of nature for the senior group.

Summary of work activity in a corner of nature for the senior group.

In our kindergarten, the education and upbringing of children takes place in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the program of which includes the development of labor activity, where the following tasks are set:

1. Raising in children a respectful attitude towards work.

2.Teaching children labor skills, skills of organizing and planning their work.

3. Education of moral and volitional qualities, habits of work effort.

4. Fostering a humane attitude towards others: the ability and desire to engage in joint work with peers.

Types of work provided:

- Self-service.

- Labor in nature.

- Manual labor.

— Familiarization with the work of adults.

In most detail, I want to dwell on work in nature in the older group.


(care for indoor plants)

Form of organization: collective work.

Type of labor: labor in nature.

Program content: Bring children to the concept of collective work, to the conclusion about its value, to the realization that work can bring joy and a sense of satisfaction. Teach children to treat plants as living beings, continue to teach practical help and empathy. The ability to properly hold a watering can with water, the skill of carefully wiping strong, leathery leaves, holding the leaf from below with a cloth. Learn to care for indoor plants and maintain curiosity. Strengthen your knowledge of the names of indoor plants.

Methods and techniques: surprise moment, play techniques, questions to children, showing ways of care, involving children in action, instructions, reminders, assessment of children's activities.

Materials and equipment: oilcloths for tables, sticks for loosening, rags for wiping off dust, brushes for cleaning fuzzy leaves of indoor plants, spray bottle, watering cans, basins.

Indoor plants: violet, balsam, sansevieria.

Progress of work:

Hello guys.

- Guys, today a mole came to visit us. But the mole came for a reason, he came on business. The mole decided to warn you and me and save our plants in the group.

- Listen to what the mole says!

- "Guys! Trouble! The evil wizard found out that we have a lot of beautiful plants in our group and decided to take them away from us! He sent his assistants - dust and dirt, so that they settled on the plants, and they dried up."

- Don’t be sad, mole, we will save our plants!

— To make it beautiful in our group, we need flowers. Plants release oxygen and clean the air of dust. Some houseplants can heal.

- In order for them to continue to please us, for them to live well in our group, they need: water, light, warmth, earth, air, food. Show diagrams.

-The plants need to be watered and the soil loosened. It is necessary to spray and wipe large leaves so that the plant can breathe. Love flowers and care for them properly.

— And to find out whether these plants need care.

You can touch the soil with your finger; if the soil is wet, it will remain on your finger. This means that this plant should not be watered. If the soil is hard, then it needs to be loosened. And if there is no dust on the leaves, then there is no need to wipe with a cloth.

— For plants, guys, there are symbols for what they need (show symbols).

“Now I’ll tell you riddles, and you guess what kind of flowers they are.”

Flat, long, not a beam.

Striped, not watermelon (Sanseviera)

Show care plan.

- Look, this is how we will wipe large leaves with a wet cloth. We take a cloth, wet it in a basin of water, then wring it out thoroughly and spread it on the palm of our hand. We support the sheet from below with one hand, and with the other we wipe the sheet from above, then from below. Like this.

Purple flower.

There is a yellow eye in the center,

The leaves seem to be covered in fluff,

I’ll pick it now and give it to my girlfriend! (Violet).

Show care plan.

— Carefully brush off the dust from the violet’s fuzzy leaves with a dry brush.

On the window in winter and summer

Forever green and beautiful.

Bright red color

Burns gently... (Balsam).

Show care plan.

- Plants with small leaves, such as balsam - we will spray.

- Let's start working to save our plants. Choose icons that are appropriate for your plants so we don't forget what they need to be healthy. They come out to see who received the badges.

- And you guys, guess the riddles. Making riddles about flowers.

- Now let's play a little.

Take a quick look at the window: (both palms show)

Here we have geraniums blooming. (bend fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger)

And here is a handsome balsam,

Amarylliss is next to him.

Fuchsia, begonia-

We remember all the names (open palm)

We will loosen the flowers and water them (they move their fingers down)

Let them grow up day by day! (both palms are connected with a “bud”, raised above the head and opened with a “flower”).

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