Consultation for educators “Formation of the foundations of life safety in preschool children”


Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 5 "Rostock" Consultation for educators "Formation of the fundamentals of life safety in preschool children" Prepared by Peri Alekperovna Lachinova, physical education instructor Raduzhny Consultation for educators "Formation of the foundations of life safety in preschool children" Uncertainty of the modern environment environment, constantly emerging new threats to humans, requires not only high human activity, but also his skills and ability to behave adequately. The fact that this work must begin in the preschool period is already indisputable. The successful fulfillment of this important life function is facilitated by the characteristic abilities of children of this age: increased susceptibility, impressionability, and a naive and playful attitude towards much of what they encounter. And here the role of the teacher is important, who, by selecting the right methods and techniques, introduces the child into the social world, forms in them a culture of safe behavior, which is based on the child’s consciously chosen value attitude towards personal safety and the safety of others. The health-saving nature of education and upbringing is especially important in preschool educational institutions, where the child receives basic knowledge from many sciences, including about his body, at this stage the child understands and accepts the value of a healthy lifestyle. Forming the foundations for the safety and life of children in a preschool educational institution is an urgent and significant problem, since it is determined by the objective need to inform children about the rules of safe behavior, and for them to gain experience of safe behavior in everyday life. It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him to face possible difficulties, to form an understanding of the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, to instill in him the skills of safe behavior in everyday life together with parents who act as role models for the child. The concept of safety in preschool educational institutions previously included only the protection of the life and health of children. But the modern world has changed its approach to the problem of security; it also includes such concepts as environmental disaster and terrorism. The main goal in introducing children to the initial basics of safety is to form the foundations for maintaining and promoting health. It includes a whole range of tasks: - familiarization with household sources of danger, with the necessary actions in case of danger, the formation of ideas about ways of safe behavior in everyday life; — development of the foundations of ecological culture, nurturing love, responsible and caring attitude towards native nature; — education of a competent road user; - education of safe behavior, the ability to anticipate dangerous situations, avoid them if possible, and act if necessary. - fostering a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie. The implementation of these tasks and the formation of the initial foundations of safety is carried out taking into account the following basic principles: - systematic and consistent (any new stage in children’s education is based on what has already been mastered in the previous one); — accessibility (the complexity of the material takes into account the age characteristics of children); — inclusion in activities (game, educational, search and other types); — clarity (safety precautions are best perceived through rich illustrative material); — dynamism (integration of tasks into different types of activities); — psychological comfort (removal of stress factors). There is a set of methods for introducing children to the basics of safety: Observation. Observation occupies a special place. It enriches the child's social experience. Whatever the child does, he always observes and remembers everything (the behavior of adults in dangerous situations, relationships with other people). The process of observation in a child is always active, even if outwardly this activity is expressed weakly. It is from this that the child draws “material” for his formative understanding of the world, for his “picture of the world.” This picture of the world can include not only positive things, but also things that would be pedagogically inappropriate for a child to see. Observation stimulates the development of cognitive interests, creates and reinforces the rules for handling dangerous objects. A special organization of observations of the behavior of norm carriers is also important. Comparison method. Children can compare: fire is good or fire is bad. When using this method, it is necessary to determine which comparison to start with - a comparison by similarity or a comparison by contrast. Comparison by contrast is easier for children than by likeness. The comparison method helps children complete grouping and classification tasks. In order to group and classify objects and phenomena, the ability to analyze, generalize, and identify essential features is required. All this contributes to the conscious assimilation of the material and arouses interest in it. For example: I offer children images in pictures, and are given the task to select objects that a fireman will need when extinguishing a fire and to select objects that burn. The method of classification promotes cognitive activity if it is used not as an end in itself, but in the context of a task that is close and understandable to the child: selecting objects for a thematic exhibition, pictures for an album, etc. The method of modeling situations. Simulation of such situations: smoke in the group, smoke from a neighboring house, a water pipe has broken, what will you do, hand the scissors correctly, found a pill in the group, your actions. Modeling situations gives the child practical skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and develops thinking, imagination and prepares the child to be able to get out of extreme situations in life. To develop imagination and creativity, it is important to put