Summary of a lesson on social and communicative development in the junior group “Toys”
Summary of a lesson on social and communicative development in the junior group “Toys”
Social and communicative development:
continue to introduce children to objects of the surrounding world; enrich the direct sensory experience of children when examining toys, highlighting their color, size, shape, surface and material from which they are made; contribute to the accumulation of experience in friendly relationships with peers, cultivate emotional responsiveness (draw children’s attention to a child who has shown concern for a friend, encourage the ability to feel sorry and sympathize). cultivate a negative attitude towards rudeness and greed; develop the ability to play without quarreling, help each other and enjoy successes, beautiful toys, etc. together; cultivate in children the ability for empathy and responsiveness; develop a caring attitude towards toys
Speech development:
Formation of speech skills with the help of A. Barto’s poems “Toys”. Teach children to read poetry with the help of a teacher and independently; develop all components of children’s oral speech; develop artistic perception;
Physical development:
Form expressiveness of movements: the ability to convey the simplest movements under the text. (jump like a bunny, gallop like a horse). •develop in children a desire to play outdoor games with simple content together with the teacher.
toy - bunny, towel, horse.
Vocabulary work:
bunny, threw, got wet.
Progress of the lesson:
Organizing time
"Hello, palms"
The teacher asks the children to stand in a circle and offers to say hello
with legs and arms, and a nose, and ears.
- Hello, palms, clap. clap clap! -Hello, legs, top, top, top! -Hello cheeks, splash, splash. plop! -Plump cheeks, splash, splash. plop! -Hello, lips, smack, smack, smack! -Hello, teeth, click, click, click!! - Hello, my nose, beep, beep, beep! -Hello, children, hello!
2. Surprise moment:
Children sit on a chair, and the teacher offers to guess the riddle and find out who will come to visit them today
Since childhood, he has been known to us by his special ears: They are very long, visible from behind the bushes. He gallops the fastest. He has fluffy fur - Gray, invisible In the multi-colored grass. And when the winter snow falls, you need a white outfit, And the animal sheds - It changes its fur. He barely hears where the noise is - and quickly runs away. Guess who he is, Our little coward...( Bunny
There's a knock on the door. The teacher brings the bunny in, but he is all wet
Educator: - Guys, look who came to us? ( children's answer
- Bunny! Why are you all wet? (I am responsible for the bunny - he got wet in the rain).
Theory and practice of social and communicative development of children of the second younger group
Form positive attitudes towards work activity. In the first younger group - assistance in one activity or another (for example, watering flowers in a flowerbed), in the second younger group - encouragement of initiative (for example, when kids help a janitor remove snow with children's shovels).
Work on developing self-care skills. At 2–3 years old, children learn to dress and undress in a certain sequence, wash, and eat independently with the help of an adult, if necessary. At 3–4 years of age, this assistance from the outside is minimized and most often takes the form of comments regarding disorder in clothing (an undone button, an untucked T-shirt, etc.).
Develop communication culture skills, do not shout, but interact calmly.
Instill a friendly attitude towards the world, the habit of sharing with a friend.
Show the basics of evaluating and self-assessing good and bad deeds.
Teach to be polite and respect elders.
Areas of work
Based on the goals and objectives set, the social and communicative development of a child is associated with the activity side of personality formation, that is, with:
gaming activities;
labor activity;
In the educational process, the teacher selects those specific techniques that most fully contribute to the fulfillment of the mission of social and communicative development within the framework of the listed types of activities.
Second junior group
At 3–4 years old, children actively show interest in interacting with peers. Alone with himself or when interacting with an adult, the child quickly becomes bored. At 3–4 years old, children are more interested in playing with each other than with themselves.
