Drawing lesson in the middle group on the theme of Spring
How to draw a spring landscape
Master class on drawing using unconventional techniques, drawing with paper balls: “Spring landscape”
If you see in a painting a river, or a spruce and white frost, or a garden and clouds, or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut, the painting is sure to be called a landscape.
The master class is addressed to educators and parents and is recommended for working with children 4-5 years old.
Goal: to familiarize children with non-traditional drawing techniques, drawing with paper lumps. Objectives: to introduce children to a new visual material - gouache, to consolidate the concept of landscape composition, to develop the ability to combine drawing techniques in the execution of work, to consolidate knowledge and skills in drawing from memory and by imagining naked trees, to find a simple composition, achieving linear expressiveness in working with new material, develop creative activity, the desire to draw, create, cultivate a love for native nature, develop the articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills of the hands. We will draw a spring landscape. “All the snowstorms have died down, And the frosts don’t crackle. — Drops dripped from the roofs, — And icicles hung in a row. - More fun and warmer - Our days with you have become. - In our garden in the alleys - The thawed patches are already visible. - A tit is shading loudly - Near our window... - Soon there will be a knock on our door - Real spring! 1. Materials for work: sheet A3 or A4, paper lumps, 2 strips of cardboard, 2-3 cotton swabs, hand napkin, 2 plates for clean and used lumps, diluted gouache (blue, cyan, yellow, pink, brown. Gouache black, white, green can be supplied in jars.
Finger gymnastics will help you make paper balls with your children. We squeeze a sheet of paper And unclench our palms We try to roll it Together into a ball We won’t let him get bored We’ll draw with it. 2. Take a paper ball and dip it with blue gouache, draw the upper border of the sky, blotting the sheet.
3. Apply blue color to another lump and blot the entire sheet.
4. Dip the next lump in pink and draw a beautiful pink dawn.
So we have drawn the background of the picture, now we need to let it dry a little, we can have a physical session with the guys. If a blue river Awoke from sleep (Hands up, stretched out to the sides.) And runs through the fields, sparkling, (Jumping on the spot.) That means spring has come to us. (Clap your hands.) If the snow has melted everywhere, And the grass in the forest is visible, (Squats.) And a flock of birds sings - That means spring has come to us. (Clap your hands.) If the sun turns our cheeks red, (Tilts the head to the left and right shoulders.) It will become even more pleasant for us - That means spring has come to us. (Clap your hands.) 5. Now cardboard strips will help us in our work; apply brown color to the strip and draw a tree trunk by touching it to the leaf.
6. Using the edge of a cardboard strip, draw tree branches.
7. Apply white gouache to a cotton swab and draw flowers on the tree branches.
8. Dip the tip of another cotton swab into green gouache and draw green leaves.
9. Using a clean cardboard strip, draw thawed patches near the tree.
10. We dip the paper ball in yellow and in the corner of the picture the rising sun shines, its rays spread across the clearing.
11. My children also drew flowers on the thawed patches.
This is a simple but very interesting technique that children really like. I wish you creative success, friends!
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All-Russian interactive educational portal "Axioma"
Zhekhovskaya Anastasia Yurievna
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 13", Ussuriysk
Abstract of GCD in the middle drawing group “Spring is Red” (Non-traditional visual technique) Priority educational area: “artistic and aesthetic development” Integration of educational areas: “artistic and aesthetic development”, “social and communicative development” Goal: improving aesthetic perception and creative abilities. Objectives: 1. To consolidate the idea of spring. 2. Continue to teach children to use non-traditional drawing methods in their works (drawing with a poke, crumpled paper) 3. Continue to develop the ability to create plot compositions, repeating images of the same objects (trees), adding others to them (clouds, birds) 4. Develop visual attention and imagination. 5. Foster an aesthetic attitude towards spring nature. Preliminary work: • Examination of paintings depicting spring; • Observation of trees and flowers in the kindergarten area; • Acquaintance with various non-traditional drawing methods; • Reading poems about spring; Methods and techniques: Verbal, visual, practical. Materials and equipment: For the teacher: audio recording of the sounds of the forest, paintings depicting spring; For children: album sheets, napkins, saucers with blue, yellow, brown paint, cotton swabs, sheets of paper, a saucer for used paper.
Progress of organized activities: - Guys, I invite you on a trip to a magical land, to visit Spring, to admire the blooming flowers and green trees. - Let’s imagine that we find ourselves in a spring meadow, but something happened, where are the trees, where are the flowers? Look, it seems there is only one flower left. (The teacher picks up the flower and reads the message on the back) - “I am the last flower, all the trees and flowers were bewitched by the evil Slush and they became invisible, and she hid Spring in her palace. Help!" -Guys, what should we do, how can we help Spring? -Let's make riddles with you! 1. Loose snow melts in the sun, The breeze plays in the branches, Birds’ voices are louder, This means that it has come to us... (Spring) 2. Streams run faster, The sun shines warmer. The sparrow is happy about the weather - A month came to visit us... (March) (Children's answers) -What can you see in the forest in the spring? (The buds on the trees swell, young leaves appear, the grass turns green, birds fly in, flowers bloom) - Guys, now I propose to become wizards and draw a spring forest. Let's close our eyes and begin the transformation: One, two, three, magic happens! -Go to the tables. — First we will draw a tree. (I accompany the explanation with a demonstration) - But there are no leaves on it yet, only buds, we will draw them with a cotton swab and a poke. - What will we see in the sky? (Clouds, clouds) - Let's draw the clouds with compressed lumps of paper. Take the paper, crumple it so that you get a paper ball, dip it in the paint and apply it to the sheet. (Children do the work) - Now let’s finish drawing the grass in the same way. We crumple the paper, what color should we take now? (Green) - What is missing from our landscape? (Sunny) - Now we’ll turn into flowers for a minute. Physical - minute “Butterfly” The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, (torso to the right, left.) Didn’t want to sleep anymore, (torso forward, backward.) He moved, stretched, (arms up, stretch.) Soared up and flew, (arms up , right, left.) The sun just wakes up in the morning, the butterfly is spinning and curling. (spin around) (Children take their seats) - Now you and I will continue our landscape and draw the sun (Turn on the audio recording “Sounds of the Forest”) You and I are real wizards, can you hear how the forest talks? This means that we managed to drive away the evil Slush and help Spring. She returned to us.