children in the situation of searching for solutions to logical and practical problems. In the younger group, I offered elementary problem situations, but each time I made the task more difficult for the children. It is advisable to teach children of older preschool age to draw up a plan map of a group, a preschool site, a road to a kindergarten, and even a model of a microdistrict. Children learn to place objects in space, correlate them, and “read” a map in the process of tasks like “Let’s make a plan-map of a group room and mark dangerous places with red circles.” Repetition method. The most important didactic principle, without the application of which it is impossible to talk about the strength of assimilation of knowledge and the education of feelings. Children are required to be able to speak what they have learned. Repetition leads to the emergence of generalizations, promotes independent formulation of conclusions, and increases cognitive activity. Gaming techniques. They increase the quality of assimilation of cognitive material and contribute to the consolidation of feelings. One of the techniques could be an imaginary situation: an imaginary journey into the forest, some unusual situation in which the characters find themselves. “Dunno came to visit us, let’s tell him about dangerous situations in the group and at home.” The game situation liberates children, removes the obligation to study and makes this process natural and interesting. For example: “It’s as if a person who has never been here came to our city. What will we show him in the group room, how will we tell him about the basics of safety in the group, on the site? » Dramatization games, which can be included in classes (after reading a work of art, when preparing a concert), help to increase emotional activity. Inventing fairy tales and stories on various topics. Let's come up with a fairy tale “How I was a traffic light at a crossroads...”. Dramatization games, which can be included in classes (after reading the literary work “The Cat’s House”, when preparing entertainment), help increase the activity of children. The combination of various means in one lesson has a strong effect on the senses. For example: reading a work of art and then looking at illustrations or paintings; reading and subsequent visual activity. Depending on the purpose of the lesson and the age characteristics of the children, the teacher selects artistic means and thinks through techniques that enhance the impact of these means on the emotional sphere of the child. It should be said about the means of introducing children to the basics of safety. First of all, this is social reality itself. It is not only an object of study, but also a means that influences the child, feeding his mind and soul. Therefore, important tasks are the analysis and selection from the social environment of such content that carries developmental potential and can become a means of introducing the child to the social world. This “social portrait” includes: a description of social objects in the immediate environment (school, store, library, children's clinic); list of streets. Objects of the man-made world. The world is diverse, therefore the objects surrounding the child must be diverse in properties, qualities, and functions. Children may not notice objects, not be interested in them until they point to them, and do not create conditions for actions with objects. Only in this case will the object subjectively - for a given child - become a means of understanding the world. The group contains items that may be dangerous to the lives of children: electrical sockets, needles, scissors, knife, forks, medicines, vacuum cleaner. As the child learns about the objective world, he masters the ability to distinguish between dangerous and safe objects, to identify useful and interesting ones, masters ways of working with them, and the ability to navigate in the world of objects. Fiction. A fairy tale promotes the development of heartfelt feelings, nobility of soul, and the desire to bring joy to people. Pictures in books can also become a means of introducing children to the basics of safety, as they concretize it through clarity and imagery. A game. Gives the child “accessible ways to model the life around him, which make it possible to master a seemingly inaccessible reality.” Children’s actions in certain situations, their behavior, and attitudes towards each other depend on the content of the game. Since in the game children mainly reflect what particularly struck them, it is not surprising that the theme of children's games can be a bright but negative phenomenon or fact. Visual activities (drawing, modeling, applique). Children consciously reflect the surrounding reality in drawing, modeling, and design. Reflection, which is built on the work of the imagination, on displaying one’s observations, as well as impressions received through words, pictures and other forms of art. When boys draw firefighters, they pretend to be firefighters. The nature of the depiction of these phenomena, the choice of color, the arrangement of objects on the sheet, and their relationship will depend on how the child perceived social phenomena, what kind of attitude he had. In this way, the child becomes familiar with the basics of safety through a variety of means. They become the sources of knowledge of the world. Each means is important in itself, and in connection with other means, organized into a single pedagogical process. One of the main tasks that a teacher who sets himself the goal of forming the foundations of safe behavior in preschoolers must solve is the creation of certain conditions. It is the activity approach that is both a condition and a means that provides the child with the opportunity to actively explore the world around him and become a part of this world himself. Activities, especially joint ones, are a kind of school for the transfer of social experience. Not in words, but in deeds, the child sees and understands what dangers surround him, what rules and recommendations must be followed. Activity provides a condition for the formation of many personal qualities. The child learns