Consultation on the topic "Health-improving games for preschoolers"

It's a disaster when children get sick. Their fragile body is struggling, and we are trying our best to help the child: we examine him with the best specialists, get effective medicines, and try to ensure peace.

All this is correct in the complex course of the disease. However, there are still a number of points that escape our attention. Thus, the psychophysiological characteristics of the child’s body play a very important role. And this means that recovery largely depends on the psycho-emotional state of the child. If in adults more than 70% of diseases have a psychosomatic basis, i.e. are the body’s reaction to our emotional problems, then children often “respond” with illness to the anxiety and concern of their parents. And this is exactly the state we find ourselves in when children are sick. This negative emotional background interferes with recovery.

Another feature of a child’s body is the constant growth of organs. Consequently, those muscles to which a stronger blood flow is directed, i.e., to organs that are in motion, develop more intensively. In addition, it is known that the muscular system in early life is closely related to the main regulatory mechanisms. Limited movement negatively affects not only the diseased organ, but also the nervous, endocrine and neurotransmitter systems as a whole. Restriction of movements (the child is sick or has just recovered and needs rest) affects posture, weakens the functions of breathing and blood circulation. Passivity in movement leads to a decrease in the flow of irritations perceived by the nerve endings of the skin, muscles, joints, in the visual and auditory analyzers, going to the cerebral cortex. As a result, disorders of the central nervous system and internal organs may develop: emotional tone decreases, the neuromuscular system is weakened, and the cardiovascular and respiratory systems work weaker. This means that the body as a whole is weakened, which leads to more frequent diseases.

These observations about the role of movement in human development and health are reflected in an entire field of medicine - therapeutic and preventive physical education. However, the child’s psyche, especially at an early age, is structured in such a way that it is almost impossible to force the child to purposefully perform any, even the most useful, exercises. The child should be interested in studying. That is why we present adapted, game-based exercises for health improvement and disease prevention. Their effect is not only in the treatment of children, such games-exercises contribute to comprehensive, harmonious physical and mental development, the formation of necessary skills, coordination of movements, dexterity and accuracy.

During the game, unexpected, funny situations often arise. This causes sincere joy in both children and parents. A relaxed, cheerful atmosphere does not allow the child to “go away” into illness, allows parents to show more attention to him and increases joint communication with children in an atmosphere of love and care. This is a very powerful therapeutic factor.

It should be noted that the healing effect of games is possible only with frequent and long-term exercise (3 - 4 months, 2 - 3 times a day).

Games for diseases of the cardiovascular system

“Finger on finger”
Goal. Balancing nervous processes, strengthening inhibitory reactions, performing actions on command, coordinating hand movements.

Progress of the game. The child is sitting in front of you. He repeats your movements to your song:

Finger on finger, knock and knock, (Repeat 2 times)

Clap, clap, clap, clap! (Clap their hands)

Stomp your feet, stomp! (Repeat 2 times)

Hid, hide (Cover your face with your hands)

Finger on finger, tap and tap. (Repeat 2 times).

Health-improving and educational games for preschool children

Play is the only all-consuming and most favorite activity of a child, occurring at all times and among all peoples. The variety of children's games is endless. Play allows a child to satisfy many needs - the need for entertainment, satisfaction of curiosity, splashing out accumulated energy, obtaining new sensations, and self-affirmation. Play promotes the development of sensory abilities and physical skills, revealing opportunities for the child to expand and improve previously acquired skills. The game requires the child to demonstrate such qualities as initiative, sociability, and the ability to coordinate his actions with the actions of his peers, thus laying the foundations of social relationships.

Outdoor games occupy a special place in a comprehensive program of therapeutic physical education for children with various diseases and health conditions. These games are called health-improving and educational.

Their use helps improve motor skills, improve health, and consolidate achieved social relationships.

In the process of recreational and educational games, the emotional state of children improves, children enjoy the process and results of the game, and the skills of fair competition are formed. A high emotional background creates good conditions for accelerating the healing process.