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“Draw a picture about spring.” Summary of GCD on drawing for children of the middle group
Ulyana Khamadeeva
“Draw a picture about spring.” Summary of GCD on drawing for children of the middle group
Abstract of GCD for children of the middle group in drawing
Topic: “ Draw a picture about spring ”
Goal: Learn to convey impressions of spring .
Tasks: Continue to teach children drawing methods in their works ( painting with a poke , crumpled paper)
develop the ability to create plot compositions. Practice drawing with paints .
Form the need for observation for the purpose of subsequent imaging. Foster a humane attitude towards nature. Materials: album sheets, brushes, watercolor paints, jars of water, napkins, cotton swabs, sheets of paper, saucer for used paper. Visual demonstration material ( pictures about spring )
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group
“Draw a picture about spring”
Goal: To teach children to convey impressions of spring in drawings, the development of creative abilities, fantasy, and imagination.
Expand children's understanding of seasonal changes in nature.
Practice the ability to draw a tree, bushes, grass, and add leaves, using the method of “dipping” a brush to a sheet of paper.
Strengthen the skills and techniques of working with a brush (hold the brush correctly, pick up a little paint, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar).
Develop visual skills and abilities. Be able to place several images on a sheet. Depict foliage and grass with strokes of paint, and model picturesque landscape compositions from them. Strengthen the ability to draw independently using the “dip-on” method.
Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination and hand control
Instill accuracy when drawing. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself. Induce a feeling of joy from bright, beautiful drawings.
Preliminary work: conversation about spring changes in nature, introducing children to the technique of drawing using the poke method, reading E. Shima’s story “What does spring smell like?”, looking at reproductions of paintings by I.I. Levitan “March”, “Big Water”, By the Stream”, observations on a walk.
Integration of educational areas: “Reading”, “Cognition”,
Pedagogical technology: “Development of children’s speech through constructive and visual activities.”
1. Introductory part.
What can you see in the forest? Collective story based on the mnemonic table “Spring in the Forest.”
The leaves are growing and growing.
Wild animals moult -
Winter fur coats are changed.
Babies were born in the spring:
(Children answer and sit on their chairs).
You just need to draw the sun, and the first leaves and grass on the bushes and trees. Remind and show children how to hold a brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow.
GCD move
I brought the first honey.
Who's to say, who knows
when does this happen? ( spring )
- People , animals, and birds love and wait for spring. Forgive every twig in the forest, every blade of grass, forgive her caresses. After all, our winter is harsh, frosty and long. Everyone already wants warmth.
— Guys, I invite you on a journey to visit Spring , admire the blooming flowers and green trees.
To the cheerful music " Spring is Red "
Children follow the teacher in
a group and come to a carpet on which white sheets are laid out.
- So we came to the spring clearing, but something happened, where are the trees, where are the flowers? Everything white is white. Look, sad sun, let's find out what happened.
The teacher picks up the butterfly and reads the message on the back.
"Hello guys! The beautiful Spring had trouble in her magical land. An Evil Blizzard flew into a magical clearing, covered it with snow, and froze all the flowers. The snowdrifts are so deep that my rays cannot penetrate. And Spring-Red far, far away. Help me and Vesna , guys, melt the snow.”
Lesson summary for the middle group “Draw a picture about spring.”
Anna Kozyreva
Lesson summary for the middle group “Draw a picture about spring.”
Lesson summary for the middle group “ Draw a picture about spring ”
Tasks. Teach children to convey impressions of spring . Develop the ability to successfully position an image on a sheet of paper. Practice painting with paints (rinse the brush well, dry it, add paint to the brush as needed).
Materials. A sheet of A4 paper or a little larger, gouache paints 7-8 colors, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
Progress of the lesson
Remind children that in spring the sun shines longer and brighter and warms the earth better; the sun brings warmth and light to people. Invite the children to remember poems and songs about the sun. Offer to draw a sun that is your own , unlike others. Ask what shape the sun is, what color it can be (depending on the time of day, etc. the sun can be light yellow, almost white, red, orange, pink). Listen and complement the children’s answers. Ask how you can draw sun rays . Call the child to demonstrate how to draw on the board . during the drawing .
Lay out all the finished works on the table, examine them, and enjoy the bright, beautiful drawings with the children. Highlight interesting solutions. Hang the drawings in the group : let it have a lot of sunlight and warmth.
Connections with other activities and activities. Observations on a walk, reading poems, singing songs about spring and the sun .
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