empathy, experience, masters the ability to show his attitude and reflect this in actions and deeds in various dangerous situations. Forms of organizing the educational process: classes, memorizing poems, collecting photographic materials, games - activities, learning the rules of safe behavior, conversations, didactic games, outdoor games, reading fiction, looking at illustrations on the topic, observations, excursions, theatrical performances, plot - role-playing games, training games, watching cartoons, work, guessing riddles, entertainment, leisure, playing out situations of correct and incorrect behavior, meeting interesting people, participating in various competitions, personal example of adults. To develop safe behavior skills in preschoolers, it is necessary to create a subject-based developmental environment in the group. It includes: Safety corner: street layout with road signs, markings for vehicles and pedestrians, traffic lights; attributes for role-playing games “Drivers and pedestrians”, “Traffic officer”, “Rescuers”, “Ambulance”, etc.; posters on life safety on the topics “If you are lost on the street”, “Attention! Terrorism! ", "Fire safety for preschoolers", etc.; albums “Medicinal plants”, “Poisonous plants and mushrooms”, “Professions”, “Valeology, or a healthy baby”, “If the baby is injured”, etc. A game library that contains: didactic games “Dangerous - not dangerous”, “Continue the series ”, “Say it in one word”, “The fourth is superfluous”, “So - not so”, etc.; board and printed games “Basics of Safety”, “Great Walk Around the City”, “Good - Bad”, “Road Signs”, “Emergencies at Home”, etc. A library containing educational and fiction literature, photo albums, illustrations for viewing and discussions of various situations. No matter what direction the work is carried out, the teacher must remember that it must be health-preserving in nature. Within the framework of this technology, the problem of forming ideas about a healthy lifestyle and the need to comply with healthy lifestyle standards is solved. Preschoolers need to be explained that health is one of the main values ​​of life. Poor health and illness are the causes of stunted growth, poor academic performance, and bad mood. Therefore, everyone should think about their health, know their body, learn to take care of it, and not harm their body. It is important to develop the ability to listen sensitively to your body in order to help it work rhythmically, respond to signals in time (I want to eat), (I want to sleep), (I need fresh air). To promote the formation in older preschool children of an awareness of the value of a healthy lifestyle, to develop ideas about the usefulness and advisability of physical activity and to introduce non-drug treatment methods, using the healing powers of native nature. Based on the characteristics of children’s perception and understanding of information, the following main forms of work on this problem can be identified: familiarization with safety rules in specially organized classes; familiarization with safety rules through reading and discussing literary works, educational conversations; organization of thematic competitions of children's drawings and crafts; use of thematic albums and posters, didactic games and manuals; meetings with interesting people of the profession “firefighter”, “policeman”, “doctor”, etc.; excursions to enterprises included in the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations; viewing presentations on this topic; games - dramatization, entertainment; educational moments; projects. Solving the problems of ensuring a safe, healthy lifestyle is possible only with constant communication between an adult and a child on equal terms: together we look for a way out of a difficult situation, together we discuss the problem, we conduct a dialogue, we learn together, we make discoveries, we are surprised. Working with parents is one of the most important areas of educational work in preschool educational institutions. After all, a range of problems related to the safety of a child cannot be solved only within the framework of a kindergarten, so close contact with parents is necessary. Nothing educates as convincingly as the clear example of adults. In working with parents, the following are used: conducting surveys, questioning, parent meetings, workshops, organizing open days, open viewing of classes and other activities, information at the stand, moving folders, developing leaflets, joint holding of holidays, leisure activities, excursions, exhibitions of family creative works, products made from waste and natural materials. Recommended fiction for children to read: L. Tolstoy “Fire”, “Fire Dogs”; V. Zhitkov “Fire”, “In the Smoke”; S. Marshak “Fire”, “The Tale of an Unknown Hero”, “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”; T. Shorygina “Green Tales”, “Cautious Tales”; K. Zaitsev “Lessons of Aibolit”; Fairy tales “The Wolf and the Little Goats”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Kolobok”, “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, etc. Y. Sokolova “Safety Rules”; I. Seryakov “The Street Where Everyone is in a Hurry”, “The Learned Friend”; E. Permyakov “Hasty Knife”; Nursery rhymes “Tili-tilili-tilibom!” Cat's house caught fire! ", "Cucumber"; A. Ivanov “The ABC of Security. How inseparable friends did not burn in fire”, “How inseparable friends did not drown in water”, “How inseparable friends guarded the house”; I. A. Yavorskaya “Children and the Road”; I. Leshkevich “Traffic Light”; N. Nosov “Car”; G. Yurmin “Curious Mouse”; A. Dorokhov “Underpass”, “Fence along the sidewalk”, “Barrier”; L. Galpershtein “Tram and his family”; A. Dmokhovsky “Wonderful Island”; V. Semernin “Forbidden - Permitted”; A. Northern “Three wonderful colors”. Literature 1. Agadzhanyan N. A., Alekseev S. V., Ananyev V. A., Andreev Yu. A. Human valueology: health - love - beauty: In 2 books. , 5 vols. – 2nd ed. , add. and corrected – St. Petersburg. : Petroc, 1998. –(Valeol. Seminar of Academician V.P. Petlenko). 2. 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Consultation for parents “Basics of life safety for preschool children”

