Long-term planning of OA in the secondary drawing group

The importance of fine arts for children 4–5 years old

Many great philosophers and teachers of the past highly valued the importance of drawing in raising children. Thus, the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle attached great importance to subjects of the aesthetic cycle (music, drawing) in the development of a child. He emphasized that drawing is studied because it develops the eye in determining physical beauty.

What is fine art

Fine arts are not only aimed at completing educational tasks. This term is associated with the all-round development of a child at the age of 4-5 years. The guys begin to draw interesting images, assemble designs, and make appliqués. All these actions contribute to the mental and moral education of the child. As a rule, the baby develops during the learning process. First of all, he must create an expressive image for himself, as well as master the techniques of depiction.

What is the essence of non-traditional drawing for children 4–5 years old?

Non-traditional drawing is a method of visual activity that is not based on the traditions of this type of creativity in terms of the choice of materials for applying paint, but uses cotton swabs, fingers, foam rubber, crumpled paper, etc.

In kindergarten, non-traditional drawing is notable for the fact that all (!) kids get different pictures. For children in the middle group, these techniques of visual creativity, first of all, stimulate the development of research abilities, as they open up wide scope for experiments: applying dyes to materials of natural origin, drawing through gauze, etc. In addition, non-traditional drawing:

  • trains sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills, which is a key factor in speech development;
  • develops memory, attention;
  • promotes the development of imaginative thinking;
  • forms the prerequisites for harmonious social and communicative development - children in the process of work turn to each other and to adults, ask questions;
  • develops aesthetic taste and ideas about harmony.

Non-traditional drawing in individual classes, as well as as a type of work in lessons of various educational areas in preschool educational institutions, helps solve the following problems:

  • expand children's understanding of ways to depict objects;
  • develop interest in teamwork;
  • practice working with different materials - to realize a creative idea, children draw using cotton wool, palms, stamps, etc.;
  • activate children's creative abilities and imagination;
  • create an emotionally positive climate in the team (the children’s work looks like a game - to make the lawn more beautiful, they draw dandelions with a poke of a cotton swab, and using their fingers to depict raindrops, they say: “Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip”);
  • develop self-confidence.

Non-traditional drawing classes create an atmosphere of goodwill in the team

Preparing for a drawing lesson in the middle group

Children who attend kindergarten at the age of 4-5 years should have an idea of ​​various non-traditional drawing techniques. This activity creates an atmosphere of ease, openness, and relaxedness in the classroom. Each new project is aimed at developing initiative, independence, creating an emotionally positive attitude towards art, as well as self-education.

How to prepare kids for classes

Preparing for a lesson is a rather important moment. Initially, the teacher must instill in children an aesthetic attitude towards the environment. Proper presentation of material contributes to the development of artistic taste and creative abilities. At this age, the child learns to admire the diversity of natural forms and admire the beautiful corners of nature.

Important! Vision plays a big role in drawing. When depicting a drawing on paper, the child must clearly imagine the color, shape, design of a certain image or object.

Types of drawing for preschoolers 4–5 years old

All types of artistic classes, when properly organized, have a positive effect on the physical development of the child. They help to raise overall vitality and create a cheerful, cheerful mood.

In practice, several types of drawing are considered for preschoolers aged 4-5 years. This includes monotopy, leaf printing, drawing with palms, fingers, cotton swabs, etc. Each of these techniques is a kind of game.

An unconventional drawing method is chosen individually. The teacher takes into account the physical and mental abilities of children. In addition, interest in certain subjects is taken into account. Based on these characteristics, the teacher creates a plan, that is, chooses a drawing method and a theme.

Handouts needed for the lesson (base, paints, brushes, etc.)

To create a unique design, special materials are required. Basically it can be a brush, gouache, pencil, watercolor, pictures with various images, paper of any color, napkins. While doing the work, it is necessary to periodically support the child and help with techniques.

Individual approach and team work with children

An individual approach is the basis of education, as well as way of life. Individuality allows you to express yourself in certain conditions and show your talents. Therefore, the direct form of collective work affirms human social life. Each person is individual in his own way. It is very important to identify abilities in time, at an early age.

Note! The essence of this term defines the general tasks of education. The teacher who conducts individual work with children sets certain goals/tasks. When performing classes, children can use games aimed at their education.

Long-term plan for drawing in the middle group according to the program “From birth to school”

Musleykina Yulia Nikolaevna

Long-term plan for drawing in the middle group according to the program “From birth to school”


GCD No. 1 “Kindergarten”

Drawing according to the plan “How I spent (a)

summer in kindergarten"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to reflect received impressions using accessible means . Encourage drawing of different objects in accordance with the content of the drawing.

Material: wax crayons or colored pencils, sheets of A4 paper

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 2

GCD No. 2 “Our toys”

Painting with “Pyramids”

Purpose: To introduce the technique of drawing an oval shape . Lead to figurative expression of content. Develop imagination.

Materials: gouache, sheets of A5 paper, brushes, napkins, jars of water.

Literature: like Komarova T.S. topic No. 20

GCD No. 3 “We are friendly guys”

"Garland of Friendship"

Goal: Continue to introduce children to the techniques of depicting oval and round objects; develop the ability to compare these forms and highlight their differences. To develop the ability to convey in a drawing the distinctive features of round and oval shapes. Cultivate the desire to achieve good results.