Fairy tale “How Ilyusha fed his tummy”
Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Ilyusha. And he was the same age as you. Ilyusha ate candy before dinner, and then his mother called him to the table. She poured him some soup, and Ilyusha became capricious: “I’m not hungry, I already had candy for lunch!” “But you’ve been walking around, running around, you need to eat well,” his mother convinces him. - Don't want! - Ilyusha is capricious. And suddenly he hears: someone is crying. I looked around - there was no one. Who is this? Ilyusha listened to himself. And it turns out that his tummy is crying! - What happened to you? - Ilyusha was scared. - Who hurt you? “I’m sitting here, waiting for lunch, but my neck doesn’t give me anything!” And I want to eat! Ilya the neck asks sternly: “Why don’t you let your tummy eat?” He's dying of hunger there! And the little neck answers: “I myself haven’t had a drop of poppy dew since this morning!” I'm hungry too! My mouth didn't feed me! Ilyusha began to scold his mouth: “Why don’t you feed the neck?” It makes my tummy cry! And the mouth answers: “You, Ilyusha, didn’t eat the soup.” And I, my mouth, didn’t eat the soup. And the neck got nothing. That's why my tummy is hungry. “I gave you some candy,” Ilyusha says indignantly. - I had to share! - This candy is not enough for me alone. Is this food?! It melted in your mouth and is gone. Nothing reached the tummy. What to do? Ilya feels sorry for his own tummy. He grabbed a spoon and began putting soup into his mouth. The mouth immediately became happy, chews and treats the neck. And the neck sends soup into your tummy. Ilyusha ate the whole bowl of soup and asked: “Well, tummy, are you full?” “Not yet,” screams the tummy. - I want the second one! Ilyusha ate the potatoes too. - Well, are you full now? - And the compote? - asks the tummy. Ilyusha asked his mother for compote. - Well, are you full? And my tummy doesn’t even have the strength to answer - it’s so full. It can only gurgle. - Glug-glug. Thank you, Ilyusha,” the tummy gurgled. - Now I'm full. And thanks to mom for the delicious soup! Ilyusha says to his mother: “Mom, my tummy said thank you!” - Please, my dears! - Mom smiled contentedly. How to motivate children
Card index of communicative games (first junior group)
Alexandra Komar
Card index of communicative games (first junior group)
Communication games
for young children
Communication is one of the conditions for the mental development of a child. It affects the results of all the most important types of activities: study, work, play, social orientation, etc. But mainly communication has an impact on the development of the personality of children with special educational needs, promotes their socialization and integration into a peer group . At the same time, it is not an innate activity. Therefore, only through specially organized training and education can significant success be achieved in the development of communication.
At the age of 2-3 years, communication with peers becomes increasingly important. This is due to the fact that meaningful communication between peers arises on equal terms, therefore:
- children strive to interest themselves and attract the attention of peers;
- respond sensitively to any action of a peer;
It is from the moment when interest in another child begins to show that children need to be taught to communicate with each other.
For the purpose of communication between children, an adult:
- helps the child see a person in a peer;
— organizes joint games for children;
— teaches friendly communication;
- encourages attracting attention to peers, calling by name, affectionate words, etc.
Let's consider several options for games aimed at developing communication skills in young children. The proposed games can be used in working with children with special educational needs.
Game "Tender name"
Goal: learn to interact with each other, say the name of another child.
Children stand in a circle, each of them takes turns entering the center. All other children, with the help of an adult, name variations of the affectionate name of the child standing in the center of the circle.
Game “Who came to visit us?”
Goal: to promote the development of self-esteem in children; activate children's friendly attitude towards their peers.
the group aside and agrees with them that they will portray animals that will come to visit the children. Children decide which animals they will portray. Children stand in a circle. The guests take turns entering the circle. The adult says to the children: “Look what a wonderful animal has come to us, what eyes it has, how beautifully it moves, etc.” Children need to guess what animals came to them and what mood they were in.
A game «»
The bird's wing hurts"
Goal: to promote in children the ability to love others.
One of the children turns into a bird whose wing hurts. He tries to show that he is sad. The presenter invites the children to “feel sorry for the bird”
The first to “pity”
her is the presenter himself, who puts a kitten doll on his hand and strokes
the “bird”
with the words: “Bird...
(Sasha, Masha)
is good.”
Then other children put on the kitten doll and also “feel sorry for the bird
Game "Let's play together"
Goal: teach children to interact and treat each other politely.