Health-improving and educational games allow you to set and solve interesting motor tasks of varying complexity, consolidating the achieved healing effect, gaining new sensations, and selflessly investing your emotions in them. These games create an additional learning situation.

The use of recreational and educational games for flat feet.

Annual medical examinations of preschool children reveal a significant number of children with flat feet. The purpose of the games for children with different degrees of flat feet is to consolidate the skills of correct placement of the feet and tension of the muscles of the foot and fingers in various starting positions. Problems solved when using health-improving and educational games for flat feet in preschool children:

-strengthening the muscles of the toes and ankle joint;

-performing exercises with a given range of motion, mainly in unloading starting positions (sitting, kneeling, on all fours)

Read about health and educational games

1. Adashkyavichene E.I. Sports games and exercises in kindergarten / E.I. Adashkyavichene. – M., 1992.

2. Kozyreva O. V. Health-improving and educational games for preschoolers: a manual for teachers and physical education instructors of preschool educational institutions / O. V. Kozyreva. – M., 2007.

Health and development games for flat feet.

Game "Cuttlefish"

Goal: Run a stage quickly, rolling a gymnastic stick with your feet. Equipment: Wooden or plastic gymnastic sticks. Contents of the game: The child takes a sitting position on his buttocks, legs forward, knees bent, arms supported behind him. At the adult’s signal “March!” the child, leaning on his hands and heels, begins to move before turning, turns around and returns back, without stopping rolling the gymnastic stick with his feet.

Game "Friendly fingers"

Goal: Quickly transfer the pencils into the hoop.

Equipment: Pencils and hoops.

Contents of the game: Located around the hoop. Whole family. Trays with ten pencils are laid out in front of the hoop at a distance of 1-2 m. At the leader’s signal, the players take a pencil with the toes of each foot, quickly reach the hoop, lower the pencils into it and run back to the remaining ones. If a player loses a pencil while moving, he stops, picks it up and continues moving. Rules: The first one to complete the transfer of pencils wins.

Game "Magic Circles"

Goal: Move along the hoop, touching it only with the middle of your foot.

Inventory: Hoops. Game content: Hoops are laid out around the room. The participants of the game stand with the middle of their feet on the hoop, with their backs in the center, children and parents walk in a circle with side steps, trying not to touch the floor with their toes and heels.

Game "Dog"

Goal: Get the ball. Equipment: Ball. Contents of the game: Players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, the “dog”’s task is to take possession of the ball, the one who lost the ball himself becomes a “dog”.

For healthy preschool children and children with various health conditions, I use these games as a completion of the main part of physical education classes.

Health-improving and educational games help children have fun, liberate their imagination, master cultural values, and develop certain skills. They also contribute to the formation of a child’s conscious attitude towards his own health, and contribute to the development of the child’s self-confidence. In conditions of relaxed competition, skills of cooperation and empathy are acquired, and the child’s self-esteem of his actions and himself increases.

Types and forms of play therapy

Depending on the psychological principles, the following types of techniques are distinguished:

  • to build relationships;
  • individual;
  • group;
  • response;
  • primitive;
  • and etc.

Depending on the toys used and the characteristics of the techniques, there are many types of play therapy. Let's look at the main ones:

  • Sand . Its goal is to allow the child to open up; this technique is most effective when working with children with mental development delays. Sand play therapy promotes the development of imagination, emotions, fine motor skills, speech, it allows you to overcome fear, aggression, excessive activity, and anxiety. You can read more in our separate article about sand therapy.
  • Fairy tale therapy . The general characteristic of such play therapy is treatment with a fairy tale. One of the most effective and accessible methods for correcting a child’s behavior and consciousness. In this type of therapy, therapeutic fairy tales are read to children. These are special stories that illustrate the experiences and problems of a child, his difficulties in everyday life, and also contain instructive conclusions and unobtrusive morals. Thanks to fairy tale therapy, the child sees that there are many ways to achieve his goal, solve seemingly difficult problems, his creative potential is revealed, self-confidence and self-control appear. Such therapy can be carried out on children from a very early age, when they already understand speech. For older children, the plots become more complex.
  • Puppet therapy . A method of treatment with dolls, used to develop self-expression, correct relationships with parents, and self-regulation.
  • Relationship therapy . The main thing is to approach the child as an individual who can control himself and has an impressive reserve of internal strength. Children learn to understand their feelings, thoughts, experiences, and recognize themselves as loved and loving people.
  • Chess therapy . It is creativity, competition, and learning strategies at the same time.