Material: gouache, sheets of A5 paper

Literature: like Komarova T.S. topic No. 11

GCD No. 4 “Body parts”

"Little Dwarf"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to convey in a drawing the image of a little man - a forest gnome, creating an image from simple parts: a round head, a cone-shaped shirt, a triangular cap, straight arms, while observing the ratio in size in a simplified form. Provide a figurative assessment of finished work.

Material: three-dimensional gnome made of paper. Sheets of A 5 paper, colored pencils

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 28


GCD No. 5 “Autumn”

"Gold autumn"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to depict autumn. Practice the ability to draw a tree , trunk, thin branches, autumn foliage. Strengthen technical skills in drawing with paints . Lead children to figurative transmission of phenomena. Foster independence and creativity. Induce a feeling of joy from bright, beautiful drawings.

Materials: sheets of A4 paper, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 12

GCD No. 6 “Fruits - garden”

“Apples are ripe on the apple tree”

Goal: To develop in children the ability to draw a tree , conveying its characteristic features: the trunk, long and short branches diverging from it. To develop in children the ability to convey the image of a fruit tree in a drawing. Reinforce drawing techniques with pencils . Lead children to an emotional aesthetic assessment of their work.

Material: sheet of A5 paper, colored pencils

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 5

GCD No. 7 “Vegetables - garden”

"Potatoes and beets"

Goal: Continue to develop children's ideas about vegetables. Strengthen the ability to draw and paint round shapes; develop the ability to distinguish and name colors. Develop speech and thinking.

Materials: sheets of A4 paper, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins

Literature: like Komarova T.S. topic No. 11

GCD No. 8 “Trees - Forest”

"Fairytale Tree"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to create a fairy-tale image in a drawing. Practice the ability to correctly convey the structure of a tree, develop the ability to paint over. Develop imagination, creativity, speech.

Material: sheet of A5 paper, colored pencils

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 14


GCD No. 9 “Migratory Birds”

"Beautiful Bird"

Goal: To develop the ability to draw a bird , conveying the shape of the body (oval, parts, beautiful plumage. Practice drawing with paints , a brush. Develop figurative perception, imagination. Expand ideas about beauty, figurative ideas.

Materials: sheets of A4 paper, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 56

GCD No. 10 “Clothing - shoes, hats”

Decorative drawing “Apron decoration”

Goal: To develop in children the ability to create a simple pattern from elements of folk ornament on a strip of paper. Develop color perception, figurative ideas, creativity, imagination.

Material: Several aprons made of smooth fabric with trim. Gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins, pre-cut by the teacher from white or colored (plain)

paper silhouettes of aprons
(for each child)

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 16

GCD No. 11 “Furniture”

Goal: To develop in children the ability to depict furniture (table, chair, bed)

conveying proportional relationships between objects, develop interest in
drawing , and the ability to hold a pencil correctly.
Materials: sheet of A5 paper, gouache, brushes, jar of water, napkins.


GCD No. 12 “Dishes”

"Painting dishes"

Goal: To strengthen children's ability to decorate items of clothing using lines, strokes, dots, circles and other familiar elements. Develop aesthetic perception, independence, initiative.

Materials: paper plates, gouache, brushes, jar of water, napkins

Literature: like Komarova T.S. topic No. 25


GCD No. 13 “Pets”

"Cat on the Window"

Goal: To develop children’s ability to convey in a drawing the image of a sitting cat, making up an image from simple parts: a round head, pointed ears, a cone-shaped body, straight paws and a tail, while observing the ratio in size in a simplified form. Provide a figurative assessment of finished work.

Material: sheets of A4 paper, colored pencils

Literature: appendix

GCD No. 14 “Poultry”

"Brave Cockerel"

Goal: To develop the ability to draw a cockerel with gouache paints, beautifully combining shapes and colors. To improve brush technique: move the brush freely and confidently along the pile, repeating the general outline of the silhouette. Develop observation, sense of color and shape.

Materials: sheets of A4 paper, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins

Literature: appendix

GCD No. 15 “Wild Animals”

"Little Bunny"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to draw animals using an unconventional technique - with a poke of a hard brush. Develop the ability to draw small details of a drawing with the tip of a soft brush, convey the texture of animal fur. Draw an animal observing the proportions of the body and its parts, complete the drawing .

Materials: sheets of A4 paper, gouache, brushes with hard and soft bristles, a jar of water, napkins

Literature: appendix

GCD No. 16 “New Year!”

"New Year's Greeting Cards"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to independently determine the content of a drawing and depict what is intended. drawing techniques . Foster initiative and independence. To develop aesthetic feelings, imagination, the desire to please loved ones, a positive emotional response to a self-created image.

Materials: sheets of A4 paper, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins

Literature: T. S. Komarova topic No. 37


GCD No. 17 “Winter Holidays”

"Our decorated Christmas tree"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to convey the image of a New Year tree in a drawing. To develop the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches elongated towards the bottom. Develop the ability to use paints of different colors, carefully apply one paint to another only after drying. Lead to emotional evaluation of work. Induce a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings.

Materials: sheets of A4 paper, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins

Literature: T. S. Komarova topic No. 39 GCD No. 18 “Winter games and fun”

"Snowmen in hats and scarves"

Goal: To develop children’s ability to draw elegant snowmen in hats and scarves. Show techniques for decorating winter clothing sets. Develop an eye, a sense of color, shape and proportions. Cultivate confidence, initiative, and interest in experimentation.

Materials: sheets of dark blue paper, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins


GCD No. 19 “Zimushka – winter”

"Spreading Tree"

Goal: To develop children’s ability to paint a spreading tree, using different brush pressures to obtain thin and thick branches. Once dry, apply a second coat of paint (snow)

. Cultivate the desire to achieve good results, develop imaginative thinking, imagination, and creativity.