Equipment: paired toys (ball-groove, train-car, cube machine)
An adult distributes toys to children, places children in pairs, and invites them to play together. Then he helps each of the children perform object-based play actions in accordance with the purpose of each toy. At the end of the game, the adult records who played with whom, calling each child by name: “Anya played with Dasha - they rolled a ball, Dima played with Vasya - they drove a train, Petya played with Lena - they loaded and carried cubes in the car.”
Game "Our Sun"
Goal: to promote the unification and interaction of children in the group .
An adult draws a circle on whatman paper. Then he outlines the palms of the children, thus creating rays of the sun. With the help of an adult, children color the drawn palms. The result is a beautiful multi-colored sun, which is hung in a group .
The game “who can wake you up better”
Goal: to promote in children the ability to love others.
One child turns into a cat and falls asleep - lie down on the rug in the center of the group . The presenter asks to take turns waking up the “sleeping cat”
It is advisable to do this in different ways (with different words and touches, but each time affectionately. At the end of the exercise, the children all decide together who “woke up the kitty”
most affectionately.
Game “I’ll show you how much I love”
Goal: to promote in children the ability to love others.
An adult says that you can show a person that you love him only with touches, without words. Then one of the guys turns into his mother, the other into her
Son, and show how much they love each other. The next couple is “mother”
, then
, etc.
Game "A leaf is falling"
Goal: develop the ability to collaborate.
An adult raises a sheet of paper above the table (at a distance of about a meter, then lowers it and draws the children’s attention to how smoothly it falls down and lies on the table. After this, the presenter asks the children to turn their hands into pieces of paper. The presenter again raises the sheet of paper - children raise their hands up. The adult lowers the sheet, it goes down to the table. Children need to do the same, that is, smoothly lower their hands onto the table at the same time as the sheet of paper. The exercise can be repeated several times. The presenter emphasizes the children’s ability to act in concert, together.
Game “I can’t be offended, oh, I laugh, I crow!”
Goal: to help reduce resentment in children.
One child sits on the “magic chair”
, the other should pretend to offend him. The adult begins to say the words:
“I can’t be offended...”
- the child continues:
“Oh, I’m laughing, I’m crowing!”
Game "Animal Piano"
Goal: to develop children's ability to cooperate.
Children squat in one line. They are piano keys that sound like the voices of different animals. The presenter gives the children cards with images of animals whose voices will sound “keys”
(cat, dog, pig, mouse, etc.)
Then the adult touches the children’s heads, as if pressing keys. The keys need to sound like the voices of the corresponding animals.
Game "Locomotive"
Goal: to teach the child to respond to his name, remember the names of peers, and act according to demonstration and verbal instructions.
The adult explains to the children that now they will play train. The main locomotive will be the adult, and the children will be the carriages. He calls the children one by one, emotionally commenting on what is happening : “I will be the locomotive, and you will be the carriages. “Petya, come to me, stand behind me, hold my belt, like this. Now Vanya, come here, stand behind Petya, hold him by the belt,” After all the children lined up, “train”
hits the road.
An adult, imitating the movement of a steam locomotive “Chuk-chukh, oo-oo-oo!”
encourages children to repeat them.
Game "Pass the Ball"
Goal: learn to interact with peers.
Children stand opposite each other. An adult, showing children how to correctly hold and pass the ball to another child, calling him by name ( “Here, Petya!”
The game is emotionally supported by an adult.
Game "Affectionate Child"
Goal: continue to teach children to imitate emotional, tactile and verbal ways of interacting with a partner.
Children sit on chairs in a semicircle in front of an adult. He calls one of the children to him and shows how to hug him, lean against him, look into his eyes, and smile. “Oh, how good Sasha is, come to me, I’ll hug you, like that.
Look, kids, how I hug Sasha, like this. I'm affectionate! Then the adult invites another child to his place and invites him to repeat all his actions, emotionally emphasizing each child’s action and, if necessary, providing him with help. At the end of the game, the adult emphasizes and sums up all the child’s actions: “Vanya hugged Sasha, looked into his eyes, and smiled. That’s what Vanya is, an affectionate child!” Then the adult calls the remaining children one by one and the game is repeated.