Evgenia Sergina

Consultation for parents “Basics of life safety for preschool children”

Consultation for parentsBasics of life safety for preschool children

At preschool age , children have a natural curiosity, they have a lot of energy and imagination, they certainly need to learn everything that surrounds them.

As a child grows, his interest in everyday things around him changes. And it is household items and everyday situations that can cause accidents. In this regard, parents should make their home a risk-free zone and take prudent precautions.

Accidents are the most common reason that threatens the health and lives of children . Many tragedies play out at home.

Why do accidents happen?

Accidents are a consequence of parents being overstressed or too busy. This is not surprising, since most of us juggle at least ten thousand different responsibilities while looking after our little ones. But that is not all.

Parents need to ask themselves what changes they could make to make their home safer . The measures are extremely simple. To begin with, somehow squat down at the child’s height level and try to look at things from his position. Look at the trailing electric kettle wire (the cause of the worst scalds)

and the handles of shining frying pans sticking out above the stove, open the door, behind which is hidden a set of bottles of different colors and shapes with bleach, cleaning products, flammable liquids. Although a somewhat naive technique, it will help you understand how attractive the objects around him are for a child.

The main advantage of preschoolers in teaching personal safety is that children of this age follow clearly formulated instructions from their parents in connection with age-related characteristics . It is necessary to highlight the rules of behavior that children will follow, since their health and safety . These rules should be explained in detail to children and then monitored for their implementation.

The task of adults is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations .

The child must know information about himself: first name, last name, address and telephone number.

Mark the boundary between “friends and strangers”

: Set rules regarding strangers and enforce them.

Explain to your child: a stranger is any person he does not know (regardless of how he behaves or who he imagines himself to be)


To form a more accurate understanding of who is “your” and “stranger” people, ask them to depict in one drawing those people whom they consider “theirs” (mom, dad, grandmother, etc., and in another drawing - strangers , strangers (seller, passerby, etc.)

. If the child depicted in the first picture, in addition to family members, someone else, for example: a teacher, a mother’s friend, a friend - explain that such people are called “acquaintances”. Offer to draw them in the third picture. It wouldn't hurt to run a few learning experiments to test your understanding of these rules. For example, a mother or father can agree with an acquaintance whom the child does not know so that he tries to get to know the baby and invites him to come with him. After the experiment, of course, you need to discuss with the child his reaction.

If the child is left alone at home: he must clearly understand that the door cannot be opened to ANYONE except his mother (father, grandmother - specify the circle of people)


Household items that are sources of potential danger to children are divided into three groups:

- items that are strictly prohibited to use (matches, gas stoves, sockets, switched on electrical appliances)


- objects that, depending on the age of the children , you need to learn how to handle correctly (needle, scissors, knife)


- items that adults should store in places inaccessible to children (household chemicals, medicines, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, cutting and stabbing instruments).

If a fire occurs in the absence of adults, it is important for the child to know the following:

- do not hide under the table, in the closet or under the bed (firefighters may not immediately notice the child and may not have time to save him)


- If possible, run out onto the balcony or look out the window and scream for help.