Materials: sheets of dark blue paper, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins

Literature: T. S. Komarova topic No. 44

GCD No. 20 “Wintering birds”

“Like pink apples on bullfinch branches”

Goal: To develop children’s ability to draw a bullfinch on snow-covered branches: build a simple composition, convey the features of the bird’s appearance - body structure and coloring. Improve the technique of painting with paints : move the brush freely along the pile, repeating the outline of the silhouette. Develop a sense of shape and color. Cultivate an interest in nature.

Materials: sheets of light blue paper, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins



GCD No. 21 “Transport - be careful, road!”


Goal: To develop in children the ability to draw a bus , conveying its structure: rectangular body, square windows, round wheels. Color the resulting image without going beyond the outline of the drawing.

Material: sheet of A5 paper, colored pencils

Literature: GCD No. 22 “Professions”

"Planes fly through the clouds"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to depict airplanes flying through the clouds, using different pressure on the pencil. Develop imaginative perception, imaginative ideas about the pilot’s profession. Induce a positive emotional attitude towards the created drawings.

Material: sheet of A5 paper, colored pencils

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 84

GCD No. 23 “Daddy’s Holiday”

"Greeting Card for Dad"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to independently determine the content of a drawing and depict what is intended. Foster initiative and independence. Develop aesthetic feelings and imagination.

Material: sheet of A5 paper, colored pencils


GCD No. 24 “Folk Art”

"Merry Matryoshka"

Goal: to form in children a cognitive interest in Russian folk culture through familiarization with the Russian folk toy - the nesting doll. Give children an idea of ​​the Russian nesting doll, what it is made of, how it is decorated. To develop aesthetic perception and interest in folk art objects, the ability to decorate a matryoshka doll.

Material: Russian folk costume for a teacher, nesting dolls, scarves for children, silhouettes of nesting dolls, gouache, cotton swabs, napkins.

Literature: Appendix


GCD No. 25 “Mom’s holiday”

"Beautiful flowers bloomed"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to draw beautiful flowers , using a variety of shaping movements, working with the whole brush and its end. Develop aesthetic feelings, a sense of rhythm, ideas about beauty.

Materials: sheet of A5 paper, gouache, brushes, jar of water, napkins.

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 61

GCD No. 26 “Family”

"Let's decorate mommy's dress"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to make a pattern from familiar elements (stripes, dots, circles)

. Develop creativity, aesthetic perception, imagination.

Materials: dress templates, gouache, brushes, jar of water, napkins.

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 65

GCD No. 27 “Dangers around us”

«Drawing by Design»

Goal: To develop in children the ability to conceive the content of drawings and bring their plans to completion. Foster independence and creativity.

Material: sheet of A5 paper, colored pencils

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 87

GCD No. 28 “Indoor plants”

"Beautiful flowers"

Goal: To develop observation skills and the ability to choose an object to depict. To develop the ability to depict parts of a plant in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush and paints , hold the brush correctly, rinse it well and dry it.

Materials: sheet of A5 paper, gouache, brushes, jar of water, napkins.

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 8


GCD No. 29 “Spring”

“Draw a picture about spring”

Goal: To develop in children the ability to convey impressions of spring in drawings. Develop the ability to successfully arrange images on a sheet of paper. Practice drawing with paints .

Materials: sheet of A5 paper, gouache, brushes, jar of water, napkins.

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 85

GCD No. 30 “Space”

"The rocket flies into space"

Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about the concept of “space”

, about
planet Earth , the holiday “Cosmonautics Day”
. Strengthen the skill:
draw with wax crayons , tint a sheet. Develop the ability to draw a rocket using geometric shapes.
Material: Illustrations with views of space, a spaceship, a portrait of Yuri Gagarin, sheets of white A4 paper, wax crayons, watercolors.

Literature: Appendix

GCD No. 31 “Book Week”

"Fairytale house - teremok"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to convey the image of a fairy tale in a drawing. To develop imaginative ideas, imagination, independence and creativity in depicting and decorating a fairy-tale house. Improve decoration techniques.

Material: Colored pencils (or crayons, square sheets of paper.

Literature: Komarova T. S. topic No. 71 GCD No. 32 “Zoo”

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to paint an object inside a contour with a brush. Fix the technique of finger painting spots . To consolidate children’s knowledge about wild animals and the concept of “Zoo”

Material: illustrations depicting wild animals and animals of hot countries. A sheet of paper with a drawn silhouette of a giraffe , gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins.

Literature: Appendix


GCD No. 33 “May 9!”

"Victory Salute"

Goal: To form children’s understanding of Victory Day on May 9, the features of its celebration. Develop children's creative imagination, interest in unconventional ways of depicting objects and phenomena (by blowing drops of paint)

Materials: Tinted sheets of A5 paper, gouache, brushes, cocktail straws, jars of water, napkins.

Literature: GCD Appendix No. 34 “Our Motherland - Russia”

“White birch is a symbol of Russia”

Goal: To foster love for one’s homeland and a sense of pride. Introduce the symbols of Russia. To develop the ability to draw a birch tree , a thin trunk, branches lowered to the bottom.

Material: wax crayons, sheets of paper.


GCD No. 35 “Adult Labor”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to paint carefully without going beyond the outline. Introduce people of different professions to tools.

Material: Sheets depicting tools of various professions, colored pencils!


GCD No. 36 “Hello, summer!”