Outdoor games and their correctional and developmental orientation

Load dosage.

The amount of load depends on the direction, nature, and emotionality of the game. In low-moving games, the load is insignificant; in games with a lot of movement, acceleration, and jumping, the load can be high. The magnitude of the individual impact of an outdoor game can be determined by heart rate, and the load can be adjusted by the time of play, a decrease or increase in the general mobility of the participants, the duration of rest intervals, the total number of outdoor games, their alternation, etc.

Game over.

The duration of the game is regulated by its content; it can be long or very short. The game stops as soon as the first signs of fatigue appear and interest in it decreases. Since fatigue does not occur at the same time for all players, it is quite possible for those who are tired to end the game early. The presenter must monitor the condition of the children playing in order to respond to sudden changes in time.

12. Summing up.

If the outdoor game is competitive in nature, then at the end the winning team is announced. If one person wins, they can be named captain in the next game as a reward. In most games, summing up comes down to analyzing and evaluating the gaming activities of the participants. Children are also involved in such analysis; this contributes to the development of observation, clarification of the rules of the game, and teaches meaningful actions and conscious discipline.

When preparing to conduct outdoor games, the teacher must take into account the following points: – the content of the games (plot, rules, motor actions, physical activity) must be accessible and meet the age, level of intellectual and motor abilities, emotional state and personal interests of the children; – outdoor games allow for complications, but the process of saturation with new actions should be carried out gradually as simple forms of movements are mastered; - the content of the games should provide for the complex nature of the action - correction of motor disorders, physical qualities, coordination abilities, strengthening and healing of the entire organism as a whole; – during the game it is necessary to stimulate cognitive activity, activate mental processes, creativity and imagination of the child [12]. Games played outdoors are of great health value. They are an effective means of active recreation. Children in games are active and smart, obey the rules, and increase their intellectual level. Games with singing and music not only increase emotional tone, but also contribute to aesthetic education. Games reveal positive and negative character traits of children and create the prerequisites for their correction. Games attract with their emotionality, the opportunity to show personal qualities, activity, initiative, desire for victory and the best results [3]. In gymnastics, athletics, etc. lessons, games are used in which movements that are related in structure and nature are encountered. At the same time, children acquire in a simplified form basic skills and abilities that improve the process of mastering program material. Outdoor games “Siamese Twins”, “Robot”, “Come on, take it away!”, “Fun Starts” help to correct violations of spatial orientation, coordination, and balance. Of great importance for the development of hand motor skills are games with small objects (small balls, relay sticks), which help to increase tactile and muscle-joint sensations, improve the movements of fingers and hands (“Magician”, “Snow Woman”, “Roar, lion, roar” "). Outdoor games are used to develop children's motor abilities. To develop dexterity, it is necessary to update familiar games, offer new tasks for coordination of movements, and play games with more complex rules for collective and individual actions. To develop speed, games with an active motor component are used, with running over a short distance, with a quick motor reaction to speech signals, clapping: “Shaggy Dog”, “Sparrows and the Cat”, “Collect the Word”, “Overtake”, “Who is Faster? ", "Hare jump". Speed ​​and strength qualities are developed in games with jumping and throwing, endurance - in games with continuous motor activity of average or below average intensity lasting 3-5 minutes [18]. In the process of physical education with mentally retarded children, team games can also be used. When forming teams, it is necessary to pay attention to ensuring that children are competitive. If one of the children is weak in preparation, then the task in the game is simplified for him. An outdoor game or even several games can be included in the preparatory part of the lesson, using them as a warm-up and preparation for the main part. So, for example, if in the main part it is necessary to teach any formations, then in the preparatory part you can play the games “Children’s order is harsh!”, “Quickly match!”, “Do as I do!”, “Stand straight!”, “Walk straight.” ! etc. However, it is not at all necessary to use games in the preparatory part, the movements of which repeat the structure of the exercises in the main part. Sometimes such similarities can negatively affect the quality of study. When performing a new exercise, technically incorrect techniques spontaneously learned in the game will be recreated. Outdoor games can be used to solve specific problems of the final part of the lesson - bringing the body into a relatively calm state, an organized end to the lesson (games such as “Listen to the signal!”, games for attention). Depending on various developmental disorders, individual classes should be conducted to correct these diseases. These are games such as: for the foot - “On the stairs”, “On the rope”; for posture – “Stand straight”; breathing development - “Blow once”; for the development of attention and speech - “The ball says that...!”, “Smart”, “They ask you - the neighbor answers.” When teaching a game, it is necessary to repeatedly repeat its rules to children and show how it is played. It is not recommended to repeat the game for too long and too often - it can get boring. In elementary grades, you can learn five or six games over the course of a year, then add two or three games a year, gradually complicating them, using different versions of the games, changing the beginning, middle or end of the game. It is necessary to manage the game objectively, to use games where the signs of victory or defeat are sufficiently obvious to students so as not to create contradictory situations, and rivalry in the game does not develop into personal hostility. A well-learned game can also be used outside of school hours. The optimal playing time in a lesson is from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the assigned tasks, age and preparedness of the children. In elementary grades, it is recommended to use outdoor games in every lesson or every other lesson, in middle and high schools - somewhat less frequently. Outdoor games, which are carried out in public schools, are often not suitable for students in specialized schools. You should be very careful in selecting games for children with mental retardation, monitoring the load dosage, content, and rules. It is useful to play games outdoors at different times of the year. Games should be played in calm weather or, in extreme cases, in light winds, focusing on the temperature. When organizing and conducting games in winter, it is necessary to pay attention to the duration, pace of the game, the state of the snow cover, air temperature, the preparedness of students, the age of the children and the characteristics of physical development. Thus, the means and methods of adaptive physical culture, when used rationally, serve as a stimulant for increasing motor activity, health and performance, a way to satisfy the need for emotions, movement, play, communication, development of cognitive abilities, therefore, they are a factor in the harmonious development of the individual, which creates real prerequisites for the socialization of children with intellectual disabilities.