When preparing your child to go to school independently or ride a bike in the yard, you should walk around the entire yard with him, noting potentially dangerous places.

a safe route agreed with you , and will not take shortcuts, especially in desert areas. This agreement is the basis of street safety .

The child must remember the following rules:

1. Do not go outside without adults.

2. Do not play on the sidewalk near the roadway.

3. Cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing when the traffic light is green.

4. Ride a bicycle in the city only where there are no cars.

5. Small children should ride a bicycle only in the presence of adults; children of older preschool age , even in the presence of adults, should not ride a bicycle on the sidewalk, as they can interfere with pedestrians, run over a small child, hit an elderly person, or push a stroller with a baby. .

6. Be attentive, but not overly cautious or cowardly.

7. It’s good to know the landmarks in the area of ​​your home.

8. Walk in the middle of the sidewalk, avoiding bushes and doors, especially abandoned houses.

9. Know all the safe places where you can hide and get help.

10. Do not attract attention to yourself by your behavior.

Safety in public transport.

Parents should remember that young children should not travel on public transport without adults. But gradually children need to be prepared for this. For example, the child should know his route well, mainly the pick-up and drop-off stations. He must also know all the landmarks and street names along the route. Explain to your child that he must see and notice everything.

Advise your child to sit next to the driver or controller and wait for the bus only in a well-lit place. Of course, strengthen your child’s faith in his own instinct. He should leave as soon as he feels any discomfort. If a stranger speaks to him, he needs to attract the attention of others so that if necessary, someone can come to his aid.

When using public transport, the following rules must be observed.

1. You cannot show money to attract attention.

2. You should not come close to the edge of the road when boarding a bus, especially during icy periods.

3. You cannot stand at the doors - this interferes with the entry and exit of passengers.

4. You cannot lean out or stick your hands out of open windows.

5. It is customary to give up your seat to elderly people, passengers with small children, and people with disabilities.

Road safety.

1. You can cross the street only at pedestrian crossings. They are marked with a special sign “Pedestrian crossing”


2. If there is no underground passage, you must use a passage with a traffic light.

3. Outside populated areas, children are only allowed to walk with adults along the edge towards cars.

4. Remind children that it is dangerous to walk around a bus or tram both in front and behind. You need to go to the nearest pedestrian crossing and cross the street along it.

5. Under no circumstances should you run out onto the road. You have to stop before the road.

6. You cannot play on the roadway or on the sidewalk.

7. It is safest to cross the street in a group with a group of pedestrians.

When the car is moving:

— teach children to sit in the car only in the back seat; do not allow anyone to sit next to the driver unless the front seat is equipped with a child seat;

— do not allow a small child to stand in the back seat while driving: in the event of a collision or sudden stop, he may fly over the back of the seat and hit the front window;

- Do not allow children to be in the vehicle unattended.

The best way to teach children has always been by example. If you want to teach your child safety , first of all, follow them yourself.

Talk to your children as often as possible and help them solve even minor problems.

Safety tips .

Dear parents !

You are a role model for children . You are an object of love and imitation for a child. This must always be remembered, and even more so when you take a step onto the roadway with your baby.

To prevent your child from getting into trouble, teach him respect for the rules of the road patiently, daily, unobtrusively.

The child should only play in the yard under your supervision. He must know that he must not go out onto the road.

Do not intimidate the child, but watch with him and take advantage of the situation on the road, yard, street; Explain what happens to transport and pedestrians.

Develop your child's visual memory and attention. To do this, create game situations at home.

Let your baby lead you to kindergarten and home from kindergarten.

Your child should know:

- you can’t go out on the road;

- You can cross the road only with adults, holding the hand of an adult;

— you need to cross the road at a calm pace;

— pedestrians are people who walk along the street;

- in order for there to be order on the road, so that there are no accidents, so that a pedestrian does not get hit by a car, you must obey the traffic light: red light - no traffic, yellow light - attention, and green light says: “Pass on, the path is open”


— there are different types of cars (trucks, cars)

this is transport. The cars are driven by drivers. (road)
is intended for transport . When we travel in public transport, we are called passengers. While riding in public transport, you should not lean out of the window.

Young children don't understand risk - they simply don't have the experience to tell them what will and won't harm them.

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