“Draw a picture about summer”

Goal: To develop in children the ability to conceive the content of drawings and bring their plans to completion. Foster independence and creativity.

Material: Colored pencils (or crayons, square sheets of paper.

Literature: Komarova T.S. similar topic No. 87

Conducting an educational activity on drawing on a chosen topic (suitable topics for children 4–5 years old)

The availability of using non-traditional techniques is determined by the age characteristics of preschoolers. So, for example, you should start working in this direction with techniques such as drawing with your fingers, palm, tearing paper, etc., but in older preschool age these same techniques will complement the artistic image created using more complex ones: blotography, monotype. Here are several ways of drawing using non-traditional techniques.

How is GCD for drawing on a chosen topic carried out?

  • Theme: “Autumn”

During the lesson you need to make prints of leaves and use gouache. This unconventional method teaches you to mix red and yellow gouache to create an orange color, and also to distinguish which tree is depicted on paper.

Drawing lesson in the second junior group on the topic “Planes are flying”

The following material is used for work: landscape sheet, fallen leaves from different trees (maple, birch, rowan, poplar, oak), gouache, wide brush, container with water, sheet of paper or oilcloth (place under the leaves to be painted).

During class, the teacher asks the children what leaves fall out. Then each child takes one leaf, places it with the smooth side on the oilcloth and paints the underside of the leaf with gouache of the same color. To get an orange leaf print, you need to teach children to mix red and yellow paints. While the gouache has not dried, the painted side of the leaf is applied to a clean sheet of paper and pressed tightly so that it is printed in its entirety. The leaf cannot be moved.

  • The next topic of the week is “Dishes”

Drawing is done with cotton swabs. The teacher teaches children to draw a piece of utensils. A simple pencil is used for this. Children can independently select suitable colors and trace the outline with dots using a cotton swab with gouache.

For the lesson you need the following items: cup, plate, pan, ball, album sheets, simple pencils, cotton swabs, gouache, jars of water (for each child).

A selection of demonstration materials for the conversation (photos and drawings)

Before depicting a fictional character or object on paper, the teacher conducts a conversation with the children. The guys carefully look at the illustrations, study pictures with images that are interesting to them. The teacher places bright cardboard cards on the table on various topics, for example, “Spring”, “My City”, “New Year”, “Winter”, “Airplane”, “Where the birds fly for the winter”, “Snowman”, “Girl and Boy” ", "Winter Garden".

Music and poetry appropriate to the topic of the lesson

Drawing in the middle group is accompanied by cheerful melodies and poems. To begin with, the teacher prepares musical material:

  • "Polyanka" - Russian folk music;
  • “Lullaby” - A. Grechaninov;
  • The play “Three Girlfriends” - D. Kabalevsky;
  • Song “Winter” - M. Kartushina;
  • Song “Two windows from the yard and a spreading maple”;
  • Song “Sun through the leaves”;
  • The game “It’s so cold, it’s frosty” is a Russian folk melody, arranged by I. Ponomareva.

Note! Before completing the work, the children begin to dance to the rhythm of the music. They must convey the mood of this composition in their movements.

Summary of a lesson on drawing in the chosen technique in the middle group (fragment in the form of a table)

Topic of the weekLesson notesMaterial and method of conveying the idea
Body and face numbersThere are such boysDrawing with a simple pencil
VegetablesCucumber tomatoDrawing with colored pencils
FruitsApple/pearBrush, gouache
BerriesCherry branchColour pencils
BirdsDymkovo birdsBrush, gouache (team work)
AutumnAutumn leavesFingerprints (gouache)
PetsKittyPoking with a hard semi-dry brush (gouache)

Long-term planning of OA in the secondary drawing group

Kryvoruchko Larisa

Long-term planning of OA in the secondary drawing group

(T. S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”


No. Topic Program content Materials Literature

1 According to the plan “Draw a picture about summer”

Teach children
to reflect their impressions ways Strengthen the techniques of painting with a brush , the ability to hold a brush correctly, rinse it in water, and dry it on a cloth. Encourage drawing of different objects in accordance with the content of the drawing. Paper, gouache, brushes, jars of water, rags (napkins)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 23

2 “Apples are ripe on the apple tree”

Continue to learn how
to draw a tree , conveying its characteristic features: the trunk, long and short branches diverging from it. Learn to convey the image of a fruit tree in a drawing. Reinforce drawing techniques with pencils . Learn a quick technique for drawing foliage . Lead children to an emotional aesthetic assessment of their work. Colored pencils, paper, landscape-sized paper (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 25-26


"Beautiful flowers"

Develop observation skills and the ability to choose an object to depict.
Learn to depict parts of a plant in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush and paints , hold the brush correctly, rinse it well and dry it. Improve your ability to look at pictures and choose the best ones. Develop aesthetic perception. Induce a feeling of pleasure and joy from the created image. A-4 paper in white or any light color, gouache of different colors (3-4 colors for each table), brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)

T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 27-28


“Colored balls (round and oval)

» Continue to introduce techniques for depicting oval and round objects.
Learn to compare these forms and highlight their differences. Learn to convey the distinctive features of round and oval shapes in a drawing. Strengthen your painting skills. Practice your ability to paint by lightly touching the pencil to the paper. Cultivate the desire to achieve good results. Balloons of round and oval shape. Pencils, album sheets (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 30-31


"Gold autumn"

Teach children to depict autumn.
Practice the ability to draw a tree , trunk, thin branches, autumn foliage. Strengthen technical skills in painting with paints (dip the brush with all its bristles into a jar of paint, remove an extra drop on the edge of the jar, rinse the brush well in water before adding another paint, blot it on a soft cloth or paper napkin, etc.). Lead to figurative transmission of phenomena. Foster independence and creativity. Induce a feeling of joy from bright, beautiful drawings. Landscape sheets, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 31-32


"Fairytale Tree"

Teach children to create a fairy-tale image in a drawing.