Game therapy products

The presence of an adult who will be the leader is required - a parent, a play therapist. The presenter provides the child with tools so that he can open up in a playful way, selected strictly individually. This could be: modeling from plasticine, dancing, drawing, dolls, sand, construction sets, role-playing stories, outdoor games. In addition, any other means can be selected to reveal the child’s personality, his inner world, simulate problem situations and resolve conflicts - external and internal.


  1. The Effect of Group Play Therapy on Social-Emotional Skills in Pre-School Children. Ahdieh Chinekesh, Mehrnoush Kamalian, Masoumeh Eltemasi, Shirin Chinekesh, and Manijeh Alavi
  2. Play Therapy Considerations and Applications for the Practitioner. Ritesh Kool, MD and Timothy Lawver, DO
  3. O'Connor K. Theory and practice of play psychotherapy. - St. Petersburg, 2002.

The information in this article is provided for reference purposes and does not replace advice from a qualified professional. Don't self-medicate! At the first signs of illness, you should consult a doctor.

Indications for use of the method

For small children, everything is a game. Therefore, it is impossible to highlight significant evidence, since games are the main leisure time for children. When children play, they are in a good mood and do not regard it as something unpleasant and repulsive. Game therapy products are effective in the following cases:

  • phobias;
  • unsociability, isolation;
  • aggression towards others and animals;
  • disobedience or excessive obedience;
  • problems in relationships with parents, brothers and sisters, etc.;
  • retardation in speech development;
  • bad habits (for example, chewing a pencil while drawing);
  • constant stress;
  • problems with academic performance;
  • problems with reading. Source: O'Connor K. Theory and practice of play psychotherapy. - St. Petersburg, 2002.
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