Practice the ability to convey the correct structure of a tree. Learn to paint.

Develop imagination, creativity, speech. Pencils, landscape paper (for each child)

. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 33

7 Decorative drawing “Apron decoration”

Teach children to make a simple pattern from elements of folk ornament on a strip of paper.
Develop color perception. Several aprons made of smooth fabric with trim. Gouache paints.
silhouettes of aprons
(for each child)
pre-cut by the teacher from white or colored (plain) . T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 34


"Testicles are simple and golden"

To consolidate knowledge of the oval shape, the concepts of
Continue teaching the technique of drawing an oval shape . Practice the ability to carefully paint over drawings. Lead to figurative expression of content. Develop imagination. Gouache white and yellow; sheets of blue, gray or any other light-colored paper, brushes, a jar of water, napkins (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 36-37


"By design"

Teach children to independently choose the theme of their drawing, bring their plans to completion, hold a pencil correctly, and paint over small parts of the drawing.
Develop creativity and imagination. White landscape paper, colored pencils (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 38-39

10 Decorative drawing “Sweater decoration”

Strengthen the ability to decorate a piece of clothing using lines, strokes, dots, circles and other familiar elements;
decorate clothes cut out of paper with decorated stripes. Learn to select colors according to the color of the sweater. Develop aesthetic perception, independence, initiative. Sweaters cut out of thick paper in different colors; strips of paper to fit the size of the cuffs, neckline, elastic band of the sweater; gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 40-41


"Little Dwarf"

Teach children to convey in a drawing the image of a little man - a forest gnome, making up an image from simple parts: a round head, a cone-shaped shirt, a triangular cap, straight arms, while observing the ratio in size in a simplified form.
Strengthen the ability to draw with paints and brushes . Provide figurative assessments of finished work. Gnome (voluminous, made of paper. Landscape paper, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 42-43


"Fish swim in an aquarium"

Teach children to depict fish swimming in different directions;
correctly convey their shape, tail, fins. Strengthen the ability to draw with a brush and paints , using strokes of a different nature. Foster independence and creativity. Learn to mark expressive images. Toy fish of different shapes and sizes. Landscape sheets or sheets of paper of round or oval shape (aquarium)
watercolor paints diluted to a light shade (blue, light green, etc.)
colored wax crayons, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 43-44


"Who lives in which house"

“Who has what house”
) Develop ideas about where insects, birds, dogs and other living creatures live.
Learn to create images of objects consisting of rectangular, square, triangular parts (birdhouse, beehive, kennel, booth)
. Talk about how a person cares for animals.
Landscape-sized paper, colored pencils (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 45-46


"Snow Maiden"

Teach children to portray the Snow Maiden in a fur coat
(the fur coat is widened downward, arms from the shoulders)
Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush and paints , apply one paint to another after drying, when decorating a fur coat, rinse the brush cleanly and dry it by blotting it on a cloth or napkin. Snow Maiden toy. Rectangular sheets of paper of different soft tones, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 47-48


"New Year's Greeting Cards"

Teach children to independently determine the content of the drawing and depict what is intended.
painting techniques (use paints correctly, rinse the brush well and dry it)
Foster initiative and independence. To develop aesthetic feelings, imagination, the desire to please loved ones, a positive emotional response to a self-created image. Postcards about winter, Christmas tree, and New Year's holiday that are accessible in content. Landscape sheets, paints, gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 48-49


"Our decorated Christmas tree"

Teach children to convey the image of a New Year tree in a drawing.
To develop the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches lengthening downward. Learn to use paints of different colors, carefully apply one paint to another only after drying. Lead to an emotional assessment of the work. Cause a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings. Sheets of white (or any soft tone)
paper, gouache of different colors, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin
(for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 50

17 “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”

Learn to convey a simple plot in a drawing, highlighting the main thing.
Learn to draw a Christmas tree with branches elongated at the bottom. Strengthen the ability to draw with paints .
Develop figurative perception, figurative ideas; the desire to create a beautiful drawing and give an emotional assessment. Sheets of white paper, gouache paints dark green, light green and dark brown; brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)

. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 51

18 "Spreading Tree"

Teach children to use different pressure on a pencil to draw a tree with thick and thin branches.
Cultivate the desire to achieve good results. Develop imaginative perception, imagination, creativity. Landscape-sized paper, 3M graphite pencils (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 52-53

19 “Draw whatever toy you want”

Develop the ability to conceive the content of a drawing, create an image, conveying the shape of the parts.
Strengthen drawing skills with paints . Learn to look at pictures, choose the ones you like, and explain what you like. Foster independence. Develop creativity, imagination, and the ability to talk about the created image. Form a positive emotional attitude towards the created drawings. Landscape sheets, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 56


Decorative drawing “Decoration of a handkerchief”
(Based on Dymkovo paintings)
Introduce painting of Dymkovo toys (young ladies, learn to highlight the elements of the pattern
(straight lines, intersecting lines, dots and strokes)
. Learn to evenly cover the sheet with merged lines (vertical and horizontal, in the resulting cells put strokes, dots and other elements. Develop a sense of rhythm, composition, color. Dymkovo young ladies. Gouache paints (on different tables of different colors, square sheets of paper 18/18 cm, brushes, jars of water, napkins
(for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 57


“Let’s decorate the strip with flags”

Strengthen children's ability
to draw rectangular objects and create the simplest rhythm of images. Practice the ability to carefully paint over a drawing using the technique shown. Develop aesthetic feelings; sense of rhythm and composition. Landscape sheets cut in half horizontally; colored pencils (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 58-59


"The girl is dancing"

Teach children
to draw a human figure , conveying the simplest relationships in size: small head, large body;
the girl is wearing a dress. Learn to depict simple movements (for example, a raised hand, hands on a belt, reinforce painting techniques with paints (smooth continuous lines in one direction, felt-tip pens, colored crayons. Encourage imaginative evaluation of images. Illustrations depicting a dancing girl. Gouache, white paper the size of an album sheet , gouache paints, brushes (felt-tip pens, crayons, jars of water, napkins (for each child)

. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 60


"Beautiful Bird"

Teach children
to draw a bird , an advanced body shape (oval, parts, beautiful plumage. Practice drawing with paints , brushes. Develop figurative perception, imagination. Expand ideas about beauty, figurative ideas. Colored pencils (colored wax crayons or felt-tip pens, landscape-sized paper (for each child)
T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group ,
pp. 61-62


Decorative drawing “Decorate your toys”

Develop aesthetic perception.
Continue to introduce Dymkovo toys, teach them to note their characteristic features, and highlight the elements of the pattern: circles, rings, dots, stripes. Strengthen children's understanding of the bright, elegant, festive colors of toys. Reinforce brush painting . Landscape sheets, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 62-63

25 "Beautiful flowers bloomed"

Teach children
to draw beautiful flowers , using a variety of shaping movements, working with a brush and its end. Develop aesthetic senses (children should carefully choose paint color, sense of rhythm, ideas of beauty. Drawing paper in yellow and green tones the size of an album sheet, gouache paints of different colors, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T.S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 64

26 Decorative drawing “Let’s decorate the doll’s dress”

Teach children to make a pattern from familiar elements
(stripes, dots, circles)
Develop creativity, aesthetic perception, imagination. Dresses cut out of white or colored paper; gouache paints. Brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 68-69

27 “The little goats ran out for a walk on the green meadow”

Continue teaching children
to draw four-legged animals.
Reinforce the knowledge that all four-legged animals have an oval body. Learn to compare animals, see what is common and what is different. convey fabulous images. Develop imaginative ideas, imagination, creativity. Learn to convey fairy-tale images. Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush and paints. Baby goat toy (or illustration)

Sheets of A4 paper in green tone, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 69-70

28 “How we played the outdoor game “Homeless Hare”

Develop children's imagination.

to convey the plot of the game and images of animals in a drawing
using expressive means (shape, position of an object in space) Continue to develop interest in a variety of creative activities. Sheets of A4 paper in light green, light yellow or gray; gouache paints in white and light gray, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 71

29 "Fairytale house-teremok"

Teach children to convey the image of a fairy tale in a drawing.
To develop imaginative ideas, imagination, independence and creativity in depicting and decorating a fairy-tale house. Improve decoration techniques. Colored pencils (or crayons, square sheets of paper, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 72-73

30 "My lovely sun"

Develop figurative ideas and imagination of children.
Reinforce previously learned drawing and coloring techniques. Square (20/20 cm)
sheets of paper (you can take lightly tinted paper, gouache paints or colored greasy pastels, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin
(for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 74-75

31 "Your favorite doll"

Teach children to create an image of their favorite toy in a drawing.
Strengthen the ability to convey the shape, location of parts of the human figure, their relative size. Continue learning to draw large , on the entire sheet. Practice drawing and painting . Continue to learn to look at pictures and justify your choice. Landscape-sized paper, colored pencils (12 colors, colored wax crayons or markers (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 75-76

32 "The house where you live"

Teach children
to draw a big house , convey the rectangular shape of the walls, rows of windows. Develop the ability to complement the image based on impressions of the surrounding life. Encourage children to want to look at their drawings and express their attitude towards them. Light gray paper, gouache in soft shades and, for additions, brown and green. yellow; brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 77

33 "Festively decorated house"

Learn to convey impressions of a festive city in a drawing.

Strengthen the ability to draw a house and decorate it with flags and colored lights. Practice drawing and painting by overlaying

colors on color. Develop imaginative perception. Learn to choose colorful, expressive drawings when analyzing finished works, and talk about them. Gouache paints (felt pens, wax crayons, white or any pale paper, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child)

. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 79-80

34 "Planes fly through the clouds"

Teach children to draw airplanes flying through the clouds using different pressure on the pencil.
Develop figurative perception, figurative ideas. Induce a positive emotional attitude towards the created drawings. Landscape-sized paper, colored pencils (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 80

35 “Draw a picture about spring”

Teach children to convey impressions of spring in drawings.
Develop the ability to successfully position an image on a sheet of paper. Practice painting with paints (rinse the brush well, dry it, add paint to the brush as needed). A sheet of A4 paper or a little larger, gouache paints 7-8 colors, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 81

36 “Draw whatever picture you want”

Teach children to think about the content of their drawings and bring their ideas to completion.
Foster independence and creativity. Gouache paints, paper of any soft tone, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 82

37 " Painting feathers for the tail of a fairytale bird"

Develop aesthetic perception, imaginative ideas, creativity.
Continue to form a positive emotional attitude towards visual arts and the works created; a friendly attitude towards the work of peers. Reinforce drawing with different materials (felt-tip pens, thick pastels, paints, colored wax crayons)
Feathers cut out of paper by the teacher (length 15 cm)

a center line marked in pencil , felt-tip pens, thick pastels, colored wax crayons, paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 83

Examples of finished works, photo gallery

Here are several finished works with topics interesting for kids:

  • "Winter Fun"

Children learn to convey the features of the depicted object using an imprint with crumpled paper. The guys draw the desired image (Snow Maiden) using a brush. As a material, you can use blue cardboard, a container with white gouache, slightly diluted with water, medium-sized lumps of crumpled paper, gouache, brushes, jars of water.

Examples of work with photography

The teacher invites the children to draw a friend for the snow woman in an unusual way - with crumpled paper.

Next, the teacher shows how crumpled paper is lowered into a saucer with white paint and placed several times at the bottom of the cardboard, depicting a round ball. Then draw a small ball in the same way. When the paint dries, you need to finish painting the snow woman’s eyes, carrot nose, and twig hands.

  • "Defender of the Fatherland Day»

The guys create a drawing for the holiday using a brush on a wet sheet of paper. Next comes an introduction to a new technique of drawing on a damp sheet of paper. They choose a beautiful paint color to create the desired look. The materials used are paper, watercolors, a brush, a container of water, and napkins.

The teacher invites the children to draw fireworks in honor of the holiday. First, you need to apply water to the landscape sheet with a wide brush. Then put watercolor paint on a thin brush and touch it to a sheet of paper in several places. The dots will begin to spread out. The empty spaces need to be filled with spreading dots of other colors.

Lesson on life safety in the preparatory group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Note! Make sure that children rinse the brush thoroughly in water.

Thematic planning in the middle group in fine art

Thematic planning in the middle group.
Artistic activity. Author: Ekaterina Arkadyevna Guseva, teacher at the Gatchina Regional Clinical Center for Sons of Sons "Darina". Purpose: this methodological development may be useful for teaching staff of educational organizations, additional education organizations and parents (legal representatives).
Thematic planning for visual activities in the middle group.

Drawing. 1. These are the fruits. 2. Different houses. 3. Let's collect the vegetables in a bag. 4. Multi-colored vitamins. Modeling. 1. Apples are large and small. 2. Treat for the bunny. Application. 1. Autumn still life (fruit). 2. Canning vegetables. Construction. 1. Ladder and slide. Manual labor. 1. Apple (from eggshell). 2. Basket with vegetables (paper napkins). OCTOBER Drawing. 1. Golden autumn 2. Striped scarf. 3. Decoration of the boot. 4. According to the nursery rhyme: “Like our cat...” Modeling. 1. Autumn leaves (bas-relief). 2. Hat for a gnome. Application. 1. Multi-colored carpet - team work. 2. Decorate the hat and scarf. Construction. 1. Gate. Manual labor. 1. Autumn card (composition of dried leaves). 2. Decorate clothes (paper napkins). NOVEMBER Drawing. 1. Let’s draw gowns for the doctor and nurse. 2. Our violets have bloomed. 3. The carpet is in my room. 4. Fish. Modeling. 1. Bagels and bagels. 2. Fish in an aquarium (on a disk). Application. 1. Put the pies in a vase. 2. Decorate the napkin. Construction. 1. Furniture for dolls. Manual labor. 1. Goldfish (made from salt dough). 2. Cactus (origami). DECEMBER Drawing. 1. And then winter came. 2. Snowman. 3. Beautiful balls on our Christmas tree. 4. The Christmas tree is fluffy. Modeling. 1. Snowflake (bas-relief on the disk). 2. Snowman. Application. 1. Beads for the Christmas tree (collective). 2. Greeting card. Construction. 1. Teremok for the Snow Maiden. Manual labor. 1. Snowflake (from cereal). 2. Decorative Christmas tree (paper plastic). JANUARY Drawing. 1. Beautiful bird. 2. Decorate the plate. 3. Decorate the cup. Modeling. 1. The birds flew to the feeder and pecked the grains. 2. Beautiful plate. Application. 1. Bullfinches. 2. Decorate the tray. Construction. 1. Design by design. Manual labor. 1. Bird (origami). 2. Dishes (made of salt dough). FEBRUARY Drawing. 1. Kitten (using the “poke” method). 2. Pattern for a fox dress. 3. Gift for dad. 4. Based on the song “Machines” by Yu. Chichkov. Modeling. 1. Balls for kittens. 2. Bears love sweet cookies. Application. 1. Cat on the rug. 2. Carrots for bunnies. Construction. 1. The car is driving down the street. Manual labor. 1. Kitty (paper plastic). 2. Hedgehog in a clearing (made of cones). MARCH Drawing. 1. Flowers for mom. 2. Fluffy mimosa (with cotton swabs). 3. Starling. 4. Drawing by design. Modeling. 1. Fairytale sun (on disk). 2. Bird. Application. 1. Mimosa. 2. House for the starling. Construction. 1. Zoo. Manual labor. 1. Holiday card (paper napkins). 2. Birdhouse (from a matchbox). APRIL Drawing. 1. Chicken. 2. Rocket. 3. Airplane. 4. Dandelion (using the “poke” method). Modeling. 1. Chicken and duckling. 2. By design. Application. 1. Happy chickens. 2. Rockets are flying (collective). Construction. 1. Bus. Manual labor. 1. Rocket (origami). 2. Mother-stepmother (from salt dough). MAY Drawing. 1. Beautiful flowers. 2. Colored balls. 3. Tree. 4. Traffic light. Modeling. 1. Fairytale flowers (on disk). 2. A safe toy - a fun rattle. Application. 1. Lily of the valley. 2. Holiday card. Construction. 1. Kindergarten for nesting dolls. Manual labor. 1. Vase with flowers (paper plastic) 2. Tree in bloom (paper napkins). JUNE Drawing. 1. Ant grass. 2. Tulip. 3. Butterfly. 4. Caterpillar. Modeling. 1. Flower (plasticine). 2. Ladybug. Application. 1. Summer card. 2. Bugs crawl on the grass. Construction. 1. Sandy courtyard. Manual labor. 1. Wildflowers (from paper napkins, collective). 2. Butterfly (from cereals). JULY Drawing. 1. By design. 2. Cheerful clouds. 3. Multi-colored cubes. 4. Draw your favorite toy. Modeling. 1. Clouds (plasticine). 2. Make whatever toy you want. Application. 1. Postcard. 2. Pyramid. Construction. 1. Different houses. Manual labor. 1. Clouds (made of cotton pads). 2. Sun (paper plastic). AUGUST Drawing. 1. The berries will ripen soon. 2. Rain. 3. Boletus mushroom. 4. By design. Modeling. 1. Berries. 2. Fly agaric (plasticine). Application. 1. Still life (apples and berries). 2. Boletus. Construction. 1. Design by design. Manual labor. 1. Currants on a plate (made of corrugated paper). 2. Mushroom (from salt dough).

We recommend watching:

Thematic planning in kindergarten on the topic: Autumn Thematic planning for the year in the preparatory group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Modeling and appliqué Calendar and thematic planning of the music director according to the Federal State Educational Standard Planning OD in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard using ICT. People's work in autumn

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Step-by-step instructions for drawing the selected plot

  • The name of the topic and step-by-step instructions for drawing the selected plot - “Migratory and sedentary birds”

The lesson in the middle group is carried out using colored pencils. The child will learn how to draw a bird using an oval and a circle. Initially, children get acquainted with the distinctive features of an owl, which contributes to the development of imagination.

Instructions on how to correctly depict the selected plot

The material used is a subject picture depicting an owl; halves of album sheets, simple and colored pencils.

"It's dark in the forest,

Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.

One owl doesn't sleep

Sits on a branch

Looks in all directions

How it will fly!”

Note! You should look at and study the image of an owl with your children. The teacher should tell that an owl is a large bird with huge eyes. At night she hunts mice and during the day she sleeps.

Next, the guys will start doing the work. To do this, you need to draw a circle (head) with a simple pencil, and draw an oval at the bottom, narrowed downwards. On the head draw large eyes, a beak, and ears. At the bottom of the oval are the paws and the branch on which the owl is sitting. When the owl is ready, you need to paint it over with an orange, yellow or brown pencil.

Drawing technique in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Through lightness, airiness or softness and smoothness, sharpness and aggressiveness, you can tell about the character of the hero, his attitude to the world around him. Pencil, sanguine, charcoal, pastel, ink are excellent means for expressing your vision of the beauty of the world around you.

Drawing in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard helps the child relieve stress. Classes are organized as a game of transformation, where a child and an adult become either actors or spectators. To make artistic activities accessible to every child, it is necessary to use movements, music, sounds, and touch.

Important! High-quality lesson planning will lead to the establishment of emotional contacts between children, between adults and children.

Options for individual and collective drawings in different techniques (including non-traditional)

The development of the creative abilities of preschool children with the creation of individual or collective drawings is aimed at introducing non-traditional types of visual techniques (“finger painting”, “palm painting”, “poking with a hard semi-dry brush”, “printing”, “drawing on semolina or sand”, etc. .).

Games in a drawing class, a card index of games for art classes in the middle group

Card index of games for art classes in the middle group:

  • Theme "Profession"

The lesson is taught using a brush. Ideas about the visual capabilities of paints expand, and the ability to name primary colors is strengthened.

Card index

To complete the work you will need an unpainted rooster drawn and cut out of paper, a landscape sheet with a drawn silhouette of a rooster, red, yellow, blue and green gouache, brushes, jars of water, rags.

The teacher should play up the situation as if an unpainted rooster came to class and said: “Everyone laughs at me, they say that I am unpainted and not real. They told me to go to the artists. They have some paints they can use to paint me.”

Then you need to give the children album sheets with silhouettes of roosters and offer to help them color them, using all four colors in their work.

  • Theme "Space"

The teacher teaches children to tint a wet sheet of paper with watercolors, and also to draw dots with the tip of a brush with gouache, conveying the image of a starry sky.

The following materials are needed: sheets of paper for watercolors, gouache, watercolors, thin and wide brushes, jars of water, rags (for each child).

The guys must depict the starry night sky. To do this, use a wide brush to apply a lot of water to the landscape sheet. Then put blue watercolor paint on a brush and tint a sheet of paper. When the paint dries, put yellow or white gouache on the tip of a thin brush and draw stars in the form of dots, as well as a white cloud.

Video on the topic of how to draw in different techniques

To create interesting drawings in different techniques, you need to look at several types. The technique is carefully displayed here to show you how to do the step by step steps correctly. Even the simplest and smallest element will allow you to master a non-standard way of drawing.

Note! To instill interest in artistic activity, the teacher must study all possible ways of teaching this art. The child must feel supported by the teacher, otherwise he may withdraw into himself and feel insecure.

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